Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 703 There are always clouds covering your eyes

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Sanxiao Palace, Jiangxiao Cave Palace, and Mo Jingqiu Cave Palace are gracefully furnished but not gorgeous. Instead, they exude an elegant and restrained flavor, which is very consistent with Mo Jingqiu's appearance and temperament.

Seeing Shi Xuan walking in under the guidance of Sang Yu, Mo Jingqiu, who was wearing a dark purple Taoist robe, stood up to greet him with a smile on his lips: "Thanks to Taoist friend Shi for discovering this incident unintentionally, otherwise it would have caused a big disaster in the future. Come out, how can our face be saved? It’s really dark under the lamp. I would like to thank you first on behalf of the sect.”

There was no panic or fear in his tone. After all, there were three half-step golden immortals in Sanxiao Palace to suppress him, and the Inner Demon Heavenly Lord could only do some sneaky things, secretly harming several disciples and not threatening Sanxiao. The root of the palace is at best a matter of face.

Shi Xuan smiled and cupped his hands: "Shi just happened to meet him at the right time. By the way, can you find out the origin and whereabouts of the demon king?"

"The techniques for cultivating inner demons are extremely weird, and I haven't found any clues yet. If I don't gain anything anymore, I'm afraid I have to report it to Grandmaster Mu Jing." Sang Yu took over the conversation, talking about the gains in the past few days, and then joked, "Perhaps the inner demon Lord has been completely killed by you, Shi Zhenjun, and most of the traces of his existence have been erased."

She was really joking when she said this. After all, the monks who practice the magic of the inner demon are all strange and difficult to kill. Unless they find a way to target them, it is difficult to get rid of them completely. However, Shi Xuan and the inner demon Tianjun met on a narrow road and met for the first time.

Shi Xuan chuckled: "I hope so." The Inner Demon Lord seemed to have given up on the normal way of existence, and was between material and spiritual things. Not only did he not have any secret treasures on his body, he didn't even have his own spiritual treasures, which was quite strange. .

Sang Yu exchanged pleasantries for a few words and then left without disturbing Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu.

"Fellow Taoist Shi, I really didn't expect you to come to visit me and come to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. I wonder what your purpose is?" Seeing Sang Yu leave, Mo Jingqiu got straight to the point with a smile. After all, there were only two people at the Taixu Dharma Assembly. We met several times, but we never even exchanged words, let alone any friendship. "I heard that you, Taoist friend Shi, have been traveling in various major realms for the past two thousand years, often looking for the Lord of Three Tribulations to spar with each other. Is this why you came to me?"

The contest between Mo Yun Fei Jian and Hunyuan Jin Dou was indeed a rare communication experience, so Mo Jingqiu asked this question.

Shi Xuan didn't hide anything, and said frankly: "If Fellow Daoist Mo wants to discuss things, Shi will naturally be very happy to do so. However, I have something to ask for when I visit Fellow Daoist Mo this time."

"I don't know what's the matter?" A little curiosity appeared on Mo Jingqiu's elegant face. She really couldn't think of anything Shi Xuan wanted to ask of her. It couldn't be a marriage proposal, right?

Shi Xuan solemnly said: "If Shi wants to practice a secret technique, he needs a little source of the Great Dao of the Innate Universe. I would like to ask fellow Taoist Mo to ask Senior Xuan Xiao of your sect for some. Shi will definitely be rewarded."

"I'm afraid this matter will disappoint you, Fellow Daoist Shi." Mo Jingqiu frowned slightly, "Actually, just because of the inner demon Tianjun matter, our sect owes you a favor, Fellow Daoist Shi, so it is not difficult to ask Patriarch Xuanxiao for it. . But to be honest, Patriarch Xuanxiao, like the senior Shenxiao of your sect, traveled out to take the last step tens of thousands of years ago. She has not returned yet and cannot be contacted. If her soul lamp in the sect had not been extinguished, , It’s very normal, I’m afraid I thought she had died. Please don’t spread this matter, Daoist Master Shi.”

Shi Xuan did not expect to encounter such a situation. There was no news in the void universe about Xuan Xiao's travels. Otherwise, he would not have come to the door at all, but Mo Jingqiu had no need to lie about this kind of thing. , so he could only smile bitterly and ask: "Can't even the two seniors Chi Xiao and Mu Jing contact senior Xuan Xiao?"

"There is an agreed-upon emergency contact method, but Patriarch Xuanxiao went out this time to seek truth. As long as there is no problem with her soul lamp, the two Patriarchs will not interrupt her rashly." Mo Jingqiu explained half-jokingly, "Yes. Otherwise, it would be a great injustice if Patriarch Xuan Xiao was having an indescribable enlightenment and was about to take the crucial step of joining the path, when he was suddenly interrupted by an emergency call and could no longer find the feeling of enlightenment. "

When Mo Jingqiu mentioned this, Shi Xuan didn't want to force it, and sighed softly: "It's really an unfortunate opportunity."

Mo Jingqiu smiled thoughtfully and said: "Actually, I know that there is a place where there are quite a few of the origins of the Great Dao of the Innate Universe."

Shi Xuan had an idea and laughed at himself: "Could it be that Fellow Daoist Mo wants to talk about the Dragon Realm? For some reasons, it is really inconvenient for Shi to go, and he does not dare to entrust other fellow Daoists for fear of harming them." Based on the words of Jinxian Dao Ancestor. Yes, once he reaches the Dragon Realm and takes the origin of the Innate Universe that is related to the Ancestral Dragon, Shi Xuan doesn't think he can hide it from him. It is very likely that he will even figure out the whole story. The risk is really great.

"It's the Dragon Realm." Mo Jingqiu laughed, "It turns out that Fellow Taoist Shi has another love, so I said it shouldn't be difficult to find out."

After finishing speaking, she smiled softly, looking graceful and noble: "This sect owes you a favor, Fellow Daoist Shi, so why don't we two agree on a method of contact. Once Patriarch Xuanxiao returns, or other people in our sect get information about the origin of Yuzhi Dao I can tell you the news in time."

Shi Xuan had no other choice and nodded: "That's very good."

Like those Four Tribulation Heavenly Lords, Shi Xuan left behind a talisman with condensed magic power. He put the matter aside for the time being and started chatting with Mo Jingqiu, exchanging the three-cai magic-destroying sword and the Hunyuan Golden Dou without involving specific methods. All sorts.

After some exchanges, Shi Xuan felt that he benefited a lot. Sanxiao Palace was created by Hunyuan Jindou, the ancestor of Moyun Dao. It is naturally unusual on the innate Moyun Dao, and the "Hunyuan Zhendao Baojing" has been passed down for nearly two hundred years. For thousands of years, all the opinions of future generations of Tianjun have been verified, and they are also unique and subtle. Compared with Shi Xuan's self-cultivated Wild Fox Zen, it is far more brilliant than Taoism. Fortunately, Shi Xuan's is not bad luck at all, but yin and yang.

During the exchange, Shi Xuan suddenly remembered something and said with a smile: "In the past, when Taoist friend Mo came to Yu Yutian, he actually passed the Penglai sect and refused to enter. If a Jindan master of our sect hadn't met you by chance, Shi would not have known it at all. Know.”

"At that time, fellow Taoist Shi, you hadn't shown up for a long time and seemed to be out, so I didn't come to bother you. Now that I think about it, you must have been preparing for the third decline of heaven and man." Mo Jingqiu said with a leisurely smile, "And I'm not going to explore some cave. , What kind of secret treasure are you looking for, just to experience the operation of the three thousand avenues, without the help of others. Unfortunately, the place where Yu Yutian's core was has not yet calmed down enough for us to enter, so it seems we have to wait a little longer. "

Shi Xuan sensed something was wrong from the words, and said doubtfully: "Experience the movement of the three thousand avenues... What does Fellow Daoist Mo mean by this?"

There was slight surprise in Mo Jing Qiu Ming's eyes: "You don't know, fellow Daoist Shi? Senior Shenxiao didn't mention it to the Penglai sect?"

"No, please tell me, fellow Taoist Mo." Shi Xuan sincerely handed over his hand.

Mo Jingqiu stroked his cheek with his left hand, looked at Shi Xuan and joked: "So, fellow Taoist Shi, you are guarding the treasure mountain without knowing it."

After a pause, she explained with a smile: "I don't know how Jinxian realizes creation, but I know that once he realizes creation, he can use his two opposite innate Tao seeds as roots to develop his own three thousand souls. The Great Way, and the great world opened up by the Lord of Creation is to perfect these three thousand avenues. Even if what is left in the end is not the real three thousand avenues, it is almost the same as the real one. Except that it cannot be used to combine Tao, it can be used to It’s more than enough to understand how the three thousand avenues work.”

"Especially for the Golden Immortal, only by understanding the movement of the three thousand avenues can he find the method and path to sublimate the Tao seed and condense his own opposite Tao seed. Otherwise, why don't several Golden Immortals under the Lord of Creation leave Yu Jingtian, Liuli Tian and others, looking for the vast world, opening up a Taoist temple, calling the Buddha an ancestor, and being at ease? "

"Otherwise, after Taoist Yu Yu left forever in the past, why did Taoist Yujing, Taoist Xinghe, and Demon Ancestor Taishi still depend on Yu Yutian, crowded together with Taoist Qingyunzi in the vast world?"

"All the Tianjuns under the Taoist Ancestor's sect know all this. Although Senior Shenxiao is only a half-step golden immortal, she is Taoist Yu Yu's portable spiritual treasure. She should know about it in detail. However, it is understandable that Yu Yutian was damaged like this. The core There is no way to get in, and she might think it’s useless to say anything.”

Seeing that Shi Xuan was a little shocked, Mo Jingqiu couldn't help but smile:

"Actually, even if Senior Shenxiao didn't mention it, you yourself, Taoist friend Shi, should have thought of it a long time ago. How powerful is the Golden Immortal Dao Ancestor? With three Golden Immortals fighting, how can the ordinary world survive until Senior Shenxiao comes to stabilize it? I’m afraid the aftermath of one fight is enough to completely destroy Daqian.”

Finally, she said with a smile: "All the heavens and all the realms, all the heavens and all the realms, separating the heavens and the realms is not just a casual talk, it is just a sign of respect."

Shi Xuan suppressed the shock in his heart and sighed: "I didn't expect that just these four ordinary words, "All Heavens and All Realms", have so much meaning behind them."

After learning about the history of Yu Yutian from Huilongguan Piequanzi, Shi Xuan never felt that there was anything strange about this history because it was the same in all records, even if Kong Ran said the same thing, but with the added secret of the Great Dao dispute. I have never thought about what other information is contained in the seemingly normal, ordinary, and natural narrative.

That's why after Mo Jingqiu mentioned it, Shi Xuan couldn't suppress his thoughts and looked shocked.

"This should be the so-called barrier of knowledge and vision. It is really like a leaf covering the eyes." Shi Xuan sighed inwardly, thinking from here to there, "The external history is still like this. On top of the Tao and the tempering of the mind, I Is there still such a problem of turning a blind eye, is there a seemingly ordinary statement, but I have ignored the profound meaning? It seems that I have to work hard and re-examine it. "

Thinking of this, Shi Xuan somewhat understood Granny Yu's thoughts: "Perhaps she was waiting for me to reach a certain state before she pointed out this matter, so as to serve as a wake-up call and reflect on herself."

Seeing that Shi Xuan was silent, Mo Jingqiu called out strangely: "Fellow Taoist Shi?"

Shi Xuan was interrupted and did not continue to ponder. He could only wait until he left and slowly sort out and examine it from the beginning.

After chatting for a while, Mo Jingqiu smiled and said: "I originally planned to discuss it with fellow Taoist Shi, but I have other things to do and need to go out immediately, so I can only wait until next time."

Shi Xuan naturally stood up and said goodbye, but before leaving, he invited Mo Jingqiu to attend a Dharma conference in Penglai sect later and taste the instant fruit. However, the specific date is to be determined and is subject to the invitation.


Seven or eight days later, Shi Xuan quickly moved away from Sanxiao Palace due to Jiuling's strong legs.

Shi Xuan considered whether to return to the Penglai Sect first. After all, the Setsuna Zaiwang Fruit had been mature for nearly two hundred years and was preserved in a special way, waiting for him, the de facto controller of the sect, to return to preside over the ceremony.

At this moment, Shi Xuan felt that the talisman paper he had left for Mo Jingqiu suddenly burned, and then Mo Jingqiu's smiling voice came: "Where is Fellow Taoist Shi? I know a place with the origin of the universe. This place is not the Dragon Realm.”

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