Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 236 Leisurely Time of Monasticism

Shi Xuan was dumbfounded. He just got used to it and used the idioms from his previous life. There were no Xiao He or Cao Shen here. He could only laugh at himself and said: "As long as all the rules don't change, it will be the same as before." Sometimes, habits are also a kind of habit. Obstacles to practice.

Ke Yuanan beamed with joy and said loudly: "I will obey the decree of the chief." A deacon like him is most afraid that the chief and elders above him will often change the rules, which will make it inconvenient for him to handle things, not to mention that some new chiefs will change deacons. Regarding the matters he was responsible for, Shi Shouzuo's instructions were exactly what he wanted. I think it's because Master Mo was his master in the past. As a disciple, he will not change if he can't change. If he encounters a rival of Master Mo, he might end up as the great deacon.

Ke Yuanan was happy, but several deacons behind him had bad expressions. However, they dared not raise objections to Shi Xuan, and their hopes that the replacement of the first seat would be closer this time could only come to nothing.

After finishing the affairs on the deacon's side, Shi Xuan looked at the elder of the Soul Stage: "I have refined the Gate of Thunder Palace, but since I have not yet reached the Golden Core stage, I may need to go out often in the future, so I am here Set a rule that if I go out, Elder Lingqing will take care of the Gate of Lei Mansion. If Elder Lingqing has something to do during this period, he will hand it over to Elder Gu, and so on. "

Lingqing didn't expect such a good thing to happen, and didn't react for a moment, but soon he looked happy and said politely: "I will obey the decree of the first emperor."

He, the oldest elder in the Soul Stage, did this, and other elders and disciples also followed suit: "I will obey the first decree."

After explaining some other matters, Shi Xuan let them leave, leaving only Cang Wu.

"What are your plans in the future? Should you stay here and continue to attack the Qi-entraining period, or should you leave the sect?" Shi Xuan looked at him for a while and asked.

Cang Wu was selected from the outer sect disciples as Taoist Mo Yuan, so he said in a low tone: "This disciple does not want to leave the sect and is going to return to the outer sect and continue to work hard for the Qi Entrainment Stage." Because he didn't know what Shi Xuan was. meaning, so he answered truthfully.

"Qingfeng will be leaving soon. There is a Taoist boy beside me, and you are a seasoned Taoist boy. Would you like to be my Taoist boy?" Shi Xuan said slowly. Cangwu has served his master for many years and is familiar with all matters of this peak. For Shi Xuan, who has always been idle, keeping him will save him a lot of trouble.

Cang Wu looked at Shi Xuan in disbelief, with a look of surprise, joy and disbelief on his face: "Disciple, disciple, I am willing, absolutely willing!" As he spoke, he knelt on his knees and became the first Taoist in the Soul Stage. Tong, although it is not as good as before, it is definitely better than returning to the outer sect. The usual casual advice is priceless. Many wealthy monks in the Qi-entraining stage outside are seeking guidance from masters in the Divine Soul stage but cannot get it.

"After becoming my Taoist boy, you must not take advantage of your power to bully others or do things that go against the rules of our sect. Secondly, you must not slack off in your cultivation. After all, cultivation is the foundation, remember?" Shi Xuan has always said something first, don't say it in words. Not in advance.

Cang Wu nodded quickly: "All the disciples remember it, I remember it."

After Cang Wu retreated, Shi Xuan set up Qingfeng and headed for Tianya Haijiao Tower. He was not going to show the breath of creation to Zhenren Jiang, because according to the master's instructions, he had to wait until he left before going. Although he didn't know why, Shi Xuan Decided to do it anyway.

"Uncle Shi, are you here?" As soon as he entered Tianya Haijiao Tower, Shi Xuan heard a clear and enthusiastic voice. It was Chi Caibo. She took advantage of the break to rest in seclusion and picked up the guard on the first floor of Tianya Haijiao Tower. Good deeds tasks.

Shi Xuan looked at her excited and red face with a smile: "I heard that you are already in retreat to transform your Qi, why do you still want to take on this good deed mission?"

Chi Caibo said with some embarrassment: "Because Caibo thought that refining the materials for the natal magic weapon in the future would require a lot of good deeds, and now his retreat has reached its limit, so he accepted this task. It would be great if he could save more."

Shi Xuan remembered that when he was in the Qi Entrainment period, he had collected a lot of materials from his master, otherwise he would have had to take on more tasks like Chi Caibo. This was the benefit of having a master.

However, Chi Caibo was still less than forty when she reached the Qi-entraining stage. Her performance and character should have already been in the eyes of those thoughtful masters and elders. I am afraid that when she finishes transforming her Qi, someone will come to accept her as a disciple. So Shi Xuan encouraged her: "It's good to prepare for a rainy day, but don't delay your own practice. That is the fundamental way. The sect will see all the disciples who work hard to practice."

"Then thank you Master Shi for your words." Chi Caibo has a cheerful personality, and now he is smiling brightly, "I wonder what you are here to pick today, Uncle Shi?"

"I'm here to select some techniques that can lead to the golden elixir." Shi Xuan didn't hide it either.

"Uncle Master, aren't you practicing the "Shenxiao True Dharma"?" Chi Caibo asked curiously.

Shi Xuan casually pointed out: "Stones from other mountains can attack jade, but advancing to the golden elixir requires vigorous accumulation, even if you are in the Qi-entraining stage."

Chi Caibo was thoughtful.

In the following days, Shi Xuan meditated and practiced every day, comprehending the world of Lei Mansion. Tianji Peak was very relaxed about daily matters. He occasionally went to Tianya Haijiao Tower to exchange some exercises for reference, and turned them into the accumulation of golden elixirs for his own achievements. From time to time, I also discuss some Taoism with Xie Fangwei, Lingxing, other true disciples, Shenhun Stage elders, etc. who have good relationships. In my free time, I do some distant travel, such as going to Yaoguang Island to see Yu Ruoshui, Zhou Dielan, or Shangyou Qing After swimming in the blue sea, when the mood strikes, I go to the North Pole to feel the wind and snow, or to the Fire Islands to bask in the sun. My days are leisurely and carefree.


One year later, Tianya Haijiaolou.

"Shi boy, what are you doing here?" Jiang Zhenren asked Shi Xuan on the ground. Compared with when Shi Xuan saw him a few years ago, he looked a little older, and his back was slightly arched, making him look a bit older. Even more old. Shi Xuan once heard that the appearance of Master Yuanshen is only related to the appearance and state of mind that he is willing to show. Master Jiang's appearance may mean that his catastrophe is coming soon, and the changes in his heart will cause changes in his appearance.

Of course, the speed of Master Yang Shen is relative to themselves, and it may take several years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

Shi Xuan said respectfully: "This disciple is here to ask the real person, I wonder if the master has left this world?"

"Well, I left a few months ago, but you can just ask the boss directly about this kind of thing, why bother bothering the old man." Jiang Zhenren said with a smile.

Shi Xuan was a little sad and had a headache. One of the reasons for this trip was to inquire about the master, and the other was to take the opportunity to follow the master's instructions and show the aura of creation to Master Jiang. However, the master was no better than the master, so how could he change the subject and appear less blunt? , it’s really a bit difficult.

Unexpectedly, after Jiang Zhenren laughed and scolded, he changed the subject: "When Mo Yuan left, he said that you, a kid, had an adventure in the world of Lei Mansion, and felt the epoch-making scene, which could exude a breath of good fortune. Regarding this, the old Taoist can I really don’t believe it. Now that you are here, let’s show it to the experts.”

Unexpectedly, the master had already laid the groundwork for him. No wonder he told him to wait for him to leave before coming. Shi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and felt very grateful in his heart: "Disciple, it is better to obey orders than to be respectful." Then he calmed down and showed that state of mind. .

Jiang Zhenren's expression did not change, but his back became straighter and straighter. He looked very focused, but also seemed to be deep in thought.

After a while, Shi Xuan couldn't hold on anymore and stopped, but Jiang Zhenren was still so focused, and a purple light flashed between his eyes. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and sighed: "You are showing off like this." , just completed some of the shortcomings of Lao Dao, making Lao Dao's accumulation reach perfection, but it also allowed Lao Dao to trigger the catastrophe in advance. It was originally expected to be four or five years away, but now there are still some preparations that have not been completed. Hey, I don't know what it is. Woe or blessing.”

Shi Xuan didn't expect that such a thing would happen, and he didn't know what to say. Master Jiang continued: "Go and inform the leader and ask him to activate all the mountain-protecting formations. The old Taoist is about to overcome the tribulation. Don't be like this. If the old Taoist succeeds in overcoming the tribulation, I will naturally accept your favor." , If the old way fails to overcome the tribulation, hey, then the Tao of life and death will naturally disappear, and there will be no time to blame you." Jiang Zhenren's spiritual consciousness can at least cover the Three Islands sea area, but now it is unable to pass through the Jietian Palace under full suppression. The formation blocked him, so Shi Xuan could only inform the leader. However, his current mental state is very good, his face is relaxed, and he has swept away the frown he used to have when he mentioned the disaster.

Shi Xuan didn't dare to waste time, and he couldn't do the etiquette. He turned around and flew towards Jie Tian Palace. Fortunately, Ziqi Donglai Tower was at Tianshu Peak. Within a few breaths, Shi Xuan arrived outside the palace, and the two guards guarding the palace door Just as a Qi-entraining stage disciple was about to step forward and stop him, asking him to wait for the leader to summon him, he directly used his escape method to escape in. He didn't even react at all. After a while, they looked at each other and said in surprise: "Is there something big happening in the sect?"

In the Jietian Hall, Xie Fangwei, Lingxing, and Yongxing were discussing matters with the headmaster. Seeing Shi Xuan barging in, Yongxing turned his face and shouted sternly: "Master Shi, you broke into the Jietian Hall without reporting it. Why? There are sect rules..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the face of the leader Zhang Zhengyan change, he stood up, turned into a thunder light and went to the back of Jietian Palace, where the Nine Heavens Capital that controlled the Penglai Sect's protective formation was The center of the Seal Thousand Thunder Immortal Formation. It turned out that as soon as Shi Xuan passed the Jietian Palace formation, he used his spiritual consciousness to tell the leader the whole thing, but the leader was so anxious that he had no time to explain.

Xie Fangwei, Lingxing, and Yongxing looked at each other. It was hard to see the leader being so eager. Suddenly, several people felt that the Penglai Sect was blocked from the outside world. It was the Nine Heavens Seal Ten Thousand Thunder Immortal Formation that was activated.

"Junior Brother Shi, what happened?" Xie Fangwei asked Shi Xuan.

Several people present were all Jindan masters, and they knew Master Jiang in great detail, and even knew many secrets of the sect that he did not know, so Shi Xuan did not hide anything: "I just met Master Jiang at Tianya Haijiao Tower, and I met him His old man’s calamity is imminent, so he came to inform the leader according to his instructions.”

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