Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 265: The Earth Turned Upside Down and the World Was Ruined

Outside a black vortex, Shi Xuan stood in mid-air, looking at the scene in front of him. Although he had learned about it from many materials, when he actually saw it, he still felt an unspeakable shock.

The entire cave sky is a dark and boundless void. There are pieces of broken land and mountain peaks floating in the void, and there is even a large ocean floating on Shi Xuan's head. There is deathly silence inside, without any breath. It's like a desolate and desolate scene after the end of the world.

Shi Xuan slowly landed on a piece of land with green trees. There were several Qi-entraining monks here cutting down trees. These trees can survive, grow, and reproduce in this environment. You can imagine the quality of their nature. , is a precious material for refining magic weapons and practicing wood nature skills.

Seeing Shi Xuan coming, these Qi-entrainment stage monks were a little panicked. The only thing that could comfort themselves was that this was the land at the entrance. Apart from these trees, there was nothing good. Even if they were killed and the treasure was taken away, it would not be their turn. Sure enough, they saw that Shi Xuan just identified the direction, then set up a blue sword light and headed east.

So they breathed a long sigh of relief and decided to cut down some more trees and leave. They would not come back in a short time. You must know that the appearance of Lingjian Peak means that chaos will begin here after a while. A series like this As a monk, even if he encounters the aftermath of a fight with others, he doesn't have much power to protect himself.

"Did you ask that the senior in the Divine Soul stage just now came to explore Spirit Sword Peak? I looked in the right direction!" said a monk in the Qi-Entraining stage.

Another monk smiled and said: "It's unlikely. Without the strength of the Golden Core stage, it's just a dream to get benefits by fighting alone at Spirit Sword Peak."


Shi Xuan used the Sky Thunder Demon Sword to turn into a blue sword light, flying in the black void, dodging the space gaps from time to time, and occasionally passing between two or three broken pieces of land.

Suddenly, a black figure jumped out from a piece of broken land. Before it could get close, a black line shot out from in front of it and hit Shi Xuan quickly.

As soon as Shi Xuan discovered the black figure through his spiritual exploration, he felt the black line, so the cyan sword light flashed and struck on the black line. There was a "ding" collision sound, and then the black line suddenly exploded. The ground retracted into the mouth of the black figure. It was a round black monster. Under a huge head, there was no body and only four small limbs.

Shi Xuan was a little surprised, because he had already recognized this monster as the Flying Tongue Demon of the Void Demon Clan. The black line just now was its tongue. He didn't expect that this Flying Tongue Demon was only at the Soul Stage, but that tongue could resist it. Even if I didn't use my full strength just now, I can still see the power of its tongue, my own spiritual weapon, the Sky Thunder Demon Sword. I really don't know how terrifying that tongue of the Flying Tongue Demon with the strength of the golden elixir would be.

However, since he recognized the Flying Tongue Demon, Shi Xuan immediately remembered its weakness and flaw. With a finger, the Sky Thunder Demon Sword turned into a cyan rainbow and slashed towards the Flying Tongue Demon. It was so fast that the Flying Tongue Demon could not avoid it. , was chopped on the head by Zhengzheng, and it suddenly became two halves like cutting a watermelon. In addition to the powerful tongue, the Flying Tongue Demon's speed, physical hardness, and magic skills are only average, ranking behind among the demons.

After killing the Flying Tongue Demon, Shi Xuan put away its tongue and held the yin and yang two gas bottles in his hand. This is because there are many kinds of demons. Their physical strength is not too special, but they are numerous and overwhelming. It can even be connected into a formation, exerting one or two levels of strength beyond its own. When encountering such a demon, it is much more convenient and easier to directly absorb it with the Yin and Yang two gas bottles than to kill it with flying swords, Taoism, etc. Much more.

Shi Xuan held an inch-high white jade vial in his hand and continued to escape in the void. From time to time, the demon would pounce on him, and a black and white energy would emerge from the white jade vial, which would be absorbed into it without slowing down Shi Xuan at all. speed.

There is no sun or bright moon in the void, so there is no distinction between day and night. Shi Xuan made a rough calculation and found that he had been flying for three days, but his first destination, Hongfeng Mountain, was still at least several days away. , is really long and remote, no wonder no one explores the Hongfeng Mountain Sword Discussion Hall. Those who can reach it have no expectations for what is inside, and those who have expectations cannot reach it.

At this time, a huge bright moon appeared in front. It gave off a faint light and could not be seen from a little further away. This bright moon slowly rotated and kept shining bright moonlight downwards. Under the bright moon, seven or eight monks formed a formation. From time to time, the golden light shield transformed into objects in the shape of birds, lotus flowers, swords, etc., and greeted the bright moonlight. However, they seemed to be somewhat powerless. Those birds, lotus flowers, etc. often appeared all at once. When it hit the bright moonlight, it turned into crystal ice and fell straight down.

When these monks were struggling to hold on, they saw Shi Xuan's green light escaping over, and they quickly shouted: "Senior, help!" It was as if they were grasping the last life-saving straw, but when they saw clearly that Shi Xuan was only in the divine soul stage, Immediately, I was a little disappointed. Although the strength of this group of Taiyin Moonlight Beasts was only to draw Qi and Divine Soul, after forming this bright moon, they exerted a strength close to that of the Golden Core Stage. This Soul Stage monk could not save them.

Before Shi Xuan had time to react, the Taiyin Moonlight Beast condensed slightly at first, and then, as if it had seen its eight-life-long enemy, it directly abandoned the seven or eight monks and shot a dozen bright moonlights towards Shi Xuan, as if He used his full strength.

As these moonlights passed by, thick ice cubes condensed in the void, as if crystal clear and beautiful icicles were being thrown at extremely fast speeds.

Shi Xuan didn't have time to think about the reason, and directly used the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield. Nine flame dragons with clear scales and horns circled around Shi Xuan. When the moonlight approached, these flame dragons rushed forward and collided with the moonlight. once.

Silently, there was a burst of white mist first, and then the white mist disappeared quickly. The Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield and the moonlight were all extinguished. Shi Xuan's light flashed and he changed the direction. He used the Sky Thunder Conquering Demon Sword, and nine huge sky thunders were fired. It fell from the sky and hit the huge bright moon. At the same time, the outer elixir was used, and the black gold body protection skill was used.

The huge bright moon was continuously struck by thunder, and it immediately fell apart, revealing a lantern-shaped monster with a bright head, which was the Taiyin Moonlight Beast.

Before they re-formed into the bright moon, Shi Xuan sacrificed the yin and yang gas bottles. The small white jade bottle grew bigger and bigger in the air, releasing extremely thick black and white gases, covering the lunar moonlight beasts, making them smaller and smaller. , and finally put himself into the Yin and Yang two gas bottles.

This fight lasted only a few breaths. The seven or eight monks were still standing there without reacting. They felt the aura of the ancient giant beasts on Shi Xuan's body and saw him easily taking away the lunar moonlight beasts. Everyone's expressions were changing. They didn't know whether to step forward to thank him or to run away immediately. God knows whether this golden elixir master is good or bad. It was the Taiyin Moonlight Beast who took the initiative to attack him just now. If he covets himself, etc. The harvest on a human body is more dangerous than the bright moon composed of the lunar moonlight beast just now.

"Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace. I will give you my reward in return." After thinking about it, the leading monk still used his spiritual consciousness to say to Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan was confused at this time as to why the Taiyin Moonlight Beast hated him so much, so he just nodded perfunctorily: "I just happened to..." Before he could finish his words, more than a dozen broken pieces of land, far and near, rose up. Round after round of bright moons seemed to be heading towards Shi Xuan. One after another, the bright moonlight had already taken the lead and was about to hit Shi Xuan.

Although Shi Xuan has the Xuanjin Body Protection Technique, Yunwu Immortal Clothes, and the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, it will not be a problem to force it on, but he will be entangled here. By then, there will be more than ten or twenty rounds that are close to the strength of Jindan. If the bright moon surged up, he couldn't bear it, so he combined with the cyan sword light of the Sky Thunder Demon Sword, displayed the sword energy and thunder sound, and fled towards the direction of Hongfeng Mountain.

When the remaining monks saw so many bright moons, their faces were ashen, as if they were mourning for their heirs, and felt that they would not be spared today. But the strange thing was that the lunar moonlight beasts did not even look at them, and all chased Shi Xuan away.

When everything calmed down, these monks looked at each other blankly and thankfully. The leading monk forced a laugh twice: "The golden elixir master just now didn't know what kind of hatred he had against the Taiyin Moonlight Beast, but he could actually let these The murderous and destructive demons don’t even look at us.”

Another monk said with a smile: "To talk about deep hatred, we have killed so many lunar moonlight beasts. Creatures like demons, especially these low-level ones, do not have revenge thoughts. They are all killings anyway." ”

"Perhaps that senior Jindan killed the leader of the Taiyin Moonlight Beast clan, which was the Taiyin Moonlight Beast with the strength of Jindan." A monk pondered.


Five days later. In the void, on a large piece of land, Shi Xuan was meditating and resting by the lake. At this time, he still had lingering fears in his heart. Those Taiyin Moonlight Beasts didn't know what medicine they had taken wrong, and they actually chased him for more than four days. Today, After finally closing the distance in the morning, Shi Xuan hid his aura and restrained his scent, and finally got rid of the pursuit of those lunar moonlight beasts.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the Moonlight Beast formed into the Moon and was not as fast as Shi Xuan.

After pondering for a moment, Shi Xuan took out the prepared formation flags and formation disks, quickly set up a shielding formation, turned the Tai Chi Diagram into a golden bridge floating above his head, then took out the Yin and Yang gas bottles, and carefully placed the Taiyin Moonlight Beast inside. A few came out.

As soon as he released it, Shi Xuan felt some changes in the Tai Chi diagram, just like a kitten seeing the fish it had coveted for a long time. So Shi Xuan's heart moved, and he turned the Tai Chi diagram into a round of yin and yang fish floating behind him, and then reversed the direction. Turning, the bright moonlight emitted by the lunar moonlight beasts was directly sucked in, and even they themselves were thrown into the black parts of the yin-yang fish, and then blended into it.

After the fusion was completed, Shi Xuan closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in the Tai Chi diagram.

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