Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 274: Dark willows and bright flowers, turbulent times

Shi Xuan had heard similar words before, so when he first listened to them, he still had a smile on his face, wondering why the corridor reflected these words.

But as these words of admiration, praise, and awe rang in Shi Xuan's ears in a dense and exaggerated way, Shi Xuan's face gradually became serious, and there was even a little cold sweat on his forehead. He asked himself, is he right? Are these compliments smug? Is it because of vanity? Did you become impetuous because of this? …

Shi Xuan has answers to these questions in his heart, more or less. No wonder Jiang Zhenren only said that he had accumulated enough and did not mention his character.

As Shi Xuan took steps step by step, his mind gradually became pure. I cultivate Taoism and seek immortality only for myself, not for other people's opinions. Whether it is praise or criticism, it has nothing to do with me.

His mind gradually became purer, and his soul became more firm. Shi Xuan felt a suction force between his soul and his true energy, and he vaguely touched the threshold of the golden elixir. However, there was still a layer of window paper missing from taking that step.

Just when Shi Xuan was pursuing this opportunity, he was suddenly startled and saw a bronze door. It turned out that he had reached the end of the corridor. Unfortunately, he still did not find the feeling of advancing to the golden elixir.

Pushing open the bronze door, a small chamber appeared. As Shi Xuan stepped into it, light flashed around the small chamber, and a monk carrying a sword box appeared in the middle, with a face as sharp as a knife and cold eyes. He saw After Shi Xuan pointed his hand, a white sword light flew out from the sword box behind him and slashed towards Shi Xuan.

The light of the sword is like a rainbow, dazzling people's ears and eyes, and the five sounds and colors are all captured by it. The sword intention contained in it is still the freedom of sword intention to cut through everything, condensed and pure, although it is not as good as the immortal power in the sword theory hall. , but also obtained the essence of the sword, and seemed to split Shi Xuan's resistance one by one.

Shi Xuantian's Thunder Demon-Conquering Sword was at full power, and he used his sword energy and Lei Yin to meet him.

The two sword lights collided. Although Shi Xuan's cyan sword light was faster, he was forced back by the white sword light, just like being struck by a sharp ax on wood. No matter he wanted to use speed to change positions, , or used sword skills to recover the disadvantage, they were all blocked by the white sword light with a simple strike, and they watched helplessly as the white sword light forced them in front of them.

Shi Xuan was about to use Tai Chi Tu, but suddenly he felt the huge pressure dissipate, and the white sword light also retracted into the sword box. The monk slowly said: "The sword's intention is not pure."

As soon as he said these words, the room was filled with brilliance. Before Shi Xuan could figure out what was going on, the world was spinning. When he stabilized his body, a scene had changed before his eyes.

It is still a long bluestone corridor. There is no longer a bronze gate in front of it, but a little light, which looks like the exit.

Shi Xuan was a little annoyed. If he had known that this level was a test of the purity of the sword's will, he should have simulated the sword's will of the immortals in the Sword Theory Hall as he did when he came in. In that case, he should have been able to pass smoothly.

Turning his head, Shi Xuan saw that there was a dead end behind him, and there was no way to return, so he had to head for the exit. At worst, he would return to the cliff of the small lake after exiting.

Nothing unusual happened on this bluestone corridor, and Shi Xuan walked to the exit smoothly. This was in a hidden valley, covered with big trees, which looked extremely cold.

Shi Xuan was about to leave this place, but suddenly remembered that he didn't know if this was the only exit. If it was not the only exit, Old Man Jian would have to pass through here if he failed to break through the barrier as well. If it was the only exit, no matter how successful he was in breaking through, If he fails, this is where he must pass.

Therefore, this valley and its surroundings are very likely to be the burial place of Old Man Jian. Since he has already arrived here, he might as well search first instead of rushing back to the small lake.

So, Shi Xuan began to search the valley, and his spiritual consciousness slowly swept over it, but he felt happy because in another part of the valley, Shi Xuan found a cave. The entrance to the cave was filled with gray-white gas mixed with miasma and death, blocking the way. He stopped his spiritual exploration.

Miasma is easy to understand, but death energy is the key, which means there are corpses inside! As for whether it was the corpse of Old Man Jian, another monk, or even the corpse of a monster, Shi Xuan could only go into the cave and take a look. Moreover, this is not a place where Yin Qi gathers, so there is no need to worry about corpse transformation.

Shi Xuan revealed the Ecstasy Flag and sucked the gray-white gas into the flag like a whale sucking water, without leaving any residue.

Because the cave was pitch black without any light, Shi Xuan was worried that he would miss something that his spiritual consciousness could not see, so he took out the Qianyang green lamp and lit up a little light to shine around.

Under the dim yellow light, Shi Xuan walked into the cave. After walking a few steps, he felt a corpse sitting in a sunken stone wall in front of him. He was holding a jade slip in his palm. He was tall and had a jade slip on his knees. A rusty dagger, quite in line with the characteristics of the sword old man.

Although Shi Xuan was happy in his heart, he still did not dare to be careless. It is wise to sail the ship with caution. Slowly walking to the corpse, Shi Xuan bowed respectfully, then picked up the jade slip and looked at it with his spiritual consciousness, feeling very excited in his heart.

But slowly looking at it, Shi Xuan gradually became disappointed. Inside was the swordsmanship experience left behind by the old man Jian before he passed away. His experience on how to practice the thunder sound of sword energy, and how to surpass the level to practice sword energy. As well as many experiences of swordsmanship, the only thing that was missing was the experience and thoughts of using swordsmanship to enter the golden elixir that Shi Xuan hoped to see.

It was a wasted trip. Shi Xuan sighed and was about to bury Old Man Jian's body when he suddenly saw some sword marks on the wall. He scanned it carefully with his consciousness and found out that it was Old Man Jian's last words before he passed away.

"I have been practicing for more than three hundred years. I was an authentic Taoist sect at first. Later, due to my excellent talent in swordsmanship, I gradually became addicted to swordsmanship, so I turned to swordsmanship. After that, I spent a hundred years watching the tides in the sea, and practiced the sword Qi Leiyin. Later, I became a swordsman. Hundreds of battles without a single defeat.”

"Everyone in the world praises me and respects me. Wherever I go, everyone is in awe. I am overjoyed and even more obsessed with swordsmanship. I will spend another hundred years to break through the boundaries of my predecessors and practice immeasurable sword energy. I will become the best in the world. Full of pride."

"However, within a few years, Yu was horrified to discover that his life span was almost over and the path to the golden elixir was far away. In desperation, he ventured into the Heavenly Sword Sect's cave, hoping to find the golden elixir. No matter how unsuccessful, he still wanted to find the magical elixir. "

"God forbid me, and I gained nothing. I only discovered that there is an ancient sword-refining path here. I walked all the way and passed through the barriers. In my mind, I felt that yesterday was ridiculous."

"Yu Zheng wanted to regain his strength, but his injuries occurred and his life was over. He had to sit here and die, leaving these words and swordsmanship to show to future generations."

"On the occasion of my death, I will think about this life and regret my mistake! I regret my mistake!"

The second "I regret it" was already crooked, but these words struck Shi Xuan's soul like thunder and lightning, as if he understood something, but at the same time he seemed to understand nothing.

Turning his head blankly and seeing the Qianyang Green Lantern in his palm, Shi Xuan's mind immediately recalled the words his master said when he gave him this magic weapon.

"This Qianyang green lantern was a magical weapon I carried with me when I was a boy. The light on it is the Qianyang true fire that is combined with the true fire of dry flames and the true fire of the sun. It can destroy evil, destroy delusion, burn mountains, boil the sea, and defend yourself. Each has its own wonderful uses. It has been practiced to the seventh level of perfection. Later, because it was not suitable for the practice, I gave it up. I give this lamp to you, not because of how powerful it is, but to let you remember the way to choose when you see it. "

The choice?

"The golden elixir road is extremely difficult. Only those who can strengthen themselves, stick to their hearts, and stick to the road can finally reach it. I hope you will remember what I say today."

What is my path? What is my true intention?

Read the last words on the wall again, combined with the master's words of gift, and think of those exaggerated but actually heard praises and adorations in the corridor of the mind; I think of how after the perfection of the soul, due to stagnation, most of the rest of the cultivation will be lost. Time was spent studying swordsmanship; I thought of my complacency with swordsmanship and my impatience after becoming the leader; I thought of how in the end I pinned my hope on using swordsmanship to enter the golden elixir...

Bit by bit, these pictures flashed before Shi Xuan's eyes. Although he always thought that he was determined on his path and that swordsmanship was only of temporary use to him, looking back now, deep down in his heart, because of his achievements in swordsmanship and the respect he received, There is an unnoticeable wavering.

Based on these, Shi Xuan felt that the last words and the master's words were like a bolt of lightning that split open the chaotic darkness, revealing the solemn and glorious Golden Elixir Avenue. For him, this Golden Elixir Avenue is none other than the Yin and Yang Inexhaustible. The way to go!

The soul is as pure as a bright mirror, the true energy is rolling like boiling water, one dragon and one tiger, one yin and one yang, bursting out a powerful attraction to each other!


In Lingjian Peak, all the golden elixir masters were dejected. This formation restriction really got stronger when it got stronger. It was only a little bit worse just now, but now after using the trump card, it is still a little bit worse.

"It's better to give up. If there are more changes later, a few of them will have their bones buried here." Qiao Mubai looked at the Nether Sect, the Golden Pill Grandmaster of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, and other casual cultivators.

These monks nodded silently. If they really wanted to use all their trump cards, they might not be able to open the ban. But if the ban was opened and there was no trump card, wouldn't that mean making wedding clothes for others? Especially the monks of the Nether Sect and the Luofu Sect, they all thought in their hearts that it would be better to invite more fellow disciples next time.

Only Li Huaiyuan's face turned dark, as if his huge hope had failed, but the matter had come to this, and he could no longer force it. What he should do now was to eliminate any future troubles.

Just as these golden elixir masters and divine soul monks left Spirit Sword Peak, a sudden change occurred in the void in the distance. The spiritual energy within a thousand miles rolled and surged, whistling and gathering in the center as if a strong wind was blowing. As these spiritual energy It was so rich that white clouds condensed there, which were particularly eye-catching in the dark void.

"The storm is surging?! I didn't expect that there are monks in this cave who have achieved the golden elixir!" Qiao Mubai exclaimed in amazement.

Somehow, a name appeared in Li Huaiyuan's mind: Shi Xuan!

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