Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 275 The intersection of dragon and tiger, the unity of the five elements

Shi Xuan's name also appeared in Ji Wujiu and Zhu Huanyan's minds. Anyone who knew that Shi Xuan was in the Heavenly Sword Sect's cave and saw someone achieving the Golden Pill would immediately think of this person who is known as the most talented person in the past ten years. A person who is likely to achieve a golden elixir.

The two of them glanced at each other and noticed the happiness on the other's face. Fortunately, they had not yet taken action to chase Shi Xuan and had not formed a grudge with him. Now they could clap their hands and stand aside to watch the show.

How can the difficulty of killing a master of golden elixir be the same as that of killing a monk in the soul stage, especially when Shi Xuan is mostly a high-grade golden elixir. It is clear from the surging and spectacular posture. Compared with the one hundred miles away when he achieved the golden elixir, The wind and clouds are surging, it is a sky and an earth.

If you still want to chase Shi Xuan, it is not difficult to defeat him who has just achieved the Golden Elixir. If you want to kill him, you must either set up a formation to trap him, or chase him one after another, and wait until he is exhausted before succeeding. The former is already too late, and the latter The person was also involved in a wide range of things, and he would be left alive if he was not careful. He and others couldn't bear to part with their huge family fortune and go through the days of hiding from XZ.

So the two of them moved their positions invisibly and distanced themselves from Li Huaiyuan.

Li Huaiyuan's face turned gloomy. He was greatly disappointed by the failed treasure hunt and was emotionally agitated. He blurted out: "It may not be Shi Xuan."

Ji Wujiu and Zhu Wangyan said to themselves: You idiots. At the same time, they secretly wondered in their hearts, how could Li Huaiyuan be so restless after practicing cultivation for more than two hundred years, and even forget to use the communication of spiritual consciousness? This failed treasure hunt coupled with Shi Xuan's achievement gold Dan doesn't have to be so hit, right? The worst case scenario is that he will be on the run from now on. The world is huge and the Yangshen Master is not the Golden Immortal Taoist who can illuminate the universe. At most, he has many means to pursue people.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Huaiyuan's words, Qiao Mubai and Shen Xianyun's eyes lit up. Qiao Mubai said, "Could it be that Shi Xuan is in this cave? Haha, if it is him, it is possible. Three It takes fourteen years for the soul to be perfected to achieve a high-grade golden elixir, which is really impressive. Compared with his master, he is only two years behind."

Other masters also sighed with emotion, especially those who failed to achieve high-grade golden elixirs, and their words were even more vicissitudes of life. Even the two high-grade golden elixir masters sighed secretly in their hearts, how could they not be so relaxed back then.


In the void, the Taiyin Moonlight Beast and the Great Sunlight King Beast, who were searching for Shi Xuan, felt the fluctuations here and stopped one after another. Under the leadership of the two Jindan leaders, they turned around and rushed towards the place where the wind and clouds were surging. A big group.


Shi Xuan felt that his soul was in the dark and void Zifu space. From outside the space, the overwhelming suction force of true energy came from outside the space. So his soul turned and took a step forward to respond to the suction force. Suddenly, the darkness was torn out. Cracks, void spirituality and material reality begin to meet.

The soul takes another step forward, and the heavenly soul and the earthly soul that are always outside the body return to their places in the world and underground. The three souls and seven souls merge into one, the darkness is shattered, and heaven and man interact.

The true energy rushes into the darkness like a long purple dragon, letting the darkness completely disappear, and then coils around the soul, embracing each other, entwining each other, perfect and flawless.

Gold, its nature is immortal, and elixir is perfect and leak-free. This state of being in harmony and embracing each other, and the dragon and the tiger intersecting, is the elixir of gold.

The white clouds of spiritual energy in the void are vented down according to some mysterious rules, forming a funnel shape, which is a symbol of the interaction between heaven and man.

Shi Xuan only felt that there was an indescribable power, and he used his true energy to carve runes on his soul. Golden light, white light, black light, and purple light lit up, and finally formed four complex and unspeakable runes. It was a combination of ancient cloud seal script and ancient thunder patterns, but before Shi Xuan could sense which of the four Taoist arts it was, two of them turned into black and white light and threw it towards the Tai Chi diagram and the Yin and Yang two gas bottles in the Dantian.

The Tai Chi Diagram and the Yin and Yang two-qi bottles are both more than seven heavens and less than eight heavens. However, after these two Taoist arts were put into use, the number of prohibition layers continued to increase. In the blink of an eye, they had reached the eight heavens, and they did not stop after that. Stop absorbing spiritual energy and true energy, and when the runes, spiritual energy, and true energy reach a limit, there will be a sudden shock, and the seventy-two Earthly Evil Restrictions will merge into one and become a Tiangang Restriction. Finally, this Tiangang Restriction will continue to derive. , it didn’t stop until the Tai Chi diagram formed six Tiangang restrictions and the Yin and Yang two gas bottles formed four Tiangang restrictions.

Shi Xuan thought it was over, but at this moment, the funnel formed by the white clouds of spiritual energy suddenly rotated, and the huge and surging spiritual energy came towards Shi Xuan. At the same time, the five internal organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys From the secret place, five colors of light, red, green, black, yellow, and white, flew out. At the place where the soul and the true energy intertwined, it met with the massive amount of spiritual energy, constantly absorbing the seemingly endless amount of spiritual energy.

Finally, the five-color brilliance suddenly converged and merged into a multi-colored brilliance, on which mysterious, primitive, mysterious, and terrifying talisman and seal characters kept flashing. When the brilliance slowly subsided, a multi-colored flying sword appeared in Shi Xuan's soul. Among them, it was radiant, crystal clear, three inches and three inches long, and the patterns on the sword formed a talisman and seal script, which was not any talisman and seal script that Shi Xuan knew. Although he didn't recognize it, when he saw that pattern, Shi Xuan must have felt "destroyed" in his heart.

Of course, this does not mean that this talisman seal script is another system. It looks quite similar to the Yin script of Creation and the Yang script of Kaitian.

At this time, the spiritual white clouds in the sky slowly disappeared.


"The harmony between heaven and man, the high-grade golden elixir is probably Shi Xuan!" Qiao Mubai looked at the funnel-shaped white cloud of spiritual energy and nodded.

Shen Xianyun sighed and said, "Mo Yuan has taken in a good disciple. After returning to the sect, I have to start looking for a disciple."

Ji Wujiu and Zhu Huanyan were getting farther and farther away from Li Huaiyuan. Together with other golden elixir masters and soul-stage monks, they looked at the white clouds of spiritual energy in the distance.

But at this time, the funnel formed by the white clouds of spiritual energy suddenly began to rotate, making Qiao Mubai say in surprise: "What's going on?"

The others looked at each other in confusion. They had seen many golden elixir phenomena, but this kind of situation was unheard of and unseen.

After a while, when the white clouds of spiritual energy dissipated, Qiao Mubai slowly said: "It's probably Shi Xuan's adventure or reliance."

The other monks nodded silently, and could only explain it this way. A monk like Shi Xuan, who advanced very quickly at any stage of his practice and who only took thirty-four years to achieve a high-grade golden elixir, would have had no chance or chance. Reliance, that's really unreasonable, let alone his achievements in swordsmanship, which cannot be explained by his talent alone.

Li Huaiyuan's face was ashen.


In the small cave in the valley, Shi Xuan was sitting cross-legged in front of the bones of Old Man Jian, but in front of him, there was another Shi Xuan with a very clear appearance. At a glance, it was impossible to tell whether it was a real person or a spirit. Of course, the purple zhenqi wrapped around Shi Xuan's soul is quite conspicuous, but it is no longer called zhenqi. Because the zhenqi and soul are embraced by each other, the Shenxiao Tianlei zhenqi, which has some spirituality, has become the god of thunder. Light

At this time, the soul seems to be empty but still real, and the divine light seems to be real but still virtual. It has separated from the body. When the two merge into one, it is the Yin Shen.

Shi Xuan's soul squatted down, picked up a stone and held it in his hand. This was not using magic or Taoism, but actually picking it up with strength. By the golden elixir stage, the soul could already interfere with reality. Just the movement of one's hands and feet has great power.

At this time, Shi Xuan sighed, no wonder the chance to achieve a high-grade golden elixir ranked first. If Old Man Jian did not leave any last words, but actually left the method of swordsmanship to enter the golden elixir, then he doesn’t know how long he would have to linger and delay for many years. It takes time to find opportunities.

After getting familiar with the current soul, Shi Xuan walked back into the body. He was about to see what the two Taoist arts and the colorful sword were, but he just recognized that the two Taoist arts were the fourth-level Void Illusion and the fourth-level Liangyi Zhu. With the evil sword energy, Shi Xuan felt that a demon was flying towards him, so he could only tell in a hurry that the colorful little sword was a sixth-level Taoist art. It didn't look like it was a Taoist art, but it looked like a real spiritual weapon. It feels like a strange thing that looks like Taoism but not Taoism, and looks like a spiritual weapon but not a spiritual weapon.

After achieving the golden elixir, Shi Xuan felt as if he had passed through a dangerous level. His whole body was lazily unable to raise his energy. However, just a thought made him energized again. His control over his whole body at this time was unparalleled in the Soul Stage.

Two groups of void demons are rushing towards the place where the wind and clouds are rising from different directions. Because the speed after forming the bright moon and the big sun is not very fast, so in order to prevent the human monk from escaping, they are still flying quickly in separate directions.

When they were far away, hundreds of miles away, these two groups of demons saw a white jade vial suddenly jump up in the white clouds of the spiritual energy that was gradually dissipating. If it weren't for the strength of the leader Nai Jindan, they wouldn't have been able to notice it at all. Such a small thing.

But the small white jade bottle looked at the wind for a long time, and in an instant it turned into a huge jade bottle the size of a giant peak. Once the black and white energy was released, it was like cutting through the space, and it crossed the distance of hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye and landed here. Above the devil.

Those Taiyin Moonlight Beasts and Great Sunlight King Beasts that were not as strong as the Golden Elixir followed the black and white energy and rushed towards the Yin and Yang cylinders.

For this kind of demon who can gather together, set up formations, and exert higher strength, Shi Xuan will never let them have a chance to be together.

The two hill-sized Jindan Taiyin Moonlight Beast and the Great Sunlight King Beast are also swaying in the black and white gases. It seems that if they are not careful, they will follow the footsteps of their children. Because the Yin and Yang gas bottles have become The spiritual weapon even has four Tiangang restrictions. As a natal spiritual weapon, coupled with the mystery of its own restrictions, it can already be equivalent to a spiritual weapon with two perfect heavens. The suction power of the black and white Qi is so easy!

Of course, this is also because the strength of these two golden elixir demons is not too high, especially under normal circumstances, it is other demons who form the bright moon and the big sun, and then combined with them, they will be able to exert several times the power at that time. Strength.

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