Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 758: A wake-up call to get rid of the thieves

Seeing the name of this swordsmanship, Xiang Bao couldn't help but think: "Could it be a swordsmanship passed down from gods?"

The Land of Treasures was once the outskirts of the Western Wilderness, and there were many monks coming and going. In addition, there were several small sects in Yunliu City, which ruled the surrounding areas from a high position. Therefore, Xiang Bao, who had just tempered his body at a young age, was very important to him. It is somewhat clear what a "god" is.

"Wandering across the East China Sea and the Western Wasteland at dusk, waving hands and shaking hands, looking at things for a long time, one retreat is worth an ordinary person's life..." Many thoughts appeared in Xiang Bao's mind, and his heart couldn't help but get hot. He hurriedly took a few steps forward to record the door. He picked up the jade slip of swordsmanship and concentrated on sensing the content at the beginning.

"By chance, Yu witnessed a real immortal slaying a demon in the depths of the vast sea. The magic of the immortal's swordsmanship has transformed the vast starry sky. This is something I have only seen in my life and rarely come across in my dreams."

"Xi Yu's cultivation is low and he is ignorant. When he comes back and thinks about it, he can't save it. He can only take the profound part and evolve it into this sword technique. Because of its origin, the sword technique is named 'Sword of the Stars taught by Immortals'. I hope my disciples can gain some insights from it and gain some of the essence of the immortal swordsmanship, and this swordsmanship cannot be taught unless it is truly taught."

"When I think about the immortal swordsmanship, I can't take a closer look at the vast, majestic, and exquisite last sword. It's sad! It's a pity! It's a pity!"

"At three o'clock on the fifth day of September, Tao Bantang recorded it in Guanjin Garden."

Seeing the words recorded at the beginning, Xiang Bao's face suddenly showed an uncontrollable smile, "The real inheritance of immortal swordsmanship! The real inheritance of immortal swordsmanship!" Even after watching from the sidelines, there is absolutely no trace of it. It was also performed by a true immortal, how could it be ordinary!

"I wonder which true immortal's swordsmanship it will be..." Xiang Bao's thoughts fluctuated, thinking about the spectacular and vast scene of immortals slaying demons that Patriarch Tao had witnessed back then, and he longed for it.

But when he thought about these words again and again, Xiang Bao was suddenly startled and extremely disappointed: "If it is not a true teaching, it cannot be taught, and if it is not a true teaching, it cannot be taught..." It was not easy to find a peerless swordsmanship, but it turned out that he could not practice it at home.

At this time, Lu Nanliu, the senior disciple who was guarding the classics building, deliberately walked over and said mockingly: "Junior Brother Xiang, you really have a good sense. You actually chose this discipline. Since Patriarch Tao, no one has successfully practiced it for more than seven thousand years." When it comes to swordsmanship, should I say it’s better to have great ambitions or to be ignorant?”

Such a tone deeply stimulated Xiang Bao. He had not yet started to practice the visualization method, so he couldn't help but retort: ​​"If the predecessors can't practice it, does it mean that I can't practice it?"

After a pause, he realized another hidden meaning in Lu Nanliu's words: "You mean, you can choose this sword technique?"

Lu Nanliu maintained a sarcastic attitude: "Of course you can choose. Since our Iron Sword Sect was destroyed once and the Zhongxing Patriarch resumed the inheritance, he has regarded this sword technique as an ordinary sword technique. Since there are no true disciples who can learn it, it is better to let the majority of disciples learn it. Practice to see if you can be mastered by geniuses. Over the past thousands of years, I don’t know how many new disciples like you, junior brother, have thought that they are the protagonists in myths, legends and stories, and that they can conquer others for thousands of years. They can easily practice things that they can't learn, but in the end they all regret it and feel that the opportunity to choose sword skills was wasted. "

Then he looked sideways at Xiang Bao: "So I advise Junior Brother Xiang not to have any wishful thinking. How can the immortal swordsmanship be so easy to master?!"

Being ridiculed one after another by Lu Nanliu, Xiang Bao accumulated deep anger in his heart, and he really yearned for this swordsmanship, so he pursed his lips and said, "Junior brother, I don't need you to worry about it."

When watching Xiang Bao exchange the "Immortal Star Sword" engraved jade slip and leave, Lu Nanliu couldn't help laughing: "This kind of stupid boy can't stand being provoked. When he regrets it, he doesn't want to think about what Patriarch Tao has achieved." At that time, he was a master of the soul!"


A few days later, Xiang Bao came out of the Iron Sword Preaching Hall with a pale face, and many disciples around him were pointing.

"I heard that he chose the "Immortal Sword of the Stars"?" A female disciple smiled coquettishly and whispered to her companions.

"You really don't know how high the world is. So many predecessors and sages have not been able to practice it for thousands of years. Does he think he is a peerless swordsmanship genius like Shi Tianjun of the Penglai sect?" A tall and thin male disciple sneered. He had mastered sword energy as soon as he became a soul. Lei Yin, who could be separated by the light of a sword before he became a golden elixir, is now a immortal who has attained immortality, lives as long as the heavens, and is aloof. Such a figure usually only appears once every hundreds of thousands of years.

Another female disciple who came over smiled and said: "It seems that he has made no progress in the past few days. No wonder his face is so bad."

"Xuanqing, you don't know. After the sermon just now, Xiang Bao asked Uncle Li for advice on "The Immortal Sword of the Stars", but he was blocked by Uncle Li saying, 'I don't know how high the sky is, I haven't even mastered it, how can I give you some advice?' Hahaha." "It's really satisfying." Lv Nanliu Zhi laughed proudly, "I want to see what kind of swordsmanship Xiaobi uses in half a year. If he comes in last, he will be expelled from the sect. "

When Xiang Bao heard these words, he staggered and almost fell, causing the whole audience to burst into laughter. He was confused and frightened in his heart. The "Immortal Sword of the Stars" begins with "Ten Thousand Stars Map" as its general outline. Just by looking at it, you will know everything. Feeling dizzy and mentally drained, he naturally did not dare to continue practicing and kept thinking about it in his mind. Once he did not keep thinking about the Ten Thousand Stars Map, the subsequent sword skills would either be impossible to practice or would be just a show-off.

"It is said that for thousands of years, the disciples who have chosen the "Sword of the Stars" have all failed at this level." Xiang Bao thought in frustration, "What will Xiaobi do in half a year? Do I have to choose another sword? "But I don't have a spiritual stone. Even if I complete the sect mission, it will take me several months to change to one. It's too late."

His face was as pale as a lost soul and Xiang Bao walked back to his home in confusion. This was a very dilapidated courtyard. His parents lived frugally and worked hard day and night so that he could train himself since he was a child and enter the Iron Sword Gate. If Xiaobi is expelled, how can he face them?

Just as he closed the courtyard door, there was a knock on the door. Xiang Bao numbly opened the courtyard door and saw a young Taoist priest in green robes outside. He couldn't help but come back to his senses and said, "Taoist priest, knock on the door. What's the matter?" ?”

"I passed by here on the road and was a little thirsty, so I came to ask for some water and asked my friends to make a good relationship." Shi Xuan smiled slightly. The thoughts of differentiation are powerless, but they can be dissipated at will, and he is not afraid of being coveted by those people. Take the opportunity to seize it quietly and search God to search.

Xiang Bao said "Oh" and numbly scooped half a ladle of water to the young Taoist priest in front of him, continuing to think about his dark future.

"My little friend, your hall is darkened and your eyes are dull. I'm just afraid that something may happen in front of you."

When Xiang Bao was lost in thought, he heard the young Taoist priest shaking his head while drinking water. He was about to get angry, but he was stunned and lost his mind. "How did he know that I was in trouble? Could it be that he was a senior monk who was good at calculating the secrets of heaven?" "

He looked at the young Taoist priest with half disbelief and half expectation: "This Taoist priest, don't you know where my trouble comes from?"

"I didn't want to say it at first, but since I've eaten your way, I'll give you a few words of advice." Shi Xuan nodded lightly, "If you have great ambitions but few talents, you will be too ambitious and your future will be cut off."

Normally, upon hearing these words, Xiang Bao would turn around and leave, almost cursing himself! But at this moment, Xiang Bao felt as if he was struck by lightning, any trace of luck dissipated, and with the addition of a teenage child, the corners of his eyes became moist: "Please help me, Taoist priest, to help me avoid disasters and survive this disaster. "He really got it right!

Shi Xuan smiled, knocked on the wooden door three times, left the words "City God's Temple" and turned away, leaving Xiang Bao unable to catch up.

Xiang Bao was very disappointed when he saw the young Taoist walk away, but then he thought about what he had left behind and couldn't help but think hard. After a long time, he heard that his father and mother had come back and said that they would have to go out to sell goods at five o'clock tomorrow. matter.

"Fifth watch? The Taoist knocked three times. Could it be that it meant the third watch? He asked me to go to the City God's Temple on the third watch?!" Xiang Bao jumped up.


In the middle of the night, the night wind blew with a trace of gloomy energy, which made Xiang Bao, a half-year-old child, a little trembling. He murmured to himself: "I have strong energy and blood, and I am not afraid of ghosts..." while groping towards the City God's Temple. And go.

After finally arriving at the Chenghuang Temple, I saw a faint fire coming from the long-abandoned temple. I breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt nervous: "Then the Taoist priest won't trick me out and eat me, right?" It is said that many evil monks love Eating human flesh and human hearts.

But in the blink of an eye, thinking of Xiao Bi half a year later, Xiang Bao closed his eyes and walked into the City God's Temple and saw the young Taoist priest sitting cross-legged in front of a fire.

"Please, Taoist Priest, save this junior." Xiang Bao fell to his knees with a plop.

Shi Xuan nodded: "If you can find me at three o'clock, you will have the opportunity to tell me about your disaster in detail."

Xiang Bao hurriedly explained the matter, and finally said: "I would also like to ask the Taoist Master to let this junior learn the "Sword of the Stars Taught by Immortals", or give him guidance on where to find other sword techniques."

"Are you saying that you felt dizzy after looking at the Ten Thousand Stars Diagram, so you didn't continue practicing?" Shi Xuan fiddled with the fire.

Xiang Bao nodded: "My heart is shaken just by looking at it. How can I continue to practice?"

"This is a secret from your sect. It's inconvenient for me to watch it, but I can give you some advice. If you follow the advice, you might be able to learn the "Sword of the Stars" taught by the Immortals." Shi Xuan said with a faint smile. .

Xiang Bao hurriedly kowtowed and said, "Please give me some advice from the Taoist Master."

Shi Xuan pointed to a high mountain rising outside Yunliu City due to the Rakshasa God Lord: "If you can dig out a road over the mountain, you can naturally learn the "Sword of the Stars Instructed by Immortals."

Xiang Bao was dumbfounded. The mountain was a thousand feet high, and there were cliffs everywhere. There were no roads. No mortal could climb over it. Digging a road over the mountain would be as difficult as climbing to the sky. Even if he spent all his wealth and recruited people, he could dig a road. Don't even think about completing even half of it until your life span is exhausted!

He murmured to himself: "Taoist Master, please don't tease me."

"Only you are allowed to dig or not, it's up to you." Shi Xuan shook his head and stopped talking.

I begged Bao repeatedly but received no response, so I returned home dejected and had no sleep all night.

Seeing the sky light up, Xiang Bao tossed and turned: "If you fail to practice swordsmanship, you will be expelled from the sect. If you are expelled from the sect, you will not be able to see your parents. It is better to just die. Since you are going to die, why not try it?" As the Taoist Master said, keep digging and at least don’t give up. After a few days, if it’s useless, then think of other methods.”

Once he made up his mind, Xiang Bao picked up the hammer, hoe, etc. and headed for the mountains.

There was a road at the foot of the mountain, winding upwards. Xiang Bao followed it until he reached the mountainside, where the road was cut off and blocked by a huge boulder.

"Dig!" Xiang Bao took a hoe and dug up the foundation around the boulder. Occasionally there was a hard place that was difficult to dig, so he used a hammer to smash it. With his peak-forged body, he was busy until the sunset, and finally The boulders were dug to the point of collapse.

He gritted his teeth, put his hands against the boulder, and exerted his strength suddenly. With a loud bang, the boulder rolled to the side.

Just as Xiang Bao was sweating profusely and preparing to observe the terrain and come back to dig a road tomorrow, he found that there was another road behind the boulder, so he walked along the road in surprise.

The night was dark, the stars were shining, and pieces of cold light were sprinkled. Xiang Bao stood at the end of the road, and couldn't believe where he was.

"This is the foot of the mountain on the other side! It's so easy to dig a road over the mountain!" Xiang Bao muttered to himself, "How is this possible?!"

"Before practicing in person, it's easy to be confused by the appearance of things. You see that the mountain is steep, so you think it's difficult to dig a road over the mountain, but in fact? It's not as difficult as it looks, and it can be done in one day." Xiang Bao looked at the Taoist priest in green robes, who walked out slowly from the side, and said calmly, "You don't even dare to try to visualize the Ten Thousand Stars Map. Aren't you confused by its appearance? What prevents you from practicing the "Immortal Sword of Stars" is not its difficulty, but the boulder in your heart!"

"Today you dug out this boulder in the mountain, can't you dig out the boulder in your heart!" Shi Xuan shouted softly.

Xiang Bao was like being hit on the head, and he suddenly realized something. "Yes, I haven't even tried to visualize it, so how can I say that the sword technique is difficult to master? Even if I can't visualize the entire Ten Thousand Stars Map, I can visualize part of it. The sky is divided into stars and constellations!" He suddenly turned over and knelt down: "Thank you for your guidance, Taoist priest!" His gratitude was beyond words. Shi Xuan nodded and put away his sudden enlightenment.

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