Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 273 Ten Thousand Swords Illusionary Array and the Corridor of the Mind

Behind the Bronze Gate, there is a bluestone square with a radius of dozens of miles. It is really hard to believe that there is such a magnificent scene deep underground.

On the other side of the Bluestone Square, there is also a bronze door.

As soon as Shi Xuan set foot on the square, there was a golden sword light, which was slashing towards him with great force. Shi Xuan pointed his hand, and the Thunder Demon Sword turned into a blue sword light and came forward.

With one blow, they were evenly matched, the golden sword light disappeared directly, and the Thunder Demon Sword was also blocked in place.

Of course, this is because Shi Xuan did not use all his strength. Not only did he not use the sword energy and thunder sound, but he also did not fully activate the power of the Tianlei Fu Demon Sword. He mainly wanted to test the power of the golden sword light.

Because this is the path of sword refining, Shi Xuan is not too worried about his own life. The ancient sects would not take pleasure in killing their disciples.

As Shi Xuan moves forward step by step, the silver sword light is extremely agile and can kill ghosts and evil spirits. The purple sword light is noble and solemn and difficult for all evils to invade. , attacked Shi Xuan one by one, but they were all blocked by Shi Xuan's Tian Lei Fu Demon Sword.

Taking another step forward, a white sword light struck, with Shi Xuan's familiar sword intention of cutting through everything and gaining great freedom, but compared to the essence of the sword intention left by the immortal power in the Sword Theory Hall, it was really If they are too far apart, they will get their form but not their meaning.

Therefore, Shi Xuantian's Leifu Demon Sword also faced forward with the great freedom of sword intent. The two sword lights collided in the air, and they collided more than ten times in a row. In the end, the white sword light was helplessly defeated. Come.

At this time, Shi Xuan had just walked less than 20% of the distance. Now it was just an appetizer, and what came next was the real Ten Thousand Swords Magic Formation.

When Shi Xuan took another step, the mighty golden sword light flew out again, but it was not one, but five. These five sword lights formed a sword array in the air and turned into a golden bridge to attack Shi Xuan. , there seem to be extremely solemn gods and Buddhas on it, chanting mantras.

Shi Xuan did not dare to neglect, the sword light of the Heavenly Thunder Conquering Demon Sword spread out, cut through the sky, and struck the middle of the golden bridge with bursts of thunder. With a bang, the golden bridge broke from the middle, and the sword light also fragmented and turned into dots of golden light.

After that, silver sword light, purple sword light, cyan sword light, and white sword light came in turn, each with several of them, and they could be arranged into a sword formation, which was extremely powerful. If Shi Xuan hadn't mastered the sword energy of Lei Yin and Beidou guides the way, can detect weak points, and use the fast to defeat the slow. He will never be as carefree and carefree as he is now, just like strolling in the garden.

But when Shi Xuan walked halfway through the journey, his heart became solemn. According to the trend of the sword light test getting stronger and stronger, the rest is probably going to be extremely difficult.

Sure enough, the nine golden sword lights, which were like a thunderous giant, struck at Shi Xuan at a terrifying speed. This sword formation had already exerted the power of the thunderous sound of sword energy.

Shi Xuan had no choice but to use the Heavenly Thunder Demon-Conquering Sword to hover around him. The sound of ding-ding-ding kept coming, and even connected into one. The nine golden sword lights were so fast that there was no gap.

At the same time, Shi Xuan used Beidou to guide the way and calculated, and found that the nine golden sword lights did not form a sword formation. After all, they were regarded as swordsmanship above the golden elixir and would not be used to test the soul-stage disciples.

So when Shi Xuan Tian Lei Fu Demonic Sword was displayed, countless stars with long white tails fell from the sky, submerging the nine golden sword lights, and mushroom-like boundless star lights bloomed in place. Next to Shi Xuan was the God of Thunder Ze Sword protection.

After the intense starlight, the nine golden lights finally disappeared.

Next, Shi Xuan took turns to accept the test of other sword lights. The power of Tian Lei Fu Demon Sword was fully activated, the sword energy Lei Yin was used with all his strength, Lei Ze Shen Sword and Yi Mu Qing Long Sword were also used together, and he narrowly passed the test. .

After everything was over, Shi Xuan was only a few steps away from the bronze door.

Shi Xuan took another step forward, and suddenly all kinds of brilliance shone. Thousands of swords were fired around his head. White, purple, green, gold and silver were the five colors of golden light. Some formed formations, some used sword energy and thunder, and some used various sword techniques. .

Suddenly, Shi Xuan was surrounded by whizzing sword lights, and every inch of his skin and even his soul felt the sharp and stinging energy. He was blocked to the left, right, forward and back.

Seeing this, Shi Xuan understood that he could not break through with his swordsmanship alone, so he had to use the Tai Chi diagram to form a golden bridge on the other side. Under the mighty force, the ten thousand sword lights had a slight stagnation. Taking advantage of this stagnation, , Shi Xuan combined with the Tian Lei Fu Demon Sword, and used the sword energy and thunder sound to pass through countless sword light gaps and arrive in front of the Bronze Gate.

As soon as Shi Xuan appeared, the scene of thousands of swords behind him disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before, and the wide and peaceful square was restored.

Pushing open the bronze door again, Shi Xuan saw a narrow corridor in front of him.


Spirit Sword Peak.

Whether they are big sect monks such as Qiao Mubai, Shen Xianyun, or casual cultivators such as Ji Wujiu, Zhu Huanyan, Li Huaiyuan, etc., these Jindan masters all have bad expressions, although it is true that as Gu Cheng said, Lingjian Peak Compared with Tianjian Peak and Earth Sword Peak, the formation restriction was more damaged, but even the remaining restrictions made them feel helpless. It was always a little bit worse. After all, it was the Celestial Immortal who set up this sword formation. able.

Li Huaiyuan looked at the other golden elixir masters with some excitement: "I don't know if you fellow Taoists have any other secret methods. Please try your best to use them. You are just a little short of breaking through the formation restrictions. You can't fall short!" He used all his strength. , whether it is secret treasures or talismans, they are almost consumed.

Qiao Mubai glanced at Li Huaiyuan strangely. He really couldn't imagine his excitement. Whether it was the Spirit Sword, Taoism, or the Heavenly Spirit Sword, it was extremely precious, but it was incompatible with the most important realm of cultivation for a monk, longevity. It has nothing to do with it. For Master Jindan, it should be something that he can get if he can. If he can't get it, he won't fight for it. Maybe he is planning for reincarnation. Qiao Mubai can only explain it in his heart.

"I have also tried my best. If my fellow Taoists have any other methods, please feel free to give it a try." Qiao Mubai looked at the other seven or eight golden elixir masters with a smile.

The scene fell silent for a moment, and these Golden elixir masters all weighed in their hearts. It is true that the restriction on Lingjian Peak is only a little bit broken. It is a pity to give up, but it is really not worthwhile to risk one's family wealth to get chestnuts from the fire for others.

After a long time, these golden elixir masters decided to each take out a trump card and make a last ditch effort.


In the corridor, Shi Xuan was walking forward full of wonder.

As soon as he took the first step into the corridor, Shi Xuan seemed to have stepped into another world and returned to the Penglai sect back then.

Surrounded by those disciples who laughed at, looked down upon, and despised him, they said sarcastic words while trying to pull him away.

"What a waste. It has been two years since I started, and my soul cultivation has only reached this point. It is only a little more than half of those talented disciples."

"Yes, yes, you are giving up on yourself. Your character is so bad. I really don't know how I got into it in the first place."

Shi Xuan had endured these attitudes and words back then without wavering at all. The same was true now. He waved his sword and forced those disciples away and walked forward on his own. As he left, these disciples melted away. For bubbles.

Shi Xuan is very strange. If it is an illusion test, then he must make himself feel like he is in reality. Now he is sober, as if he is watching a movie, and cannot affect his emotions at all. I really don’t know what the test of this corridor is. What purpose.

A white-haired old Taoist priest walked out from the side and cursed: "Why did you become someone else's teacher? Why did you steal my disciple's body?"

Shi Xuan recognized this as Taoist Xu, and walked over without asking. I have helped you pass on the Taoism, and I have a clear conscience.

Meng Yuchang let her hair down and said ferociously: "How dare you kill me? You are dead. There is no way out for you in heaven or on earth!"

Shi Xuan shook his head and sneered, you die and I live, this is the greatest truth. But what is the use of such phantom accusations? But he knew clearly that he was in the corridor of Tianjian Sect, and any other acquaintances who appeared were illusions.

The delicate and beautiful Zhou Dielan looked sad: "Brother Shi, I can't break through to the soul stage no matter what. Do I really need the help of pills?"

Yu Ruoshui, who had bright eyes and white teeth, was dejected: "Shi Xuan, why is it so difficult for top-grade golden elixirs? Why?"

Ming Qingyue, who was in awe of the country, shed tears secretly: "Is it because I have dragon blood that I can't become a soul?"

Master Mo Yuan sighed expressionlessly: "The Dao of Yuanshen is so difficult. I am already approaching my end of my life as a master."

Master Jiang said with an angry look: "You clearly have the "Baolu" with you, why don't you complete the "Shenxiao True Dharma"?"

Shi Xuan took a slow breath. Could these be the things he worries about deep down in his heart? It turns out that this corridor is a mirror, a mirror that shows his weakness and worries to himself. As for what he can learn from it, What you get is a personal matter.

Regarding these worries, the only thing Shi Xuan can say is that the path of cultivation can only be relied on by oneself and cannot be replaced by others. Therefore, what Shi Xuan can do for his friends and masters is to exchange advice, provide life-extending elixirs, and even become a soul in the future. Support their reincarnation. In short, only when your own cultivation realm improves can you help them, instead of worrying about it now.

As for completing the "Shenxiao True Dharma", I will start this matter after I achieve the golden elixir.

After thinking about these things, Shi Xuan felt relaxed, as if he had put down a big stone.

Shi Xuan continued to walk forward, and many younger disciples of the Penglai Sect and other casual cultivators appeared around him.

"Uncle Shi is so powerful. He has channeled his energy for six years and his soul for twenty years. He is truly an extraordinary figure in our Penglai sect!"

"Just after breaking through the Soul Stage, he mastered Sword Qi Leiyin. Uncle Shi's talent in swordsmanship is really amazing."

"Suppressing all the demons with one sword, and defeating the perfect swordsman with one sword, Senior Shi deserves to be the best swordsman below the Golden Core level!"

"Uncle Master Shi, you can master the differentiation of sword light in the divine soul stage. You are truly the most stunning monk since ancient times!"

"Senior Shi, you are the one we sword cultivators admire the most right now!"

"Uncle Shi is far superior to other uncles in terms of talent and strength. In a few years at most, Uncle Shi will be able to achieve a top-grade golden elixir!"

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