Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 264 The Demon of the Void is prepared for any danger

This danger comes from the demon clan who are born with the atmosphere of destruction, killing, blood, terror, etc. in the universe.

In the Tianjian Sect's cave, some space cracks grew larger and larger, and then gradually became fixed, forming a space passage leading to the void universe. In the void universe, there are many kinds of creatures, and among these creatures, the demon clan is the largest.

Normally, the vast world is protected by its own Gang Qi layer and mulch. These demons with a murderous nature cannot enter at all. Even after the destruction of the ancient times, the mulch disappears and the Gang Qi layer is much weaker. However, there is Yuqing Shenxiao Palace, which is close to Despite the suppression of the Hedao-level Tongtian Lingbao, the demon clan and some other void creatures are still blocked from the world.

On the other hand, in the Tianjian Sect Cave Heaven, the space passages formed by these space cracks have become a convenient place for void creatures to enter. Fortunately, creatures above the Yuan Shen level cannot pass through, otherwise these creatures would have passed through the Cave Heaven and the Great Thousand Worlds. Contact, have invaded the world, but especially so, from time to time there are sky demons entering the Tianjian Sect cave to hunt down monks. Although most of these demons have the same strength as the divine soul and Qi, there are also some with the same strength as the golden elixir, The evil demon comes in.

In the past few thousand years, apart from those who died under the core protective formation, the number of monks who died in the Tianjian Sect was only half-to-five who killed each other because of robbing treasures and were hunted by heavenly demons. Of course, each tribe of heavenly demons has its own characteristics. , can be regarded as a treasure, and the monks will in turn hunt down the demons. Even those Shinto monks specialize in capturing the demons, and then use Taoism to change their thinking, so that they can devoutly provide themselves with huge incense and will power.

Therefore, for Shi Xuan, the biggest danger in exploring the places where Old Man Jian may have died is the void demons coming in from the space passage. These guys cannot be reasoned with.

Shi Xuan thought this while sorting out what he had found. The most likely places where Old Man Jian died were in four places. One was deep in the jungle behind Biluo Mountain, the other was the core of the Sword Theory Hall on Hongfeng Mountain, and the third and fourth places were Tianjian Peak. Or somewhere outside the core protective formation of Dijian Peak.

In other places, either Old Man Jian will not go, or they have been wiped out by the monks who have come one after another in the past few thousand years. There are even some places where hundreds of waves of monks have come one after another, and not a single small item is left. , if Old Man Jian had fallen in those places, he would have been discovered long ago. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Old Man Jian’s body and relics have been swallowed by the Void Demon, so Shi Xuan would be helpless.

In addition, after combining other news and information, as well as the discovered sword marks left by the old swordsman, Shi Xuan eliminated the third and fourth places. In other words, Shi Xuan's purpose this time was the first two places.

The first danger lies in the space passage deep in the jungle. There are many void creatures, and naturally there are also many heavenly demons of all races. Fortunately, the creatures on the opposite side of the space passage are not very powerful, and the creatures with the strength of the Golden Core are only It has appeared only a few times; the second place has a protective formation, which is also not very powerful and can only be used against ordinary Jindan masters. However, for the Jindan master, there is nothing that can make his heart beat in this sword theory hall. , why take the risk to explore?

And with the Waidan and Taiji Diagram in hand, Shi Xuan was 70% to 80% sure of breaking this formation.

After making the plan, Shi Xuan walked out of the yard and told Zhou Cheng to find some more information on void creatures, especially the various races of demons, to understand their characteristics so that he could make targeted preparations for such bloodthirsty but low-spirited creatures. , that way, even if you are really unlucky and encounter a demon with the strength of the golden elixir or even the strength of the Yin God, your chances of escaping are still 70% to 80%.

Now that he is out of the courtyard, Shi Xuan plans to walk around Jixi Town, hoping to get more news from the monks who are preparing to go to the Tianjian Sect's cave.

Until the evening, after collecting a lot of mixed true and false information, Shi Xuan slowly returned to the Foreign Affairs Hall station. At this time, a group of caravans came to the entrance of Jixi Town. It was An Xiuchuan and his group. , I didn’t expect that they didn’t arrive until now. Judging from their embarrassed appearance, they might have encountered some trouble on the way.

"Huh, luckily we arrived before dark. Sister Wang, aren't you tired?" An Qingshu asked Wang Ruotong flatteringly. He was expected to arrive an hour ago, but he met some low-level monks who were trying to destroy the Dao. It took them a while, especially the leading monk who was good at earth escape.

Wang Ruotong was quite uncomfortable with An Qingshu's flattery and concern. She was only focused on cultivation now and had no yearning for the relationship between men and women. Moreover, she didn't like An Qingshu's character. However, due to the friendship between the two families, she couldn't act coldly. With such a look, he could only smile lightly and said: "Ruotong is also a Qi-entraining stage monk, so there is nothing to worry about."

Suddenly she saw Shi Xuan in front of her, and with the intention of changing the subject, she said: "Mr. An, look, fellow Daoist Shi has already arrived. Haha, I didn't expect that he didn't use the sand-treading beast, and he arrived before us, which is quite impressive. Take a look." These words made the middle-aged man surnamed Wang and An Xiuchuan nod in agreement. Without the sand-trampling beast, walking in the desert would be torture for a low-level monk. The man named Shi could arrive so quickly. Some hidden skills.

An Qingshu said disdainfully: "If we hadn't been delayed for an hour, we would have arrived before him." After he said this, his father immediately glared at him. It doesn't matter if he pleases the girl. It doesn't matter if he is a little arrogant. , that would be troublesome.

An Xiuchuan originally hoped that his son could marry Wang Ruotong, so that he could connect with the Excalibur Villa and the family could develop better. However, his son's knowledge was very different from that of the monks who had been trained by these experts. , looking at Wang Ruotong's perfunctory attitude, you know that she has no good impression of her son.

An Qingshu woke up after being glared at by his father. Telling lies would not please a woman like Wang Ruotong. He quickly looked around and saw Wang Ruotong's cold and distant attitude. He really regretted it.

"Hey, that person entered the Penglai Sect Foreign Affairs Hall's headquarters?" the middle-aged man surnamed Wang said in surprise.

An Xiuchuan nodded: "It turns out he is a disciple of the Penglai sect. No wonder, no wonder." Wang Ruotong also had a no wonder attitude on his face.

The middle-aged man surnamed Wang recalled Shi Xuan's calm and unfazed attitude when he faced the three brothers of the Ma family and Fu Sheng, and even when he first faced him and others, he said with some uncertainty: "My surname is Shi, and what's the matter?" It’s from the Penglai sect, could it be Shi Xuan?”

After Wang Ruotong heard this, he murmured: "Could it be that Senior Shi Xuanshi is really in person? No wonder he looks familiar."

"How is it possible!" An Qingshu didn't believe it at all. A person of that level should have the aura to overwhelm thousands of people, how could he show such a bland performance.

Wang Ruotong ignored what he said, but looked at the middle-aged man named Wang and said, "Dad, if it is really Senior Shi Xuanshi, will the Penglai Sect also get involved in this Spirit Sword Peak incident? I wonder if they will Will Grandmaster Jindan be sent here to find out these things and report them to the Villa as soon as possible so that we can do something about it?" She said in an orderly manner, but there was an expression of excitement on her face. In the mind of the younger generation of swordsmen. , Shi Xuan can already be compared with Old Man Jian, or even better.

"Of course, we went to Jixi Town in advance to collect information this time just to prevent these accidents." The middle-aged man surnamed Wang said with a solemn expression.


Four days later.

Li Huaiyuan held a jade slip and evoked an image: "Is this what you see?" His face was white and beardless, and his eyes were sharp.

"Back to the second owner of the village, he is the one." Wang Ruotong answered briefly but respectfully.

Li Huaiyuan nodded: "That's Shi Xuan. I didn't expect that the Penglai Sect would get involved this time. That's right. The Pure Yang Flying Sword can suppress the sect. How can you be willing to do it if you don't give it a try?"

Wang Ruotong asked: "It's possible that we just happened to meet him."

"How could this happen by chance? It's better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn't exist." Li Huaiyuan shook his head in disbelief.

Xie Xiaoan said on the side: "I wonder if Xie Fangwei and Lingri will come this time? If they come randomly, plus Qiao Mubai, we will have no hope." He was wearing a navy blue Taoist robe and was extremely tall. He is tall and looks like a jade tree standing in the wind.

Li Huaiyuan sneered: "As long as it's not the King of Samsara or Lingri, even if it's Qiao Mubai, I'm confident that I'll give it a try." He has been cultivating middle-grade golden elixirs for more than two hundred years, and he is no better than Qiao Mubai who has become an elixir. A high-grade golden elixir that has been in existence for more than forty years might not be worth a try, let alone Xie Fangwei who has only been in for more than thirty years.

Xie Xiaoan looked at Li Huaiyuan strangely, feeling that he was determined to win. Is this Pure Yang Flying Sword or Spirit Sword Taoism so important to him? The Shenjian Villa itself plays the idea of ​​taking what you can, and not forcing it if you can't, so as not to lose too much strength. But now looking at Li Huaiyuan's performance, Xie Xiaoan is a little confused.

But he still said: "Then what should we do? Second brother."

Li Huaiyuan said without hesitation: "We will visit them directly and ask them to wait until they discover the monks from Lingjian Peak. We will put the matter in the open to prevent them from hiding in the dark and playing tricks. This will also make the Luofu Sect and the Penglai faction to check and balance each other.”


The Penglai Foreign Affairs Hall is located in Jixi Town.

"Are you looking for Uncle Shi?" Zhou Cheng asked the Jindan Grandmaster in front of him doubtfully.

Li Huaiyuan said politely: "We are from Shenjian Villa. I am Li Huaiyuan, the owner of the second village. I have long admired Taoist Fellow Shi's reputation for swordsmanship. When I heard that Fellow Taoist Shi was here, I came to visit. I wonder if this fellow Taoist can pass on a message?" "

"I'm really sorry, Uncle Shi left yesterday to go to the Tianjian Sect's cave." Zhou Cheng told the truth.

"What?" Li Huaiyuan, Xie Xiaoan and others were all surprised. Without the monk to lead the way, where would Shi Xuan go to find Lingjian Peak? Could it be that he has some secret information?

At this time, Shi Xuan had arrived somewhere further west in Jixi Town. It looked like endless yellow sand, but many monks coming and going disappeared when they reached a certain place. It seemed that they were both Weird and mysterious.

This is because the entrance to the cave is unstable and cannot form a door-like thing, so Shi Xuan is not surprised. As soon as he took a step towards it, he suddenly felt a wave like water coming from his body.

= =. I just updated it directly to the normal chapter, and I don’t know what I was thinking at the time.

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