Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 493 A turbulent era

Shi Xuan didn't care about the expectant and excited looks of his disciples, and said calmly: "Thank you so much, fellow Taoist Lingxiao. In the future, my Penglai sect's Talisman Edict will be placed on the list of good deeds, and it will be equivalent to a calamity of pure Yang magic weapon. "

Just after Lingxiao Palace finished speaking, Master Jiang used Yuanshi to discuss with several other Masters, and settled on this rule, and then Shi Xuan spoke it out.

Suddenly, the disciples of the Penglai Sect were like eggplants beaten by frost, completely wilted, giving no hope at all? ! If there is no special opportunity, at least six to seven hundred years of hard work must be accumulated before it can be redeemed. Doesn't this force everyone to achieve the golden elixir and advance to the level of Yin Shen? As for trying to please Emperor Ling Xiao and let him secretly become a god, it is completely impossible. How could he dare to offend the real people of the Penglai Sect!

On the other hand, those Yin God Lords thought thoughtfully. Compared with the dangers of the path of the heretic souls and the rare and rare treasures of pure Yang magic weapons, the path of becoming the gods of Lingxiao Temple is extremely easy. It's enough but they don't have the pure Yang magic weapon to redeem it. It seems that they only need to say "exchange" lightly and they can immediately enjoy tens of thousands of years of life.

The biggest hidden dangers on this road, the loss of freedom and dignity, and being always shrouded in the shadow of others' life and death, are insignificant because of the Penglai sect background of himself and others. They can just do their duty every day without having to watch. People spend the day calmly, cautiously, and with many restrictions.

Seeing their expressions, Shi Xuan sighed softly in his heart. A large part of the reason why the road is difficult is that there are too many temptations of all kinds: elixirs, dharma, magic weapons and other various heretical souls, where the immortal body resides. Spirit, a divine seal, a strange and effective life-extending method that has cut off the road... These countless temptations will come to you silently when you are on the road, confused and shaken. , let those monks who are not strong-minded be abandoned by the great road!

Staying firm on the path will not only end at the top-grade golden elixir!

After listening to Shi Xuan's words, all the other sects, including Emperor Yama, nodded their heads: "This is a great thing to say."

Then the Lingxiao Palace assigned some deputy lists of gods to bless more than a dozen real people, and allowed other real people except Shi Xuan to leave means on it for surveillance purposes. After all, it was once the magic weapon of the God Emperor. , if he rebels in the future, it will be a big disaster, so he has to be cautious. Among these methods, the secret technique that Meng Nichang was temporarily sealed in the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword and handed over to Wu Yue'e for display is the most powerful.

The reason why Shi Xuan is as stable as Mount Tai is of course because he has no ability to take action, which in turn deepens Lingxiao Palace's fear of Shi Xuan.

Finally, the seven major sects, together with the Lingxiao Palace, set an amount of twenty for the Righteous God, and three hundred for the Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Generals, Land, River God, Mountain God, Poseidon, Kitchen God, and City God in the next one hundred years. Among them, the Rightful God There are eight Yuan Shen levels and twelve Yin Shen levels in it.


Penglai sect Tianshu peak connects to Tiandian.

After returning to the sect with their disciples, the six masters and the leader Lingxing came to Jietian Hall together. Looking at the intact main hall, I felt filled with emotion.

"Fortunately, Granny Yu used the means left behind to preserve Xu Zhenjun's core spirit, giving the old man hope for reincarnation." Jiang Zhenren sighed. When he became a soul, Xu Zhenjun had already fallen into a state of decline, and he was neither dead nor alive. But there is a Heavenly Immortal True Lord in the sect. No matter where he goes, no matter how critical the sect is, he will have confidence in his heart. Therefore, Jiang Zhenren admires Xu Zhenjun very much.

Shi Xuan received a lot of advice from Xu Zhenjun, and felt sad for a while. However, thinking that Xu Zhenjun had the hope of starting over again and making up for the hidden dangers, it was better to live or die than to live without death, and his mood recovered. Then he suddenly remembered something and said with a bitter smile: "Without the blessing of Xu Zhenjun's power, how can the Lord Yin Shen of our sect in other worlds come back? Those open worlds are fine, but the completely closed worlds may not be able to break through the mulch even if they advance to the soul level. What's more, Not to mention how to cross the vast void universe where demons are rampant.”

If this were to be the case, maybe there would be a miserable Yin Shen Yin Shen who finally achieved Yuan Shen, but spent hundreds or even thousands of years to return to his sect. As a result, just after he came back, the heavenly calamity fell, and his body and soul disappeared. That would be unjust. very.

Several real people were dumbfounded. When they came back, because Xu Zhenjun was there, they could just activate the time and space beacon gate blessed by them. It was easy, simple and fast, so they didn't think about it at all. Only Zhenren Jiang, who came back this time and had the same experience as Shi Xuan, had this idea vaguely, but Shi Xuan didn't say it out so quickly.

"Furthermore, the jade book of the sect has been destroyed, so we can't know their current situation, and we can't ask Meng Zhenjun for help and contact us remotely with the help of cause and effect." The head Lingxing's face was so bitter that it was dripping with pain. If Xu Zhenjun's core true spirit was not still there, those Yin The Venerable God still clearly remembers which world he went to and the respective time and space landmarks. They are almost separated from the sect, and the matter is completely irreversible.

This matter temporarily stumped Jiang Zhenren, Mo Yuan, Lin Luo and others, because even if they followed the time and space markers and spent dozens or hundreds of years to find the person, they still couldn't get past those plastic films that sealed the world!

Shi Xuan pondered for a moment and said: "Disciple here has a secret technique that can pass through the mulch, so I ask Zhenren Jiang to go to the world where these fellow disciples are and contact them one by one. If you don't want to come back and want to continue pursuing the path of the soul, , just leave a mark on the sect’s jade book, and if you are willing to come back and your longevity is almost gone, take it back to the sect and make arrangements.”

Like Lingri, Xie Fangwei, etc., their lifespans are about to end. After they are brought back, it is up to them to decide whether to reincarnate again, seek life-extending elixirs and continue the impact, or turn into heretic souls, or even confer gods. For example, Xie Senior brother, if you insist on attacking the soul, Shi Xuan still has a Taiyin Ice Crystal Fruit on his body, which can extend his life by 1,200 years.

As for Ming Qingyue, she still has nearly four thousand years to live, and she will probably choose to stay and continue to pursue the path to the soul.

Master Jiang lowered his head and said, "That's how it should be. The old Taoist also travels around the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Wan'er, who was listening quietly, suddenly interrupted: "Master Jiang, you are busy going out. I'm afraid I have to do something."

Seeing Master and Grandmaster, several elders looked over. Chu Wan'er said with a solemn expression: "My mother-in-law once said before she went out that as she left for a long time, those who coveted the inner skills, spiritual treasures, and secret techniques of the Xihuang Tianxian Cave , the true masters of the secret treasure may slowly enter our Yu Yutian, from the few to the many. Although they do not have the instructions of the God Emperor and do not dare to act arbitrarily, what if they take away the Xuanyin Seven Water Beads casually? manage?"

This is indeed an urgent need. The pure Yang magic weapon corresponding to the third heavenly tribulation is itself a rare thing. Without the Xuanyin Seven Water Beads, it would probably take hundreds or thousands of years to find another one, and Shi Xuan’s Cold Flame Heart Lamp It is unique to the "Treasure Record" and cannot be taught. The two secret treasures of the sect require mysterious and mysterious things that are difficult to collect.

The most important thing is that even if no real king dares to enter tentatively in a short period of time, the Yangshen Cave that is gradually becoming stable will have many real people watching, such as the Emperor Yama.

"Senior Meng is in seclusion to make up for the hidden dangers. We, the Penglai sect, owe her a lot. It's really not easy to interrupt her and let her fall short of her achievements. It's better to go for it. Shi Xuan, lend me the Five Elements Dirty Bell. This will save your life at the worst. "As for the matter of searching for Yin Shen's disciples, it's up to one of you two." Jiang Zhenren looked at Lin Luo and Mo Yuan. After all, Chu Wan'er has only been a Yuanshen for more than ten years, and it is not yet stable, and Zhang Zhengyan is not strong enough. .

Mo Yuan said calmly: "Zhenren Lin will face the catastrophe in at least ten years, so I'll go. It's also a good time to travel and prepare for the catastrophe."

Fortunately, Xu Zhenjun is not strong enough, and the world he travels to is not too far away. After teleporting to a nearby open world, the distance is at most a few decades. If it were the Great World of Grandma Yu's Seven Immortals, Mo Yuan would have reached the third time. Even if the heavenly tribulation is triggered, it will not be able to travel one billionth of the distance.

Lin Luo smiled and took out his other pure Yang magic weapon and handed it to Mo Yuan: "Defend yourself on the road."

Shi Xuan was grateful to Master Jiang for taking the risk for him, and also took out the Xuanhuang Merit Qi: "Master Jiang, you'd better build a Xuanhuang Merit Tower before going, it won't take a few years, it's safer this way."

Master Jiang was not polite, nodded and put it away. Chu Wan'er said from the side: "When the time comes, Wan'er will go with Patriarch Jiang. My time magic is miraculous in dealing with space cracks and fragmentation, so it will come in handy."

Of course Shi Xuan doesn't allow it, even Pirate Quanzi has fallen there. But Chu Wan'er was very insistent and demonstrated her magic of time on the spot. It was indeed very mysterious, and it was a pseudo-transcendence. In the special environment of the cave, it was even comparable to the Second Tribulation Yang God. So Jiang Zhenren agreed, and when the time comes, the Five Elements Danggu Bell will protect the two of them.

After everything was discussed, all the masters went to prepare for the matters at hand. Shi Xuan was taken to Tianya Haijiaolou to live temporarily. Because he lost his ability to attack because of the sect, the Penglai sect naturally wanted to protect him thoroughly and have his soul all year round. The Tianya Haijiao Tower guarded by real people is just the right place.


Walking with Zhang Zhengyan and Zhenren Zhang on the path to Tianya Haijiaolou, Shi Xuan looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and his thoughts were ups and downs in his heart.

What Chu Wan'er mentioned just now happened to be what Shi Xuan was worried about. The remaining Celestial Cave in Yu Yu's great world can be ranked at the forefront even among all the heavens and worlds. When the departure of Shenxiao Palace is confirmed, a few bold people will go in first to test it out, as few as seven In eight hundred years, or at most a thousand years, the Western Wasteland of Yu Yu's world will become an open place like the Tongtian World, but most of the people coming and going are the immortals and true kings.

Even if those who have close connections with the God Emperor will be blocked by Granny Yu’s friends and cannot come in, the remaining Heavenly Immortal True Lords are not good people. Even if it is hindered by the Shenxiao Palace, they dare not act recklessly and attack the seven major sects, but there is the meaning of Dongtian. There are interests, and interests mean there are struggles, and it is definitely not something you can avoid if you want to!

"Shi Xuan, what are you thinking about?" Master Zhang saw Shi Xuan thoughtful and asked curiously.

Shi Xuan sighed leisurely: "I'm thinking that in Yu Yutian, a turbulent era is about to come!"

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