Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 722 The pain and loss are forgotten in a blink of an eye

The sound was not loud, and it was within the wing room, but for Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu's crystal-clear minds, the distance of ten steps did not hinder them from hearing what the master of the temple was saying to himself, and they couldn't help but Looking at each other and smiling, there are still people in this Dharma-ending land pursuing the way of eternal life through external elixirs.

The little boy heard the explosion and hurriedly turned around and rushed in. After a while, he coughed and complained and pulled out a tall man whose face and clothes were covered with dark dust: "Grandpa, such a big smoke. , what are you still doing standing there?”

The tall man's voice was quite old, and he said a little absent-mindedly: "Perhaps if you feel carefully what's wrong with this smoke, you can find out the reason why it always fails." As he said this, he wanted to continue walking into the wing, but he was stopped by the little man. The boy covered his face with a wet handkerchief that he had prepared a long time ago. A cool feeling came to him, which made him sober. He couldn't help but sigh, and wiped his face carefully with the handkerchief.

"Grandpa, the visitor, there is a passing couple who want to stay overnight." The little boy quickly took the opportunity to tell the visitor about Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu.

After wiping his face, he found that the viewer didn't look as old as his voice. He was in his forties, with an upright appearance and some gray hair on his temples, which made him appear exhausted.

He raised his head and looked at Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu. He saw that they did not look like extremely vicious people, and that they were good-looking, calm and indifferent. In addition, they were not far from the capital, and there were often travelers and businessmen staying overnight. So he smiled and said, "If you two don't If you don’t like the original view being simple and too noisy, just choose a wing.”

As he said that, he stepped forward to greet him, but something rolled out of his alchemy room just now, and it happened to be at his feet. So he stepped on it, staggered, and was about to fall, but at this time, a pair of white and steady A hand firmly held his shoulder, preventing him from colliding with the ground.

"Thank you." The viewer said gratefully. Although if he really fell, there wouldn't be any serious consequences given his relatively strong body, but the other party had good intentions after all.

Standing still and taking a closer look, he couldn't help but have a faint doubt in his heart. The woman in the purple skirt was at the gate seven or eight steps away. And the moment he took the step, he clearly saw the man in the green robe standing side by side with her. How could he have made it in time? Hold yourself? Even those masters with swords, fists and kicks that I have seen in the past can only take three or four steps when they fall.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "Shi Xuan is also a Taoist priest. This is my good friend Mo Jingqiu."

"The old Taoist named himself Wuwu, but as for his common name in the past, he has long forgotten it." When the master of Wuwu Temple heard that Shi Xuan claimed to be a Taoist priest, he looked a little happy, and then pointed to the little boy, "His name is Jiang Liu is a child from Shanyin Village. He likes to listen to the old Taoist talk about weird and strange things, so he likes to go to the temple. Later, he became interested in alchemy and the art of immortality. He often helped the old Taoist with some tricks. Even if you haven’t formally started, you can still be considered as a half-disciple.”

After finishing speaking, the master of Wuwang Temple looked forward to it and said: "I wonder if Fellow Taoist Shi has any insights into the method of alchemy? Can you help me find out the reasons for the failure just now?"

"Maybe the fire source is wrong." Shi Xuan didn't know how his alchemy method was, but there was one problem that he couldn't overcome. In a world with the power of the five elements as the basis of matter, slightly more complicated material changes are involved, or it requires Taoism. For the blessing of talismans and seals, one must use various kinds of real fire and water to refine them, such as the real fire of stars, the dazzling fire of thunder, etc. Such foreign objects are very rare, and they are almost non-existent in the land of the end of law.

The eyes of Wuwu Guanzhu lit up: "Yes, how can the elixir of immortality be refined with ordinary fire!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cursing voice came from outside the watch: "Jiang Liu, why did you come to Crazy Old Dao again?" A strong peasant woman in her early thirties came in and pointed to the place where Wuwangguan was hiding. Xiao Jiangliu behind the Lord said, "Don't go back with me yet."

Jiang Liu shook his head: "Mom, it's still early, let me stay a little longer."

"Humph, this old Taoist is crazy. He has never married or had any children in his life. He is very unfilial. You have been with him for a long time. If you learn that he only wants some bullshit immortality, I will die unjustly." Jiang said sarcastically, if it weren't for the old Taoist. Here you can learn to read and write for free, and she has already let Jiang Liu go to school.

The master of Wuhuang Temple could not help but retort: ​​"All things in the world, mountains and rivers, have existed for a long time. Why can't we, the spirits of all things, seek the way to eternal life? You peasant women have little knowledge, so don't talk nonsense."

Jiang sneered: "Old Master Wuwu, let me ask you, have you ever seen anyone immortal in the world? The only ones who are truly immortal are the reincarnations of gods and Buddhas. How can any of us mortals be able to practice Taoism and become immortals?"

"Hmph, those swindlers can only deceive foolish men and women like you." Wuwu Lao Dao said disdainfully.

Jiang continued to ask: "Then what do you get from praying for immortality? There are no immortal methods at all. Both parents died of old age at home. He was a famous doctor in the capital and had a great fortune. Now he can only guard this dilapidated Taoist temple and make elixirs to survive." I made the last disciple go crazy until he died. He was just over forty, but he was like a sixty-year-old man, covered with diseases. I think you are not seeking immortality, but seeking death!"

This peasant woman looked like she had been reading for a few days. She was well-spoken and well-organized. After she finished speaking, she didn't care about the old saying, she just pulled Jiang Liu and walked out of the view.

Jiang Liu didn't dare to resist. He turned around and winked at Lao Dao, saying that he would sneak over again later.

"You, you don't understand." Old Taoist Wuwu said with some desolation, "In the remote and backward southern Xinjiang, there is the art of voodoo and poison. They all have supernatural powers. How can we, who are cultivating Taoism and seeking immortality, be without means? , It’s just that the old Taoist is stupid and has difficulty getting started.”

Despair is more painful than acknowledging frustration.

Hearing this, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu were quite confused, but soon figured it out. The Hunyuan Golden Bowl was just a congenital Taoist fetus, without intelligence, and its power was dispersed and uneven. The farther away from it, the less suppression it received. In extremely remote places, it was normal for a few things similar to the law to appear, but this world, no matter how remote it was, could only reach this step, and could not become a real magic.

Wuwang Laodao lost for a moment, then restrained his emotions, put these things behind his mind, and thought about what Shi Xuan had just said, "If you don't use ordinary fire, where can you find the real fire of the immortals? I wonder if those Taoist friends have any news about this."

For a moment, he fell into deep contemplation.

Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu were both free and easy people. They made a fire and cooked by themselves. After the rice was cooked, they woke up Wuwang Laodao and ate with him.

"Master, I wonder where it is a hundred miles away in that direction?" Shi Xuan pointed to the southeast.

Taoist Wuwang took a look and answered woodenly, "The capital." He was still thinking, and he was not surprised at all that someone would arrive nearby and not know it was the capital.

It turned out to be the capital. Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu were stunned at first, and then a little relieved. The place where the innate Taoist fetus was placed was bound to have some supernatural powers, and it would naturally be regarded as a place with strong luck. The capital was established, but I just hope it is not in the underground of the imperial palace, which would be quite troublesome.

With Taoist Wuwang in front of them, who was not lingering on everything and was not surprised or suspicious, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu naturally asked him quickly and gradually determined the whereabouts of the Hunyuan Golden Bowl.

When the capital was established here, someone found a golden bowl in a cave. The pattern was complex and mysterious, and the light was dim but far-reaching. It was regarded as a spiritual object from heaven and a sign of auspiciousness, and was enshrined in the ancestral temple. The ancestral temple was on the side of the imperial palace and was heavily guarded.

Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu both breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it was not buried deep underground, it would take a lot of effort to dig it out. After all, the longer the time, the greater the variables. Many strong bows and crossbows shot at them without interruption. Even if the two of them had a clear mind, they could not avoid it. With the ancestral temple as a barrier, the opponent could not use fire attacks, wall breaking and other means.

And sneaking into the palace secretly was not as difficult as ascending to heaven.

After determining the target, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu each chose a wing room and began to rest and recuperate, trying to recover as soon as possible.


In the dead of night, several black-clothed men in tight clothes suddenly sneaked in outside the dilapidated Taoist temple, with thick layers of scarves covering their faces.

"Is this the place?" A man in black asked the leader in confusion, "How could the Taoist who the national master asked us to capture be in such a dilapidated Taoist temple?" Even if he was not as close to the emperor as the national master and lived in the temple, at least the Taoist temple should be prosperous. Could it be that this Taoist could not even play tricks?

The leader nodded and said affirmatively: "It is here. The national master said that he was a person who was born in the world and focused on refining pills. I tasted one of his pills by chance and felt that it was very helpful for my spiritual cultivation, so I planned to "invite" him back. Even if it was a coincidence before and it is difficult to refine it again, I can refine some longevity pills to appease the emperor. The older the emperor is, the more he is obsessed with the longevity pill, and the more he alienates the national master and gets close to the Taoists who play with the pill fire."

Above them, a black crow hovered quietly, blending into the darkness. Its eyes were not intelligent, but its movements were different from those of ordinary crows, as if it had been tamed by someone with special methods.

"Where are the others in the Taoist temple?" another black-clothed man asked.

The leader replied coldly: "Kill them. It's their bad luck."

After determining the location, the black-clothed men began to climb over the white wall nimbly, but as soon as they landed, they felt a flash of cold light and lost consciousness.

The two who came in later saw the front fall silently, and in great shock, they threw a bag of poisonous powder all over the sky. This is a life-saving item given by the national teacher. Within the coverage range, the skin will corrode as soon as it touches the skin. Even if there are dozens or hundreds of people ambushed on the opposite side, they will still end up the same.

But before they had time to be proud, they felt the other party's sword light spinning, and a strong wind blew, and some of the poisonous powder rolled back, so that they didn't even have time to scream, and they were corroded to death.

With a clear mind, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu's steps were strange. In the coverage of the remaining poisonous powder, they found a weak point and flashed out with swords to protect themselves.

"You come here to kidnap people and still keep talking nonsense, disturbing their sleep." Shi Xuan shook his head and laughed, and went back to his room with Mo Jingqiu to rest. Without doing anything, they hoped that Taoist Wuwang would see them and make them more alert. In addition, the meaning revealed in the words of these men in black gave them some ideas.

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