Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 702 Can kill even if he takes on thousands of incarnations

The white-haired Heart Demon Lord smiled leisurely and said: "Fellow Taoist, unless I cooperate or your Immortal Searching Technique has reached the ninth level, you will not be able to find any information from my soul."

As the Lord of Three Tribulations who practices the inner demon method, his control over his soul and mind is even better than that of Shi Xuan, so he dares to say this with confidence.

Then without waiting for Shi Xuan's answer, he said seductively: "Fellow Taoist, do you want to know why I practice near Sanxiao Palace?"

"Do you want to know what the secret relationship between me and Sanxiao Palace is?"

"Want to know who's the big shot behind me?"

"Do you want to know the true meaning of the fifth decline of heavenly beings?"

Sentence after sentence seduced Shi Xuan, but in the end he showed a playful and malicious smile:

"It's useless if you want to know, because I won't tell you."

Being condescending and emboldened, coupled with the teasing words, he was paying full attention to Shi Xuan's emotional changes. Once Shi Xuan had any thoughts of fear, anger, or worry, he could escape through the gaps in his mind.

Even if one's cultivation level is reduced or banned, what does it matter? Isn’t the magic of inner demons just in vain!

Shi Xuan said calmly and without any emotion: "You don't have to waste your efforts. I know a lot about the techniques for cultivating inner demons. I have no intention of getting any news from you today, and I have no intention of handing you over." To Sanxiao Palace.”

Originally, Shi Xuan had these two plans, but after controlling the inner demon Tianjun, after hearing his words, he had a thought and gave up his original idea. The cause and effect elixir book was about to manifest the word "death". Type out.

"Haha, fellow Taoist is really murderous." The Heart Demon Lord still laughed confidently, and then looked at Shi Xuan with a half-smile, "The obstacles in the heart of the fellow Taoist who just showed the shadow of the inner demon are full of obstacles. You are wary, worried, depressed, and scared. It seems that fellow Taoist has some great secret. You are determined to kill. Are you worried that your secret will be known to me when you were attacked by the power of the inner demon? "

The content and tone completely irritated Shi Xuan. Although the Inner Demon Lord was proud of the weirdness of the Inner Demon Technique and was not worried about his complete demise, his body was killed and his cultivation would take a long time to recover. Therefore, he worked tirelessly to keep Shi Xuan's mind at bay. Expose gaps.

He was full of expectations for his last words. According to the display of the shadow of the inner demon, Shi Xuan should have lost his mind for a moment after hearing it.

But what disappointed him was that Shi Xuan seemed to have abandoned all thoughts and just took out a piece of black deep talisman paper with the word "death" written on it like blood, and it was about to fall on him.

Shi Xuan really had this idea. His mind had been invaded by the power of the inner demon before. Although he could only stir up a few thoughts, there was almost no possibility of discovering his own secret. Otherwise, the shadow of the inner demon would have used the divine light of the Yin-Yang Cave. However, this kind of thing has always been a mistake and he has not let it go, so after Shi Xuan thought of this, he immediately used the eighth-level cause and effect elixir book, and at the same time suppressed his mind, and could not bear to think about the inner demon Tianjun. All the words fell on deaf ears.

But when the book of cause and effect elixir was about to fall on the inner demon Tianjun, Shi Xuan suddenly stopped it.

The moment he cast the Book of Cause and Effect, Shi Xuan had already discovered that there were countless lines of cause and effect that represented his own existence, and each line was connected to the mind of a spiritual creature. It seemed that it had branched out. Countless inner demons lurk in other people's minds.

Originally, if he used the Cause and Effect Pill Book to kill the inner demon Tianjun, he would be able to erase all his thoughts through these lines of cause and effect and make him completely fall. However, at this time, those lines of cause and effect were strangely cut off one by one. The restrained inner demon Tianjun did it, but his other thoughts took their own course!

Normally, the differentiated thoughts and incarnations of the Heavenly King have different priorities. Unless the original body is dead, it is impossible for the differentiated thoughts and incarnations to disconnect the line of cause and effect on their own. Otherwise, mental confusion and division will occur. It is difficult to tell who is the master and who is the auxiliary. In the end, there is a 99% chance that the thought and incarnation will become another heavenly king with independent consciousness. The mind will be divided and compete with the main body for dominance. The consequences are endless. If you are not careful, you will They all fell under the demons of their hearts.

The inner demon Tianjun that Shi Xuan met now did the opposite. Every thought could turn into its own body at any time, even when the body had been restrained.

"No wonder it is difficult to completely kill the Tianjun who practices the inner demon method. In the end, the vast majority of them fall to the backlash of the inner demon."

"This should be the foundation of the Heart Demon Technique, which has thousands of true incarnations." Compared with the records in classics and other people's dictation, Shi Xuan truly understood what the Heart Demon Technique is after this head-to-head confrontation with the Heart Demon King, " It seems that there is some unique way to control and distinguish the soul, otherwise the inner demon would have backfired, but it is a pity that there is no time to speculate. "

Seeing this, the Inner Demon Lord laughed loudly:

"Unless your magic of cause and effect is an almost ninth-level lotus embryo of cause and effect, and can restore even the broken thread of cause and effect, you won't be able to kill me at all!"

"What is your secret? I have to think carefully and make some calculations."

"I see that your fighting skills are not bad. Why don't you become a handyman for me? Then I will consider keeping your secret."

His tone was full of mockery, and he had not given up his efforts to trigger the gap in Shi Xuan's soul.

"I'm standing here and letting you do whatever you want, what can you do?"

"Wait a few more moments, and this seat's original soul will naturally die. At that time, even if you invite the Four Tribulations Buddha who cultivates the Lotus Embryo of Cause and Effect, it will be useless!"

"The human heart is not extinguished, and the inner demon is not dead!"


Based on the experience of the Heart Demon Lord in playing with people's hearts, when Shi Xuan suddenly found that he could not completely kill himself and prevent the secret that might be spied on from leaking out, there must be a brief shock and panic, as well as anger. What he needs to do is to arouse and expand it and take the opportunity to escape.

However, in his full sense of Shi Xuan's mind, he did not find any anger or shock in him, but a faint sense of playfulness.

"This?" Just when the Heart Demon Lord was a little puzzled, he saw a small vermilion gourd flying out of Shi Xuan's soul, and then Shi Xuan said softly: "Please show up, fellow Taoist."

A white light rose slowly from the mouth of the vermilion gourd, and there was something with eyebrows and eyes inside.

It shot out two rays of light, which fell directly on the Heart Demon Lord.

The Heart Demon Lord immediately felt a strong killing intent erupting in his soul. His thoughts were fixed, his telepathy was fixed, his power of the Heart Demon was fixed, his broken cause and effect was fixed, his fate was fixed, and all the thoughts and incarnations lurking in countless minds were also strangely fixed.

Encountering this situation for the first time, the Heart Demon Lord suddenly lost control of his mind for a short time, and panic and fear emerged, but he was also fixed.

There were countless meanings in his eyes that he wanted to convey to Shi Xuan, but with his thoughts fixed, he could only see a dull look.

"Do you want to tell me why you dare to practice near the Sanxiao Palace?"

"Do you want to tell me about your relationship with the Sanxiao Palace? What are you doing secretly?"

"Do you want to tell me which big shot is behind you?"

"Do you want to let go of your soul and mind and let me search for the gods?"

If the Heart Demon Lord had not been fixed in everything, he would definitely nod heavily, and the one who knows me is a fellow Taoist!

But he immediately heard Shi Xuan laugh softly:

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Then, Shi Xuan bowed slightly: "Please turn around, fellow Taoist."

The white knife light spun gently, and the Heart Demon Lord was split into two and slowly dissipated.

And countless ordinary people, monsters, cultivators, Yuanshen Zhenren, and Tianxian Zhenjun suddenly felt a sense of relief in their hearts, as if some dust had been wiped off.

However, Shi Xuan suddenly found through the immortal sense of the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife that when he cut through a certain thought of the Heart Demon Lord, a faint backlash force descended, seemingly weak, but close to the origin of the Great Dao, breaking through obstacles all the way and about to break into Shi Xuan's heart.

Fortunately, the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife still contained two innate killing auras, and Shi Xuan killed the Heart Demon Lord through the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife. The closer the Heart Demon backlash force was to the innate killing aura, the weaker it became, and finally completely dissipated, making it difficult to affect Shi Xuan.

It seemed that Shi Xuan had not known any secrets, or was worried that taking action himself would expose his own existence. After this backlash, no other force descended, which made Shi Xuan secretly relieved.

Sanxiao Palace is not Penglai Sect. Shi Xuan does not care what secrets are hidden. Naturally, he will not wade into this muddy water. Shi Xuan does not care about the relationship between the heart demon and the decline of the heart of Tao. At most, they are just slightly similar. Otherwise, since the creation of the universe, there would not be so many Tianjuns who practiced the heart demon method and died in the fifth decline of the heavenly man, and could not achieve the half-step golden immortal.

The small vermilion gourd transformed by the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife jumped and asked in confusion: "Master, you can just use it directly, why do you have to keep saying something like "Fellow Daoist, show up, turn around?"

After Shi Xuan slashed the shadow of the inner demon, he felt very relaxed and said jokingly: "Slaying the immortals, this is the fun of life, it is not something that a cultivator like you who only knows how to fight and kill can understand."

Putting away the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, Shi Xuan shook Sang Yu out of the map of heaven and earth: "The Tianjun who practiced the inner demon method has been killed by this poor Taoist, but the inner demon method is very strange, and I dare not say whether he was completely killed. The specific details of the matter still need your sect to investigate personally." It shows the attitude of not interfering.

Sang Yu was very satisfied with Shi Xuan's attitude. After all, this was near Sanxiao Palace. If Shi Xuan intervened and investigated, how would Sanxiao Palace save its reputation? She smiled and said, "This is a serious matter. I will contact some seniors who have experienced three or four tribulations to return. Senior Mo should be back by then." This was her way of repaying Shi Xuan's life-saving grace just now. As for more, it depends on Shi Xuan's request. I will do my best. "Thank you so much, fellow Daoist Sang." Shi Xuan did not feel that he had saved Sang Yu's life. On the contrary, if it were not for him, Sang Yu would not have fallen into danger. "By the way, does your sect have a second-tribulation Heavenly Lord named Zong Sufei?" Although there are few Heavenly Lords who have survived the second decline of the celestial being, most of them are not as famous as Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu. Sang Yu smiled and said, "It seems that Shi Zhenjun knows a lot of Heavenly Lords in our sect, but Senior Zong is also traveling abroad." Shi Xuan nodded indifferently and said goodbye to Sang Yu. A few days later, Shi Xuan didn't know how the investigation went, but Mo Jingqiu sent a letter inviting Shi Xuan to come over for a chat.

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