Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 786 The adventure was too weird

This real Yuanshen who seems to know countless kinds of flame magic, his opponent is a handsome young man, and his skills are also quite special. The Yuanshen breaks out of the body and comes out with a pale golden sword energy, which is sharp and sharp, and turns smoothly. , acting like a swimming dragon, some protecting the body, some slashing out, actually blocking all kinds of real fires and extinguishing them one by one, cool and comfortable.

The two sides seemed to be on par with each other, and it was difficult to tell who was superior for a moment. The handsome young man used the light golden sword energy and said with a smile: "Although you are known as the Flame Emperor, you can control ten thousand fires, and your strength is second to none among the Yuanshen Daoist, but this Daoist's His reputation as the Zi Zi Geng Gold Sword Qi is not in vain. It won’t be long before our Yangshen Master comes to help. If you don’t run away, Emperor Yan, then when will you wait?”

While smiling, he suddenly shouted loudly, with the sound of gold and iron clashing, shocking his mind, as if it contained an immortal technique that directly interfered with the soul with sound. All the real fire that hit him paused slightly, and he immediately Seizing the opportunity, his sword energy surged, and he turned to the Flame Emperor, and for a moment suppressed the real Yuanshen known as the Flame Emperor to the point of danger.

Emperor Yan was shaken by his magical skills. He was almost killed by the sword energy as soon as the real fire slowed down. However, he seemed to have a Taoist heart as solid as a rock. He was only slightly sluggish, and countless brilliant flames appeared. He burst out and blocked his Zizai Gengjin Sword Qi at the critical moment.

His response was somewhat beyond the expectations of the handsome young man, and he thought to himself: "My 'Golden Sound Chaos Divine Technique' is a secret celestial technique passed down from generation to generation. Without preparation, even Yang Shen Zhenren will be shocked in an instant. Why can Emperor Yan recover so quickly?"

After holding on to the dangerous situation, a proud smile appeared on Emperor Yan's young and handsome face: "Zhong Limei, I have to admit that your other form of Gengjin sword energy is extremely powerful, and there are also many secret magic skills, but It’s a pity that you met me. Today I will show you my methods.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand, and a petite and beautiful red lotus appeared in his palm. It was condensed from very pure and very deep flames, without any burning feeling.

Zhong Limei's expression changed: "Red Lotus Karmic Fire? You actually practiced Red Lotus Karmic Fire!"

This is the terrifying real fire that can make most of the Yangshen masters who have not survived the Nine Fires Burning Heart Tribulation fall. Zhong Limei never expected that Emperor Yan would practice it without surviving a single heavenly tribulation!

Shi Xuan, who was watching from a distance, nodded thoughtfully. Those who could practice the red lotus karma fire before the second heavenly tribulation were all very powerful or rare techniques. This Yuan named Yanhuang It seems that Master Shen really has many adventures.

"I am the Emperor of Flames, so I can naturally control the red lotus karma fire." The Emperor Yan leisurely struck out the red lotus, and he transformed his Gengjin sword energy into it and slashed at it, but could not hurt it at all.

The red lotus karma fire has no grades, it only determines which karma is burned. The karma is never exhausted and the fire of karma is never extinguished!

Seeing that the red lotus karma fire was about to burn him, Zhong Limei's face changed drastically. He was more surprised than afraid. He withdrew the light golden sword energy, as if intending to protect himself with all his strength, but suddenly, the light golden sword The light spread out and cut through the sky with mighty force, slashing at Emperor Yan without hesitation.

Emperor Yan did not expect that Zhong Limei would be so decisive. He turned into Gengjin sword energy and struck at his side in an instant. In an instant, he cut away the heavy real fire that protected him one by one. At the critical moment of life and death, Emperor Yan suddenly jumped out of his body. A small crimson cauldron blocked the light golden sword energy, and both were destroyed at the same time.

After blocking this fatal blow, Emperor Yan was shocked to see that Zhong Limei was still unharmed in the red lotus fire.

Zhong Limei smiled proudly and said: "Since I have tied my hair and practiced cultivation, every creature I have killed with my sword has either done evil things or wanted to kill me first. I have a clear conscience. Why should I be afraid of you, Honglian?" Karma Fire!”

Wrapped in pure red flames, he relied on this momentum to gain the upper hand again. The pale golden sword energy spread horizontally, forming a sword energy net around Yanhuang.

Emperor Yan was not alarmed or fearful: "Very good, Zhong Limei, you are really a good opponent. It is rare for someone to put this emperor into such a situation. Not even the Yuanshen Daoist from the seven major sects can! The strongest person who will not let you fall to me is I am really ashamed of you."

A huge, majestic throne burning with fire flew out of his soul, and then countless real fires were shot out by the Flame Emperor in a short period of time, concentrating on this natal magic weapon "The Throne of the Flame Emperor".

Countless real fires produced strange changes on the Flame Throne, condensed into one, and turned into a colorless and pure small flame in an instant.

Although this flame is small, standing on the throne, it is like the emperor of all flames in the heavens and the world, powerful, terrifying and noble.

Not only did Zhong Limei feel a very powerful sense of danger, but even Shi Xuan in the distance frowned slightly: "This flame, from what I have seen in my life, is second only to the Five Elements Sect's Ziqing Dou in terms of nature. "Shuhuo", I don't know which one is higher or lower than Red Emperor's "World-burning True Fire"?"

Yanhuang said lightly: "Yanhuang Wan Chenghuo."

The colorless pure flame burns forward, seemingly slow but actually urgent. Wherever it passes, all spiritual energy and space are burned and integrated into it. Even the laws of heaven and earth show signs of being burned. To put it bluntly, this is already a terrifying performance.

As soon as Zhong Limei's pale golden sword energy encountered the Yanhuang Wancheng Fire, it first turned into golden water droplets, and then burned fiercely, as if to help it.

Seeing that the Flame Emperor's Wancheng Fire seemed to be able to ignite anything, Zhong Limei gritted his teeth and used a secret technique with huge backlash to escape.

But at this time, hundreds of feet in front of Zhong Limei, Yan Huang Wan Chenghuo suddenly stopped.

It did not go out, but instead burned the space until it creaked. But it couldn't burn that bit of space, so it stagnated.

That bit of space was looming in the colorless pure flames. Gradually, it seemed that there was a big world contained in this bit of space.

"Dongtian!" Yan Huang and Zhong Limei said in unison.

There are seven major sects in the fairy world. Each sect is a tradition passed down or left behind by the powerful heavenly king in the heaven. There are ways to contact the heaven, and even occasionally the heavenly king will come, so about the difference between Dongtian and Xiaoqian World. , in the fairy world, it is not something that is too secretive. At least Daoist Yuan Shen has heard about it more or less.

This little space that contains the world, if it is a small thousand world, will not be destroyed, but under the Yanhuang Wancheng Fire, there will be no power to stop it from burning. After all, its power is very dispersed.

Only the cave sky, only the cave sky, can block the Yanhuang Wancheng Fire!

Emperor Yan didn't expect that during his battle with Zhong Limei, he would actually burn out the entrance to the cave. It was such a great adventure and great opportunity. While he was overjoyed, he also did not forget to be careful to guard against Zhong Limei, and Zhong Limei was the same!

The cave opened by a Heavenly Lord who has experienced at least three tribulations, the things in it are extremely precious to the real person Yuanshen. With such a chance, the two of them may be able to survive the fourth and ninth tribulations and ascend to the heaven.

After thinking back for a moment, the two people who had given up looked at each other and said a name at the same time: "Si Mingxingjun!"

There was fear, ecstasy, longing, yearning, and worry in their voices.

In the immortal world's countless thousands of years of records, there have been many real people who achieved the ascension of heavenly kings, and many great figures in the heavenly world have descended to the lower world for various reasons.

Not to mention the former, among the latter, there are only a few who have the ability to open a cave. Among them, the one who has the reason to open a cave in the immortal world is Si Ming Xingjun, the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord who is rumored to be the most promising to attain Daluo.

More than 6,000 years ago, the leader of the heavenly kings in the heaven, Si Mingxingjun, who practiced the "Purple Que Heavenly Book of Three Lives Destiny", fell into the decline of Taoist heart and witnessed the true meaning of the innate destiny. Therefore, he quietly opened the barrier from the heaven world to the Daluo world, sneaked into Daluo, and not long after, he quietly returned.

It is said that he got a glimpse of a secret, and was later discovered by several Dao Lords in the Daluo Realm. In anger, he directly sent his will to kill Lord Si Mingxing.

But Siming Xingjun was worthy of being a peerless figure who had witnessed the true meaning of the Great Way of Innate Destiny at the stage of Heavenly Lord. He did not die on the spot. Instead, he escaped into the fairy world and disappeared without a trace. Even Dao Lord could not figure it out.

In the past few hundred years, the number of great figures who descended from the heaven far exceeded the previous total. Unfortunately, Star Lord Siming was still not found. As time went by, this matter gradually calmed down and became the most popular legend.

The cave left by such a big man makes Emperor Yan and Zhong Limei both love and fear each other. If there is a secret of Dao Lord's wrath hidden in it, depending on their cultivation, just the arrival of an incarnation of a big man from heaven can make them ten thousand. There is no life in death, let alone the promotion of the Tao Lord, who is superior, has no decline and no calamity, has boundless magic power, and has vast supernatural powers.

"Go in and take a look first. No one knows about it anyway. If there is a secret, let's mix up the water and lead the real people from the seven sects to discover it." Emperor Yan said to Zhong Limei in a gentle tone. At this time, one more person can share the burden. Pressure is very good. Of course, killing people and silencing them in the future is also one of the natural choices.

Zhong Limei had the same idea and nodded in agreement, but the remaining cave of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord was so powerful that the two of them had no way to remove the entrance restriction in a short period of time.

In the cave, Shi Xuan appeared in a blue Taoist robe.

Shi Xuan couldn't help but feel a little strange when he watched a real person with great luck discover the remains of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord.

The matter of Si Mingxing Lord was so big that the outside heavenly monarchs who traveled in the heavens heard about it, and it gradually spread, so Shi Xuan also knew about it.

Being able to use the "Purple Que Heavenly Book of Three Lives Destiny" without transcending levels of magic to prove the true meaning of the innate destiny when he was the Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord. It must be said that Si Mingxing Lord's talent and talent are even greater than Better than Shi Xuan, of course, it also benefited from Beidou Tianshu being in charge of destiny.

"When I first entered the immortal world, I discovered the legacy of Lord Siming Xing by chance. It was really weird. Although the Emperor Yan's luck was strong, it was far inferior to the luck of the Heavenly Lord who came to search for it back then. None of them found it. , How could he discover it so inexplicably? Unless he himself is related to Siming Xingjun, or someone is secretly leading him."

Shi Xuan speculated while moving forward in this small cave. The "Purple Que Heavenly Book of Three Lives Destiny" cultivates the two avenues of fate and time, and the fate of destruction and fate are quite similar, and they can even be restrained from it. If he could get a glimpse of this technique, it would be of great benefit to Shi Xuan.

This cave seems to have been opened in a hurry, and the power restrictions are concentrated on the cave barrier to prevent others from being discovered. Therefore, it is not only small and pitiful, but also does not have any palaces and pavilions. There are only some things left beside a river that flows like time.

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