Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 787 Three Lives Water Mirror Reflects the Past

Seeing the long river flowing like time, Shi Xuan nodded lightly. More than 50% of it may be the legacy of Lord Siming Xing. Coupled with the rush to open it, the forbidden power was concentrated on the cave-sky barrier to conceal it instead of hiding it. With defense as the main priority, we can basically be sure.

The passage of time in the entire cave is very slow, not only exceeding the minimum comparison of the speed of time in the normal small world and the big world, but also almost reaching the extreme of the slow time in the cave of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord. Therefore, except for the long river of time, everything around it is... Still evolving in chaos.

The power that keeps time passing so slowly should have gradually dissipated with the death of Lord Si Mingxing, allowing the speed of time to return to a normal range. However, these remaining powers are operating together in a wonderful way, in a delicate balance. , without external intervention, it will be able to last for a long, long time.

"Time creates destiny, and destiny slows down time. It's a bit mysterious like Tai Chi. This Lord Siming Star is indeed extraordinary." As Shi Xuan came in, this delicate balance was broken, destiny returned to nothingness, time gradually returned to normal, and chaos began Evolution, the emergence of some mysterious and mysterious things.

While Shi Xuan realized the delicate balance that was beginning to break, his immortal consciousness swept over it, preparing to see clearly what remained by the long river.

As soon as his immortal consciousness was detected, Shi Xuan suddenly realized that everything around him had turned into nothingness, and then his soul became sluggish without warning for an instant!

The darkness is deep and there is no light at all.

And in the deepest, heaviest darkness, a long river emerged, right in front of Shi Xuan,

The clear and transparent water of the Changhe River reflected Shi Xuan's figure.

The river seemed to be rolling forward, but also seemed to be flowing backward leisurely. Next to Shi Xuan's figure, two more figures appeared.

One is very blurry, almost black, and the other is quite clear. He is wearing a green robe and has an out-of-body cultivation. The shadowless sword is circling around him, killing the flaming bird. He looks back in astonishment, and it is like a stone. Xuan himself!

Entering Penglai for the first time, the Flame God Mountain!

This long river seems to be tracing all the past of Shi Xuan's life!

This figure rippled slightly and seemed to be about to break apart.

It's just out-of-body strength, it can't be discovered at all, and it can't resist this kind of brokenness!

If the Shi Xuan of the past dies, the Shi Xuan of today will not exist!

At this time, an all-encompassing golden bridge stretched across the void, as if it could suppress everything, whether it was the past, present, or future!

The ripples on the figure suddenly solidified, and the flow of time stopped.

The Tai Chi Diagram, with five levels of spiritual restraints complete and the last level of illusory restraints complete, finally reveals the mystery of the Tai Chi Tao with yin and yang as the basis and morality as the intention. Even the ninth-level peak magic that has the true meaning of the Tao, as long as it has not yet reached the infinity If you reach the level of supernatural power, you can suppress them all!

And even if it's just an attack at the first level of supreme supernatural power, it can suppress it instantly!

In the void, a dim white sword light with a bright star shines. It is just a simple slash, but the fate is endless, time is broken, and everything disappears!

Shi Xuan Yuanshen returned to normal and was still standing in the chaos far away from Changhe. There was no change in the surroundings, as if what he had just encountered was just an phantom.

But if you look closely, you will find that the long river seems to have lost the sense of flowing like time!

Shi Xuan smiled and shook his head: "The remaining immortal technique of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, even if it is sealed in time, the power will be very little lost, but how can it defeat the Heavenly Lord of the same level?"

The same level in the words refers to the same peak of the Four Tribulations. If it is an ordinary Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, unless there is a natal spiritual treasure similar to Tai Chi Diao or a Four Tribulations Heavenly Spirit Treasure, it will be difficult to survive. Looking back on the past and changing destiny The attack that kills the enemy is too mysterious and strange. It is the ultimate combination of the two innate powers of time and destiny:

"Except that this kind of magic cannot transcend levels, it is not much different from the magic of great supernatural powers. The "Purple Que Heavenly Book of Three Lives' Destiny" is not trivial, and if it reaches the level of the great avenue, whether it is based on time or fate, For the sake of the Lord, we should really be able to trace back three lifetimes.”

Shi Xuan himself is at the top among the Four Tribulations Peak Heavenly Monarchs just by combining the Yin and Yang Dao's origin and evolving according to the true meaning and operation of the Yin and Yang Dao. The swordsmanship of "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique" has been transformed and condensed with the same consistency, coupled with the three flying swords that have been refined to the ninth level, he is also a genuine Four Tribulation Peak Heavenly King, so he is able to face this mysterious magic with ease.

Of course, it is also because the true meaning contained in Shi Xuan's natal spiritual treasure, flying sword, and swordsmanship is just right. Otherwise, if he were replaced by another fourth-level peak heavenly king, he would have to shed a layer of skin.

After destroying the last protective measure left by Lord Si Mingxing, Shi Xuan found out clearly what remained on the bank of the river. They were: a book condensed with purple light, a thumb-sized book that revealed the aura of time and destiny. of beads.

As for several other good mysterious and mysterious things, they seem to have been produced after the opening of this cave.

As the head of all the heavenly kings in the heaven, Lord Si Mingxing has very few relics, but Shi Xuan can understand very well. He is also the king of four tribulations, and he has very few things on his body. It is worth bringing with him any foreign objects. , there is only the Immortal-Slaying Flying Sword, like the Map of Heaven and Earth, Mountains and Rivers, Shi Xuan has stayed in the sect. After all, if it wants to survive the third catastrophe, it will have to spend a long time to cultivate and produce a trace of spiritual wisdom.

As for things like eighth-level secret treasures and ninth-level secret treasures, Shi Xuan, as a heavenly king who was used as a pawn by the Taoist Ancestor, had many adventures and even had an innate spiritual object. However, in addition to the "Tao Te Ching" refined by his own family, But he has never obtained a secret treasure of this level. Although Shi Xuan doesn't care much about these things and doesn't deliberately pursue them, it can be seen that they are rare.

And even if Si Ming Xingjun had one or two pieces, they were probably all used up while resisting Dao Lord's will. This also includes the Four Tribulations Heavenly Spiritual Treasure that may exist on his body.

If you want to get most of Siming Xingjun's relics, you have to go to his cave heaven residence in the heaven. Unused things acquired through thousands of years of travel will be placed there, just like Shi Xuan placed in the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm. It's the same, but that majestic cave sky has been carved up long ago.

"Actually, the most precious and valuable things of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord are his review and summary of his life's practice and travels, as well as the techniques he practiced." Shi Xuan did not touch the scroll condensed with purple light, but directly Looking through the immortal consciousness, it is the "Purple Que Heavenly Book of Three Lives Destiny".

Within a few moments, Shi Xuan read this technique from beginning to end and imprinted it on his mind: "Except for the lack of transcendental skills, it can be called a supreme technique. It's a pity that Si Ming Xingjun seems to have no time to condense his own experience, leaving the origin of this technique a mystery. "

With Si Ming Xingjun's cultivation level, if he had been listening to the Lord of Creation for many years and had other opportunities and insights, there would be a small chance that he would be able to create such a supreme skill that would harmonize with his own fundamentals. , but he has exposed this skill to others since the golden elixir stage, so he should have another teacher.

Speaking of destiny, Shi Xuan had to think of the Innate Lingbao River Diagram. As the Tao Ancestor who is best at deducing, calculating, and deceiving the secrets of heaven, his ability in this regard is not much worse than that of the Lord of Creation. He is the most likely to not Relying on the reference of other supreme skills, a supreme series of skills can be created in a relatively short period of time.

"But the Purple Palace Book of Three Lives Destiny is very different from Shi Jingren's Little Destiny Technique." Shi Xuan frowned slightly, "This 'Three Lives Water Mirror' magic is as unpredictable as the Little Destiny Technique. Yu Liang.”

After reading "The Purple Que Book of Destiny of Three Lives", Shi Xuan learned a lot. The two innate avenues of destiny and destiny are intertwined but also have similarities. Some mysterious and subtle places were refreshing and shocking to Shi Xuan. It feels like, for example, in some parts, if the laws of the Path of Destiny and the characters of Taoism are transformed into those of the Path of Destiny, and then combined again, it seems that there will be something mysterious.

But Shi Xuan didn't have time to deduce or elaborate on this aspect, because the explosion of the "Three Lives Water Mirror" magic just now caused some changes in the cave sky, and the aura was exposed. It won't be long before people from the fairy world and even the heaven are attracted. .

The thumb-sized bead flew into Shi Xuan's palm. With a sweep of his immortal consciousness, Shi Xuan knew what it was. It was something similar to a Buddhist relic. It was something that Si Ming Xingjun condensed his own destiny and the breath of time. , often understanding is helpful to practice the "Purple Que Heavenly Book of Three Lives Destiny", but this kind of thing generally has no attack, defense or other functions.

Of course, sometimes, it might be useful.

"I entered this cave by your chance, so the "Book of Heaven" is only borrowed for a look and will not be taken away. The same is true for other things. But if it were not for me, there would be no one under the Three Lives Water Mirror just now. I was spared, so I will take this bead, so that the cause and effect are clear." Shi Xuan smiled and put away the bead, and was about to leave when he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a few words hidden in the river.

Immortal consciousness swept across, Shi Xuan frowned slightly: "There is a ghost in Da Luo..."

Everyone knows that there are weird things in Daluotian in Beidou World. Lord Si Mingxing seems to have no need to emphasize it. In confusion, Shi Xuan waved his sleeves and let the river wash away these four words, and then escaped from this place. Cave Heaven, and fully aroused the aura of the Cave Heaven, hoping to attract more real people to enter before the people from the Heaven Realm arrive, so as to destroy the Cave Heaven as much as possible without leaving any clues to the Heaven Realm people.


Outside the cave, Emperor Yan and Zhong Limei were still trying to open the restriction on the entrance. Suddenly, the cave sky burst out with bright starlight, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​starlight, and the restriction became fragile.

Emperor Yan and Zhong Limei were stunned for a moment, thinking that they had triggered some kind of restriction or mechanism, so they stepped up their efforts to break the restriction.

But not long after, several escaping lights flew over, revealing five or six real people, both male and female, who were close to each other. Real people from several nearby sects sensed their auras and rushed over.

Emperor Yan and Zhongli saw that the other party had a large number of people. Although they were proud of their strength, they were also quite uneasy.

A few breaths later, another ray of light flew over and transformed into a handsome man wearing strange clothes, neither Taoist nor Buddhist, nor vulgar. He was young but had long white hair.

With a sweep of his Yuan consciousness, he saw that Yanhuang and Zhongli were alone, so he walked over with a smile: "Two seniors are good, why don't we join forces?"

Emperor Yan and Zhong Limei looked at each other: "Okay, but you have to make a causal oath."

After the three people made the oath of cause and effect, they faced the five or six real people from a distance and seized the time to break the restriction.

Seeing that the restriction was getting weaker and weaker, but a few more real people had arrived, Zhong Limei said to Emperor Yan and the white-haired man: "It seems that we need to find fellow Taoists to join forces."

Both of them nodded in agreement, so Zhong Limei looked around and saw a man in green robe alone, so he invited him.

The man had an ordinary face and an indifferent expression: "Okay, Han has this intention."

The restriction was hit by countless rays of light, shattered with a snap, and turned into dots of stars. The real people only waited for the shattering to subside before they rushed into it.

At this moment, another middle-aged Taoist priest riding a black tiger flew in from a distance. Seeing that there were fewer people on Emperor Yan's side, he hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Taoist, please stay."

On this day, something weird and inexplicable seemed to happen in the cave, causing a bloody storm. All the real people who entered died. Of course, there were rumors that one of the real people escaped, got all the benefits, and flew away.

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