Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 286 disheveled evil demon

While talking, Bai Cuier had already walked in with Shi Xuan and Chu Wan'er.

Before she could introduce him, Bai Ning asked doubtfully: "I wonder where this Taoist priest comes from? Could it be that he is the Taoist priest of the Guizhen Sect?" After saying this, his face showed panic. Although the Taoist Priest of the Guizhen Sect is It's not that he bullies men and women, or bullies others with power, but he is also pampered and has a bad temper. If he is invited to his door and then turned down, he will get angry if he doesn't get it. And the Taoist priests of the Gui Zhen Sect are all good at real immortal magic!

Bai Cuier also knew that her father had invited someone from the Guizhen Sect to come to her door, so she quickly explained: "Dad, this Taoist Master Shi is Wan'er's master. He has great supernatural powers and boundless magic power. It was Wan'er's special request that he agreed to come and help our family. Catch the thief. "Bai Cuier has always been disdainful of the Taoist priests of the Guizhen Sect, and they are not as powerful as Wan'er!

"It turns out to be Taoist Master Shi from Huilongguan. I'm disrespectful. It's just that I can't even open the pot at home. I really don't have the money to thank you, Taoist Master." The look and tone of Bai Ning's words made it seem like Shi Xuan was here to defraud money. of.

Huilongguan is so shabby. Except for the refined appearance of the Yuzhu and Chu Wan'er, they really can't be connected with the immortals who have real magic methods. In addition, Shi Xuan still looks like he is in his twenties, and has great supernatural powers. , there is a huge difference between these eight words of boundless mana.

Chu Wan'er interjected dissatisfiedly: "Uncle Bai, my master is truly a man of gods. How could he care about your money? If I hadn't made good friends with Cui'er, my master wouldn't have taken action!"

for free? Bai Ning didn't believe it at all. He had invited so many Taoist priests, and some of them were honest and did not ask for money at first. But later on, there was always a loss of magical instruments, altar materials, etc., adding up, and Those Taoist priests who want money are no different. In fact, it doesn't matter if you need some money. The most damning thing is that no one can catch the thief!

Therefore, Bai Ning said as if he had seen through Shi Xuan's tricks: "Does Taoist Master Shi want the money for the lost silver of the magic weapon and the money for the altar materials?"

"Shi won't take any money from me. If you don't believe it's Donor Bai, I'll turn around and leave." Shi Xuan was just helping his own disciple, so he wasn't very interested in this matter. If Bai Ning refused to accept, could he still ask him to go?

Bai Ning was doubtful, but after hearing Bai Cuier's whisper, Bai Wang looked at Shi Xuan with bright eyes: "Shi Xian grew up to be kind and merciful, and acted righteously. It is a meritorious deed. I am here to thank Shi Xuan first." Immortal Chief. I just don’t know what artifacts and information Master Shi needs. "Other Taoist priests who come to practice always ask for black dog blood, clothing and other items.

When Bai Wang spoke, Bai Ning, a filial son, could not say anything. He and his wife Bai Zhang stood aside, looking at Shi Xuan with doubts.

"Old Mrs. Bai only needs to tell Shi the name and birth date of the thief, and then give Shi the pieces of his clothes." Shi Xuan said lightly.

Bai Wang was stunned: "That's all?" Those Taoist priests asked for a lot of things before.

It wasn't until Shi Xuan nodded affirmatively that Bai Wang said: "He is my nephew, his surname is Bai, his given name is Lang, his birthday is..." After saying this, she went into the side room to pick up the pieces of clothing.

Shi Xuan was somewhat interested in their conversation just now, so he waited for Bai Wang's break and asked Bai Ning, "I heard from Donor Bai that you mentioned Demon Dao Nanguang and Jinyi Fairy just now. How are they doing now?" Seeing Bai Ning, Ning looked surprised and then added: "I was practicing Taoism in the mountains before, so I don't know much about these things."

Bai Ning really couldn't think of any other reason besides this reason for not knowing these things, but since Shi Xuan asked, he also talked about these old events from the previous dynasty with great interest: "More than sixty years ago, the Xu family uprising After the war, because of the Fairy in Jinyi who was in charge, and other immortals with profound knowledge, they were invincible. Later, Emperor Ai of the former dynasty ordered Demon Dao Nanguang to lead the troops to resist the enemy, and they fought outside the city of Shendu. It was dark, the sun and the moon were dim. Later, the Demon Dao Nanguang's demon method was still a bit weak, and was finally suppressed by Fairy Jinyi."

"Oh. What happened next?" Shi Xuan didn't expect those in the Xu family to be so ambitious.

"The Demon Dao Nanguang was suppressed in the Demon Locking Tower outside the city of God. So far, there has been no movement. However, people say that the Demon Dao has practiced the method of immortality. Otherwise, Fairy Jinyi would not just suppress it, but kill him directly. "That's why the Demon Dao is waiting for an opportunity. Once he finds a way to escape from the Demon Locking Tower, it will cause a bloody storm in the world." Bai Ning was frothing at the mouth. The story "The Pagoda Locks the Demon" is the most popular storytelling piece in restaurants and teahouses.

Both parties are their juniors. Shi Xuan sounded a little sad and a little funny. Back then, Xu Jinyi only suppressed Ding Mingde but did not kill him, probably because of his love for being his heir. However, it seems that Ding Mingde has not broken through to the Qi-entraining stage. His longevity should have come to an end after more than sixty years, and he was suppressed again. He is afraid that he will have died long ago. How can he cause any bloody storms: "What about the Fairy in Jinyi? "

"Fairy Jinyi later founded the Guizhen Sect and passed down the Taoism. Currently, the Guizhen Sect is the state religion and is even more popular than the Pudu Bodhisattva Temple in the south. Later, Fairy Jinyi enthroned at the Guizhen Temple seven or eight years ago. It is said that a goddess scattered flowers to greet her that day. She returned to heaven. However, according to Bai's chat with several Taoist priests of the Guizhen Sect a few days ago, before she passed away, Fairy Jinyi was facing the east, bowing three times and bowing respectfully, and she didn't know who she was worshiping. "Bai Ning was in high spirits, especially when he talked about the last thing, he was very excited about telling secret things.

Shi Xuan understood that the goddess who scattered flowers that day was afraid that it was Fang, a fake Bodhisattva, who came to send Xu Jinyi. At the same time, he was silent in his heart. Xu Jinyi chose her own path and went to the end. He only hoped that she could understand her true intention and gain something. In that case, there is no telling how your cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds in the next life.

Mrs. Bai Wang came back from the wing, holding a palm-sized piece of brown clothing in her hand: "Chief Shi, these are the clothes that the thief was wearing back then."

Just as Shi Xuan took it, someone spoke loudly and knocked hard on the door: "Bai Ning, come out quickly to greet Xu Xianchang."

Bai Ning's face turned pale and he could only look at Shi Xuan. Since he has vast magical powers and boundless power, there must be a way. Shi Xuan nodded and said: "Let them come in. I believe they are also reasonable."

Unable to do so, Bai Ning could only go out and open the door. The man who knocked on the door even cursed: "Bai Ning, why are you so slow? Can you afford to keep me, Senior Brother Xu, waiting for you for so long? Senior Brother Xu is a serious royal family, and He is a wise man."

Then a deliberately soft voice sounded: "Okay, Junior Brother Bi, stop talking and do serious things quickly. I have to go back to practice as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, yes, Senior Brother Xu, you are worthy of being dedicated to the Tao and the best candidate to be the next leader." Junior Brother Bi flattered him. Although the Guizhen Sect is called a religion, the person in charge is not called the leader. Rather, he is the master of the main altar of Guizhen Temple. Of course, this is just flattering him. Taoist priest surnamed Xu is still a little far away from the position of master.

At this time, more than ten people poured in. The leader was a middle-aged monk with a high hat and a good appearance. His eyes seemed to be open and closed, making people feel that he was an expert from this world at first sight, and he was followed by A man in his thirties, wearing a brocade robe, with thick and messy eyebrows.

Behind the middle-aged monk, ten Taoist boys filed in, five men and five women. Some were holding whisks, some were holding swords, some were holding mahogany tokens, some were holding incense burners, and some were holding futons... with great style. It's so big that it makes Shi Xuan, the real master of the golden elixir, feel ashamed. How come we have been going through wind and rain alone.

Before Bai Ning had time to explain, the middle-aged monk saw Shi Xuan dressed as a Taoist. He snorted and stopped talking. Junior Brother Bi looked at Bai Ning with a sullen face: "Bai Ning, weren't you a few days ago?" Are you still begging Senior Brother Xu sincerely? What’s the matter? You don’t believe me, Senior Brother Xu? I think you’re giving me a toast without being punished!”

"Taoist Priest Bi, Bai didn't invite me. Taoist Shi's disciple is a good friend of my daughter, so Taoist Shi helped out." Bai Ning didn't dare to offend the Taoist priest of Guizhen Sect, so he quickly explained.

Junior Brother Bi was about to speak, but Senior Brother Xu stretched out his hand to stop him: "In that case, Xu is not very capable, so let's see what fellow Taoist Shi can do." In fact, if it weren't for the early breakthrough to the out-of-body stage, he would need silver to buy medicine. Soup or food supplements, how could Xu Yuan even accept such a thing.

Moreover, Xu Yuan is not sure about this matter. The world is so big that even gods can’t help the thief find a place to hide! I wanted to use some magic at will to fool these mortals, but now that I saw Shi Xuan here, I immediately followed the trend. I wanted to see Shi Xuan behave and show his ugliness. When the time came, I would go on stage. If there was a comparison, this Bai Bai I will also feel happy if my family gives me money.

However, Xu Yuan vaguely felt that Shi Xuan was kind-hearted, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Seeing that Xu Yuan had said this, Junior Brother Bi said with a sinister smile on his face: "Then Bi must also see the methods of this fellow Taoist." Then the two of them sat beside the yard with the Taoist boy serving them. .

Bai Ning looked at Shi Xuan in panic: "Taoist Master Shi?"

Shi Xuan has always had a bit of a bad taste. When he saw the attitudes of several people, he started to care. He smiled softly and said: "Then Shi will start to do it. Wan'er, go get some straw."

Chu Wan'er quickly retrieved a handful of straw, and Shi Xuan picked it up casually. Under the scrutiny of Bai Wang, Bai Ning, Xu Yuan, Junior Brother Bi and others, he kneaded the straw into a human shape, and then kneaded it into a human shape. Scraps of clothing were tied to it.

After everything was done, Shi Xuan placed the scarecrow on the table in the room, then loosened his bun and disheveled his hair, looking like an evil sect, and walked around the table, mumbling something.

As Shi Xuan recited the mantra, the wind began to blow in the house and yard. It was gloomy and cold. It only caused Xu Yuan, Junior Brother Bi and others to shiver involuntarily. For some reason, they felt a sense of panic and depression in their hearts. feel.

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