Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 494 Breaking into the Cave to Take the Mysterious Pearl

Seven years later, Penglai sent people to the second floor of Tianya Haijiao Tower.

What is displayed in front of Shi Xuan is a string of hand beads that exudes cold light. It is made up of seven identical beads that are crystal black and seem to be condensed with traces of frost. But if you look carefully, you will find that each bead There are different shades of black, and the luster is rippling and rotating like running water, making it look vast, cold and deep.

Picking up this string of bracelets, Shi Xuan felt refreshed, without any biting chill. It felt like he had taken a sip of ice water that cooled his heart in the hot summer. It was comfortable, comfortable and pure. It was the magic weapon of the Pure Yang of the Second Tribulation. , Xuanyin Seven Water Beads.

But Shi Xuan did not show any joy. Instead, he sighed in a slightly serious tone: "Master Jiang, Wan'er, why are you risking your lives like this? It makes me feel uneasy."

Sitting across from each other, Master Jiang and Chu Wan'er both looked pale and had disordered breathing. With Master Yuanshen's strong recovery power and the many healing elixirs, they could not maintain their appearance of being safe and sound, which meant that the two of them were seriously injured. It was too heavy, especially for Chu Wan'er, whose spirit was swaying unsteadily, like a candle in the strong wind that would be extinguished at any time.

"Shi Xuan, you are willing to take risks for the sect. What does it mean for an old Taoist to risk his life for a little bit? In fact, the old Taoist is not in serious trouble. He can train for two or three hundred years at most, but he has suffered a lot for this girl Wan'er, and I am afraid he will have to be dismembered and reincarnated. , starting from scratch. She finally achieved Yuan Shen, but all her previous achievements were almost wasted in less than thirty years. I really shouldn’t have agreed to go with her at that time. "

When Jiang Zhenren said this, he smiled bitterly and sighed: "Hey, if I didn't take her, the old Taoist would probably have died in the cave at the last moment. Fortunately, she rescued me, and I was able to successfully obtain the Xuanyin Seven Water Beads."

Years ago, after condensing the Xuanhuang Merit Tower and making other preparations, Master Jiang sent a letter to the Guanghan Sect, explained to Meng Nichang the reason for obtaining the treasure in advance, and then took Chu Wan'er with him to the Western Wilderness. When leaving the Chu Yang God Cave, who would have known that although the space fragmentation and cracks inside had calmed down a lot, the immortal array was still dangerous. If it weren't for the Xuanhuang Merit Tower, which is difficult to invade with immortal magic below the fifth level, and the Five Elements Dang, the pure Yang magic weapon of the Three Tribulations. The two of them almost died.

When obtaining the Xuanyin Seven Water Beads, it was thanks to Chu Wan'er's mysterious Time Immortal Technique. After the two of them paid the price of serious injuries, they successfully obtained the treasure and escaped with the protection of Zhenren Jiang. It's just that the cultivation level is different, and the same serious injury is not fatal for Master Yu Jiang, but it is difficult to treat for Chu Wan'er. He can only barely survive and return. If he wants to fully recover, he can only be dismembered and reincarnated.

Seeing the master looking over, Chu Wan'er laughed playfully, instead of complaining and being frustrated, she instead spoke to Shi Xuan: "When my mother-in-law left, she once criticized Wan'er for having suffered two disasters, and this should be the last time. From now on, heavenly beings will In the past, apart from the natural disaster, Wan'er could go smoothly. In fact, with Master Jiang on the road, Wan'er could still get the chance to be reincarnated. Otherwise, when he went out to travel, he would encounter the disaster of corpse dismemberment. , I’m afraid I won’t even have a chance to be reincarnated, and I will die completely.”

Shi Xuan sighed: "It's really hard on you. I have to ask Master Jiang to send Wan'er to reincarnation before retreating to heal. In addition, I have to ask Master Zhang to bring Wan'er back to the mountain gate."

"It should be." Jiang Zhenren and Zhang Zhengyan, who was sitting on the other side, agreed without hesitation.


In the dead of night, the door on the first floor of Tianya Haijiao Building has been closed. Without a token, it is difficult to break through many restrictions. Even if you have the strength to break in, you will inevitably alert others.

But there is a small figure, taking strange steps, walking an even stranger road, sometimes forward and then backward, sometimes left and now right, three steps forward, five steps back, nine steps left, seven steps right... In this way, he walked through many restrictions and reached the door of Tianya Haijiao Tower.

When he turned back and looked at the densely packed restrictions that seemed both virtual and real, he was still frightened. Even though he had sneaked into the Tianya Haijiao Tower seven or eight times, he felt like a dream every time. He actually saw the secret of the restrictions. And he really broke through in the danger of triggering the ban if he was not careful!

"Speaking of which, I have to thank the uncle who swept the floor. If it weren't for his stumbling and weird steps, it would be difficult for me to see the secret of the ban and the steps to break the formation so quickly. Ha, I am really a genius in cultivation!" After calming down, this little boy The figure said to himself rather proudly, as if he were a six or seven-year-old child with delicate features.

He remembered that half a month ago, he didn't know how many times he had used the paper luan he made by himself to steal Tianshu Peak, watch the Tianya Haijiao Tower prohibition, and think about ways to break in, but the prohibition was mysterious. Although he was extremely intelligent, he was in Dao The Dharma can be understood with just a few clicks, and it can be understood by drawing inferences from one instance. I feel that this restriction is familiar and unusual, but due to my level of cultivation, I can only have some vague ideas.

Just when he was at his wits end and was about to return to his outer residence and continue to be tortured by the teachers who did not fully understand Taoism, he suddenly discovered that in the woods near Tianya Haijiao Tower, there was an ordinary man in Tsing Yi cleaning the fallen leaves. He was young, about twenty years old, but his steps were stumbling and unspeakably weird.

Glancing in panic, the little boy first laughed secretly at the other person's movements at such a young age. Could he be the kind of old man that many teachers said, who could hardly make a breakthrough in the realm of cultivation after taking Zhu Yan Dan?

But after taking a few careful breaths, he suddenly had an idea. Some of the old steps of the man in green seemed to coincide with the restriction! So my thoughts started to swirl, and I started to make associations. By the time of midnight, I finally had some idea of ​​how to break the restriction. Over the next five days, I watched it many times and gradually perfected it.

However, the little boy did not think that the man in green was an outsider, because most of his old steps were useless, and the few steps that coincided with the restrictions were also very far-fetched, and his aura was ordinary, unlike the Qi-inducing and Soul-entraining things he usually saw. Compared with the teacher's power, he was like a mortal, so it must be a coincidence that he understood something by analogy.

"He is still there sweeping fallen leaves, and he is not afraid of disturbing others in the middle of the night." This little boy who calls himself a monastic genius is, after all, young and has little common sense. He secretly thought while carefully opening the door of Tianyahaijiaolou, like a cat. He rushed in and covered it gently.

"My dear ancestors, this disciple is not stealing Taoism. I am just looking at the jade slips of Taoism that will definitely belong to my disciples in advance." The little boy clasped his hands together and muttered something, a little scared, but also full of confidence, "It's all the fault of those outer sect teachers. I always teach the disciples what they have already learned, over and over again, but there is nothing new, so the disciples come up with this strategy."

He would say it again every time he came, for fear that one of the ancestors would not be able to see it and would strike him as a thunderbolt. It was rumored that they all had extremely powerful powers!

After reciting, he cheered softly, walked to a bookshelf, picked up a paper medieval Taoist book with a few pages left last time, stood there, under the warm jade light and bright moonlight, Watch with concentration and concentration.

Half an hour later, he put the Taoist book back to its original place with great satisfaction and began to look for what he wanted to read next: ""Pure Heart and Peace of Mind Traction Method"? Boring! "Overview of Low-Level Techniques", "A Brief Discussion of the Nine-Yao Star Formation" "Why are these two books missing? They were still here yesterday!"

So he turned to another bookshelf: "Hey, why is it "Qingxin Ningshen Traction Method" again?! How come there are two copies of this kind of thing! What a waste of time!"

"This book seems to be good, uh..."The Traction Method of Clearing the Heart and Calming the Mind"..." The hair on the little boy's body suddenly stood up, and he broke into a cold sweat. It seemed as if there were gusts of cold wind passing by behind him, making his vest feel slightly cold, "Here, Are there still ghosts in the Tianyahaijiao Tower? You, the Patriarchs, must protect your disciples!”

But his prayer seemed to be in vain. A faint voice sounded in the quiet and deserted Tianya Haijiaolou: "You are too young. You should consolidate the foundation first. This traction method can purify the mind, and combined with the physical exercise method, you can get twice the result with half the effort." The effect is that those spells, formations, weapon refining, and elixirs will reach a higher level in the future, and it will not be too late to practice them again."

The little boy swayed and almost fainted. Fortunately, he had a tough character and could barely hold on. When he heard what was said behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his fear of ghosts disappeared, but he was worried about being caught by a thief. ,Fear.

Turning his head stiffly to look, his eyes suddenly widened. Isn't that the Qingye man who was cleaning fallen leaves outside? He, when did he come in? ! ! God is unaware of it!

The little boy stammered: "Senior, I, I didn't mean it, I just thought that I can learn the Taoism here in the future, but now it's just a little early."

In his eyes, the man in Tsing Yi showed a "ghastly" smile, pretending to be pleasant and asked: "What's your name?"

Confess or lie? The little boy remembered the other party's elusiveness and gritted his teeth and said, "My name is Xu Zhifei."

Shi Xuan, who was dressed in green clothes, smiled secretly in his heart and said nothing more. "Let's learn the traction method first. Don't waste the foundation." After saying that, he turned around and disappeared into the building.

Unlike Grandma Yu, Xu Zhenjun reincarnated on his own, leaving only his core spirit, so he might not be able to regain his memory until he is eleven or twelve years old.

The little boy Xu Zhifei was stunned. Did he really meet a hidden master? ! Could it be that he intentionally taught those steps? ! After a while, he finally picked up the "Qing Xin Ning Shen Traction Method".


Half a month later, Shi Xuan was meditating and practicing in the Tianya Haijiao Tower. Suddenly, a disciple of the Soul came up and said, "To Master Shi, there are two monks who claim to be your old friends. Have you seen them?"

Zhang Zhenren next to him was very surprised. Shi Xuan's consciousness was sealed, so he didn't notice it in advance. However, his consciousness was normal and covered thousands of miles in radius, and he had the bonus of the formation. He didn't notice the visitor either. ? !

"Have you ever said your name?" Shi Xuan opened his eyes and asked lightly.

The disciple nodded: "One calls himself Jian Tonghui, and the other calls himself Kong Ran. They seem to be a couple."

Shi Xuan didn't expect it to be them? Could it be that they saw the words they left behind when they went to Tongtian Great World last time to seek their help but failed, and rushed over? Judging from Jian Tong Hui Tian Xian Zhenjun's ability, he should be able to deduce that the matter has been resolved. Could it be that there is something else going on?

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