Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 788: Sit back and wait to attack.

A few moments after Siming Xingjun's legacy was born, the leader of the seven major sects in the immortal world was the Tianxuan Sect.

Bai Zhinan, the master of Sanjie Yangshen, is concentrating on his practice under the statue of the ancestor in the sect's main hall.

Suddenly, he felt an ethereal aura emerging from the sky, falling from the sky, and attached to the statue of the Patriarch, so he hurriedly turned around and saluted the statue of the Patriarch: "I don't know which Patriarch is coming, please let the disciples prepare the ritual."

"Get ready quickly." A majestic and generous voice came out. With the help of rituals and the connection of aura, the movement of his own arrival will be weakened to a minimum, so that when he breaks through the space barrier, he will not arouse the reaction of the person. !

Bai Zhinan's Yuan consciousness unfolded and kept issuing orders. Within two or three breaths, two real people, a Yin Shen Venerable, and three top-grade golden elixir masters came in, each holding ritual utensils, and formed the Beidou with him. Seven-star array.

They stepped on the cloth to fight, and the stars without any magic power lit up and condensed into clouds.

As soon as the nebula condensed and took shape, a terrifying and powerful aura that made Bai Zhinan and others tremble and find it difficult to turn their thoughts floated down and attached to the nebula.

"Which Heavenly Lord Patriarch is coming? He is many times more powerful than the One-Calamity Patriarch who came thousands of years ago!" Bai Zhinan and others were shocked and shocked. "Could something big happen?!"

A few moments later, the nebula revealed a dark yellow light, and then turned into a majestic and solemn middle-aged man with a natural aura of merit.

Bai Zhinan and the others were shocked and bowed respectfully: "Disciple pays homage to Patriarch Si Gong!"

It’s the Lord of Four Tribulations! It turned out to be the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord! What a big deal this must be? !

Moreover, Patriarch Si Gong is still the head of the current Heavenly Kings in the Heavenly Realm!

Si Gong Xingjun nodded, did not speak, but solemnly threw out a golden lotus of merit held in his palm.

This Golden Lotus of Merit does not seem to have any powerful aura, but as soon as it flies out, it combines with the space barrier of the fairy world, making the entire fairy world shine with golden light, and the black and yellow aura of merit emits!


After Shi Xuan came out of Siming Xingjun's palace, he saw that many real people were coming as planned by him, so he stopped paying attention and appeared directly above the sea a million miles away in a flash of light, thinking about what to do next. Things to do next.

Originally, according to Shi Xuan's original arrangement, he first traveled in the fairy world of Beidou World for a period of time to experience the world of cultivation under special circumstances, and by getting along with real people, he learned how their Taoist minds were sharpened and their mental dispositions were compared. What is the difference between real people in the outside world, etc.

Using people as a mirror, you can observe yourself. Traveling and training in the world is not just about talking about mysteries, or simply discussing and fighting!

"But now that Si Mingxing Lord's Yifu is born, it will definitely attract the attention of the people in the heaven. Although I am not afraid, as the Four Tribulation Heavenly Lord who happened to be in the immortal world when Yifu was born, I can't get rid of the suspicion. I will definitely If you cause a lot of trouble, it's better to go directly to the heaven before they can react." This idea came to Shi Xuan's mind.

Once you reach the heaven, there are many heavenly kings from other worlds there. If you don't have anything special about yourself, you will be able to get through easily.

And this is not contrary to my own purpose: "Anyway, in addition to experiencing the strange time and space changes in the Big Dipper World, this time I mainly want to travel to the heaven and talk with the three Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords, Si Gong, Si Shou, and Zhang Sheng. Discuss Taoism, learn Taoism and swordsmanship."

After making up his mind, Shi Xuan displayed the dim sword light of the Sancai Destruction Sword, and when his body and the sword merged, all the changes were condensed into one, silently cutting through the space barrier, and escaping into the heaven.

But after the light flashed, Shi Xuan suddenly stopped in the air, and the sword light was only a short distance away from landing on the barrier.

This was not because someone was blocking it, but because Shi Xuan felt something was wrong in his heart and took the initiative to stop.

Shi Xuan frowned slightly: "Why do I always feel that acting like this is not in line with my nature, and there are very big loopholes."

Calming down and seeing his soul, Shi Xuan's heart was like a mirror, and he slowly reviewed his previous thoughts.

After a few breaths, Shi Xuan's expression changed slightly: "No, why am I still thinking about going to the heaven?! No matter what Si Ming Xingjun's last words meant, it is clear that his matter involves some very mysterious people in the Da Luo world. A Tao Lord, even made them angry and take action, and several Heavenly Lords in the Heaven Realm are inextricably related to the Tao Lords in the Daluo Realm. If I come to discuss and discuss mysteries like this, wouldn't it be like sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth? !”

"Although there is a slight possibility that Lord Dao has not discovered that I have entered the palace of Lord Siming Xing, so I can travel and study safely in the heaven, but why should I take this risk? Where to travel is not travel? There are four calamities in the sky Your world is not limited to Beidou!"

"Given my current background of being deeply involved in the Daozu chess game, as long as I leave Beidou immediately and no longer pry into the heaven and Daluo realms, can those Dao Lords personally take action against me?!"

"A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall!"

After Shi Xuan's expression changed, he regained his composure, but his heart was still filled with ups and downs: "Is this a sign of the decline of Taoist heart, or is someone trying to deceive my mind?"

"No, leave Beidou World immediately." Shi Xuan immediately made up his mind to tear open the space barrier to the outside.

Time and space here are constantly changing. Only when you are outside the turbulence of time and space can you move in time and space, unless you can use the teleportation immortal formation.

But at this moment, the entire Beidou Immortal Realm's space barrier suddenly emitted a layer of misty golden light, full of merit and virtue. Under the golden light, the space barrier completely turned into a gloomy and dark aura of death and nine secluded auras.

If you look at it from the outside, this layer of Daqian looks like Jiuyou instead of Beidou!

With the cultivation of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord Shi Xuan mastered the power of time and space, he was unable to tear open the space barrier!


When Shi Xuan had just entered the fairy world, at the other end of the land where Lord Siming Xing's palace was located, in a valley wrapped in deep black and white mist, a six or seven-year-old boy in colorful clothes stood quietly here. , there is a beautiful and elegant girl in white standing leisurely in front of her.

The handsome and cute little face of this boy in colorful clothes was twisted tightly, as if a layer of frost had formed on it. He raised his head slightly and looked at the place where Shi Xuan came in. Behind him, a simple and mysterious disk of reincarnation appeared, and he was about to force it. Take action towards the stunning girl in white.

The girl in white had bright eyes and white teeth, looking forward to it. Regarding the actions of the boy in colorful clothes, she smiled helplessly and shook her head: "This is not the first level of Jiuyou. You are only at the peak of the Four Tribulations. The six paths of reincarnation have nothing to do with me. Effect. In fact, even on the first level of Jiuyou, you can't hurt me with the help of external forces. Xiao Zuo Sheng, you better not waste your efforts, and don't even think about transmitting messages to that Shi Xuan, unless Lao Po The book warned him directly, but in that case, my master has been waiting for a long time. "

Her tone was relaxed, and she was not afraid of the Taoist ancestors of life and death. Instead, she had an attitude of being an equal. As she spoke, she straightened her hair, and a black and white Qingyun rose from the Niwan Palace, full of the vastness, grandeur and broadness of morality. In the middle of the Qingyun, a mysterious and mysterious moral aura surrounded a person. A door that is difficult to describe in words. Through it, you seem to be able to see and touch all three thousand avenues!

The Caiyi boy's face became increasingly ugly. This was a genuine half-step golden immortal with a perfect Taoist foundation, and his strength was even higher than the level of a perfect Taoist. If he wanted to break through her interception, he couldn't even think about it.

But he has a stubborn character, and the six realms of reincarnation are still rotating slowly and urgently. The realm of heaven and humanity, the realm of animals, the realm of hell... appear one after another next to the girl in white, but they can't shake the light of black and white morality, just like scenes of mirrors, appearing and disappearing. .

The girl in white didn't show the slightest hint of anger, but smiled and said: "Actually, I don't want to stop you, but it is related to the dispute between my master and Lao Poshu. As a disciple, I can only do it..."

Before she finished speaking, her face suddenly changed slightly and her smile faded. From a distance, she looked at the place where Yanhuang and Zhongli were fighting. The palace of Siming Xingjun had been exposed!

"Old Peacock." She gritted her teeth and said, "If you can hide it from others, how can you hide it from me."

The boy in Caiyi also felt the birth of Yi Fu. He originally wanted to keep a straight face, but he couldn't suppress his slightly proud mood. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Although the Five Elements Taoist has to meddle in everything, he often Bad things, but sometimes things are good for bad people!”

Although it is not clear why the Five Elements Taoist began to place such a chess piece in Beidou World thousands of years ago, there are so many chess pieces scattered around by the Five Elements Taozu that people are too lazy to guess his purpose, so Zuo Shengtongzi The very bad impression of Kong Ji in my heart could not help but change a little.

"Mother Xuanmin, the matter has come to an end. You don't need to stop me anymore, right? Now that I go back, I can spend more time practicing the "Gushen Wonderful Method" and "Phoenix Five Virtues Sutra"." Zuo Shengtong couldn't help but talk too much. One sentence.

This girl in white seems to be the reincarnation of the innate spiritual treasure Xuan Nv's Gate.

The gate of Xuanfei, the gate of the great road, the beginning of morality, the innate moral treasure!

Her reincarnation was carried out under the protection of Ehuang, and she was not reincarnated as a human, but turned into a phoenix with part of the Five Virtues inscriptions, and worshiped under Ehuang's sect, focusing on her own "Yushu Jinzhanggu Shen Miaofa" , and also studied the "Five Virtues of the Phoenix". However, due to the slow growth of the Phoenix clan's cultivation, it took so many years to reach the level of Taoist perfection again, but she was already very satisfied with this. Without the blessing of Ehuang, she alone The remaining innate Tao embryos will lead to many disasters, not to mention that there is an innate golden immortal who focuses on the moral road and Ananda Tathagata who combines the luck road.

Those who intercept luck can intercept the secrets of heaven and the great road. If the great road is incomplete, morality will not exist.

Empress Xuan Min looked at the air again and said with a smile: "The opportunity came out, but he didn't grasp it himself. At this time, there was no time to think and hesitate, so he could only act decisively. In some aspects, the Four Tribulations Tianjun is much easier to deal with than those at other levels."

Seeing the dense air of death, the energy of the Nine Netherworlds, and the light of merit emanating from the space barrier in the fairy world, Zuo Shengtong's little face turned up again: "It's better to go to the heaven and throw yourself into a trap."

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