Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 710: The Immortal Array that Shatters the Bamboo into Shattering Formation

——The normal update time has finally returned. Well, as long as it doesn’t get stuck tonight, I will start adding updates tomorrow.


The heavenly kings who were deceived by inner demons and attacked Shi Xuan were all under the second calamity. Although the Five Color Divine Light, the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Magnetism Extinction Divine Needle, the Hunyuan Golden Dou, the Chaos Tribulation, the Star Tribulation, and the Bipolar Magnetism The sword light and the like look mighty, colorful, and overwhelming, but they are incomparably different from the heaven-destroying and earth-destroying strike of the "Array of Ten Thousand Demons and Gods" that brings together many demons and magical powers.

Therefore, Shi Xuan's body merged with the dim white sword light, and he slashed forward. The dark void emerged, and the stars projected by the vast world were slowly shining. Compared with the star tribulation in the Immortal Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, it was more dreamlike and illusory. "The Great Evil Formation" is enveloped in a seemingly complex and integrated attack.

Then the stars collapsed, space-time storms, and terrifying chaotic holes emerged, and the universe fell into a doomsday scene. The evil eyes, colorful magic clams, etc. that were transformed from the fairy formation were destroyed together with the void.

The "Great Formation of Ten Thousand Demons and Gods" is a change of the Dongtian Immortal Formation that explodes with all its strength. It has nearly nine levels of power, but it can only be equaled by Shi Xuan's "Void Destruction". Not only that, the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Yuan After attacks such as the Magnetic Extinction Divine Needle and the Hunyuan Golden Fight hit the destructive void transformed by the sword light, they disappeared silently and merged into the power of destruction. They were unable to cause any shock at all, and even the five-color divine light could not. A few stars were brushed off and then faded away.

When Lu Rui, the leader of the Biji Sect, saw this, he half admired and half sighed and said to the Immortal Old Man: "This sword seems to have integrated the 'Star Tribulation' and 'Doomsday Tribulation' of your Ten Thousand Tribulations Immortal Valley into one. The combined blessing of the power of the cave is only a little less powerful than us. If it is not suppressed by the power of time, I am afraid that I will not be able to defeat him in a short time. "

"And his starry sky is very weird. It seems to be vaster, more grand, eternal, and high up. It's not like the starry sky seen in ordinary times." The immortal immortal frowned slightly, feeling that Shi Xuan's sword was a bit transcendent. Imagination subverts one's own knowledge.

At the same time, he commanded several Three Tribulations Heavenly Lords from the Ten Thousand Tribulations Immortal Valley to attack with all their strength and capture the Heart Demon Sect. Bai Ze Tianjun didn't know why he was crazy. He ignored the opportunity to deal with Shi Xuan and tried to quickly break the Dongtian Immortal Formation. He himself Then be on guard with all your strength, fearing that Lord Bai Ze will attack in the east and attack in the west in order to escape, which will cause endless troubles.

As for those Heavenly Lords whose cultivation had been completely dissipated by the natural aura of Shi Xuan's Sancai Magic Sword, Lu Rui asked the resting Heavenly Lords under his disciples to come up to rescue them and suppress their inner demons.

But just when Shi Xuan's "Void Destruction" and "All Demons and Gods Array" attacks were about to be wiped out at the same time, a nearby Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord from the Immortal Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations suddenly transformed the Ten Thousand Tribulations Chessboard into the "Heavenly Man" "Four Decline", and expanded, taking advantage of Shi Xuan's difficulty to distract, covering Shi Xuan!

The previous Heavenly Lords who were deceived by inner demons were just to paralyze Shi Xuan, as well as the Four Tribulations and Three Tribulations Heavenly Lords who might come to help. Even the "All Heavens Ten Thousand Demons and Gods Formation" was just to attract Shi Xuan's full attention. Pretense.

This is completely in line with the behavior style of the Inner Demon Sect Tianjun.

Seeing the dagger in the picture, the killing move is coming.

Yan Qingying and Mu Yang were being entangled by the Lord Bai Ze and were unable to come to their aid. The Immortal Immortal and Lu Rui were on full alert for his attacks in the east and west. They were caught off guard and their attempts to manipulate time were delayed by half a beat. As for the other Lords of Three Tribulations, they were attacking with all their strength. How can you react to the Cave Heaven Immortal Formation!

They were very shocked. The battle between the four major immortal sects and the monks of the Heart Demon Sect has lasted for countless thousands of years. They have long created some methods to deal with the inner demons and prevent the invasion of the inner demons. Therefore, in the past 100,000 years, there has never been a person with more than two calamities. Tianjun was confused by the inner demon. This situation is really beyond his expectation. It seems that the Fourth Tribulation Tianjun of the inner demon sect has either been holding back or has another reason.

No matter what it was, although the Three Tribulations Heavenly Lords were too late to rescue Shi Xuan, they could quietly widen the distance between them.

When Mo Jingqiu saw this, he did not go to rescue Shi Xuan. Instead, he confidently raised his hand and pulled out a ruler that seemed to be condensed by bright starlight. As soon as it appeared, it flashed in front of the three people in the Immortal Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations who were bewildered by inner demons. In front of Lord Jie Tian.

Caught off guard, the measuring ruler hit him directly in the front of his heart, causing his protective divine light and the power of the cave to dissipate. He staggered and rolled, his soul was illusory, and he passed out.

The Heavenly Measurement Ruler, which embodies the way of moving space and the way of cause and effect, seems to be at home in Yuji Cauldron, but it is only limited by Mo Jingqiu's immortal knowledge that cannot exceed Baili.

The calamity of "The Fourth Decline of Heaven and Man" was approaching. The "Array of Ten Thousand Demons and Gods in the Heavens" immediately stopped the front attack and rolled over again. In an instant, the overwhelming magical powers of the heavenly demons and all kinds of demonic shadows hit the stone again. Xuan, even if Shi Xuan can escape the "Fourth Decline of Heaven and Man", he can't escape this follow-up blow!

In the void of destruction transformed by the light of Shi Xuan's sword, a long golden bridge suddenly flew across with a myriad of phenomena, all-encompassing, and surrounded by golden lotuses. The earth, fire, wind and water that erupted under the bridge were calm, and time briefly stagnated. The "Great Array of All Demons and Gods" also came to a standstill at the same time.

Shi Xuan, dressed in a green Taoist robe, stepped onto the golden bridge, avoiding the fourth decline of heavenly beings. He was surrounded by the seven demons' combined mysterious light, the filthy demonic energy, the extremely yin death line, the black flame of decay, and the extremely poisonous colorful mist that solidified like glass. Wait, gorgeous and weird.

The moment after the Fourth Decline of the Heavenly Man was immobilized, he just got rid of the suppression of the Golden Bridge on the other side, but the Three Tribulation Heavenly Lord who cast this calamity was beaten unconscious by the Heaven Measuring Ruler, and then disappeared on his own.

It was disrespectful to come and go, Shi Xuan shook his left hand, and the golden bridge on the other side that had completed the three tribulations was first retracted and then released, and it landed on the "Great Array of Ten Thousand Demons and Gods in the Heavens". The changes in its formation were immediately frozen, and seemed to pass through This golden bridge can pass through the formation and reach the other side.

Tai Chi Diagram embodies the power of suppression and is the nemesis of all formations and restrictions in the world!

At the same time, a huge pillar of starlight appeared that stretched across the sky and the earth, with countless tiny stars forming a star formation inside. Each star was like a small world, the stars were bright, terrifying and dreamy.

The giant pillar of starlight directly hit the "Array of All Demons and Gods" that was immobilized and transformed, and a roar that resounded through the sky broke out, causing a violent shock. Fortunately, there are Tianjun and real people nearby, otherwise someone might be directly shocked to death on the spot.

The starlight dissipated and the Golden Bridge on the other side was retracted, but a huge hole had appeared on the "Array of Ten Thousand Demons and Gods in the Heavens" and expanded toward the surrounding immortal arrays, causing the entire cavernous immortal array to quickly shatter.

With one strike of the sword, it is so powerful!

After being besieged for several days, the cave barrier, which was about to reach its end, finally disappeared under Tai Chi Tu's restraint and Shi Xuan's sword.

Inside the cave sky, it suddenly fell into darkness. Stars lit up one after another, like thousands of projections. They formed a big square, but their light was dim. They were surrounded by a big sun that emitted dazzling light, which turned the darkness into darkness. It became a bright light, making black twisted figures emerge, screaming and screaming, turning into blue smoke.

"The Sun is in the Sky" is one of the changes in the Zhou Tianxing Sword Fighting Formation that is the most restrained against demons. It also contains the change of "Doumu Yuanjun".

When the sword light dissipated, all the cultivators of the Third Tribulation of the Heart Demon Sect and below were all standing there in a daze. There were no wounds on their bodies, but their cultivation was completely lost, and all the thoughts of the inner demons they had cultivated had evaporated and dissipated under the bright sun. , the magic of swordsmanship is evident.

The two Heavenly Lords of Three Tribulations also fell into the realm and lost most of their demonic thoughts.

Only Bai Ze, the inner demon of the Four Tribulations, was intact. He had just dragged Yan Qingying and Mu Yang with all his strength, which was equivalent to being dragged by them. He could not be distracted. He could only watch Shi Xuan break the formation with one sword and destroy the door with one sword. !

Facing this scene, all the other heavenly kings, real people, and disciples were inevitably stunned for a moment. The Dongtian Immortal Formation, which had been besieged for several days but had not been broken, was actually blown away by Shi Xuan's pressing of the golden bridge in his left hand and the display of the sword light in his right hand. It was really unbelievable that it was broken apart. The power of its sword light seemed to be only 20 or 30% less than that of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord. Its golden bridge seemed to be specially created to break the formation.

Moreover, Mo Jingqiu's starlight ruler is even more terrifying and weird. It seems that it can ignore all distances and dodges, as if it can only be blocked by the magic of body protection, divine light, etc.

"Where did these two mysterious heavenly kings come from?" Such thoughts flashed through the minds of Lu Rui and the Immortal.

After a brief shock, most of the heavenly kings and real people still had good character. They suppressed all their thoughts and began to ask for the demon monks.

Several Three Tribulations Heavenly Lords surrounded the Three Tribulations Heavenly Lords of the Heart Demon Sect. The Hunyuan Golden Dou fell, the five-color divine light brushed down, and the two-pole Yuan Magnetic Divine Swords unfolded to restrict their movements, and then the fourth decline of heavenly beings descended. .

Their tacit understanding of cooperation is unusual and methodical, so that the inner demon thoughts of these inner demons are distributed throughout Chunyang Mountain. As the body falls into decline and calamity, it also falls into decline and calamity. Even if the causal connection is severed, it is difficult to escape.

"The decline attack is really one of the best ways to deal with the inner demon Tianjun." Shi Xuan's white sword light protected him and did not make any more moves. Baize Tianjun was besieged by the four heavenly kings, so why should he fight to death again? , self-explosion to hide the means, so he stood in mid-air with Mo Jingqiu, watching the battle below, commenting from time to time.

Bai Ze Tianjun was still struggling to hold on after using the secret technique of explosion. Seeing that all the monks of the Heart Demon Sect could not escape, and even the jade books of the sect were snatched out before they could be destroyed, he realized that he could not save his disciples anymore, so he could only escape for his own life first. , plotting a comeback. Since the Heavenly Lord of the Heart Demon Sect was difficult to kill, he was very confident in saving his life and escaping, especially when there was someone on the opposite side. So, with a thought, he triggered a Heart Demon Immortal Technique with huge backlash.

Shi Xuan suddenly felt that the world went dark, and countless black figures emerged out of thin air, and then condensed into real monks. Some of them had white hair, some were graceful, some were displaying five-color divine light, and some were playing the fourth weakest form of heaven... …There are even Yan Qingying, Lu Rui and the Immortal among them.

The imaginary Yan Qingying and the Immortal Old Man joined forces with Bai Ze to fight against the four Heavenly Lords, while Lu Rui displayed the two-pole Yuan Magnetic Divine Sword, slashing at Shi Xuan, Mo Jingqiu and several other Sans with the mighty black and white sword light. Lord Jie Tian appeared around Shi Xuan and others with a slight sense of slow time, but he was not as powerful as the real Lord of Four Tribulations and could not be completely suppressed.

"Inner Demon Illusion" is a magic formation that uses the fear, hatred, and disgust in a monk's heart as the basis to develop illusory demonic shadows. If the demon in the monk's heart is not killed or restrained, then The illusory demonic shadow can never be killed and will live forever!

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