Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 756: Overcoming tribulations and practicing both

——Please take a leave of absence, I will update tomorrow morning after 12 noon, because I have entered the last part of this volume, and I have to sort out the outline and improve the details tonight.


In just a few moments, Shi Xuan reached the age of octogenarians. He was senile and full of lifeless energy. The little bit of life he had was like a candle in the wind, swaying, as if it would be extinguished in the next moment.

Countless illusory worlds have come to an end, with violent earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, violent winds, and floods filling the sky. Countless cracks appear on the land, and there seems to be a bottomless abyss in the depths of the sea, allowing all the seawater to pour into it and disappear without a trace. Continuous explosions and shattering sounds were heard, causing the nearby void universe and stars to collapse piece by piece, turning into chaotic holes and space-time storms.

The entire Dongtian Universe is heading for destruction everywhere, a chaotic scene of doomsday, and no longer stable at all.

Shi Xuan tried his best to control the slowness and flow of time, but his ability to control time, which he had made great progress in the past thirty-seven years, was of no use under the impact of the crazy river of time.

Many Three Tribulations powerful men without secret techniques or secret treasures, at this stage, often can only struggle to support themselves and resign themselves to their fate, hoping that the power of the last great avenue to counterattack will calm down before the longevity of the cave is completely exhausted. Only in that way can there be hope. A glimmer of hope to survive the decline of longevity.

Although relative to itself, the difficulty of declining mana is higher than that of longevity. After all, the breath of creation is much more difficult to master than the time of the cave. However, in the minds of many heavenly kings, the former is not that dangerous, because as long as it is within There is a trace of real creation breath in Yuan Shen. Even if there are no secret treasures and secret techniques, the certainty of surviving the decline in the future is about 50%.

And even if the Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord has been able to control the time laws of his own cave, he can only master 20% of the time when it comes to overcoming the decline of longevity, not to mention that the secret treasures and secret techniques of the decline of longevity are pitifully small compared to the decline of mana. .

Facing the turbulent river of time, Shi Xuan did not choose to support himself hard. His Taoist heart moved, and his eyes that began to become cloudy showed a firm calm, and he suddenly burned all the remaining life span!

Suddenly, the illusory avenue of the Dongtian Universe collapsed, almost falling apart, and complete destruction was just around the corner!

How can we do this kind of thing of seeking life from death slowly? How can we hesitate to move forward! How can we be cautious and suffer!

We can only put aside all worries, fears, and hesitations with a firm and free-spirited mentality, and take a vigorous and irreversible step with the most fervent devotion to the road to find that glimmer of hope!

At this moment, Shi Xuan forgot everything, forgot that there was still a secret technique that he had not yet used, and just followed his Taoist heart and made this fierce and decisive move.

At the moment when the Dongtian Universe was completely destroyed, the long river of time suddenly stopped, like a carriage that came to an abrupt stop.

Then, the river slowly and strangely flowed backwards. In the disintegrated cave sky, the ferocious cracks came together and merged. Pieces of heart-stopping emptiness were filled with space and time, and the collapsed illusory avenue returned to normal little by little.

Although time was going back very slowly, it was really going back. For a moment, Shi Xuan's longevity slowly recovered, and his face, which was so old that he couldn't see his eyes, lost all his teeth, and had a sunken mouth, showed a trace of life. , dull skin reveals a slightly invisible halo.

The counterattack force of the avenue is still coming crazily, but the long river of time can no longer escape Shi Xuan's control, flowing back slowly but surely!

Shi Xuan was finally able to open his eyes. White and neat teeth grew out one by one. The sagging skin began to tighten. The dull and dry color no longer showed the grayness of death. The white hair grew out one by one and became lush.

By this time, Shi Xuan understood that surviving the decline of Shou Yuan was just a matter of time!

A surge of pride and joy arose in my heart. I no longer waited, and with a thought, the black spot in the soul where time intertwined and merged suddenly erupted!

A piece of nothingness was born in the soul, the innate Qi has not yet emerged, time and space have not been born. This is a strange place with no past, no present, no future, no up, down, left, right, front and back.

While Shi Xuan was controlling the time in the cave, he felt and understood the process of the birth of the universe and the opening of the void.

"Void Opening" is the visualization practice method recorded in "Baolu" after the decline of Shouyuan and before Hedao. It is also the last visualization method. After that, it is the method of condensing the three flowers on the top, and Once you can combine the Tao, you have to create your own practice based on your nature and situation. There is no set rule. Even if you practice the same skill, you will have thousands of people with different faces.

Therefore, "Void Opening" is a method of visualization that directly points to the Yin-Yang Avenue. It is very difficult even for a fourth-level Heavenly Lord to successfully visualize it. It often takes nearly a thousand years of effort to succeed. However, once you can visualize it, If you think about it, the immortal arts contained in the Yin-Yang Avenue and the many acquired avenues derived from it can be practiced very quickly. It only takes 10 or 20% of the normal time, and even half-step of the Golden Immortal Queen's "Ten Thousand Techniques" can be achieved. On the "Returning to the Path", there will also be a lot less hard work.

This is the supreme method for every supreme skill to adhere to its fundamental path at this stage!

Shi Xuan's original plan was to spend a thousand years in seclusion and practice hard after surviving the decline of longevity, to successfully visualize the "opening of the void", and then to prepare for the elusive decline of the Tao heart that would invade his heart at an unknown time, but now In the sudden explosion, he took that firm step and grasped a glimmer of hope in the decline of longevity, making the secret technique useless.

So just put it to use, feel and understand the scene of the birth of the universe from the side, and lay the solid foundation for future visualization of "the opening of the void".

There is only one such opportunity, because if it is not in the decline of longevity, the use of this secret technique will cause the destruction of one's own soul and the death of the body.

In a strange scene with no time and no space, a misty, refined, formless and pure Qi was born, and the Taichu appeared after Taiyi.

The pure air spreads all over the void without time and space, and the Taishi Chaos, which is tangible and insubstantial, mixed with yin and yang, and contains everything, comes out of it.

Chaos evolves, and the three thousand avenues are gestated in it, becoming tangible and qualitative, but time and space have not yet been differentiated and have not matured into a body. They are Taisu. Then in the chaos, yin and yang will be separated but not separated, transforming into each other, and balancing as one.

The "opening of the void" was very fast, just like when the long river of time first burst out and flowed. Suddenly, the black and white light shone brightly in the chaos, and the first ray of yin and yang differentiated!

Clear and turbid are yin and yang, one rising and one falling!

Time and space are yin and yang, one universe and one universe!

They all suddenly separated, and the universe was born!

Among the pure and turbid air, earth, fire, wind and water erupted, and the five elements evolved one by one, spreading everywhere in the void!

When Shi Xuan Yuan Shen's inner secret technique manifests the rapid evolution of this universe, it combines the source of the flowing long river of time in Yuan Shen with itself. Its passage of time drives the reverse flow of time in the cave sky, just like Two people pull the two ends of a rope. If the former moves backward, the latter moves forward, and vice versa.

In the cave sky, the collapsed avenues are completely stable. Each illusory universe has regressed from a state of destruction to a intact state. Countless dust flies upside down, gathers, and becomes stars again. Storms of time and space separate, and the terrifying chaos hole changes from large to small until it turns into a collapsed one. One point, and then retreat from one point to void, great thousand, etc...

The scene of the entire cave being turned back in time looks terrifying and weird!

Shi Xuan's white hair gradually turns black, his skin slowly regains its luster, wrinkles dissipate little by little, and the decay of time becomes less and less, demonstrating the rejuvenation without the blessing of magic!

The secret technique of "Void Opening" is coming to an end, time is passing faster and faster, and it falls into the final explosion, and the universe enters the prehistoric era.

In an instant, in the cave sky, thousands of worlds and stars disappeared one by one, illusion and chaos were born, time and space storms condensed, earth, fire, wind and water erupted, and quickly returned to unity.

Shi Xuan stood up suddenly, pointed his hand, the earth, fire, wind and water returned to clear and turbid, time and space shrank and intertwined, everything turned into yin and yang, rotating with each other, and gradually merged into chaos.

In the realm of Shangqing Shenxiao, Xu Zhenjun, Ziying, Jiuling, Ming Qingyue, Qinglang and other disciples in the sect, as well as Wang Qi and other disciples, suddenly realized that everything around them had lost their color, leaving only black and white. , as if time has been stripped away.

And every move they made was without hindrance and extremely normal.

But outside the realm of Shangqing Shenxiao, the disciples who were guarding Yingke Island accidentally turned around and were stunned, because everything in the entire sect's cave seemed to be still, and the fallen leaves fell like this without any support. Stopped in mid-air.

If they hadn't come out of it themselves, these disciples would have thought it was a meticulously crafted painting.

Shi Xuan took a step forward and pointed again, and the backlash of the avenue was completely eliminated from his soul!

The fourth decline of heavenly beings and longevity has passed!

As time rippled around him, Shi Xuan suddenly turned his head. With the help of his mind connection, through the endless void, he saw Granny Yu wearing a purple Taoist robe. She was getting up from sitting cross-legged. Her soul was completely rotten, but she was very calm.

As she stood up, the soul decay disappeared rapidly. At this time, she raised her head slightly, made eye contact with Shi Xuan, and smiled slightly.

Soon, Grandma Yu regained her stunning and majestic appearance, and walked forward with her hands behind her back. Wherever she passed, trees waved their branches, the soil shook and cheered, grass, fruits, etc. fell to the ground, singing cheerful songs, and a person lay on the ground. Under the tree, I was lost in thought, thinking about the golden house in the book and the beautiful scholar in the book. Suddenly I found that a palace made of gold appeared in front of me. At the door of the palace, a beautiful woman was showing a gentle smile and said He salutes...

"I didn't expect Grandma Yu to have survived the decline of her soul at this time." Shi Xuan quickly withdrew his gaze. Now he was involved in the matter of the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death. I don't know how many big shots were looking for the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death with the help of paying attention to him. His whereabouts determine his status and true purpose. Whether he wants to confuse the public, reincarnate in advance, or lure snakes out of their holes and catch them all in one fell swoop. Therefore, although there is cover from the Taoist ancestors of life and death, there is no danger of his skills being exposed for the time being, but Shi Xuan is not inconvenienced without any preparations. In this case, I contacted Granny Yu.

Shi Xuan took an inward look at his soul: "Once it is known that I have survived the decline of longevity and am one step closer to becoming a half-step golden immortal, which means that the Taoist ancestor's technique of life and death is close to perfection, or has been perfected, there will definitely be people who can't help but take action. I tried it, but fortunately, the realization of the void opening in the situation just now was enough to save me seven or eight hundred years of time to practice this method of visualization. "

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