Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 223 Just a sword

There was a silence below. Most of the monks were unable to react in time. They did not expect Shi Xuan to accept the challenge so neatly. A small number of them felt that the place was not right. Although they hoped that others would witness their challenge, they also hoped to be able to do it with thousands of people. Victory was achieved under thousands of pairs of eyes, but there was no serious challenge on the street. At least people had to be invited into a place like the Dharma Performance Hall.

Of course, there are also a handful of bad-intentioned guys who sigh secretly. It would be great if Shi Xuan did not accept the challenge, so that he can brag to others: "The Taoist master is coming to challenge me openly, but the Penglai sect swordsman master does not dare to challenge him. Alas, Being invincible is really a kind of loneliness. "When you say this, you must have a little vicissitudes of life, a little melancholy, and gently raise your head to look up at the blue sky in confusion.

The silence continued to spread. Just as Shi Xuan was about to say something provocative, a young man in a white robe walked out of the crowd. He was good-looking and had a good temperament. At this time, he slightly cupped his hands and said with a little arrogance: "Huo Yining, I'm here to challenge Fellow Daoist Shi. This challenge is only about swordsmanship and nothing else. Please take action from Fellow Daoist Shi."

As soon as he finished speaking, the silent crowd burst into a buzzing sound.

"Is this the Longyou Sword Huo Yining?"

"It's really him. Now there's something good to see. I didn't expect to see a fight between dragons and tigers today!"

"Humph, how can he compare to Senior Shi? Has he mastered the thunder sound of sword energy?!" The person who spoke was a person familiar to Shi Xuan. Bai Jinpeng, the handyman in Luoxia Tower back then, had already entered the Qi-entraining stage. Today, I heard that senior Shi Xuanshi, whom I have admired for a long time, came to Tianji Mansion. Of course, I will not miss this opportunity to watch the strongest swordsmanship below the golden elixir.

"Although Huo Yining has not mastered Sword Qi Leiyin, his swordsmanship is also extraordinary. He once encountered three soul-level monks of the same level who joined forces to deal with him. As a result, he defeated three of them with one Longyou Sword and killed them. One death and two escapes are really awesome.”

"Yes, and Huo Yining is not from a famous family, nor does he have a master of golden elixirs. He has reached the state of perfection today all by himself. He is really the pride of our casual cultivators. I heard that his natal magic weapon is the Longyou Sword. It’s almost reaching the eighth level of perfection.”

Shi Xuan listened to all these words. He didn't expect that this young master was really a master and extraordinary in swordsmanship. No wonder he had the confidence to challenge himself, but Shi Xuan didn't care, because the first challenger was of such strength. , which is more in line with Shi Xuan’s plan and has a stronger deterrent effect.

"Then please take action, Fellow Daoist Huo." Shi Xuan smiled lightly, spreading his hands as if to invite the other party to take action first. A swordsman master must have the bearing of a swordsman master.

Huo Yining snorted softly: "Then it's better for Huo to be respectful than to obey." As soon as he finished speaking, a light golden sword light cut through the space and slashed towards Shi Xuan. The sword light stretched unsteadily and trembled slightly, as if it could Transform into any direction.

Huo Yining's swordsmanship was indeed good, but Shi Xuan didn't want to spar with him in detail. Shi Xuan ignored the light golden sword light at all, and didn't even use his flying sword to meet it. Instead, it was a cyan light. The sword light was like thunder and lightning, flying towards Huo Yining at an incredible speed. In just a moment, it passed the Longyou Sword and flew in front of Huo Yining first.

This is the swordsmanship Shi Xuan chose to use to deal with Huo Yining, using speed to defeat the slow, using strength to overcome cleverness. Even if you have thousands of changes and all kinds of mysteries, I only come and go with one sword, in the midst of your flying sword. I just need to finish you off before. It is the simplest, crudest and most effective.

Shi Xuan's fighting style was beyond Huo Yining's expectations. This was also related to the fact that he had never encountered a master who had mastered sword energy, thunder and sound swordsmanship before. Moreover, he had just suggested that only swordsmanship should be discussed, not as good as others, that is, he could not Using defensive magic weapons and other defenses can only recall the Longyou Sword or use another flying sword.

However, Huo Yining didn't spend a moment choosing which way to defend, because he didn't have time to react at all, and the green sword light penetrated his true energy with unstoppable power and pierced his right chest. , it was not until the severe pain came that he heard the rolling thunder, "The sound of sword energy and thunder is really extraordinary", a thought came to his mind, and then blood spurted out from his right chest and he fell unconscious. At the same time, the light golden sword light also lost control and landed not far from Shi Xuan with a clanking sound.

In the eyes of others, Shi Xuan defeated Huo Yining with just one sword strike. The cyan sword light was so fast that some people who blinked could not even see it, and the rolling thunder was even more deafening.

After a brief silence, the noisy voice sounded again.

"What a fast sword! How can anyone catch it and react in time!" Many monks who came to challenge blurted out.

"As expected of Sword Qi Leiyin! As expected of the best swordsman below Jin Dan!" Bai Zhanpeng looked excited.

"Senior Shi defeated Huo Yining with just one sword strike. The gap between the two was actually so big! However, Senior Shi's attack was too cruel. There was no need to hurt Huo Yining like that, right?" This is what the onlookers said. Feelings, while marveling at Shi Xuan's swordsmanship, at the same time expressing sympathy for the bloody scenes, and frowning at Shi Xuan's ruthless sword.

Huo Yining's companion, a middle-aged monk in a Taoist robe, rushed over and used magic to seal the wound on his right chest. He took out a small jade bottle with a white glow, poured out a light green pill, and fed it into Huo Yining's mouth to stabilize his injury. After doing all this, he half-supported Huo Yining, with an ugly face, frowning and said to Shi Xuan: "Fellow Daoist Shi, you are also a master of swordsmanship and a true disciple of Penglai Sect. Why are you so ruthless? Yining was just challenging him openly, why did you kill him so much?" Shi Xuan looked at him He glanced at the monks who wanted to challenge him, and said calmly: "When Shi draws his sword, he never shows mercy. Those who want to challenge him, please consider it yourself." This is just talk. Shi Xuan is not a murderer, otherwise the sword energy of the Thunder Demon Sword in Huo Yining's body would have taken his life directly. However, Huo Yining's hideous wound on the right chest, the blood on the ground, and his unconscious performance, and Shi Xuan's lightning-fast sword just now, all made the monks who came to challenge him choose to believe in him involuntarily.

The reason why many people are keen to challenge famous masters is that in many cases, the challenge does not require too much cost, and the difference between the benefits of success and the punishment of failure is too large.

But now that Shi Xuan's cold-blooded words came out, most of the cultivators who came to challenge him were worried. Even if they could take his ten swords, it would not be worth it if they died on his last sword. Fame and wealth were nothing. The dead didn't need them. Even if they didn't die, seeing Huo Yining's condition, it was a price they couldn't afford. He was afraid that he would not be able to recover for ten or eight years. So after a mental struggle, these cultivators chose to give up and decided to spread Shi Xuan's reputation of being ruthless and cold-blooded, which was also a revenge for him scaring them today and making them afraid to challenge him.

The middle-aged cultivator in Taoist robes had a dark face: "Okay, okay! Fellow Daoist Shi, you are really quick-witted. I just hope that one day you will meet a senior cultivator who is merciless under the sword." After that, he helped Huo Yining walk to the other side of the street and disappeared within a few steps.

Shi Xuan didn't care about his words. Seeing the reactions of the cultivators who came to challenge him, he knew that his goal had been achieved. So he looked at them with sharp eyes and said coldly: "Are there any cultivators who want to challenge me?"

The cultivators below lowered their heads and avoided Shi Xuan's sight. At the same time, they looked at each other and didn't dare to step forward. After all, they were just here to exchange or challenge, not to die.

"Since no one has come to challenge me, I will take my leave. Please tell other Taoist friends that before you want to challenge me, please consider whether you can take the sword just now." After saying that, Shi Xuan turned around and walked into the gate. Today, he has established his reputation of being arrogant and ruthless. However, Shi Xuan doesn't care much. This reputation is not a bad thing. At least it can avoid a lot of trouble, and even make some cultivators who are capable of dealing with him misjudge his character, so that they can take a lot of advantages in the future when fighting.

"So arrogant! So cruel!"

"You don't understand, this is the style of a master."

"Hey, I was scared. If that sword had hit me, I would have been killed. If someone wants to challenge Shi Xuan in the future, I will persuade them not to give up their lives."

"Yes, yes, it's just a challenge. He is too cruel. If no one competes with him in the future, let's see how his swordsmanship improves."...

As Shi Xuan entered the door, the monks gathered outside began to leave slowly, and then discussed this challenge. They all said that Shi Xuan lived up to his reputation, and there was no false reputation under his reputation, but his methods were too cruel, which was not like a disciple of Penglai Sect. He had some style of Blood Demon Sect. Of course, some people raised objections. In the past, Wuhui Jian Yongxiang was also so cruel and even worse.

Shi Xuan was within the range of his spiritual awareness, so he naturally heard all these words clearly. He knew that his goal had been achieved. Those who wanted to challenge him in the future should be those who were sincere in swordsmanship or had profound magic power. In short, their strength should be similar to his. The number of such people must be very small, so they would not interfere with Shi Xuan's practice.


It was late at night and the breeze was blowing in the yard. Shi Xuan was refining his life-defining magic weapon, the Tai Chi diagram, in his room.

Suddenly, a white sword light came from nowhere and attacked Shi Xuan fiercely. The sword light rushed into the sky, and the sword energy was surging, covering Shi Xuan's whole body. However, this sword light was not fast, and it was clearly to give Shi Xuan time to react.

Shi Xuan did not know the origin of this sword light, nor did he feel the intention of the attack, so he did not dare to neglect it. The Thunder Demon Subduing Sword turned into a green lightning and greeted it, while the Tai Chi diagram in his dantian was ready to go.

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