Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 285: Change of Dynasty, Things and People Have Changed

Shi Xuan nodded, and at the same time decided in his heart to use the Five Elements Immortal-Destroying Sword as much as possible. Anyway, the most powerful Five Elements Immortal-Destroying Sword on his body now is the Five Elements Immortal-Destroying Sword. Even when faced with non-Five Elements defensive techniques, it is still one of the six most powerful swords in the world. The power of Taoism: "Disciple obeys the order."

Generally speaking, when practicing Taoism, depending on your own skills, some can be mastered in about half a day, some require more than ten days, some can even take a year and a half to learn, and some have conflicting skills. , either completely impossible to learn, or it takes decades or hundreds of years to learn it and engrave it on the soul.

After learning and engraving it on the soul, it is the first level of Taoism. After that, if it is consistent with your own skills, the second level will take more than five years, the third level will take about fifteen years, the fourth level will take nearly thirty years, and the third level will take nearly thirty years. The fifth level lasted more than fifty years, the sixth level about ninety years, the seventh level nearly one hundred and fifty years, the eighth level about two hundred and thirty years, and the ninth level three hundred and thirty years.

If the exercises are not suitable, it will take much more time. Many real Yuanshen have achieved Yuanshen, and have just cultivated most of the Taoist arts to the ninth level, except for a few that are obtained by the interaction between heaven and man.

That's why Mo Yuancai said that once Shi Xuan achieved the high-grade golden elixir and had that sixth-level Taoist skill, he could save nearly two hundred years of work.

Of course, the time required to practice Taoism is not static. The middle-grade golden elixir is 20% slower than the high-grade golden elixir, not to mention the low-grade golden elixir. Moreover, the deeper the understanding of the nature of Taoism, the less time it takes to practice Taoism. , For example, Shi Xuan has a very good understanding of the changes of yin and yang. When practicing yin and yang thunder and lightning Taoism, he can save 10 to 20% of his time.

Even so, it would take Shi Xuan nearly twenty years to cultivate most of his Taoist skills to the third level. By that time, the Tai Chi diagram and the Yin and Yang two-qi bottles would have been completed at least on the first level.

The time required to refine a natal spiritual weapon is half that of other spiritual weapons, and the time required by a top-grade golden elixir master is even 20% less. Coupled with a deep understanding of one's own skills, it can be reduced by another 10%. .

For example, under normal circumstances, it takes thirty-five years for the natal spiritual weapon to be completed in the first heaven, sixty years in the second heaven, one hundred years in the third heaven, and one hundred and fifty years in the fourth heaven. Shi Xuan only spent seven years to complete it. The sacrifice is successful when the time is completed, and in the future, as the level of cultivation increases and the understanding of the technique increases, the time will be further reduced.

After Shi Xuan said goodbye to Grandma Yu, he went directly to the left wing. Before he stepped in, he felt that Chu Wan'er, dressed in white and snowy, was meditating inside. Her pretty little face was still the same as before, without any trace of it. Children change.

Wan'er was practicing with her eyes closed when she suddenly felt something. She opened her eyes suddenly and looked towards the door of the room. She saw Shi Xuan looking at her with a half-smile, and asked with a hint of joy and naivety: "Master, Have you come to see Wan'er?"

Shi Xuan nodded, then shook his head: "Master is here to take Wan'er away with you this time."

Wan'er was surprised at first, then suppressed her emotions, and asked a little worriedly: "Then after Wan'er leaves, will your mother-in-law be bored?" It seems that under the guidance of Grandma Yu over the years, Wan'er's character has changed. It's not big, and it's precisely because it's not big that you need to leave to sharpen it, otherwise you won't be able to achieve the golden elixir at all.

"Who is your mother-in-law? How could she feel lonely? She has other important things to do. In the future, Wan'er, when you succeed in your practice, you can come and see her." Shi Xuan comforted her casually.

Wan'er immediately beamed with joy: "Master, you are right. Well, Wan'er has long wanted to go somewhere else to play." But in the blink of an eye, she said with a sad face: "Master, but Wan'er has a good friend, if If Wan'er leaves without saying goodbye, she will be very sad."

"Then let's come and say goodbye." Shi Xuan said calmly. In fact, if Chu Wan'er's friend has good talents, a strong heart for the Tao, and can temporarily let go of his ties, it is not impossible to bring him back to the Penglai sect.

Wan'er happily led the way and pushed open the crumbling door of Huilongguan. Along the way, many passers-by were greeting Wan'er. It seemed that Wan'er was very popular.

"Wan'er, are you going to play with Xiao Cui?" A lady who was cleaning the door of her house asked Chu Wan'er. After all, Wan'er looked only twelve or thirteen years old, and she still looked like a child.

Chu Wan'er nodded: "Aunt Zhang, my master is here and wants to take Wan'er somewhere else, so Wan'er went to say goodbye to Xiao Cui."

"Oh, Wan'er, you guys have just moved here two years ago and you're leaving? Really, wandering around like this will make it difficult for you to find a good family in the future." The aunt looked at Shi Xuan curiously.

Chu Wan'er said nothing and walked over with Shi Xuan.

Not long after walking, a dilapidated small courtyard appeared in front of her. Wan'er first stopped there, with her head lowered and her hands behind her back, silent, and rubbing her toes on the ground.

Shi Xuan waited for a while and looked at her funny: "Why, Wan'er doesn't want to say goodbye?"

When Wan'er saw her master finally asking questions, she smiled wisely and said, "The main reason is that Wan'er remembered something and wanted to ask for your help, master."

"You tell me what it is, and it's up to the teacher to decide whether to help or not." Shi Xuan didn't dare to agree to things randomly, especially Wan'er herself was a master with perfect soul, how could it be so difficult for her to get things like this in the world of mortals? .

Seeing the master's firm attitude, Wan'er had no choice but to say: "The Xiaocui family is originally a wealthy family. When we moved to Luojing a few years ago, we encountered bandits on the road. It was nothing wrong at first. Who would have thought that an uncle from my family actually colluded with those bandits?" , killed all the guards and took away everything. Only her grandmother, father, mother and she managed to escape, so Wan'er wants to ask Master to catch the bad guy. "

No wonder he asked for help. This uncle must be hiding incognito to enjoy the treasure. Although Wan'er has advanced cultivation and extraordinary strength, it is useless to find anyone, so Shi Xuan just asked: "Then Wan'er, why don't you Ask your mother-in-law for help? If she takes action, it should be solved immediately."

"My mother-in-law doesn't have a teacher to talk to. Wan'er was originally thinking of how to beg her, but here you are." Wan'er looked at Shi Xuan with a smile.

Shi Xuan thought for a while and said: "If you know the date of birth and the aura of that person, I have a way to catch him." Using the two-realm trace-finding technique is really a waste of time, so another one can be used just in time. Door skills.

Wan'er clapped her hands and smiled: "Of course, that's her uncle. Her grandmother must know about it. As for the breath, can the fragments caught on his clothes be okay?"

Shi Xuan nodded and said with a relaxed smile: "Then I will promise you Wan'er that I will be a master. But in the future, you still have to solve these matters by yourself. You must know that others can be relied on but not reliable." Since he is a master, he must teach you at any time. Apprentice, of course, I also learned this from my master.

Wan'er immediately dropped her heart and knocked on the dilapidated door. As for whether the master could do it, she was very confident and not worried at all.

The person who opened the door was a pretty girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old. When she saw Chu Wan'er, she said hello happily and then looked at Shi Xuan doubtfully.

Chu Wan'er said with a smile: "Tui'er, this is my master, he is a hundred times more powerful than me. I finally begged him to help you catch that big bad guy."

Then he introduced Shi Xuan: "Master, this is Bai Cuier."

This little girl Cui'er may have seen Chu Wan'er's methods, so when she heard her saying that Shi Xuan was a hundred times more powerful, she immediately became excited, convinced, and quickly saluted: "Taoist priest, it's not Cui'er. My son wanted revenge, but his grandfather died in the hands of the thief. My grandmother has always been brooding about it and cannot forget it. She also asked the Taoist priest to fulfill this wish for her grandmother. Cui'er will repay the Taoist priest as much as she does. "

It seems that they are indeed from a wealthy family. They have been educated since they were young, and their speech can be considered well-organized. However, Shi Xuan just said lightly: "Shi promised Wan'er to help, so he doesn't need any repayment from you. Just give the thief's birth date, clothes, etc." , tell Shi Mou his name, and Shi Mou will be able to arrest him.”

With Chu Wan'er as a guarantee, Bai Cuier had great confidence in Shi Xuan, and immediately let Shi Xuan in, while leading the way: "Grandma, father, and mother are all inside. When the time comes, the Taoist priest will ask Grandma directly. . Oops, Cui'er was so happy that she forgot to ask her surname."

Shi Xuan's tone remained unchanged and he said: "Just call me Taoist Master Shi." And according to his spiritual sense, there was indeed a white-haired woman in the dilapidated house. She was probably less than fifty years old, but she was already The hair is all white, and there is also a couple in their late thirties. Although their clothes are shabby, they are very clean and tidy.

But the man in his thirties was walking around the room and said anxiously: "Mother, I worked hard in the past few days to finally get to know several Taoist priests from the Guizhen Sect, and persuaded them to help arrest that man. Thieves, they are coming today, what can I do if I don’t have any money?”

The white-haired woman sighed: "I know Ning'er, you are also filial, but our family has extra money to ask the Taoist priest to do it. Alas, we can only help the thief. Let's live our own lives first. , Don’t let that child Cui’er suffer anymore.”

Bai Ning smiled bitterly and said: "Mother, why didn't you tell me earlier that the Guizhen Sect is the state religion, and the Taoist priests there are all arrogant. They are about to come to the door, but they are turned away. We cannot bear their anger. ah."

Bai Wang said quietly: "Our Bai family is also a scholarly family, and we have been officials for generations in the Wei Dynasty. However, since the Xu family rebelled, they took over the Wei Dynasty. Our ancestors were afraid of being implicated, so they went back to their hometown to farm and study until your father This generation has just revived the idea of ​​studying and becoming an official. Who would have thought that just as they were preparing to move to Luojing to facilitate your future imperial examinations, you would suffer such a misfortune. It’s really, really..."

"Yes, my ancestor was an official in Chuzhou back then, and he was quite famous. If it weren't for the frequent occurrence of strange things in Yangzhou, the Holy Emperor was deceived by the demon in Nanguang, and a fairy in brocade clothes came to the Xu family, the world would eventually be in chaos. , it’s out of control, and our family will never be in this situation." Bai Ning couldn't help but think of the old stories his father told him.

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