Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 720 Killing people like grass without hearing a sound (first update of a 4,000-word chapter)

——Khan, I see that you have a lot of questions. Let me clarify. Our universe is a cultivation civilization. The normal laws of heaven and earth will not derive technological civilization. There has never been a technological world before, so even if it is created, it will be useless. Of course , Fellow Taoist Shi can still barely use it to change the laws of heaven and earth within the scope of his own ability, but after entering, how can he still have the ability to change the laws of heaven and earth.

It’s a big chapter of four thousand words, and there are still two thousand words left around eleven o’clock.


Although Ma Yong spoke in a low voice, everyone was at the city gate, and when they were going to and fro business, they saw the leader of the newly attached Landa tribe stopping them, so they all stopped and did not dare to step forward rashly, lest they would be harmed by Chiyu. There was only one person nearby. The horse snorted, so the bearded man heard his words clearly, shook his head, and said arrogantly: "I want all four."

Shi Xuan was originally worried that Mo Jingqiu's stunning appearance would attract wild bees, butterflies, dandy boys, etc., so he just planned to buy some dry food and cross the city. It was not because he was afraid of trouble, but because he simply didn't want to waste time. Although the power of the innate Taoist fetus was better than Generally speaking, half-step golden immortals have no intelligence and their power is scattered. Unless they are completely refined by Mo Jingqiu, they will not be able to block the attack of half-step golden immortals at all, let alone suppressing their power to the training stage, which can save some points. Naturally, you have to save some time.

But he didn't expect that it would be these four randomly crafted horses that would cause trouble. Shi Xuan completely ignored the beard, but turned to look at Mo Jingqiu jokingly, then he lifted the reins and was about to rush over. I don't intend to waste my words at all. As for whether the man standing in front of the horse is dead or alive, then just ask for your blessings.

These four horses were created by the Heavenly Immortal True Monarch. They are at the pinnacle of physical training. They are only half a step away from being able to enter the ranks of demon horses. Compared with the kind that can be worn out even if the two riders change horses and run at full strength for a few days. The delicate horses are indistinguishable from each other. They are really good companions for traveling at home and killing people on the road.

From the beginning, Ma Yong felt that this man and woman were good-looking and graceful. Even though they were brave and fierce rangers, they probably had strong backgrounds. Now that he saw Shi Xuan about to pull the reins, he immediately guessed what he was thinking and hurriedly delayed. Holding on to the reins, he begged: "Master, don't be reckless. There are many Landa people nearby. Even if you are superb in martial arts, how can you withstand the siege of dozens of people? You are known as the best swordsman in the world." Yang Zongyu was surrounded by twenty soldiers with spears and shields and stabbed to death?"

The movement here had alerted the gatekeeper general. He hurried over with a few personal soldiers. He clarified the matter in a few words and said to Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu: "Two knights, this It's Asa, the leader of the Landa tribe, who has recently joined the emperor. It's time for the emperor to pay more attention to you. Don't be young and frivolous. You don't know how high the sky is. Even if your elders are powerful, can you be higher than the emperor? And this is Sanyang Pass. Even if the powerful dragon cannot suppress the local snake, if it is beyond the reach of the whip, it will be helpless to be killed by the Asa leader. I would like to advise you that money and horses are all external things, and life is the most precious. "

When the merchants and travelers who were watching from a distance heard the words of the gatekeeper general, most of them did not react, but a few young people who were just starting out said angrily: "Why is it justified to buy and sell by force?!"

"That is, the court officials actually advised the two rangers to follow the clan leader. Where is the law?"

"It's a pity that the four horses are strong and full of energy and blood. They are extraordinary at first glance."

The mature and solemn businessman sneered twice: "Law? Principle? The court doesn't care about these. Anyway, in the border areas of the Western Region, we must rely on these foreigners. Otherwise, if they make trouble, the court will punish you guys who ignore the overall situation."

"Hmph, I don't know how many merchants are killed and robbed by these foreigners pretending to be thieves every year, and I don't know who was punished. Fortunately, the Asa leader didn't fall in love with that cute little lady, otherwise he would have been offended!"

Seeing the gatekeeper guarding him, Asa, the bearded man, laughed. Without any scruples, a dozen big men walked out from the street stalls and pedestrians nearby. They were all big-bodied and round-waisted, holding sharp scimitars, and two or three even held them. Wearing a long bow and wearing the same decoration as Asa, they are obviously members of the Landa tribe.

Asa pointed his hand and said loudly: "You two thieves stole my clan's BMW, how dare you resist? Our clan has done good deeds and won't argue too much with you. Just take the BMW back. Don't make it angry." Let's take five steps with blood." Public killing was the last option. Although Asa was arrogant, he still knew that he had to save some face for the gatekeeper so that he could meet again in the future.

The gatekeeper general heard the elegant meaning of Xiange and shouted sharply: "You rangers often use force to violate the ban, but you don't think about it. We are all born as human beings. Even if we work hard day and night and practice moves, in the end, we can only win three or five people. There is nothing that can be done for a dozen soldiers with swords, let alone the imperial army with strong bows and crossbows. "

"Don't be conceited about your bravery, otherwise you will become a fugitive. The world is so big, and you have nowhere to go. You have a home that you can't go back to, a prosperous place that you can't enjoy, and friends that you can't meet... You are being hunted day and night. You have to think clearly while living in fear!”

"Don't hand the BMW back yet!"

Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu understood that what the gatekeeper general said was true. In this law-ending land, the peak of body training is the limit. Even if the moves are exquisite, but without the support of inner energy, magic power, etc., they are still beautiful in the mirror, empty and beautiful, so the peak of body training is Once foreign warriors encounter organized gangs and soldiers, they can at most fight ten of them one at a time. If there are more, it depends on whether they can overwhelm their opponents in terms of momentum and make them flee in fear.

There were fifteen or six men of the Landa tribe present. They were all fierce and brave. They must have been accustomed to licking blood with their swords. Some of them even held bows and arrows. There were also about ten soldiers, generals and soldiers guarding the city. , if they really want to fight, it is self-evident which side they are on. If they are not careful, maybe Shi Zhenjun and Mo Zhenjun, who travel across the world and can be born and destroyed in a wave of their hands, will be injured on them. The joke was really big.

But Shi Xuan glanced at Mo Jingqiu with a smile, and saw that she was looking over with a smile as well. The two of them were neither angry nor afraid, they only had one idea, don't waste time.

"Have you ever overcome all the layers of constraints and dangers?" Shi Xuan asked leisurely.

Mo Jingqiu smiled sweetly: "You can kill them all."

Only without restraint can one be free and at ease. Along the way, the two of them have encountered many dangers and temptations. How could they not overcome this situation and break their hearts?

Even if Taoist Annihilation is in front of him, Shi Xuan will not beg for mercy, he will only calmly look for opportunities, and the only dead ear will be the only one in all the hardships.

In the final analysis, the greatest gain from spiritual practice is the Taoist mind, which will not be erased by changes in the environment.

Asa didn't understand what the two said, so he waved his hand: "Go up and lead the horse for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a buzzing sound, and a crossbow arrow was nailed to his forehead. His eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe that Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu would fall down after such a brazen attack.

A thought in his mind seemed to disappear, but gradually dissipated: "Even if you want to take action, you can't just kill someone!"

"You actually took action, and you dared to kill people in the street. Are you not afraid of the court's laws, the soldiers and the Landa people around you?" The gatekeeper general did not expect that this man and woman looked good-looking, but they were desperate to kill without batting an eyelid. The disciple was a little unable to react for a while.

Before the city guards and soldiers were ready to take action, they saw another crossbow arrow shot out, killing a Landa tribesman holding a bow and arrow.

Then Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu pressed their horses' backs, jumped out, stretched out their swords, and each pounced on a man holding a bow.

At this time, the people of the Landa tribe reacted and surrounded Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu with their scimitars. However, they were slow and slow, and with a flash of cold light, the two bow holders connected their bows and belts. People were cut off together.

Shi Xuan's heart was like a bright mirror, and it seemed that everyone's movements were reflected in the lake of his heart. He kicked off his right foot and flew back like a sharp arrow. He just happened to pass between the two swung scimitars and hit the middle of the two scimitars. On one owner.

The sword was held upside down, and with this collision, there was a bloody hole in his chest. After Shi Xuan suddenly ducked, blood spurted out.

Shi Xuan ducked and dodged the scimitar that was coming from behind. He sent the sword upwards and stabbed the owner of one of the two scimitars in the neck. At the same time, he jumped on him and dodged the curved sword that came from behind. knife.

Turning around the slowly falling corpse, he used it as a shield to block a sword. Shi Xuan's sword swung again, his wrist shaking slightly. As the sword light flashed, the two Landa tribe members were hit in the wrist, clanking. With two sounds, the scimitar fell to the ground, and Shi Xuan was forced to get close to him. When they met, blood spurted out, and the scimitar swung next to him missed the mark by a hair.

In the blink of an eye, fifteen or six Landuo clan members were killed by Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu, and only three or four of them were left. They didn't even have time to lose heart.

The general next to him had just woken up from the shock of Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu's sudden attack, and was about to let the soldiers surround him. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but take two steps back in fright. He was obviously in a tight siege and was being attacked. More than ten scimitar swords were used to seal and cut the ground in all directions. The two of them were able to dodge and move in a small place, always avoiding the light of the sword by a hair. In just two or three breaths, they killed the Landa people. Kill most of them.

But after the soldiers drew their bows and nocked arrows, they did not dare to shoot rashly due to the melee between the two sides. Otherwise, they would hurt the Landa people and they would have to pay with their lives.

"Killing people is really like cutting grass." The merchants and travelers not far away sighed at the same time.

Two more swords were struck, and only one member of the Landa clan was left. Only then did he react, lost his courage, and ran towards the general, shouting in half-baked words: "Help, help..."

Shi Xuan's steps were thin, and he stayed close behind him, so that the soldiers did not dare to shoot their bows and arrows. When they were close, the sword flashed, cutting off several crossbows, and at the same time, they crashed into the general's arms.

"How dare you kill the imperial official!" The general was frightened, frightened and angry, but Shi Xuan pinched his neck and blocked him in front of him.

Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu didn't talk nonsense at all. They took him, backed up and mounted their horses, and rode towards the city, heading straight for the other gate leading to the pass.

"Quickly, spread the word and shut down the place!"

"Their horses are too fast. By the time the news gets through, they will be out of town long ago."

"Idiot, light the beacon!"

"Lying about military information is a serious crime of beheading."

In the panic, the horse's hooves flew very fast, but under the strong control of Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu, they did not hit a pedestrian, and even had time to bend down and roll up the steamed buns and other dry food sold on the street.

The salesman looked at the empty steamed bun basket and found an ingot of silver in it, and couldn't help but murmured to himself: "Are you running for your life, or are you just having fun?"

By the time the discussion was complete and the beacon was lit, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu had already seen the other city gate. The soldiers were pulling up the drawbridge and preparing to close the city gate.

A crossbow arrow shot from a distance, its force was exhausted, but when it fell, it hit the rope, and the arrowhead cut through the iron like mud, shooting it off.

This frightened the soldiers: "This is much better than shooting a willow through a willow tree at a hundred paces."

The sound of hooves was heard, and four horses galloped away from them like lightning. Only one man in armor was thrown off the horse and hit the city gate, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.


Outside the city gate full of corpses of the Nalanda tribe, there is a tall restaurant, on which stands a pampered young man wearing noble yellow. He witnessed the passing by and smiled at a man who looked like a master next to him: "I always thought that the so-called martial arts masters were just like this. Today, I know that I underestimated the martial arts masters in the world. Every time, they swing their swords, move forward, retreat, and point out just right, avoiding danger and killing opponents. There is a strange sense of beauty and rhythm, well, like a sword dance."

"But he is still just a reckless person, not up to the stage. But such a talent is helpful to you, the fourth prince." The master smiled while shaking his folding fan.

The fourth prince nodded slightly: "They are better than the sword masters favored by the emperor. If they can be sent to the third brother's house and perform sword dance in front of the emperor, they can defeat thousands of troops within a short distance. There is no need to worry about not being able to accomplish great things." "I would like to congratulate you in advance, the fourth prince." Master Li Bufan smiled and said in response. The fourth prince shook his head: "But these knights are arrogant and unruly, and it is difficult to subdue them, and their martial arts are indeed extraordinary." "Haha, but no matter how powerful they are, can they be more powerful than thousands of troops and strong bows and crossbows? Even if only dozens of people with crossbows surround them, they will not have any chance to escape. Why worry that you can't subdue them, the fourth prince?" Li Bufan said confidently, "Wait until they are caught and take one of them as a hostage. They are deeply in love and will definitely let you command them." The fourth prince patted the railing and smiled, "Then send a pigeon to the front." After a quarter of an hour, after finishing the meal, the fourth prince took Li Bufan and many guards down the tall building. Just after a few steps, he felt something in his heart and looked back suddenly. A woman in a black skirt leading a white horse walked in from the city gate. She was beautiful and beautiful, with a hint of sadness. Under the scorching sun, people felt particularly pity. The fourth prince was obsessed with the throne, and felt that after ascending the throne, he would have no worries about beauties, so he was very self-restrained. Even when he was moved by Mo Jingqiu's face just now, he was forced to restrain himself. But for some reason, when he saw the woman in the black dress, he felt that her every move was beautiful to his heart, and he suddenly wanted to protect her and could no longer suppress it.

He walked up quickly and waved his folding fan: "Miss, I don't know if you have a sad face. Do you have any troubles? Can I help you?"

The woman in the black dress was crying: "Sir, I don't know if you have seen a man and a woman riding a horse passing by. One of them wore a green robe and the other a purple skirt, just like a fairy couple."

"Miss, what is your relationship with them?" The fourth prince asked after a pause.

The woman in the black dress shed tears. "That man was originally my fiancée. He was adopted and raised by my father. We were childhood sweethearts. But he changed his mind and eloped with my sister, leaving me behind before the wedding. My father was so angry that he almost died."

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