Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 701 The demon in my heart appears before my eyes

After discovering that there was a Demonic Heavenly Lord practicing the inner demon method near Sanxiao Palace, and practicing here, Shi Xuan had a lot of doubts in his heart. There were very few such monks in the void universe, and it was impossible to encounter them everywhere. Then Why did they choose to practice near a super sect suppressed by three half-step golden immortals? With their cultivation level of almost four tribulations, even if they have to work hard, they can just find a world with a four tribulation heavenly king. Why bother to come here and risk it? Strange danger? Hard work is not courting death!

As soon as this doubt arose, Shi Xuan couldn't help but speculate whether it was some secret activity of Sanxiaomen itself. As for the benefits of this, it was not known for the time being.

It is precisely because of such thoughts and ideas in his heart that Shi Xuan was concealed by the power of the inner demon from Tao Xin and Tai Chi Tu and took advantage of the gap. Later, in the illusion of the inner demon, Zong Sufei self-destructed her soul and Sanxiaogong took the opportunity to frame and pursue her. The murder occurred as a matter of course and logically, and was one of the several possibilities I deduced. Little did I know that my cleverness was mistaken for me. Due to my own subjective belief, I ignored the impact of the Heavenly Ruler on my body and the self-explosion of my soul. When the force hits the body, it is slightly different from the real attack.

Fortunately, there is still the immortal-killing flying knife in Shixuan Yuan Shen who has been watching with cold eyes. In the past eight hundred years, his cultivation has returned to the peak of the Three Tribulations, and when his intelligence is not blinded by the intention of killing, his character is the same as that of ordinary Four Tribulations Heavens. Jun Wuyi quickly discovered the clues and stimulated Shi Xuan's soul with his own murderous aura, causing Shi Xuan to wake up from the illusion.

"The power of the inner demon is really all-pervasive." Shi Xuan thought about it briefly and understood the cause and effect. He sighed softly in his heart. It seemed that when he deduced that this place was created by the Demonic Heavenly Lord who practiced the magic of the inner demon, the power of the inner demon was already there. Taking advantage of the gap, he invaded the soul silently, lurked, and quietly stirred up thoughts.

And Sang Yu was infected and attacked by the power of the inner demon, and his murderous intention arose in order to let himself relax his guard after dealing with the past, and make the subsequent illusion more real. "He is indeed a master of playing with people's hearts."

With all kinds of thoughts flashing through his mind, Shi Xuan simply refused to show the Tai Chi Diagram, letting it turn into a golden bridge on the other side and keeping it suppressed in his soul, guarding his mind.

Then the sword light unfolded, the dark void descended, and countless projections of the world turned into bright stars, shrouding the ordinary old man with white hair.

At the same time, the map of mountains and rivers of heaven and earth flickered and took Sang Yu in. Her cultivation level as a calamity king was of no use at all, and there was a high possibility that she would be manipulated by her inner demons to fight back at the critical moment, so Shi Xuan did not I hope she can help, so I put her away decisively.

Sang Yu was first controlled by the power of the inner demon and attacked Shi Xuan. After suppressing his thoughts, before he could say a few words, he saw Shi Xuan's sword flashing and slashing towards him. His face was really pale and his mind was shaken. , caught off guard and under strong pressure, it was too late to even use defensive means.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Shi Xuan deflected the sword light in time and cut the inner demon Tianjun out of the void.

Faced with this, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief and allowed Shi Xuan to include her in the picture. Fighting with monks who practiced inner demons and illusions was too scary and weird. She didn't know when her companions would confront her. When someone suddenly kills someone, he doesn't know when his attack will inexplicably fall on his companions. Therefore, it is better to leave this kind of matter to the famous Shi Zhenjun to solve it, so that he does not hold back.

She still has this bit of self-knowledge.


Under the Zhou Tianxing Dou sword technique, Shi Xuan did not hold back at all. The stars projected in the vast world collapsed one after another, or erupted with terrifying and destructive power, or directly collapsed into dangerous holes, causing the void to continuously shatter, and finally the entire dark universe was destroyed together. .

Under the "Void Destruction", the white-haired old man turned directly into powder, but when Shi Xuan's sword light touched it, there was a slight sense of illusion.

He actually switched his body and phantom between the lightning and flint, and avoided Shi Xuan's full sword!

Once he guarded his mind and was suppressed by the Golden Bridge on the other side, with Shi Xuan's mental cultivation and his immortal knowledge, he discovered the traces of the inner demon Tianjun. With a turn of sword light, Beidou loomed, and he slashed to the right with the intention of killing. No one is there.

Wherever the Beidou Killing Sword passed, all life withered. The harmony between the white-haired old man and the void was immediately broken. It was difficult to use the magic of hiding and he had to retreat from the void.

But when the Beidou Killing Sword struck him, a strange smile appeared on his face, and his figure shook and twisted, becoming transparent, allowing the Beidou Killing Sword to strike down.

The sword light exploded and concentrated, turning only a ten-foot radius into nothingness, but in the nothingness, the white-haired Heart Demon Lord was intact.

The Beidou Killing Sword has no effect at all? !

A feeling of extreme danger suddenly arose in Shi Xuan's mind. Without even thinking about it, the magic of "Liang Yi Mote" unfolded, laying out layers of prehistoric universe around him. Space-time storms and dark mixed holes appeared together, and the earth Fire Feng Shui breaks out.

As soon as the Liangyi dust array was laid, countless deep black shadows emerged out of thin air and rushed towards Shi Xuan. They were like the deepest and most unpredictable thoughts in people's hearts. Once they were hit, they would make Tianjun's mind wander. Chaos, going crazy, wanting to destroy everything, but when he finally wakes up, he realizes that all the destructive attacks are aimed at himself.

It is a common immortal technique shared by several inner demon techniques, but it is called differently. As far as Shi Xuan knows, it is called "Ghost Mind" in the "Taishi Heavenly Demon Book".

These ghostly shadows all hit the Liangyi dust formation, and they all turned into blue smoke while screaming silently.

Then some phantom-like black insects emerged from the ground, spewing black gravel from their mouths and hitting Shi Xuan's shadow. Once the shadow was damaged, Shi Xuan's soul would also be damaged. This is a famous fairy art in many illusion techniques, "shooting with innuendo"!

Shi Xuan's two-element micro-dust array completely covered himself without distinguishing front, back, left, right, up, or down. After the black gravel fell into the array, it gradually slowed down in the endless void, was swallowed by the deep and chaotic hole, and returned to chaos.

The Golden Crow threw himself into his arms, and the sword light was extremely fast, and it just cut the white-haired Heart Demon Lord who had no time to dodge, but still did not hurt him at all. Shi Xuan's astonishment was suppressed as soon as he thought in his heart, and at the same time, his heart moved.

"Destruction of the Void" once again covered the Heart Demon Lord, but when it was halfway destroyed, the stars moved, and the sword light suddenly appeared on the other side, cutting on the void where there was nothing.

Strangely enough, when the void was cut, countless white sword lights suddenly appeared on the body of the Heart Demon Lord in another direction, and then turned into a dark universe, suddenly expanded, and completely collapsed, causing the hazy fog covering this place to emerge from the void and be completely destroyed together with the universe.

"Zhan Zhi is on the left, Hu Yan is on the right, what a brilliant illusion array fairy art." Shi Xuan thought flashed through his mind.

Illusions can be done once or twice, but not three times. If Shi Xuan had not noticed that he had already set up an illusion array without a sound, he would not be worthy of being called the Three Tribulations Lord with extraordinary swordsmanship.

The hazy fog disappeared, and the figure of the white-haired Heart Demon Lord appeared clearly for the first time a hundred miles away. Shi Xuan's Beidou Killing Sword was mighty and mighty, and the killing intent swept over.

The Heart Demon Lord was a master of playing with people's hearts. His control over his own mind had reached the pinnacle among the Three Tribulations Lords. Facing this dangerous situation, he was not in a hurry and leisurely pointed his hand.

A dark figure twisted and emerged in front of him, and his appearance became clear in an instant. It was Shi Xuan, but this Shi Xuan's face was full of vigilance, worry, depression, and fear! "Shadow of the Heart Demon" is a fairy art that materializes the "demon head" in the opponent's heart. It is also a rare direct attack fairy art in the heart demon technique. After all, the heart demon technique and the illusion demon technique are weird and difficult to defend, and cannot be measured. Therefore, correspondingly, its direct attack and defense means are very rare, and not very powerful. There are pros and cons. Only the ancient Taishi Demon Ancestor, a stunning figure, came up with the supreme technique of combining the nine major magic ways into one and condensing the Taishi Tianmo Qi, which made up for the defects of the heart demon, illusion demon, etc., which were not strong in attack and defense, and the world-destroying demon, etc., which were not weird enough. Unfortunately, it still couldn't escape the attack of the Zhuxian Sword Formation in the end. Looking at the dark black figure, Shi Xuan seemed to see the heavy worries and depression that had been weighing on his heart since he achieved the top-grade golden elixir. They came from powerful opponents, from being inexplicably trapped in muddy water and becoming a pawn of a big shot, from the vigilance of not letting any secrets be exposed, and from the exhaustion of facing the heavenly tribulation and the decline after seeing his true nature and achieving immortality.

Shi Xuan only felt that the black figure was connected to his soul, as if the other party could see through how he attacked and what kind of attack he used, just like facing a real self.

"Is this the evil thought in my heart? Is this the obstacle to my heart that I can hardly detect?" Shi Xuan examined his heart from this perspective for the first time, then exhaled lightly and asked himself:

"If you step into this path, there will be many difficulties and obstacles, and you will be exhausted and tortured. Can you hold on?"

All the past flashed, and Shi Xuan did not hesitate at all. He merged with the sword light, and the purest and most resolute Beidou Killing Sword cut through the sky and slashed past.

"No regrets on this path!"

The dark black figure Shi Xuan also turned into sword light, also the Beidou Killing Sword, and the sword light pointed to the slightly weak point of Shi Xuan's swordsmanship.

The infinite sword light burst out, and the sword energy swept wildly. The white-haired Heart Demon Tianjun looked at this scene and calmly activated the time and space beacon, preparing to escape far away.

But at this time, the starlight above his head gathered and turned into a big bucket, which dropped a white dim light and enveloped him. With a slight rotation, he cut down his realm and turned the starlight into countless shackles to restrain him firmly.

Because of the suppression of the Golden Bridge on the Other Shore and Shi Xuan's careful mind, the transformed Heart Demon Shadow only had 70% to 80% of its strength. In addition, it was not a powerful attack fairy art. Even if it had 100% of its strength, it was only equivalent to the power of Shi Xuan's attack. Of course, if Shi Xuan could not break the obstacles in his heart, he would not be able to kill the Heart Demon Shadow.

After Shi Xuan cut through the black shadow, he felt a sense of relief, as if he had cut off a heavy burden that had been weighing him down for many years. His Dao heart became clearer, and he could almost sense the time in his own cave heaven.

"Is there such a benefit in fighting a cultivator who practices the Heart Demon Great Law?" Shi Xuan sighed with a smile.

But the white-haired Heart Demon Lord looked relaxed and leisurely, not like a captive who was restrained, but like a big shot looking down at Shi Xuan, as if he had nothing to fear.

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