Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 492: The Fake Heavenly Palace Takes Shape

Chu Wan'er took the ink pen and seal of the seal, stood in front of the list of gods, and said with a smile but not a smile: "Penglai sent Zuo Si to come forward and listen to the seal."

Although Zuo Si had been mentally prepared for this matter, after all, it seemed that Shi Zhenren, the master of his sect, had the most authority in this matter of conferring gods. Naturally, he would not let the three disciples of the Penglai sect be conferred inferior priesthoods. But he did not expect that it would be him at the beginning, and he was extremely happy. He stepped forward and kowtowed and said, "Disciple Zuo Sikong is waiting for Master Shi's order."

Chu Wan'er put the sealing ink pen on the list of gods, and Zuo Si's name, birth, origin, birthday, etc. appeared. Then she put away her smile and said solemnly and authentically: "This is the order of Master Shi Xuan of Penglai Sect: Zuo Si comes from a famous family. , can control the Lei Department, stir up clouds and rain, punish evil spirits and eliminate ghosts. I am specially appointed to the post of Heavenly Lord of the Lei Department and supervise the twenty-four members of the Lei Department."

"This girl is really playing the game." Shi Xuan laughed and cursed in his heart. As for Chu Wan'er's far-fetched reason and naked tone, he didn't pay any attention to it. Everyone here is the founder of the Penglai sect, how can he be biased towards others? Can't? Doesn’t that drive people’s hearts apart? If a few other real people were to come up, the same result would be the same. At most, the reason would not be that only one of them was from a famous family like Chu Wan'er. If others are envious and jealous, then look for opportunities to join the Penglai sect!

When talking about the position of the Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department, Chu Wan'er used the imperial seal ink pen to write two complicated red characters "Thunder and Lightning" in the air. They were similar to the Yang script of Kaitian and the Yin script of Creation. They were the gods of the gods in Shinto, followed by golden As soon as the small seal was pressed upward, the word "Thunder and Lightning" fell on the divine platform, blooming with thousands of golden and vermilion lights, and finally transformed into countless intertwined ceilings, fluttering and flying to Zuo Si, while the fairy music sang a cappella. It sounds extremely sacred.

On the golden and vermilion petals, there seemed to be countless talisman and seal characters, which slowly melted into Zuo Si's body, making his momentum increase steadily. He soon rushed from the golden elixir to the soul, and was still there. Keep rising.

The Taoist robe on his body turned into a purple robe that seemed to be composed of various colors of thunder. A flat crown appeared on the top of his head. His eyebrows were twisted, and his skin gradually cracked. He actually had a third eye like an ancient thunder god. It was dark and deep. It seems that there is a sea of ​​thunder and lightning inside. The smallpox in the palm gathers and condenses into substance, which is a jade seal wrapped with purple electricity.

The improvement in strength finally stopped. Zuo Si's level with Master Shi was even higher than that of Chu Wan'er on the stage. However, he did not dare to be disrespectful at all. He knelt down with tears of gratitude and said, "Disciple Zuo Si thanks Master Shi for his kindness. , Thank you Master Chu and all the ancestors.”

He did not mention the Great Heavenly Lord Wang Wenhan at all, but Wang Wenhan didn't even dare to do anything to him, even if he got back the imperial seal pen and the divine seal later, who told others to be tough behind the scenes?

Later, two disciples of Penglai Sect were named by Chu Wan'er as Lord of Fire Star of Fire Department, Heavenly Lord of Mountains of Mountain Department, especially the last Heavenly Lord of Mountains, and the priests in charge of the Netherworld and the Eighteenth Level of Hell, just because At present, the Yuyu World has not evolved yet, and it can only be regarded as an empty title.

Then Chu Wan'er began to appoint disciples of Guanghan Sect and Yingzhou Sect on behalf of his master. Because the two factions had enough time to evacuate, only one disciple of the Divine Soul stage or above died, and they were named Doubu Doumu Zhengshen and Shui Dexingjun of the Water Department.

The head of the eight righteous gods is the real-life strength of the Yang Shen, among whom the Lei Bu Tianzun is the most powerful, and the remaining 357 ordinary righteous gods are at the two levels of Yuan Shen and Yin Shen.

When the edict came here, Chu Wan'er suddenly put away the ink pen and seal of the edict, and said to Wang Wenhan with a smile: "My master only mentioned these few, the rest of the righteous gods also asked the Great Heavenly Lord to confer on your own." Other monks, Shi Xuan and the Penglai sect don't know any of the real people, and they don't have much connection. It's better to hand it back to Wang Wenhan if you mess around, and let him express his gratitude. After all, he will acquiesce in the existence of heaven in the future, and he must save some face and peace for others. Way to survive.

Wang Wenhan was overjoyed, ecstatic, and very grateful: "Master Chu is so polite. Wang is just granting the title on behalf of Master Shi."

"Great Heavenly Lord, please." Chu Wan'er walked back and sat down, receiving a satisfied nod from Shi Xuan.

Wang Wenhan cleared his throat, and with the expectant eyes of the monks and demon spirits below, he said: "I am hereby ordered by Master Shi Xuan of the Penglai Sect..."

Before he finished speaking, several real people rushed in at the door of Lingxiao Palace, all of whom were known to Shi Xuan, including Wu Yue'e of the Guanghan Sect, Gui Yuanzi of the Yingzhou Sect, Shu Xiaotian and Qiao Mubai of the Luofu Sect, and Zong Muwei of the Medicine King. Jun, the Son of Heaven of the Netherworld Sect, and Han Congkuan of the Heavenly Fire Sect. Due to the incorporation of the Xuanhuang Qi of Merit and Virtue, Han Congkuan has already survived a heavenly tribulation and became the real person of Yangshen.

Except for the Guanghan Sect and the Yingzhou Sect, the others learned about the death of True Lord Blood Shadow from the methods left behind, so they returned to the sect. After all, they have secret realms and small thousand worlds in the Yuyu world, and there are many things to look forward to. The ancient caves to be explored are a hundred or a thousand times better than most of the vast worlds. Of course, in order to prevent similar things from happening in the future, some retreats and means must be prepared in advance.

Because of this, they all arrived at Lingxiao Palace much later than the Penglai Sect. As for the few remaining Daoists from the casual cultivators and small and medium-sized sects, they simply had no confidence to come up.

The real people of each sect have used Yuanshi to inspect the Lingxiao Palace and know its function, so they all have a tacit understanding similar to the Penglai sect. It can be used but must be restricted! So as not to damage the foundation of Taoism!

Wu Yue'e is still just the Yuanshen, but she is at the head of the seven real people, walking side by side with Gui Yuanzi. For no other reason, Meng Nichang has become a heavenly being. This is no longer a simple matter of coercing various sects, but has the effect of destroying other sects. Although Meng Nishang has always been cool and calm about the power of the sect and has never done anything so crazy, other real people from other sects can't help but lag half a step behind.

"How strong is the Yijia Yang God?" After the Guanghan Sect disciple who was named Doumu Zhengshen came forward to pay homage to Wu Yue'e, Wu Yue'e was a little surprised, but soon understood, and together with Gui Yuanzi, smiled at the Penglai Sect The jaws of several real people, the three sects are connected with each other, all in silence.

The real people from the Luofu Sect, Humor Sect and other sects, after calling their disciples out, did not speak, either smiled, or looked at Wang Wenhan gloomily, or looked at Wang Wenhan expressionlessly, which made him feel very stressed, especially The eerie black imperial robe is even more terrifying.

Wang Wenhan couldn't help but complain in his heart. Others thought the Great Heavenly Lord was powerful, but he was treated as a puppet by the Master Yuanshen of the seven major sects. In comparison, Master Shi and Master Chu of the Penglai Sect were better! At least he had the Yuanling of Lingxiao Palace to please him, and he also reserved most of the divine positions for himself.

After being linked with Yuan Ling, Lingxiao Palace expressed its helplessness. Not to mention Emperor Yama and Shu Xiaotian, the flying sword held by the handsome master named Qiao Mubai could also kill him with one sword!

Wang Wenhan was able to cultivate all the way to the divine soul, and was favored by the Yuanling of the Lingxiao Palace. He was able to make people feel embarrassed by knowing the advance and retreat, so he continued: "I am now ordered by Master Shi Xuan of the Penglai Sect..." to seal the disciples of the Nether Sect. The disciples of the Chengwen Sect were granted the title of Heavenly Lord of the Taisui Division, and the disciples of the Yaowang Sect were granted the title of the Lord of the Rewarding Good and Punishing the Evil Division, with jurisdiction over fortune, wealth, etc. The two disciples of the Tianhuo Sect were sealed under the Fire Division and became the True Gods. .

Now that the priesthood has become dignified, the four sects of immortals don't care. However, the phrase "under the orders of the Penglai sect's immortal Shi Xuan" makes them puzzled. When does Lingxiao Temple need to please Shi Xuan? It’s almost enough to please Meng Nishang!

Among them, Emperor Yama looked at Shi Xuan with a hint of fiery eyes, but with Zhenren Jiang and Gui Yuanzi here, he did not dare to move rashly. Moreover, Shi Xuan was sealed by the Diamond Glaze Immortal Talisman, so outsiders could not tell the clues.

Wang Wenhan saw the real people sitting on the transformed chairs and watching without saying a word. He breathed a long sigh of relief. He was finally able to make some friends. He glanced at Shi Xuan gratefully again and said: "Today I honor the Penglai sect's stone." Master Xuan ordered..." The positions of the Righteous God, the Heavenly King, the Heavenly Arms Marshal, and the Palace Guarding General were revealed one by one.

Because the number of monks above the divine soul is very small, most of them are still in the eight major sects. Even if the demon clan is included, there are only 113 true spirits standing in the Lingxiao Palace, so they all have the status of true gods. With his divine strength, he reached the sky in one step and jumped for joy, making the Penglai sect's watching disciples envious.

This scene fell into the eyes of real people from all factions, and they all nodded thoughtfully.

"After the edict, Wang Wenhan surrendered his life to Master Shi and asked Master Shi to give him the name of God." Finally, with a thought in his mind, Wang Wenhan turned around and saluted Shi Xuan.

"The Jade Emperor..." When Shi Xuan saw that he had established a copycat Heavenly Court, he was so disgusted that he almost blurted out, but then he remembered that there was a big shot also named the Jade Emperor, so he said, "Let's call him Emperor Lingxiao."

"Thank you, Master Shi, for giving me the name of God. I will lead all the righteous gods to maintain the movement of heaven and earth." Wang Wenhan, the Great Emperor of Lingxiao, thanked him.

Seeing the matter of conferring gods, Qiao Mubai stood up, first bowed his hands to all the real people and said: "Seniors and fellow Taoists, it is a good thing to have gods to control the movement of heaven and earth, measure the amount of rain, reward good and punish evil, but not The good and the bad can all be made gods, so who is going to work hard to cultivate Taoism? We need to discuss a charter. "In addition to the righteous gods, there are millions of gods such as heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals, land gods, mountain gods, and river gods. Position, canonizing gods at will means the disintegration of the Taoist sect.

All the real people nodded in agreement.

Wang Wenhan's body froze again and he said: "I will follow your orders." In order not to be rejected in Yu Yutian, Lingxiao Palace's attitude was very low.

"Shi has thought about something just now, and now he puts it forward for everyone to discuss." Shi Xuan slowly said, "First, as a god, you are not allowed to take the initiative to preach; the people feel his kindness and can build temples on their own. Second, today After that, no one can be canonized arbitrarily, and there will be a fixed number every hundred years, which will be decided by several sects and us together with Lingxiao Palace. Thirdly, the person to be canonized must have yin virtues or ordinary merits and must not be mixed. Fourth, what goes up must come down. Those who do not abide by their priestly duties and do things in vain will be demoted.”

Ordinary merits are not the kind that can reduce the black and yellow energy. The standards are vague and can only be used skillfully.

All the real people recognized Shi Xuan's charter and turned to look at Lingxiao Palace.

Lingxiaodian breathed a sigh of relief. Based on the unit of hundred years, he was still kind, so he said: "I am willing to swear an oath of cause and effect and abide by the regulations set by Master Shi. In addition, the list of gods can allocate some power to bless all of you. If you see someone with great merit, you can write an edict in handwriting and be directly conferred as a god. "This is the benefit of dividing it among several sects.

After hearing this, most of the Penglai sect's disciples' eyes lit up.

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