Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 721 Seeking Immortality in the End of Dharma (Second Update)

The fourth prince grew up in the palace and had seen many more sinister and filthy things than this. Logically speaking, hearing the tragic experience of the woman in black dress would not touch too many emotions.

But watching the beauty's clear tears streak down her face as white as jade and as smooth as porcelain, leaving shallow traces, listening to the clear and soft voice with a trace of sadness in her mouth, it shocked people's hearts, and seeing her helpless and angry He clenched the ground into a fist and shook it gently, as if he was beating on his strong spiritual fortress. The fourth prince felt that nameless anger and deep pity suddenly rose up in his heart, and he could no longer suppress it.

"What a couple!" the fourth prince said through gritted teeth, "No wonder you ask if you can overcome all the layers of restraints and obstacles?!"

From observing the merchants and travelers before, he had already heard about the conversation at that time.

Li Bufan and many guards on the side saw that the fourth prince was angry and shared the same hatred, and was no longer as cold and calm as before. Not only did they not feel anything weird or weird, but they felt the same way and almost wanted to pull the fourth prince away and take good care of him. That beautiful and pitiable woman.

The woman in the black dress had an expression of surprise on her pear-shaped face. She stretched out her hand to grab the fourth prince's sleeve, and asked excitedly but timidly: "Sir, have you seen my sister and the heartless man?"

"We met more than a quarter of an hour ago. They killed many people in the street." The fourth prince had given up the idea of ​​recruiting those two people. He wanted to cut their bodies into pieces to vent his hatred and make the beauty smile, "Girl. , that man who is so heartless, has no ethics at all, and is so ruthless, why do you bother to look for him again? "

When he thought that the stunning beauty in front of him was the unmarried wife of the man in green robe, and that they had grown up together, he felt a sense of deep sadness and hatred. Had her little hand been pulled by that man, had her face looked... I was ashamed of that person...

The woman in the black dress had a serious look on her face. Although she was young and shy, she said firmly and sadly: "Even if they are broken into pieces, I will kill them both to tell the truth about my father's spirit in heaven."

"Okay! The girl is truly filial and loyal!" The fourth prince, Li Bufan, and many guards said in unison.

The fourth prince glared at the others behind him and took half a step back, and said in a gentle tone: "Girl, we are destined to meet each other. When we see injustice on the road, we will naturally draw our swords to help. I will help you avenge your hatred!"

The woman in the black skirt raised her head, her eyes were blurry and deep, as if they contained a starry sky, which attracted the fourth prince to be deeply fascinated. She said gratefully: "Thank you, sir, you are such a good person, and I can't repay this little girl." ”

The fourth prince secretly thought in his heart that if he had nothing to repay, he would just give his life to him. Of course, he said a few words of humility and secretly ordered the guards to re-send the flying pigeon letter and revise the previous order.

"By the way, girl, I still don't know what to call you?" the fourth prince said softly.

The charming woman in the black dress lowered her head slightly, her face blushing: "The little girl's surname is Mu, and her last name is Jing."

You actually told me your maiden name? The woman outside the Great Wall was so informal. The fourth prince was pleasantly surprised and said hurriedly: "Miss Mu, my surname is Ai. Her last name is Zheng. She is the fourth in the family and is often called the fourth child." He no longer had the usual cold face. I can't wait to tell Mu Jing everything.

Mu Jing smiled like a flower in bloom, making the fourth prince confused and unable to take his eyes away.

"The little girl once raised a foal, which she called Sisi." Mu Jing explained with a hint of apology.


After leaving Sanyang Pass, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu did not take the main road. Instead, they chose the wilderness, sometimes even walking during the day and night.

To others, there are few people on this road, which means it is lonely and lonely; there are many wild beasts, poisonous insects, and bandits, which means it is dangerous and difficult; hunting for food, sleeping in abandoned temples and abandoned houses, or even covering the sky and the ground is a sign of poverty, so Few people travel in such a hurry. Even desperadoes cannot bear the hardship, whether it is their mind or body.

But when Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu were on the road, they were leisurely and comfortable. They didn't feel bitter, but had a sense of freedom. This was really far different from the cold loneliness during retreat, and in the reflection of their hearts, poisonous insects , miasma, etc. can also be avoided in advance. As long as the wild beasts are not monsters, they should not be used as graphite swords.

Therefore, even though the two of them committed a heinous crime and were secretly pursued by the Fourth Prince, the way they traveled without entering the city, town, or village made it completely impossible for the pursuers to capture their whereabouts.

The world is so vast, with so many mountains and forests, and there are no immortal means. Once you hide in it, it will be like a drop of water hiding in the sea, making it difficult to trace.

"It's very close." In a gentle wilderness, Mo Jingqiu closed his eyes and sensed the imprint, "If it's within a hundred miles, we can reach it by driving day and night."

Shi Xuan looked at the direction pointed by Mo Jingqiu and made some calculations in his mind: "The conditions of the two of us and the horses are not very good, so we should not go there rashly. We should wait for a day of rest, recuperate our body, and return to peak strength before we go. It’s not too late, after all, we don’t know what we will encounter there.”

After half a month of traveling, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu were fine. Due to their strong control over all parts of the body, they always rested before reaching the limit. However, their bodies were tired and their mental state was not good. The four horses were already tired. He was skin and bones, and if he hadn't been half a step away from becoming a demon horse, he would have died on the roadside, let alone cross the mountains.

Mo Jingqiu nodded in agreement with Shi Xuan's opinion and pointed to a dilapidated Taoist temple hidden in the mountains in the distance: "Just go there, even if there are people, it doesn't matter. Those chasing soldiers have long been thrown away. Even if you find the right direction, , it’s not as fast as our trip.”

The body is only at the peak of physical training, and getting sick is normal, so unless it is a last resort, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu will not choose to stay in the dark. If they really get seriously ill, it will delay their time even more.

Shi Xuan didn't have any objections. He pulled the horse and walked towards the Taoist temple. When he got closer, he suddenly discovered that there was a large valley under the Taoist temple. A stream meandered through it, nourishing the fertile fields on both sides, and inside the valley , there are still many houses scattered around, but it is not a small village.

There was a waterwheel standing next to the stream, turning slowly. When Shi Xuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile and said to Mo Jingqiu: "Even in the land of the end of the law, people will find ways to make their lives better and easier."

It's a pity that the foundations of the two universes are different. In my previous life, it was based on atoms, elements and other derivatives of "earth, fire, feng shui", etc., but now it is the power of the five elements. Otherwise, I can spread some "scientific religion". Of course, Some of the most basic things are common, but what comes from this is not much different from the power of a hand crossbow, unless one deliberately fundamentally changes the laws of heaven and earth.

When he arrived at the door of the Taoist temple, Shi Xuan gently knocked on the mottled door. After a while, a little boy about ten years old came to open the door. Seeing two strangers, he couldn't help but asked in shock: "Who are you looking for?" He was dressed in simple clothes. He looks like an ordinary farm kid, but he doesn't have that wild and naughty look. Instead, he is calm and quiet.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "We have been here and saw that it was getting late. We would like to stay overnight. Please let the temple owner know."

The boy showed a look of astonishment and stretched out his hand to signal Shi Xuan to calm down: "Grandpa, the master of the temple, is refining the elixir of immortality. Don't disturb him. Please wait for a moment."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a slight explosion, and black smoke blew out from a side room. An old voice inside said to himself in confusion: "The dragon and the tiger intersect, and the obstacles and obstacles help each other. How come?" Could it be wrong?”

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