Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 782 The stars in the sky join the Big Dipper

Shi Xuan understood that Granny Yu must have her reasons for not talking at this time, so he nodded and did not continue to ask.

Seeing Shi Xuan nodding, Granny Yu suddenly smiled, like a hundred flowers blooming: "When Senior Brother Xinghe told me these words, my expression was exactly the same as yours now."

"Ah?" Shi Xuan was very puzzled.

Granny Yu smiled and said: "I was just a half-step golden immortal who had not even witnessed the heretic performance. How could I be qualified to participate in the struggle between Taoist ancestors? I learned about the death of senior brother Qingyunzi from senior brother Xinghe. . When I first heard about this, I was just like you, thinking that it was Dao Ancestor Nirvana who took action alone. As a result, Senior Brother Xinghe was speechless and did not answer directly. Then I thought that Senior Brother Xinghe must have his reasons for not saying anything. , so I didn’t ask further, and I didn’t ask again until he fell into the hands of Taoist Yujing.”

Shi Xuan suddenly realized that it was Granny Yu who had teased him a little and recreated the scene of that year, except that she was the one who asked the question, and she was the one who answered the question instead of Xinghe Daozu.

"So, mother-in-law, you don't know which innate Taoist ancestors have taken action?"

Granny Yu nodded: "Yes. What is certain is that the one who killed Senior Brother Qingyunzi was the Taoist Ancestor of Annihilation. But I believe that other innate Taoist ancestors were invited by him to help him block Senior Brother Qingyunzi's help, or make a stumbling block. , making it impossible for Senior Brother Qingyunzi to escape, or even..."

She thought about it for a moment, but still didn't finish her sentence. There was a bit of taboo in her expression, "Okay, you don't have to think too much for the time being. You should concentrate on the fifth decline of heaven and man. Otherwise, if you can't get through it, you will have to know it again." Too much is in vain.”

Then she comforted Shi Xuan and said: "As for covering up Qingyun's heel, if I can become a half-step golden immortal before you, I will help you get the sacrificial method of the Destruction of Luck from the hands of Emperor Fengdu, so that you can survive." As soon as the heart of the passage is weakened, you can go and refine the scroll, and then hide in the chaos. This will save you a lot of danger. If not, you might as well ask Xuannv to take action when the time comes. She has not fulfilled her ten-thousand-year promise, and she still owes me. A favor.”

Emperor Fengdu was rejected by the Great Way of Reincarnation, and without the blessing of Jiuyou. In the eyes of people like Granny Yu, as long as he is a real half-step golden immortal, he can be easily eliminated. What needs to be taken into account is the Taoist ancestor who may exist behind him, but Shi Xuan You, the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death, can naturally solve the problem within the same level.

In the fight between Xuannv and the Red Emperor, she has gradually gained the upper hand. I am afraid that it will not be long before the Red Emperor has to hide back in the chaotic wilderness.

Shi Xuan was not worried and fearful, he laughed and said: "The disciple thanked my mother-in-law in advance."

After a pause, Shi Xuan asked thoughtfully: "Mother-in-law, this disciple is traveling this time. I want to go to the Lord of Creation to hear the mysteries of the derivation and transformation of the three thousand avenues, and see if I can understand it. The method of covering up Qingyun’s heels, and the other is to use it to try to understand the true meaning of bad luck, thunder and lightning, etc., so that in the future, one sword can defeat all kinds of swordsmanship.”

"Although the disciple's heels are covered by the Taoist ancestors of life and death, and it is difficult for the innate Taoist ancestors to see through, the Lord of Creation is probably clear to me. I wonder where I should sit to listen to the sermon?"

Another hidden thought of Shi Xuan is that he is currently acting under the attention of the Taoist ancestor of life and death, and his every move cannot escape his eyes. If he asks Mo Jingqiu to borrow the innate bad luck Taoist fetus, he will never be able to hide it from him, even if he finds a way to go to Yuji When Ding meets Ding, he will follow the clues and discover where Yuji Ding is.

The void universe, the heavens and the worlds, where the Taoist ancestors dare not pry, are only the Great Thousand Worlds where the Lord of Creation sits. When the time comes that he really wants to borrow the innate misfortune of Taoism, he can generously invite Mo Jingqiu to go to that great world to listen. Tao, with the support of many Tao Lords and Heavenly Lords who listened to the Tao, completed this matter.

So Shi Xuan wanted to ask Granny Yu which Lord of Creation he could trust, or who would not interfere in such a thing.

Of course, Shi Xuan has not decided yet to borrow the innate bad luck Taoist fetus, so that he is prepared and prepared.

Granny Yu slightly nodded her head and said, "There are very few people who have reached the realm of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord and have not heard the sermons of the Taoist Patriarch or the Lord of Creation. It's time for you to listen. Well, you can go to Taiyuantian Taixuan Taoist to listen. road."

After finishing speaking, Granny Yu added with a faint smile: "If you don't mind, you can also go to Yu Jingtian to listen."

"Taoist Yujing..." Shi Xuan frowned slightly. The death of Taoist Xinghe in the hands of Taoist Yujing made Shi Xuan suspect that he had a share in helping to destroy Taoist Ji. Otherwise, if Qingyunzi had not fallen and joined forces with Taoist Xinghe, it would be enough. He protected himself from his Immortal Killing Sword Formation and even killed him, but judging from the meaning of Granny Yu's words, it was not the case. Otherwise, if he listened to it himself, wouldn't he run into the enemy's hands directly.

Grandma Yu sighed: "Although Senior Brother Xinghe fell under his sword, which makes me dislike him, I still have to say it fairly, Taoist Yujing is the kind of person who has all kinds of grudges, hatreds, and thousands of conspiracies. A true monk who cuts with a sword will kill a god if he is blocked by a god, a Buddha if he is blocked by a Buddha, and an immortal if he is blocked by an immortal. If his family and friends are in the way, he will kill him without fail. How could such a person go against his own will by carving out a straight and bloody path from an extremely difficult road that no one has ever succeeded in."

"But he was lucky. At that time, due to Jiangxiao's reincarnation and disappearance, Senior Brother Xinghe had determined that the Dao of Moyun was the opposite path, and deduced it from Senior Brother Taishi's "Xiaoyao Heart Sutra". The harvest was not small, otherwise Yujing When the Taoist first became a Golden Immortal and joined the Dao to kill, Senior Brother Xinghe would definitely have had a fight with him. With his strength at that time, he could not escape death. "

Shi Xuan has always longed for the ancient Golden Immortal War, and couldn't help but ask a few more questions, but Grandma Yu was away at the time, why did that war start, who started it, why Taishi Demon Ancestor was involved, etc. , she didn’t even know. It should be said that all those who knew perished in the Golden Immortal War, or in the aftermath. Unless Taoist Yujing showed up to speak out, or the Lord of Creation deduced the past, no one would know anymore.

After saying these things, Granny Yu asked casually: "Shi Xuan, what are your plans for this trip?"

"In addition to going to Taiyuantian and Yujingtian to listen to sermons, I will also go to Beidou Great World and Chaos Honghuang. The former is what my disciple, my disciple, "Beidou Guidance" refers to in the general outline of "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique". "Tianxing Sword Technique" is the foundation, which condenses and integrates the Pseudo-Zhuxian Sword Formation and so on. It is necessary to travel and experience it. Among the latter, there are many single unjust chaos and many hidden places. Maybe the harvest will be great. Of course, the fundamental purpose of all this is to sharpen the Taoist mind, and the disciple will not put the cart before the horse. "Shi Xuan has already made plans and will follow them one by one.

In "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique", Ziwei is the incarnation of the stars, governing everything, and the sun and bright moon are divided into yin and yang, which is the foundation of "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique", but its general outline is "Beidou guides the way", which is special. Shi Xuan had long wanted to travel to the Great World of Beidou, but due to his cultivation level, he was unable to make the trip. Until now, he has survived the decline of longevity.

Granny Yu smiled: "The Big Dipper World is indeed special. It is quite similar to Jiuyou, which is bright and dark. The time and space around it change strangely, and it is not in any realm, so it can be seen in every big world. Its projection is always in the north, so it is called Beidou. Except for entering through certain teleportation arrays, only the Four Tribulations Tianjun can eliminate the interference of time and space and find its true location. The general outline should be based on the strange changes in space and time around it. If you transmit it directly, you will not be able to understand it. "

"That's why I'm going now." Shi Xuan agreed very much. There are very few records about Beidou Great World. Similar to Jiuyou, they are all notes of Tianjun and Daojun who have been there, or the Tianjun of Beidou Great World. Shi Xuan's few words when traveling made it always strange that his "Beidou Killing Sword" could induce Beidou to bless murderous and deathly energy. However, judging from the records, Beidou world is by no means the kind of world with strong murderous intention and deathly energy. , I don’t know why the ancestor of the Sword Immortal created such a sword technique.

Granny Yu didn't know what she was thinking of, she suddenly burst into laughter, and then said to Shi Xuan with a deep smile: "The world of Beidou is even more special. I once wandered in my mind once."

"Mother-in-law, tell me." Shi Xuan couldn't help but asked curiously when he saw that Grandma Yu had personal experience and showed such a heavy smile.

Grandma Yu said with a smile: "Shi Xuan, you should know that the Big Dipper World is different from the other big worlds. It is divided into seven major sizes: Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang. There are different worlds with different prosperity and aura, and there are different degrees of space barriers between each world. If you want to go from this world to that world, you have to reach a certain level of cultivation to open the barrier. "

"This disciple knows." Just by looking at the Beidou projection from other things in the universe, we can find that it is composed of seven smaller stars.

Grandma Yu's delicate body trembled slightly, and she said with a smile: "Gradually, things flock together and people divide into groups. The seven great worlds such as Tianshu are divided into high and low. Most mortals live in the mortal world. Well, the mortal world It is their claim that when their cultivation reaches the point of entraining qi, they can break through the space barrier and enter the realm of cultivation. There are many monks who can entrain qi and soul and can ascend to the spiritual world when they can meet the dragon and tiger and achieve the golden elixir. There is a world dominated by golden elixirs and Yin gods. After passing through the profound barrier of life and death, you can ascend again. Well, after the forty-nine tribulations, you can ascend again and go to the heaven, and then there will be the Daluo realm and the Hongmeng realm. "

"Haha, the ascension is endless, but there is no Dao Ancestor in Beidou World, and there is still no one in Hongmeng World."

Shi Xuan was embarrassed at that time. If he hadn't known that the Big Dipper World was naturally generated and he didn't have the strength, he would have thought that it was the world created by him in a bad way: "Mortal World, Cultivation World, Spiritual World, Immortal World, Heavenly World, Great World" Luo Realm and Hongmeng Realm are really in line with my taste..."

After learning from Granny Yu that there were quite a few powerful Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords in Beidou World, the two exchanged Taoism for a while before breaking off the contact.

Shi Xuan adjusted his breathing for several days, stepped out of the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm, and began his travel journey.

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