Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 781 All roads are difficult

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Originally, after Shi Xuan knew the secret of the two sides of the Xiantian Dao in the Yuji Cauldron, he planned to use this to achieve half-step golden immortality and let his Qingyun transform between yin and yang and the mixed cave, just like the inner demon Mu. Jing's Qingyun is "Inner Demon Qingyun".

Although this is different from the killing, misfortune, and thunder and lightning that he manifests outside, and it is also different from the Shenxiao Palace's new technique that sublimates from thunder and lightning to destruction, it can at least be explained. In addition to being derived from yin and yang, the mixed hole can be Later, it was still a manifestation of the Great Way of Innate Destruction: swallowing and absorbing all things, and turning all things into chaos.

When looking for several innate avenues with unstable foundations, it is somewhat reasonable to turn to the second place to rely on the Houtian Hundong Avenue. After all, the Avenue of Thunder already has a Taoist ancestor, and the Avenue of Electricity may be Shenxiao Palace. alternative, and it is completely normal for the newly created skills to have an unstable foundation on the innate path.

However, the Tao Ancestor of Life and Death suddenly intervened, causing Shi Xuan's entire plan to fail. Due to the imperfection of the exercises derived from the Tao Ancestor's series, it may be almost impossible to combine the opposite Tao species, but the foundation will never be unstable. Therefore, one's own Qingyun can only appear as the heel of one of the five innate avenues of life and death, bad luck, killing, destruction of luck, and destruction, otherwise it will be seen through by others immediately.

"I haven't even figured out how to use the two sides of the Xiantian Dao to transform Yin Yang Qingyun into Hundong Qingyun. Such a change has happened. It's true that the plan is not as fast as the change. Many things really cannot go according to the established ideas. Come and do it." In response, Shi Xuan could only smile and shake his head.

Similarly, Shi Xuan also plans to use the forged "Baolu" of Yin and Yang strange stones to lure the God Emperor to the Yuji Cauldron after surviving the decline of Shou Yuan and improving his immortality, swordsmanship, and natal spiritual treasures. , relying on the innate bad-luck Taoist fetus borrowed from Mo Jingqiu, and the innate killing energy of the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife, he killed the God Emperor and completely eliminated the hidden danger. However, the situation has evolved to this day, and he wants to test his own feet. There are a lot more Half-Step Golden Immortals, even Dao Ancestors. Killing a God Emperor can solve the hidden danger.

Moreover, the plan itself has been revised several times. Initially, Shi Xuan wanted to lure the God Emperor into chaos and kill him as soon as one of him and Granny Yu achieved the Half-step Golden Immortal Queen. Later, he surrendered and beheaded him. The Immortal Flying Sword, knowing the Yuji Cauldron, helped Mo Jingqiu obtain the innate misfortune Taoist fetus. The plan gradually evolved and was finally finalized.

It's a pity that this plan has just been finalized and it is no longer useful. It is really ridiculous.

While thinking about it, Shi Xuan sacrificed the Zhouguang Bell. The river of time on the bell recovered a little, flowing slowly, with ripples spreading out.

After what happened in the Western Wilderness that year, and the hundreds of years of self-isolation and hard training without leaving home, Shi Xuan believed that the Half-Step Golden Immortal and Dao Ancestor who were spying on him must not be so attentive. Otherwise, wouldn’t they be tricked by the Dao Ancestor of Life and Death? Plan, by the time they focus on their chess piece, the Taoist of Life and Death may have secretly reincarnated.

In this way, coupled with the secret cover-up by Zhou Guangzhong and the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death, Shi Xuan dared to contact Grandma Yu.

Through the layers of void, Shi Xuan saw Granny Yu, with her stunning appearance, casual behavior, and majesty revealed, and the time around her body fluctuated gently.

"Congratulations to Grandma Yu for surviving the fourth decline of heavenly beings." Shi Xuan could tell at a glance that Grandma Yu had already passed the decline of longevity, but judging from the fact that her power of time had not yet completely converged, it should not have been more than ten years.

Granny Yu smiled and said: "I have finally caught up with you. I wonder who among you and me can become a half-step golden immortal first."

"Although things have changed at any time, the ten-thousand-year agreement between you and Empress Xuannv has long been invalidated." Shi Xuan replied with a smile, "But looking at your appearance, mother-in-law, it is really possible that you will achieve another half-step of golden immortality within ten thousand years."

Granny Yu shook her head: "When I reincarnate, it will be much more difficult for the Taoist heart to decline. However, the decline of the Taoist heart has nothing to do with chance, adventure, or profound cultivation. I have seen people who have survived the decline of the Taoist heart even after a thousand years. , the length of time should not be accurate.”

Shi Xuan has also collected records of some senior masters over the years who experienced the decline of Taoist heart. As far as the human race is concerned, most of them survived within five thousand years. The decline of Daoxin did not occur until more than five thousand years. Only a few It took him a little bit to wake up from it and become a half-step golden immortal. This weirdness has long puzzled Shi Xuan. Today, he felt even more strange when he heard Granny Yu said: "Even if the decline of Taoist heart is only related to Taoist heart, it doesn't also take time." To sharpen, why is the length of time so uncertain?”

Shi Xuan didn't ask this question because Granny Yu would definitely not answer.

"Mother-in-law, I have a question for you." Shi Xuan returned to the topic.

Grandma Yu laughed and said, "Do you have anything to ask? Let me guess. Are you asking how to cover Qingyun's heels?"

"Mother-in-law knows it well." Shi Xuan said with a smile. It seemed that Grandma Yu was already prepared.

Grandma Yu gently nodded: "Senior Brother Qingyunzi also considered this matter back then. After all, after reincarnation, the innate Yin and Yang Dao will be vacant. There will definitely be Taoist ancestors who don't want him to rejoin the Dao."

"Could it be that the unformed catalog of misfortune can cover Qingyun's heels?" Shi Xuan suddenly understood after hearing Granny Yu's words.

Grandma Yu was in a not-so-prosperous world, which seemed to be a wild and remote area of ​​the universe. She spoke slowly and explained the reason in a long and short way: "There are two best options for covering up Qingyun's heels. One is If you are an innate Dao, you can rely on the secret method to transform Qingyun into the acquired Dao of one body and two sides. I originally planned to tell you this secret method after you have passed the decline of longevity, but now it seems that you are using it. It’s not possible, and Yin and Yang are closely related to Hundong. If you really try to cover it up, there is a high chance that people will see the clues. Dao Ancestor’s power is beyond imagination.”

Having said that, Granny Yu still told Shi Xuan the "Secret Method of Innate Dayan Reversal of the Universe". After all, this secret method involves the transformation of the great road and may be of great use to Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan felt quite emotional. On the way to practice, an elder gave me some advice. It would really save you a lot of detours in many things. Of course, sometimes elders will deliberately let you take detours, because that will lay a more solid foundation for the future. Might help even more.

After Shi Xuan finished digesting "The Secret Method of Reversing the Universe of the Innate Great Evolution", Grandma Yu continued: "Another option to cover Qingyun's heels is to obtain and refine the innate Tao embryo. It is close to the Tao seed and corresponds to the origin of the innate Tao. Condensing and refining it is similar to combining the soul with the origin of the Dao. Naturally, it can be turned into a corresponding Qingyun. However, innate Dao fetuses are rare. Not only are they pitifully rare, there are only a few that can be encountered. But it is impossible to seek, and every time an innate Tao fetus is born, there are people at the Tao Ancestor level who are watching. If you want to get something out of the fire, it is extremely dangerous, and this path is basically impossible. "

An innate Tao fetus is no better than an innate spiritual creature. Its power is spread out. If it is not sacrificed and refined by others to converge its power, or it is in a special place, it is simply exposed naked to the eyes of Tao ancestors and half-step golden immortals.

Shi Xuan felt a little stunned. Others didn't know, but he knew the whereabouts of a certain innate Tao fetus, and he could use it. Mo Jingqiu's innate bad luck Tao fetus, Hunyuan Jindou!

Because this matter involved Yujiding and the Oath of Cause and Effect, Shi Xuan did not tell anyone, including Granny Yu.

If she borrowed the Hunyuan Golden Dou from Mo Jingqiu, it shouldn't be difficult given her indifferent attitude towards the Hunyuan Golden Dou. However, in this case, she would owe Mo Jingqiu a huge favor and cause a lot of trouble. Cause and effect, when the chart of destiny is condensed and you choose the opposite path, you have to return the favor and get rid of the cause and effect. Otherwise, the heart of the path will be dusty, and you may never make progress. But now, you have the deepest understanding of the path of destiny. , which is most likely to be an innate path of the opposite kind, but it is really difficult to decide.

In addition, there is a big hidden danger. Shi Xuan doesn't know whether the Taoist ancestor of life and death knows about the innate misfortune of the Tao fetus.

Once you have achieved the soul and have a clear mind, it will be very easy for Dao Ancestor to search for the gods on yourself, but if you want to search for the gods without alarming yourself, it is impossible. Therefore, Shi Xuan can be sure that the Tao Ancestor of Life and Death has no I have searched for myself, and at most I have determined my whereabouts by deducing the past, or seeing myself crossing the threshold of life and death.

If the Dao Ancestor of Life and Death had been paying attention to him, he might have discovered the matter about Yu Ji Ding. However, there are traces of the Tao Ancestor of the Five Elements there. There is a high possibility that the Dao Ancestor of Life and Death would be deceived by it, so that he still doesn’t know about Yu Ji Ding. Regarding the matter of Ding and the Doomed Taoist, if he rashly went to Mo Jingqiu to borrow the Hunyuan Golden Dou, wouldn't he be exposing his secret?

Moreover, Shi Xuan is not sure whether the Taoist of Life and Death really wants to join the Great Way of Nirvana, or whether he is using it as a cover to plot destruction, misfortune, annihilation, etc.

If he has been reincarnated and reunited with the Tao without relying on the birth of the Tao of Life and Death, then Hunyuan Jindou is simply a choice made in heaven. In this way, the Taoist of Life and Death who has achieved his wish will not care about the life and death of his little chess piece. When the time comes, in full view of Dao Ancestor and many half-step golden immortals, how can he hide his heel?

Amidst the ups and downs of many thoughts, Shi Xuan did not speak. Grandma Yu did not think it was strange. Innate Tao fetuses were rare and there were no clues, so Shi Xuan naturally had nothing to say.

"The Illustration of Destruction of Luck itself is based on the method of cultivating tools to create something similar to the innate Tao embryo. Even the unfinished picture can be turned into Qingyun. When the time comes, you want the end of luck to appear. If you want to destroy it, it will appear destroyed. It is difficult for Dao Ancestor to see the clues. After all, it is rooted in his own skills, but the power of the Qingyun it transforms is lower than that of the innate Taoist embryo." Granny Yu continued. .

Shi Xuan said thoughtfully: "In this way, the most dangerous stage is between becoming a half-step Golden Immortal Queen and driving four flying swords into the vast world on the edge of destruction."

As for spending thousands of years condensing the scroll, Shi Xuan is not worried. He can definitely use his great magic power and great supernatural powers to move the initial sacrifice of the Great Thousand Worlds into the Yuji Cauldron. You haven't succeeded yet. When the time comes to go to Jiuyou, how can you not use Fundamental Qingyun?

Emperor Fengdu was rejected by the Great Way of Reincarnation again. He was still a genuine half-step golden immortal, but his strength was lower than others!

But if he took action now, Shi Xuan would not be his opponent at all, unless he was introduced into Yuji Cauldron and killed with Hunyuan Golden Fight and innate killing energy.

But in this way, it goes back to the bad luck.

After finishing speaking, Granny Yu sighed softly: "Back then, Senior Brother Qingyunzi could seek cover from Senior Brother Xinghe, enough to hold on until the scroll was formed, but you had no choice. Haha, Senior Brother Qingyunzi has a wide network of friends, a profound background, and powerful heels. Among the Xiantian Dao Ancestors, there were two good friends. Not only did he not expect that the Annihilation Dao Ancestor would dare to attack him, but also before reincarnation, even Senior Brother Xinghe and I did not expect that by the time Brother Xinghe took action, he would have completely fallen. Compared with him, you may be able to truly succeed despite all the hardships and hardships you have endured.”

Neither Granny Yu nor Shi Xuan mentioned the possibility that the Dao Ancestor of Life and Death would cover up Shi Xuan's heel. As someone else's chess piece, one should not place all his hopes on the chess player, otherwise he would be seeking death.

"It seems that Tao Ancestor Nirvana was not the only one who took action back then." Being able to kill an innate Tao Ancestor in such a short period of time, Shi Xuan believed that Tao Ancestor Nirvana alone could not do it.

Grandma Yu raised the corners of her mouth and smiled silently.

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