Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 757: Separate Thoughts to Refine Secret Treasures

Shangqing Shenxiao Realm, Tianshu Peak, Tianya Haijiao Tower.

It has been a hundred years since Ming Qingyue and Xie Fangwei survived the third heavenly tribulation. They have stabilized their realm and are practicing immortality, so they guard the sect.

When the feeling of being surrounded by only black and white, as if time had been stripped away, disappeared, the two looked at each other and smiled, understanding that Shi Xuan had passed the fourth decline of heaven and humans and became the highest-level existence among Tianjun. Second only to the Taoist incarnation of the Great Dao and the unfailing Tao Lord, they are also second to none in the countless nearby worlds.

Ming Qingyue's hair was hung casually, and there were two small and cute dragon horns sticking out from the satin black color. The mysterious and mysterious talismans on them had been completely integrated into herself, and could no longer be seen. She just looked at them intently, and she would There was a feeling of rippling water, which was both like a galaxy and time. She looked in the direction of Tianji Peak with a heartfelt smile: "The power of surviving the three tribulations of the decline of longevity in just thirty-seven years, There are not many in the world, and most of them are swordsmen with no regrets. When we started together, I never thought that Shi Xuan would be so brave and diligent. In fact, since ancient times, Yu Yu is the first in the world. one person."

Xie Fangwei was gentle and leisurely, not at all worried about the fourth heavenly tribulation. Firstly, he had just passed through the Nine Fires Burning Hearts Tribulation and was still far away from the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation. Secondly, among the real people who could reach this point, who would care about him? He has no confidence, and for more than two thousand years, he has combined the "Shenxiaodong True Taoist Treasure Sutra" to prove his own martial arts, and gained a lot. He chuckled: "If Junior Brother Shi hadn't been here along the way and the killings weren't heavy, I wouldn't have done it. I think it’s another Yujing Taoist.”

Shi Xuan is not a sword cultivator, and Taoist Yujing is not a sword cultivator either. Shi Xuan has three flying swords to destroy immortals, destroy worlds, and destroy magic. Fellow Daoist Yujing also has four flying swords to kill, destroy, trap, and stab, and the same Advance by leaps and bounds, the same Yuyutian human race, no one can help but make comparisons, but compared to the thousands of grudges and enemies, Shi Xuan, the Taoist Yujing who I killed with one sword, lacks the kind of scornful, everything-can-do attitude. The courage to kill, of course, is a difference brought about by different basic skills and mentality, and it does not matter.

"And because the Zhouguang Bell exploded, a lot of time was saved. The time it took Shi Xuan to get to the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord was less than that of Taoist Yujing." Ming Qingyue responded with a smile.

Xie Fangwei nodded, looked at the entrance of Tianya Haijiao Tower and joked: "In the past, among the sixteen generations of disciples of our sect, I was the first to start. Now Shi Xuan is only one step away from becoming a Taoist king without decline or calamity, and I am one step away from it." To become a heavenly being is still one step away, but it is completely different.”

"But the decline of Taoist heart I will face next is much more difficult than the catastrophe of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder." Shi Xuan walked in with a smile, wearing a green robe as before, with ripples of time spreading around him, giving him a dreamy feeling , is caused by the inability to fully control the ability to manipulate time.

Ming Qingyue and Xie Fangwei said in unison: "Congratulations to Shi Zhenjun for overcoming the decline of longevity. You are only one step away from being able to live forever without any decline or calamity."

There was deep joy in the voices of the two people, and the worry caused by Shi Xuan's words just now. There are very few Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords. There are less than ten thousand in the entire void universe, but there are even fewer Half-Step Golden Immortals, less than nine. Hundreds, and a large part of the Half-step Golden Immortals existed in prehistoric times, ancient times, and ancient times. Over time, there are only this number. Even counting those Half-step Golden Immortals who died in the Great Dao dispute, the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord has reached half The proportion of Bu Jinxian is also frighteningly low, so one can imagine how difficult and terrifying it is.

Ming Qingyue and Xie Fangwei had known Shi Xuan before and after they entered the profession. They had a deep friendship, so how could they not be worried.

Shi Xuan sat cross-legged casually. In front of the two people, he didn't need to pay attention to it: "The decline of Taoist heart starts from the end of Qingping. It is difficult to grasp and detect. I can only examine my heart three times from time to time. There is no chance at this level." In other words, no adventure can offset it. From this aspect, it can indeed be compared with the difficulties of achieving the soul."

There are only so many records about the decline of Taoist heart in "Baolu". Shi Xuan often tried to figure it out, but was at a loss. Facing friends like Ming Qingyue and Xie Fangwei who could let go of their guard, he naturally said casually, "Okay Although the decline of Taoist heart is elusive and unpredictable, judging from the records in many classics, we are not afraid of its coming for at least the next thousand years. You don’t need to worry about it for the time being. Haha, speaking of it, among our sixteen generations of disciples, there is a heavenly king. These two real people are far better than other generations of disciples."

The decline of Taoist heart has never been caused by oneself. It is really difficult to prepare in advance. Even if it is triggered by the "Fifth Decline of Heaven and Man" attack contained in Shen Chenxi's "The Book of Immortal Taoist Treasures", it will not work. Because that is a stage that truly breaks out and is hard to recover from, rather than the previous part where the power of decline invades the mind. Relying on it to determine the decline of the Taoist heart is asking for death.

"Baolu" records the decline of Taoist heart in a secret treasure "Tao Te Ching". After being combined with one's own aura, it will arouse the mind at the moment when the decline really breaks out, causing Shi Xuan to wake up for a moment. As for everything after that, everything The Taoist monarchs and Taoist ancestors who have overcome the decline of Taoist heart have never mentioned it. Even how to sharpen the Taoist heart after the decline of Shouyuan is hidden. It seems that once its content is known, either the monks themselves will have knowledge. If you see obstacles or decline, horrific changes will occur, making it even more difficult than before.

Concerning this point, Granny Yu once said to Shi Xuan: "There was once a Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord. By chance, he got an essay left by a fallen Taoist Lord, which contained a few sentences about the decline of Taoist heart. So he thought he had found the key, and kept sharpening his Taoist heart carefully, but the decline of his Taoist heart strangely did not come. It was not until he sat in a quiet room ten thousand years later that he suddenly realized that that caution and caution were It is a manifestation of my own Taoist heart failure, so if I tell you, it will be harmful to you, and after my reincarnation, the Taoist heart failure I will experience will be much more difficult than yours."

Reincarnation practice is not always smooth sailing, otherwise I don’t know how many Taoist ancestors and Taoist monarchs would choose to reincarnate. Only those with great perseverance, great determination, and great wisdom can not be afraid of these.

More than two hundred years ago, after learning that the Dao Ancestor of Life and Death had intervened in this matter, Granny Yu sighed as she expected: "The power of the Dao Ancestor is far beyond your imagination. If you hadn't had Jiuyou and his party, they could have passed the Tao Ancestor of Life and Death." Test, you can no longer keep your secrets for a long time. This is the calamity I mentioned between you and Jiuyou. If you don’t rely on this, you can’t survive it at all. Speaking of which, I was probably also secretly manipulated by the Dao Ancestor of Life and Death at that time. You can only calculate these after the impact. You have survived the three disasters and three tribulations. As for what disasters there will be in the future, it is not my ability to calculate. "

As for the plans of Kong Ji, the founder of the Five Elements Dao, neither the Taoist ancestors nor the Buddha could tell. Naturally, Granny Yu couldn't figure out why. She just affirmed that the Five Elements and Yin and Yang were not opposite Tao species. In addition, she smiled and mentioned something: "Red Emperor, as can be seen from his name, practices fire techniques. Haha, his 'World Burning True Fire' was known as the best among all fires in the past. Such a person, on the road of acquired fire, To be able to suddenly have a chance encounter and understand the true meaning of fire, if it is not a true accident, then who in the world can have such a skill?"

"Ancestor of the Five Elements." Shi Xuan said these four words silently at that time. The Avenue of Acquired Fire and the Avenue of Four Elephants have not yet been matched. "What is the old peacock planning?"

As many memories and thoughts flashed through his mind, Shi Xuan heard Ming Qingyue reply with a smile: "Without you Shi Xuan, our sixteenth generation of disciples would have no advantage over the following generations. Just your disciples, there are two Real person of the Three Tribulations Yangshen, by the way, are you going to travel in a thousand years? Then you have to be careful, I don’t know how many people are coveting the matter of Jiuyou.”

"I have read the records in the classics. Some of those Taoist monarchs and Taoist ancestors traveled abroad and sharpened their Taoism to survive the decline. Some stayed close to the sect, but they still became half-step golden immortals. The decline of Taoism is really strange and inexplicable." Xie Fangwei agreed. Dao, Jiuyou's matter involves a wide range of things, and I don't know how many big shots are watching.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, they don't dare to take action personally. After all, they have to worry about whether it is the way of the Taoist ancestors to lure the snake out of the cave. The more truly a person who has been watching for a long time, the more careful he will be in this, otherwise if he is not careful, he will be killed. I don’t know how many years it will take for my conduct to be ruined. As for indirect temptation, the danger will be much smaller.”

At that time, Zuo Shengdipao took the initiative when he had all the advantages. Even Shi Xuan himself did not know what the Taoist of Life and Death was planning. He wanted to lure the snake out of the hole, eliminate hidden dangers, and then kill the Taoist of Annihilation, and then The matter of reincarnation has already been reincarnated, and all the preparations are done to confuse the Taoist Annihilation's vision and hearing, so let alone other big figures who don't know that the book of life and death has been projected in their own minds.

After chatting for a while, Shi Xuan returned to Tianji Peak and began to practice the visualization method of "Void Opening". At the same time, he set out to refine the "Aura of Enlightenment" needed for the "Tao Te Ching". However, before leaving Tianya Haijiao Tower, Shi Xuan was like She thoughtfully said to Ming Qingyue: "Qingyue, when you have mastered your immortal skills, you might as well go to the outer reaches of the Western Wilderness."

Ming Qingyue was very surprised, but when she saw that Shi Xuan refused to explain clearly, she guessed that it was the secret that he had deduced, so she smiled and nodded.


The place of treasures, in Yunliu City, is the Iron Sword Gate.

As a new disciple, Xiang Bao is qualified to choose a sword technique in the classics building in addition to the basic Qi training methods.

"Give me a low-grade spiritual stone, and I can give you some pointers to prevent you from picking up swordsmanship that is not as good as others." The senior disciple guarding the classics building stretched out his hand without hesitation.

Xiang Baonai was a child in his early ten years, and he came from a poor family. Apart from a low-grade spiritual stone given to him when he started, he had nothing to offer, and he had a stubborn personality, so he shook his head firmly: "No."

"Then you choose, you pauper." The senior disciple said sarcastically. The Iron Sword Sect took the sword as its name and collected countless sword skills. At the same time, a thought quietly came to his mind, and there was no one in that sect except Master Tao. After completing the training, the swordsmanship changed from a true swordsmanship to a swordsmanship that ordinary disciples can learn.

Xiang Bao didn't take it seriously and searched for a long time in the classics building. Suddenly, his eyes lit up because there was a sword technique placed separately, and the name was quite loud and full of fairy spirit, "The Sword of the Stars taught by Immortals"!

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