Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 495 It’s hard to predict the calamity of people’s hearts

With the light of the Ziying sword, Shi Xuan personally greeted him outside the mountain gate. He saw Jian Tonghui's long lavender hair with only a hairpin. She was wearing a gorgeous purple robe, but it didn't look vulgar. Instead, she looked down on the world. His arrogance and sharpness are vividly highlighted. He seems to be close but is actually far away, with a sense of illusion. He has indeed become a powerful figure who has survived the fourth catastrophe.

Kong Ran did not wear a veil this time, revealing an elegant and pleasant face, which was not inferior to Meng Nichang. But what surprised Shi Xuan was that in the void behind her, there were five sword-shaped brilliance standing indistinctly. The five colors of red, green, black, and yellow look extremely heavy, yet light and elegant, and are very similar to a certain magical power in the legend of his previous life.

"Does Fellow Taoist Shi recognize this five-color divine light?" Jian Tonghui noticed Shi Xuan's surprise and said calmly.

Naturally, Shi Xuan couldn't say that there were similar myths in his previous life. He smiled softly and said, "Shi just didn't expect that after Taoist friend Kong Ran achieved Yuan Shen, this five-color brilliance would actually appear. It looked very extraordinary, so it was strange for a moment." Is this? Can the five-color divine light be used for everything?

Kong Ran smiled elegantly but arrogantly: "The five-color divine light can be used to destroy everything within the three realms and five elements. When it defeats the enemy, it can also be transformed into the great five-element Yin and Yang Yuan Magnetic Extinction Divine Needle. It is the core of my father's Taoist inheritance. There is no semicolon in this family. Because it is a transcendental magic, after I became a soul, it took some trouble to master it, but I can't take it into my body yet. "

It seems that Shi Xuan's surprise and admiration made Kong Ran very happy. Being able to initially practice the five-color divine light was definitely not "with some twists and turns" as he said, but it took six hundred years to say no. Despite all the hardships, she had always been very proud of this, so she introduced her eloquently, and for the first time in front of Shi Xuan, she confessed that she was the daughter of Kong Ji, the ancestor of the Five Elements Taoism.

"It is indeed extraordinary. Shi is a little jealous." Shi Xuan admired it sincerely. You must know that in his previous life, among the many magical powers in myths and legends, the one he wanted most was the five-color divine light.

Seeing that Shi Xuan was sincere and unabashed, Kong Ran was even happier: "If it weren't for you, Taoist friend Shi, you already had the basic Dafa and achieved Yuan Shen, you could turn to my father's technique. It's just that the five-color divine light is a bit difficult to practice. Half of the half-step Golden Immortal disciples failed to master it in the Yuan Shen stage.”

These words were simply saying, praise me, praise me, which made Shi Xuan's impression of Kong Ran change greatly. He used to think that she was gentle, restrained and elegant, but unexpectedly she retained some innocence and cuteness in her heart. Jiantong next to her Hui Ze carefully admired the scenery of the seven peaks of the Penglai sect's inner gate with an expressionless face.

"Fellow Daoist Kong has mastered the five-color divine light when he was in the Yuan Shen stage. It's really not easy, but it's really powerful." Shi Xuan was not flattering, but speaking out of emotion. The five-color divine light should be similar to his own Yin-Yang Mixed Cave divine light. It is very difficult to succeed in cultivation, but if you fail to practice the divine light of the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave, you will probably die under the catastrophe. Therefore, all the living immortals and true kings under Yu Yu's sect at that time were all capable of the divine light of the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave. .

Kong Ran also seemed to realize that he was a little carried away. He restrained most of his joy and said with a smile: "If Taoist Shi Shi really wants to experience the feeling of using the five-color divine light of luck, if you have the opportunity in the future, I will bring out the Five Elements Boy and let you control it." Well, after my father combined the Five Elements Innate Dao Seeds, he collected the five Five Elements Chaos Feathers that fell off on their tails and refined it into a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, called the 'Five Elements Divine Light Mask'. The third decline of the gods."

After hearing what Kong Ran said, Shi Xuan couldn't help but think of the two secret skills she gave Jian Tonghui when he saved her. They were the kind that ordinary Yangshen masters could only encounter but could not ask for, so three thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind. The big golden characters read: "Prodigal Daughter!"

Of course, in her heart, she didn't think these were precious things. She is not afraid of being robbed. If the Five Elements Taoist had not restricted the magic weapon on her body to sharpen it, it would have been a very simple matter to rescue Jian Tonghui.

"If there is a chance, Shi really wants to experience it." Seeing other immortal arts, especially this kind of supreme level, is a great gain for Shi Xuan. The information about the tail feathers revealed in Kong Ran's words made Shi Xuan guess that Kong Ji's heel was probably the first peacock after the creation of the void universe, and he was a demon saint.

In this way, Shi Xuan used to think that Kong Ran had not yet become a soul and should be young. Jian Tonghui was an old cow eating young grass. It seems to be reversed. It is obviously an old grass eating young cow because he was born with a long lifespan, so It is not easy to achieve Yuan Shen.

While talking, Shi Xuan took them to his cave in Tianji Peak and ordered Black Dragon Aogu to make tea and serve them.

"I don't know why these two fellow Taoists suddenly came to Yu Yutian without saying anything in advance, which made Shi Mou neglect them." Shi Xuan introduced the topic.

Jian Tonghui nodded and said: "I just returned to the Great World of Tongtian from other realms. I heard that Shenxiao Palace went out to travel and seek opportunities to join the way, so I came to see the great world created by human power. I thought about it on the way Fellow Daoist Shi, you are in this world, so I came to visit you and give you a reminder. The news about Shenxiao Palace’s outing has spread throughout the Tongtian World overnight. It seems that someone did it deliberately. Fellow Daoist Shi, you need to be careful and guard against it. "

Shenxiao Palace is the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure left by Taoist Yu Yu. Compared with other half-step golden immortals, it is really famous. Its popularity is almost comparable to the only fifty-six golden immortal Taoist ancestors in the world.

Shi Xuan nodded solemnly, knowing in his heart that the God Emperor had made a good move: "Thanks to Fellow Taoist Jian Tonghui for reminding me, Shi probably knows who the person behind the scenes is."

However, in this way, Yu Yu's Tianshui will be muddied, and the comings and goings of the True Lord will continue, which will also bring about the inheritance of many skills. The entire world of cultivation will be stimulated by this, and it should prosper. Some monks who had no luck or opportunity in the past are likely to With rapid growth and the emergence of so many geniuses, it might be difficult for the God-Emperor to distinguish them.

Regarding this kind of change, Shi Xuan once thought, why didn't Granny Yu wait until she became a heavenly being, or even became a half-step golden immortal before reincarnating? But it soon became clear that for thousands of years, Granny Yu had almost never interfered in her own practice. At most, she only taught Taoism. She even taught only one secret technique. The method of cultivating disciples was very clear, which was to sharpen, sharpen, and then sharpen. , as long as it's not a fatal situation, I won't care about it at all.

Only monks who work hard step by step can hope to attack the great road, intercept the great road, and conform to the great road with their bodies.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Shi. Apart from me and my wife, the other Heavenly Immortals and True Monarchs will definitely watch on the sidelines. They will never have the guts to enter Yu Yutian within five hundred years. After that, they will only be able to do piecemeal testing in the next five hundred years. In fact, even if they interact with each other, Frequently, if the name of Shenxiao Palace is on your side, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, they won't dare to kill people randomly or knock on your door." Kong Ran comforted Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan believes in this very much. Even if Granny Yu is still there, you and your wife can only leave the country as gifts. Unless you are guilty, there will be no danger.

"Fellow Daoist Shi, do you exude the aura of the Immortal Talisman of Diamond Glaze? Is the third heavenly catastrophe coming so soon?" Jian Tonghui was suppressed by the Immortal Talisman for a long time and is particularly sensitive to its aura.

Shi Xuan smiled bitterly: "It's a long story..."

Just after talking about how the Celestial Fingerbone killed True Lord Blood Shadow and caused the catastrophe to come early, a fluffy monkey poked his head at the door of the cave. It was Qing Suo who was sleeping and waking up just after he went out for a walk and returned. He saw the sword inside Tonghui's aura was a bit scary, and some didn't dare to come in.

"Uh, fellow Daoist Shi, do you have the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure? Well, it will take about five or six hundred years for you to regain some of your strength." Kong Ran was well-informed and could see the essence of Qingsuo at once, "As expected of Yu Yutian. So. , Even if the Heavenly Immortal Lord comes in large numbers, he may not be able to get a good deal." She thought that there were many spiritual treasures in Yu Yu's world.

The heaven among the heavens and the worlds refers to the vast worlds opened up by the Lord of Creation.

Then she waved Qing Suo over. Qing Suo's monkey eyes rolled around, and when he saw the old man nodding his head, he immediately rushed over and acted cute, which made Kong Ran like it.

The three of them chatted for a while, and Shi Xuan casually asked if anything big had happened in the Tongtian Realm recently.

Unexpectedly, Jian Tonghui nodded solemnly: "Yes, six years ago, the Lord of the Dongling World, Zhou Zhengshi and Zhou Zhenjun, fell into the fifth decline of heaven and human beings and could not control himself. He went crazy and turned the Dongling World into a It was riddled with holes and became a ghost in the world. In the end, he actually wanted to attack the Great World of Tongtian, but was killed by the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Magnetic Extinction Divine Needle."

Shi Xuan was horrified. If he had chosen to stay in the Dongling World to continue practicing seven years ago, he might not have been able to escape.

The fifth decline of heaven and man, the decline of the Taoist heart, starts from the mist. Initially, the True Lord's emotions will gradually become stronger, and he will become protective of shortcomings, careless, irritable and greedy, not knowing how to advance or retreat, and overestimating his own abilities. When he wakes up, Most of them have completely lost control and are hard to come back. In the end, they either die directly or are killed by the Half-Step Golden Immortal or Golden Immortal.

Because the true king fell into the fifth decline of heaven and human beings, he was very destructive and irrational, and was regarded as the most terrifying demon by all the true gods and true kings.

Shi Xuan couldn't help but feel glad that he had chosen according to his heart and escaped the disaster. Thinking of another way, he blurted out: "I wonder what happened to Cui Wenzi and other real people? Shi was still in the Dongling World seven years ago."

Jian Tonghui shook his head and said that he didn't know Cui Wenzi and others at all, while Kong Ran smiled and said, "I'll ask you this." Then he closed his eyes and sat quietly, with the five-color divine light vaguely flowing behind him.

After a quarter of an hour, Kong Ran opened his eyes and looked at Shi Xuan with some admiration: "Because of the cave, Cui Wenzi and others were targeted by a true king who had just overcome the tribulation, and most of them were killed. One of them relied on sacrifice. The companions escaped. If you, fellow Daoist Shi, prepare to hunt for treasure with them, the opponent used by Tianren Finger Bone may have to be replaced!"

Shi Xuan was silent, if he chose to hunt for treasure, there should be a chance of survival. After all, one person escaped. But if he was caught by surprise, made a sudden attack, and used the celestial finger bones to kill the True Monarch of Heavenly Immortal, Cui Wenzi would face him who had lost all his strength. When you first meet a real person, you may take care of yourself, but the greater possibility is to kill people to get treasures. As for risking your life to help you find the secret treasure of overcoming the tribulation and the pure Yang magic weapon, that is not possible at all.

"From this point of view, this calamity is not only a calamity for the original heart, but also a calamity for the human heart!" Shi Xuan sighed in his heart.

After lingering for a few days, after Jian Tonghui and his wife left, Shi Xuan taught Chu Wan'er while cultivating with all his strength to prepare for the two calamities five hundred and ninety-three years later.

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