Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 709: Sudden Attack

In the midst of the discussion, Mo Jingqiu and Yan Qingying walked out of the back hall, and all the whispers stopped immediately. As the leader and the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, Yan Qingying's prestige was still very high.

"Mo Zhenjun has officially entered, and he is of the same generation as me." Yan Qingying announced, then she glanced at Shi Xuan and flashed a golden light, "This is the secret technique of cultivating the weapon. The law of sacrificial refining of the magical weapon requires fellow Taoist Shi You go to the elder who teaches you to make your own choice.”

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "Thank you, Master Yan." This secret weapon cultivation technique is far different from the sacrificial refining method of the Destruction of Luck Catalog. At least it cannot be used as a sustenance for the Tao in the end, but its use is not small, and it can Let the monks have one more thing similar to their natal spiritual treasure, like Shi Xuan's three flying swords.

While answering, Shi Xuan glanced at Mo Jingqiu. Before he could inquire with his immortal knowledge, Mo Jingqiu's smiling voice came over: "Anyway, I didn't learn it from Sanxiao Palace. Fellow Taoist Shi, just accept it with peace of mind. Wait." The method of refining the magical weapon is also up to you, and I will give you some benefits in advance because of this help. "

Since Mo Jingqiu said this, Shi Xuan took a look at this secret technique without hesitation. When it comes to the method of refining the magical weapon later, Shi Xuan has already made up his mind to choose the Hunyuan Golden Dou. Although the Destruction of Luck Picture Book is The Lord of Creation deduced that he did not dare to change the restrictions for the time being, otherwise the final catalog of destruction would not be formed, which would be a big joke. However, studying the restrictions on the Hunyuan Golden Dou can also change Shi Xuan's Zhou Tianxing Sword Fighting Formation. "Doumu Yuanjun" has made some progress.

At this time, all the heavenly kings, real people, and disciples all bowed to Mo Jingqiu: "See Mr. Mo Zhen."

"Okay, you all have a good rest today, and you have to continue attacking the Heart Demon Sect Cave Heaven tomorrow." Yan Qingying ended this short and hasty initiation ceremony.

The Hunyuan Immortal Sect is different from the outside world. The elder of the Chuan Gong is Leng Rumei, the Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord. Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu walked up to her together, smiling and greeting each other.

To be honest, Shi Xuan was shocked when he first heard the name of Leng Rumei, the Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord, because when he joined the Penglai Sect, Yu Linglong's eldest disciple was called by this name. Later, he did not achieve the top rank. The golden elixir fell.

Because of Zhou Zhengshi's incident, Shi Xuan was very wary of similar things. The nameless world where the Yin-Yang Strange Stones are located, and the strange world here, are all related to the old peacock, either explicitly or covertly, definitely or speculatively.

But facing Leng Rumei, Shi Xuan felt a little relieved. Except for the same name, she really had no similarity with the one he knew. She was more like the true king of Guanghan Sect.

Even if Leng Rumei smiled, it was coldly and indifferently: "Fellow Taoist Shi, um, I wonder if I should call him Shi Zhenjun?" The Taoist companion of the Hunyuan Immortal Sect's disciples, like Sanxiao Palace, can be regarded as half of the sect, but after all, he is not a real disciple. Disciple, there is a difference between inside and outside. Leng Rumei is unable to question Shi Xuan carefully, so he can only test him with words.

"That's fine, Lord Leng, you can do it yourself." Shi Xuan nodded, and then picked out the ritual weapon refining method displayed by Leng Rumei, and chose the Hunyuan Golden Dou without hesitation.

Leng Rumei took a deep look at Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu: "It is said that Mo Zhenjun has unique ideas in the "Bao Jing" and has carried forward it profoundly. Hunyuan Jindou is closer to the road, which makes people admire him. Shi Zhenjun, you can compete with Mo Zhenjun has become a Taoist couple, and I think he is also outstanding. I am looking forward to tomorrow's battle. "

Shi Xuan smiled and said nothing. In fact, when he saw the four major sects besieging the cave of the Heart Demon Sect and unable to break the immortal formation after a long battle, he secretly cursed in his heart: "Get out of the way and let the professionals come."


Because they were misunderstood as Taoist couples, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu were arranged to live together in a quiet and elegant cave inside the magic weapon. Fortunately, since it is a cave, there is more than one building, so there is no need to be embarrassed.

Mo Jingqiu said amusingly: "I didn't expect that I have always guarded myself and remained pure, but today I got an extra Taoist companion."

"It doesn't matter, Shi was also regarded as a prostitute." Shi Xuan smiled nonchalantly. Knowing that it is false, how could Shi Xuan still care about this matter with his Taoist cultivation level.

The same was true for Mo Jingqiu. She was just joking, and then she said with a straight face: "I read the "Hunyuan Zhengdao Treasure Sutra" here. It is actually consistent with the direct biography of our sect, but there are many omissions. I want to If you combine the Tao with this, it will definitely have an unstable foundation, and it will be impossible to succeed, and the technique will be incomplete. If it is the back-up left by the founder of Jiangxiao, it makes no sense."

"Perhaps if you understand these weird things, you can find the exit to the next realm." Shi Xuan said thoughtfully.

After discussing for a long time, the two of them went to their respective living quarters to meditate and recover.


The next day, it was the Biji Immortal Sect's turn to rest, and its leader Lu Rui and the Immortal Immortal, the leader of the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, were on guard against the sudden attack by the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord of the Heart Demon Sect.

However, they did not return to their base. Instead, they watched the Hunyuan Immortal Sect take action from a distance. They were very curious because it was rumored that the Hunyuan Immortal Sect recruited a Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord of unknown origin yesterday. They wanted to see his methods. What is the strength?

Mo Jingqiu's Hunyuan Golden Dou was raised high, and the "Nine Curved Tianhe Formation" was laid out. The brown water waves surged, and the mottled and dim golden light hung down. The true meaning of all dharma was filled with the sky, making the part of the Immortal Formation of the Heart Demon Sect Cave dull and slow. , it seems that his family is about to dissipate, and the effect caused by the two Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords such as Yan Qingying and Mu Yang is only slightly different.

"Isn't this the direct descendant of the Hunyuan Immortal Sect? If I hadn't known that the Hunyuan Immortal Sect only had a Three Tribulation Heavenly Lord, Leng Rumei, I would have thought that he was originally a disciple of the Hunyuan Immortal Sect." Lu Rui said to the Immortal Old Man Sighed.

The immortal old man had white hair like jade and looked like an immortal. He was on guard against the Heart Demon Sect's Four Tribulations Heavenly Monarch, who was named after the divine beast Bai Ze who understood people's hearts. He half-jokingly said, "And this Mo Zhenjun's Hunyuan Golden Dou seems to be closer to the Tao. If an outsider who doesn't know the story comes, he will think that he is the true descendant of Hunyuan Xianmen." "I heard that she also brought her own Taoist partner. This style of behavior is quite similar to Hunyuan Xianmen." Lu Rui smiled, "I don't know how strong her Taoist partner is. If he is also a Three Tribulations Heavenly Monarch, then the strength of Hunyuan Xianmen is basically on par with us." At this time, seeing that Mo Jingqiu had already made a move, Shi Xuan couldn't just watch the battle leisurely on the side. In addition, he also wanted to see whether the Heart Demon Sect in this world was the same lineage that Mu Jing colluded with, so as to understand the weirdness, so he also sacrificed the Three Talents Destroying Sword. The dim white sword light turned into "Dou Mu Yuanjun" and hit the Heart Demon Sect's Cave Heavenly Immortal Formation with great power. The Immortal Immortal said solemnly: "It is really a Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord. Hunyuan Immortal Sect has gained a lot this time!"

"His flying sword is actually based on the innate end luck avenue." Lu Rui was somewhat prepared that Shi Xuan was a Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord, but he was surprised by something else. The other Heavenly Lords watching the battle were also shocked.

Even the real people and real Lords of Hunyuan Immortal Sect who were half a beat late to discover Shi Xuan's Three Talents Destroying Law Sword because of the attack on the Heart Demon Sect's cave heaven were also surprised. The disciples who came to experience the battle in the back were even more surprised.

"Shi Zhenjun turned out to be a Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord, and he is really a perfect match for Mo Zhenjun, but his flying sword seems to also contain the innate end luck avenue?" This disciple was both happy and puzzled.

Another pretty female disciple murmured to herself: "Could it be that he was refining the magic weapon he got yesterday..." When she said the latter, her voice gradually became smaller and disappeared, because even if she thought with her toes, this was impossible! How could he refine it to the level of a Three Tribulations Spirit Treasure today when he only got the method of refining the magic weapon yesterday?

"Master Shi is deeply immersed in this flying sword. He must have been refining it for a long time. Maybe he even used it as his own spiritual treasure." A beautiful Yinshen Venerable saw that the cave sky created by Shi Xuan's "Dou Mu Yuan Jun" was no less dim than Mo Jingqiu's, and said with some enlightenment.

Another tall Yinshen Venerable clasped his hands and laughed, "Master Mo is the direct descendant of our sect, and she has a Taoist partner, and her Taoist partner has a spiritual treasure containing the great way of the last destiny, which may be obtained by the secret technique of weapon cultivation. Tsk, if you are not from the same family, you will not enter the same sect."

"I am beginning to believe that Master Mo is really a secret inheritance of our sect." Other disciples echoed.

Even Yan Qingying herself began to doubt whether it was because of her master's accidental death that she did not know some of the sect's secrets.


Shi Xuan's sword light was displayed, and countless starlights gathered and condensed into "Dou Mu Yuan Jun", scattering dim starlight and cutting the cave sky barrier. He did not use all his strength. After all, there were several four-tribulation heavenly monarchs present, and it was not her turn to do such things.

But at this time, the cave fairy formation of the Heart Demon Sect, which transformed countless black demon shadows, suddenly changed, and the dark light shone brightly, and the black demon shadows condensed into substance.

In front of Mu Yang, a dark and deep figure suddenly appeared out of thin air. He looked exactly like Mu Yang, with white hair and white eyebrows, thin and ethereal. He brushed out a five-color divine light with a sense of time flow, and brushed off all of Mu Yang's five elements of Yin and Yang Yuan magnetic extinction divine needles. It was the "Shadow of the Heart Demon"!

Mu Yang had a headache for the Shadow of the Heart Demon. Every time he fought, he was tied and could not cut it off. He had no choice but to fight the Shadow of the Heart Demon with all his strength, and had no time to care about anything else.

Countless black insects appeared around Yan Qingying. While slowing down time, they sprayed black gravel to hit Yan Qingying's shadow. They ignored the golden light sprinkled by the Hunyuan Golden Bowl, as if they were just trying to delay Yan Qingying for a moment.

And those black demon shadows that condensed into substance each embodied some characteristics of the Heavenly Demon, including the Heavenly Demon of Transformation, the Eye of Ten Thousand Evils, the Seven-Colored Demon Clam, the Thunder Beast of Destruction, the Devouring Demon Soul, the Blood Sea Demon Shadow, etc., which were the famous formation changes in the Demon Dao, the "Great Formation of All Heavenly Demons and Gods".

All kinds of fairy arts, black demon shadows, and blood sea demon shadows were all directed at Shi Xuan. At the same time, the fairy formations in other parts of the cave were dimmed, just barely maintaining from being broken by other Heavenly Monarchs.

Moreover, many Heavenly Monarchs suddenly changed their direction, and the Hunyuan Golden Bowl, the Ten Thousand Tribulations Chessboard, and the Two-Polarity Yuanci Divine Sword all attacked Shi Xuan, but they were invaded by the Heart Demon without knowing it.

The Four Tribulations Heavenly Monarch of the Heart Demon Sect seemed to hate Shi Xuan very much. Regardless of anything, even if he tried his best to hold back the two Four Tribulations Heavenly Monarchs, he would still burst out the fairy formation and kill Shi Xuan unexpectedly!

Shi Xuan suppressed all kinds of doubts and could only go all out in the face of the fierce attack.

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