Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 235 Breeze

Shi Xuan declined: "The disciple's natal magical weapon can protect the body, no less than the spiritual weapon. Master, if you go to other big worlds, it will inevitably be dangerous, so you should leave the protective spiritual weapon behind."

"I have been cultivating the golden elixir for many decades as my master. I have also been to some cave ruins in the Western Wasteland many times. I still have a few spiritual weapons on my body. This cloud and mist fairy robe is not comparable to this Taoist robe that I have on my body. You Just take it, it's okay." Mo Yuan said as he took out a palm-sized piece of silver-white gauze, as thin as a cicada's wings, with faint clouds flowing through it.

Seeing the master's resolute attitude, Shi Xuan had no choice but to take over the Yunwu Immortal Clothes: "Then disciple, thank you very much, master."

Mo Yuan nodded: "This Yunwu Immortal Clothes only has eleven levels of Tiangang restrictions, but for you it can still exert the power of four or five levels of restrictions, so it will be the same even if you are given a high-level spiritual weapon. This is its sacrifice. Technique." The same blue light penetrated Shi Xuan's mind.

Shi Xuan put away the Yunwu Immortal Clothes, and then saw that the master was silent and did not continue talking, so he asked: "I wonder if the master has anything else to explain?"

Mo Yuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "There is one more thing. My teacher and Shen Xianyun of the Luofu Sect have been friends for many years, but after my teacher achieved high-grade golden elixirs, we have less contact. In the future, if Shen Xianyun comes Jiejindan, please go and congratulate me on my behalf."

"Yes, Master." Shi Xuan didn't ask why the two of them had lost contact with each other, but he could probably guess a thing or two. They were a pair of friends with great talents and amazing talents, and one of them became a high-ranking golden elixir master and Yuanshen. Hopefully, someone who is still in the soul stage and has a slightly bad character will choose to stay away from him.

"I have already said everything I need to say about other matters concerning cultivation. There is nothing much to say today. Please step back." Mo Yuan said calmly.

As soon as Shi Xuan arrived and called out to the master, Mo Yuan waved his sleeves and robe, and he flew out of Mo Yuan's cave involuntarily and stopped in front of the door. Then he watched the two stone doors of the cave slowly close. The general formation restrictions light up one by one.

After looking at the two stone doors for a moment, Shi Xuan sighed and walked firmly towards his cave.


In the cave.

A tall cyan thunder gate floated in front of Shi Xuan, and talismans were shot out from Shi Xuan's hands. From time to time, the thunder light on the thunder gate would light up, and the green light reflected in the entire living room would flicker.

Suddenly, the Gate of Lei Mansion shines brightly. The silvery white and cyan thunder light is extremely dazzling. Then the brilliance converges and turns into a small cyan gate and falls in the palm of Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan finally grasps the restriction center of the Gate of Lei Mansion. In the future, he only needs to Just slowly master Tiangang's restrictions layer by layer.

The Gate of Lei Mansion is a perfect spiritual weapon, but now it cannot be used to attack the enemy. It can only be used to travel to and from the Small Thousand World, or to feel the laws of the Small Thousand World. However, the ancient immortals can control the laws of the Small Thousand World. The Essence Sacrifice is refined on the Gate of Thunder Palace, so if the Gate of Thunder Palace is an advanced magic weapon to survive the catastrophe, then Shi Xuan can use it to mobilize the power of all the small thousand worlds to deal with the enemy. The Lord of One Realm is not Empty words, the only pity is that the Gate of Lei Mansion has changed hands countless times, and its aura has been mixed, making it difficult to advance the magic weapon.

Shi Xuan lowered his consciousness to the gate of Lei Mansion, and immediately felt the world change. His eyes lit up. He seemed to be standing in a high position, overlooking the entire world of Lei Mansion. This was a vast land with a sea. There are lakes, mountains, and abyss, and around the earth is endless void, from which little bits of earth are born. And following Shi Xuan's thoughts, his spiritual consciousness can fall anywhere in the world of Lei Mansion. It seems that everything in the world of Lei Mansion is under his control. It really feels like I am the master of this world and can do whatever I want.

Fortunately, Shi Xuan practiced "Baolu" and had strong control ability. He soon realized that there was something wrong with this arrogant and arrogant mentality. He immediately used the method of condensing the soul to pull himself away from the illusion of the Lord of this world. Come out, keep your soul clear, neither sad nor happy, and feel the changes in the laws of the Lei Mansion world through the Lei Mansion Gate.

After a long time, Shi Xuan woke up from his trance, with a smile on his face. He never expected that the Luck Gate of Thunder Palace would produce such a huge desire expansion, which almost made him unable to control his mentality. It would be considered a good idea to use it every day in the future. A kind of training and another benefit brought by Leifu Gate.

After putting away the Gate of Lei Mansion, Shi Xuan took out the fine gauze-like Cloud and Mist Immortal Clothes, and spent a few days to control its restriction center. Then, the Cloud and Mist Immortal Clothes turned into a simple Taoist robe and fell on Shi Xuan, as if it were a layer of Silvery white light clouds and mist.

Shi Xuan thought for a moment, and the cloud and mist fairy clothes condensed their brilliance and turned into an ordinary moon-white Taoist robe. Generally, all spiritual weapons and magic weapons like this kind of fairy clothes and Taoist robes can change their appearance and color according to the mind of the person who controls them.

After initially grasping these two spiritual weapons, Shi Xuan walked out of the living room and saw Qingfeng and Cang Wu waiting outside, so he asked lightly: "What's the matter with you two?"

Qingfeng hurriedly said: "Uncle Cangwu has something to report to you, sir. Qingfeng is just here to accompany him."

Shi Xuan looked at Cang Wu, and Cang Wu quickly replied: "Reporting to the leader, it is the deacons of this peak who want to see you and ask about the future regulations." The atmosphere of the Penglai sect is relatively loose and free. In addition to the monthly required charity tasks, all Everyone in the family is in charge of their own cultivation, so Shi Xuan, the leader, does not have much jurisdiction over the elders and disciples of this peak. His main responsibilities are to be in charge of the world of Lei Mansion, the mountain protection formation of this peak, and to participate in the decision-making of major matters of the sect. , the deacons who manage the peak, and the handymen who help with medicine cultivation, weapon refining, and elixir refining.

"Then let them come in." Although Shi Xuan has a relatively laid-back personality and doesn't care too much about miscellaneous things, he still has to make some explanations when he just takes office.

Cang Wu took the order to summon the deacons, and at the same time informed the elders and disciples that if they were willing to come, that would be fine. If they didn't want to come, there was no need to force them.

When Cang Wu left, Shi Xuan looked at Qingfeng and said slowly: "I see that you have made great progress in your cultivation recently. Are you afraid that you will break through to the out-of-body stage?"

Qingfeng's sadness suddenly came to his heart. He had been a Shixuan boy for more than 20 years. He had been stuck in the step of inducing qi for a long time. His face had long ago changed from the look of a boy to the look of a twenty-year-old young man now. If it hadn't been for the Penglai sect. He enjoys fairy fruits and fairy food every day, and he is afraid that he is already middle-aged: "Hui, Hui, master, Qingfeng has indeed reached the critical moment of breakthrough."

"Then you want to return home after your breakthrough?" Shi Xuan asked Qingfeng about his future plans. Although he had already known some clues from his words and deeds, he must have made some arrangements in the future. After all, Qingfeng had served him for twenty years. Over the years, there is always some affection.

Qingfeng's tears immediately fell, and the seven-foot man cried with tears streaming down his face: "Master, Qingfeng, Qingfeng is not a Taoist. I have failed your expectations. I just want to go home and live the rest of my life well." The tears contained something other than that. Weakness, but sadness and heartache. All the previous ambitions and dreams turned into memories as the tears flowed out.

Shi Xuan has always felt that the current world of cultivation has opened a door for ordinary people with low qualifications and poor physiques. No matter how bad your congenital condition is, as long as you persist in practicing, you can cleanse your marrow, change your bones, and change your physique. Slowly improve your qualifications and move towards a prosperous road. Of course, the premise of all this is to have the opportunity, be able to persist, be able to control, and be able to work hard. Compared with the big world where only special physiques can cultivate Taoism, I don’t know. Ten million times.

Unfortunately, Qingfeng couldn't hold on anymore. Shi Xuan also told him these truths when he had time. Since he still made the choice he made now, Shi Xuan could only say: "You have served me for more than twenty years, no Credit also comes with hard work, and I will give you a generous gift when you leave." But Shi Xuan was going to exchange some elixirs and low-grade magical objects for Qingfeng, and giving him something too valuable would actually harm him.

Shi Xuan originally didn't have many good deeds, but after becoming the leader of Tianji Peak, he suddenly discovered that he had 20,000 good deeds every year. This made Shi Xuan laugh. Is this considered "salary"?

"Qingfeng, Qingfeng, thank you so much, sir." Qingfeng was even more excited and burst into tears. He knelt down and gave a big gift to express his gratitude. For him, Shi Xuan's generous gift may not be something he can accumulate in a lifetime.

While he was talking, Cang Wu had already rushed over with all the deacons. Even the seven elders of the Soul Stage and the disciples of the Qi Entrainment Stage came to pay homage to the leader. After all, this was the first time Shi Xuan had summoned everyone since he took charge of Tianji Peak, so he still had to save face. Give me some.

"Reporting back to the leader, all the elders and deacons are here, and the disciples who are currently at the peak are also here. Only Uncle Hong is in retreat and is unable to come." Cang Wu replied, he had taken it by chance before Things that stay in appearance, so they still look like a child.

When he finished speaking, the monks all said politely: "See the Stone Head Seat." Even the seven elders of the soul stage who were senior to Shi Xuan, including Ling Qing, bowed their hands in salute. The Penglai sect was loose and loose. But that's only in terms of personal freedom. Where there are rules, they are strictly enforced.

Shi Xuan nodded, looked at the people below, and said calmly: "Today I am summoning all my fellow disciples to explain the affairs of this peak." The unseen elders of the Soul Stage are two men and two women: Bao Lihui, Feng Yangping, Zhang Ziqiu, Chai Ling, there are eleven disciples in the Qi-entraining stage, and there are ten other disciples who are traveling or looking for opportunities to break through to the Soul stage. There are ten deacons in total, all in the Qi-entraining stage, including the great deacon. It was a middle-aged monk named Ke Yuanan.

The Penglai sect now has a total of forty-two soul-stage elders, ten true disciples, and one hundred and fifteen inner disciples. It has increased compared with when Shi Xuan entered. However, this is also a common phenomenon. When a certain group of disciples are due to If Shou Yuan eventually dies, or if there is no hope of breakthrough, he becomes a deacon in various places, etc., the number of people will drop back to the original number.

"But according to the order of the leader." All the monks responded in unison.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "I have been practicing in Tianji Peak for decades, and I am very satisfied with everything, so I will leave everything to chance."

Although Ke Yuanan somewhat understood what Shi Shouzuo meant, he was still a little confused. He bravely asked: "Disciple, there is something I don't understand. What does Xiao Gui and Cao Sui mean?"

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