Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 222 Door-to-door challenge

Xiao Wen nodded: "That's exactly what I mean." For Xiao Wen, there is no other benefit in going with Shi Xuan. The only purpose is to deepen his friendship with Shi Xuan. For a cultivator, having one more friend may help him when he encounters difficulties in the future. For example, if Shi Xuan achieves the Yuanshen, and Xiao Wen has a good relationship with him, it will not be difficult to ask him to protect his reincarnation. Of course, the premise is that he has a reincarnation secret treasure that can prevent him from being confused by the mystery in the womb.

"By the way, I wonder how fellow Daoist Xu Yu is doing recently?" After all, Shi Xuan and Xu Yu also have the experience of fighting side by side. Since he met Xiao Wen, it is only natural to ask by the way. In addition, Shi Xuan heard from Master Jiang that a few years ago, the remaining Yuanshen Master of Yaowang Sect successfully passed the 19th disaster and became Yangshen Master, and the crisis of Yaowang Sect was also stopped.

Xiao Wen chuckled and said, "Senior Sister Xu is still lingering on the state of spiritual perfection. Thank you, Daoist Fellow Shi, for your concern."

After that, the three chatted for a few words and began to exchange their cultivation experiences. When it came to this, Feng Anbai showed an eager expression, as if she wanted to have a fight with Shi Xuan immediately.

Seeing this, Xiao Wen shook his head and smiled bitterly with a hint of pampering: "Fellow Daoist Shi, please give me some advice, otherwise we can't communicate with peace of mind."

Shi Xuan smiled faintly: "Then please make a move, Daoist Fellow Feng."

"Here?" This quiet room is not big, which is usually called a small room, so Feng Anbai asked with some surprise. She thought they would go to the performance room or the yard.

Shi Xuan nodded with a smile: "It's here."

Feng Anbai looked at this small quiet room and knew that it required a high level of subtle control of the flying sword. She understood Shi Xuan's intention, so her expression became more excited: "Please teach me, fellow Daoist Shi." After she finished speaking, she could not get up, and a green sword light rose from her dantian, crossing a short distance and stabbing towards Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan knew that her life weapon was only five or six layers at most, so she did not use the Thunder Demon Subduing Sword and the Thunder Ze Divine Sword, but used one of the Yimu Qinglong Swords. The sword light, which was also green, but a little more domineering, intersected with Feng Anbai's sword light from the side and blocked it.

The two green sword lights were like two small green snakes, entwined and fighting fiercely in a small space, rolling and rolling, coming and going, reflecting the green light of a small room, which was particularly beautiful.

Feng Anbai's swordsmanship is good, especially when combined with the wood-type Qi of Yaowang Sect, the sword light is endless, like weaving a small green net, but there are pros and cons, and the sword light is a little lacking in sharpness. Shi Xuan changed his swordsmanship, Beidou pointed the way, and Yimu Qinglong Sword kept attacking the flaws of Feng Anbai's swordsmanship, gradually suppressing her sword light.

Feng Anbai saw that the green sword light transformed by Yimu Qinglong Sword seemed to know how his sword light should change, and always appeared where it should appear, making him exhausted and only able to parry. There were beads of sweat on his forehead, but his eyes were emitting excitement.

Shi Xuan did not even use one tenth of his strength. He was just practicing sword skills and instructing Feng Anbai. Seeing that her sword light began to scatter, he knew that she had reached her limit, so he changed his sword skills again. A killing intent that pierced the soul came from the green sword light, which made Feng Anbai stunned for a moment. Then the Yimu Qinglong Sword passed through her sword light, circled around her throat and flew back.

"Thank you for your guidance, Fellow Daoist Shi. You are indeed the best swordsman below the Jindan level." Feng Anbai did not show any frustration, only admiration and happiness.

Shi Xuan casually pointed out: "Feng Daoist, you are good at maintaining the status quo but not at making progress. Although it is because of the skills, if the flying sword is less sharp, it would be better to change to another magic weapon."

Feng Anbai nodded thoughtfully. Xiao Wen also thanked him on behalf of his wife and exchanged his cultivation experience with Shi Xuan.

When the two were leaving, Feng Anbai suddenly smiled and said, "Today, Anbai has achieved what he wanted, but I have a small request at the end. Can you please show me the sword energy thunder sound, please?"

Shi Xuan pointed his finger, and the green sword light appeared on Feng Anbai's forehead at an incredible speed. Feng Anbai didn't even have time to blink before he felt the sharp edge of the flying sword, and only heard the thunderous sound later.

"It's so fast, I can't react at all." Feng Anbai muttered to himself, seeming a little dazed.

Xiao Wen smiled apologetically at Shi Xuan: "My wife is often like this, don't be surprised, fellow Daoist Shi, we're leaving." As he spoke, he dragged Feng Anbai, who was still immersed in the world of swordsmanship, out.


At night, after Shi Xuan met with An Wang who had returned, he returned to the small courtyard arranged by the Foreign Affairs Hall and thought about the auction a few days later.

I have seven high-grade spirit stones and 121 medium-grade spirit stones, which are enough for top-grade materials, but not enough for rare treasures like Phoenix Blood and Formless Divine Iron. For example, one ounce of Formless Divine Iron is fifty high-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to half a pill of Nine-Turn Nine-Return Jade Liquid Divine Pill.

However, Shi Xuan has a lot of valuable materials that he can't use, such as the secret treasure Blood Flame Divine Needle, the precious material Lihuo Jinjing, the top-grade material Wanzai Hantie, the rare treasure Xiran, Yinyang Yugui, and the Blood Demon Sect's secret elixir Blood Flesh Regeneration Pill. These items combined should be enough to auction off two rare treasures, as long as no one maliciously raises the price. And if the owner of Phoenix Blood and Formless Divine Iron practices earth-based exercises, he can save a lot.

The best materials and genius treasures are not only used to refine magic weapons. Some special skills require these combinations. For example, Guanghan Sect's "Ice Soul Divine Skill" requires Wanzai Ice Soul Heart, and several of Shi Xuan's Foreign objects, supernatural powers, etc., and even some skills require the cooperation of these items when breaking through barriers, so the soil is an irresistible temptation for monks who practice earth-based skills. Because of this, Shi Xuan does not intend to use it on his body. The materials and secret treasures must be converted into spiritual stones first, and then they may have miraculous effects.


In the early morning of the next day, Shi Xuan had just finished his morning classes when he felt Fei Fengzhuo walking towards his yard, and because he was afraid of disturbing him, he only dared to wander outside the yard.

"Nephew Fei, please come in and talk about anything." A faint voice came to Fei Fengzhuo's ears. He didn't find it strange. The consciousness of the monks in the Soul Stage covers more than a hundred miles. Even if there is a formation to suppress it, For a master like Uncle Shi, who has perfect soul, it is not difficult to find himself outside the courtyard.

Fei Fengzhuo gently pushed open the courtyard door and saw Uncle Shi in Tsing Yi standing in the courtyard, looking at him calmly. He quickly lowered his head and said: "My nephew disturbed Uncle Shi so early because there is something wrong with him." The young monks came to the door, some wanted to discuss with Uncle Shi, and some simply came to challenge. Although they did not dare to offend the pressure of the sect and came in directly, they still stood in the street and shouted. The nephew felt that this was detrimental to you, Master. reputation, so I came to report it.”

Yesterday, Xiao Wen revealed his identity in public. Shi Xuan expected that there would be a situation like today, but he didn't expect it to come so soon. However, thinking about the recent auction, many people gathered in Tianji City. Experts can understand it so quickly.

All famous monks have encountered this kind of thing, and they have different ways to deal with it, so Shi Xuan has already made an idea in his mind. Anyway, there are rumors that he is too arrogant, and he doesn't care about more cruel comments to get rid of these annoying people. The guy is the first thing.

It cannot be denied that these monks definitely have real skills, otherwise it would be just embarrassing to challenge them. However, only a few of them have the strength to compete with or challenge themselves. The vast majority of them become famous through such challenges. The monk's method is to make a name for yourself, which will have many benefits. For example, you can ask for more benefits when you enter the casual cultivator alliance or be recruited by a mid-level sect; Compared with others, they can have more say and so on. Of course, there are also some who simply like to be famous.

These monks don't expect to defeat Shi Xuan, as long as they can hold on to Shi Xuan's hand for a while, that's fine. "They took over ten swords from the first swordsman below the Golden Core". It's very honorable to say that, and it requires dedication. The price is not high, and in most cases it is just a simple failure.

Fei Fengzhuo led the way, and Shi Xuan followed him slowly towards the door. As soon as he went out, he saw dozens of monks in different clothes at the door. Most of them were in the soul stage, and only a few were in the soul stage. During the entrainment period, behind and beside them, there were hundreds or even more ordinary people or monks watching the excitement, blocking half of the broad street.

"I've admired Brother Huo's name for a long time, but I didn't expect you to challenge Shi Xuan, the Shadowless Sword."

"I can't help it. He is too arrogant. I asked for a challenge in a formal letter, but he ignored me and said he was in seclusion. Haha, how can he be in seclusion for such a long time? This time I heard that he was coming, so I rushed over. Use my Longyou Sword to weigh whether there are no empty warriors under the reputation."

"Yes, we kindly invited Shi Xuan to attend a gathering among several swordsman masters, but he ignored us. He was really arrogant and looked down on us who couldn't even master the sword energy thunder sound. Alas. "

Chills, discussions, complaints, shouts, many sounds were mixed together, making the outside of the door look like a huge temple fair, noisy and noisy, but as Shi Xuan slowly came out, he stood calmly and calmly on the steps , all the sounds disappeared at once, and the scene was so quiet that it was as if you could hear a thin needle falling to the ground.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant Shi Xuan is rumored to be, he is still a master of the divine soul stage who can subjugate thousands of monsters with one sword, and he is also a master of swordsmanship who has mastered sword energy and thunder sound. These people cannot help but be disrespectful. As the saying goes A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

"I don't know which fellow Taoist wants to challenge Shi. You can take action now." Shi Xuan looked down and said calmly. It is necessary to kill chickens to scare monkeys. Of course, Shi Xuan will not kill people indiscriminately. Serious injuries should be able to deter the follow-up. The monk.

Sorry, I have to travel on Monday and Tuesday, so I need to save some manuscripts over the weekend, otherwise I will have to stop updating during those two days. And starting from next week until mid-May, there will be more business trips. The only good news is that most of these business trips are to surrounding counties and cities, that is, they go in the morning and come back before dinner, which should not cause any problems. It’s so shameful to have broken updates.

Finally, the new book month is coming to an end. Even though I don’t have many outbursts, there are still so many friends who vote for me, give rewards, and subscribe. Thank you so much.

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