Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 704 Please take leave until tonight and update together

I thought I had straightened out the plot, so I boasted that I would be able to add more today, but it turned out that I wrote more than a thousand words yesterday, and the plot was a little stuck again. I always felt it was too cliché and not good enough. Although there will inevitably be copies, I am still Carefully designed, we strive to write different changes, different treatments, and different excitement. Last night from nine to twelve, and today from five-thirty to six-thirty, I sat there for a long time and still couldn't stop. Pen, I have to think again.

In fact, although my coding speed is not as fast as those of those who are incredible, it is not a handicap. The fastest is 2,000 words per hour, but I may have spent more time on refining the plot, designing dialogues, etc. Quite a few. In total, it takes more than three hours to write a chapter.

No matter what, I will not mess with you with random chapters. At least each chapter must have one of the highlights, plot advancement, foreshadowing, etc. in my opinion.

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