Zhao Qin found that the cracks in the stone next to him were densely covered with things that looked like white melon seeds. It was not accurate to say that they looked like white melon seeds, because in addition to the white grooved head, there was also a pink-brown column behind it, like a white melon seed. It's a skinned chicken neck.

The last time he sailed out to crack oysters, he saw similar ones. He knew they were barnacles, which the locals called bergamot.

But this one was obviously different from that one. He dug it with his hands and it was quite firm, but he didn't actually pull it off. He took out the sand shovel from the bucket and pried off several of them with one shovel.

I heard my elder brother say before that this thing is quite delicious. Anyway, it’s okay now. It’s good to pry it off and eat it back.

"Ahe, you also have Buddha's hands over there. Let's pick some and eat them."

Ah He said oh, he had been watching Zhao Ping fishing, and now he picked up the shovel and started doing it.

The two of them had just been working for a while when Zhao Ping caught a fish, and it looked like it was quite difficult to pull in. While the two were working, they would turn their heads from time to time to see if the fish had been pulled in.

"Brother, can you do it?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't know what kind of fish it is, but it's so strong." Zhao Ping scolded him while reeling in the line.

After a while, the fish was pulled up. It looked like a meter long, but its body was not wide. The whole fish looked like a white stainless steel pillar. He and Ah He almost said in unison, "Damn, it's so big."

But Zhao Ping wasn't too surprised. He turned to the two of them and said, "Sea Wolf, it's not worth much, just seven or eight yuan a pound."

When the two heard the price, the smiles on their faces disappeared. Forget it, let's just dig at the Buddha's hand.

Zhao Ping tried the weight, and a smile appeared on his face again, "There is about ten kilograms, which is worth a hundred yuan, which is not bad."

Neither of them responded. Zhao Ping felt shocked and muttered while re-baiting: "Watch me catch something valuable."

Zhao Qin found that the Buddha's hand was pried off piece by piece with a sand shovel, which was quite relieved.

It suddenly occurred to him that the eldest brother was using the system's line set to share his own luck. The sea wolf fish was not expensive and should not consume too much luck. He turned on the system and did not see the change in luck. Instead, he saw the merit value. A sudden increase of 200 points.

"Is there anything valuable in the snails I just picked up on the island?" He murmured, and soon he saw in the system that the merit points actually came from the Buddha's hand he was digging.

"Brother, what do you think we dug?"

The last time I cracked oysters, I pulled out a Buddha's hand, and was rewarded with 20 merit points. The one in front of me should not be of the same variety, otherwise the merit points would not have been awarded again, and it suddenly increased tenfold.

Zhao Ping was fishing when he heard his shout and didn't want to get up. He turned around and took a look. Because of the distance, he couldn't see clearly, so he said: "Foshou, didn't I tell you last time? How did you get into college with this memory?" .”

"Take a closer look." Zhao Qin had no choice but to walk a little further in the middle, put one foot on the boat banger and stretched out his hand for his elder brother to see.

"It's the Buddha..., shit, it's a dog-claw snail." Zhao Ping exclaimed, because the force of the lift caused the boat to shake, causing Zhao Qin to almost lose his balance and fall into the sea.

"What is a dog's claw snail? Is it more delicious than ordinary bergamot?" Looking at the big brother's look, I knew that this thing must not be cheap.

"Eat? But I can't swallow it. This thing is too expensive." Zhao Ping said, and began to reel in the line. Who would fish if there are dog claw snails? As he reeled in, he continued:

"Some people call it the delicacy from hell, because it grows on the cliffs of the island, and sometimes even if you can see it, it's not easy to pick it up.

Two years ago, I heard that someone in Jinzhong Village took his son out to sea. Just because he saw this greed, he lost his life. "

"How much did you pick?"

Zhao Qin brought the bucket to his elder brother to see. Zhao Ping was pleasantly surprised again. He saw that the bottom of the bucket was covered with at least one or two kilograms. He looked up at the place where Zhao Qin had just dug it, and saw that it was still densely packed.

After taking Zhao Qin's bucket and sand shovel, he walked over and started digging without saying anything.

There are two sides, one side is occupied by the eldest brother, and the other side is A He. If he joins forcefully, there will be danger, "A He, don't forget your feet, be careful not to step on the ground."

"I know, brother, Brother Ping, how much does this stuff cost per pound?"

Zhao Ping only said it was expensive, but he really didn't say how much it cost.

"I don't know, but it must be more than 200. I see there's a lot of it. I can pick out ten or twenty pounds. Hurry up."

Hearing the price of 200 pounds, Ahe's speed obviously increased.

Gooseneck barnacles are sometimes called kelp barnacles.

Zhao Qin was bored and looked at the water level in the pit. It would take at least two hours. He simply moved to the boat, picked up the line and started fishing.

Thinking that sea wolves are worthless, he threw the line far away this time. In fact, this is also a psychological factor, because no matter how far you throw the line when fishing with hand wire, the final landing point will be very close to the fishing position, not to mention vertical up and down. , of course it will shift when there are ocean currents,

As the elder brother said, the water level here is very deep, and he put a line of more than thirty meters.

While fishing, he looked at the two of them and reminded him from time to time. After all, the place he was standing on was only seventy or eighty centimeters wide. He was afraid that the two of them were too focused and would miss the mark and fall into the water. It would be fine, but he was afraid of knocking his head. .

Suddenly, the thread suddenly came out of his hand. He buckled the reel and found that the pulling force was so strong that he could not pull it. As a last resort, he could only put in a little more thread.

"Did you catch a fish?" Zhao Ping turned his head and saw him stretching his arms forward and asked.

He didn't reply. He felt the power of the fish and was alarmed by the speed of the line. If he continued like this, he wouldn't be able to reach the bottom within 100 meters. As a last resort, he had to compete with the fish and slowly withdraw. Wire.

He has always been in the habit of wearing gloves, otherwise he would really be unable to hold on to the fishing line when it gets stuck on his hand.

One person and one fish were competing like this, while the other two people focused on digging for dog claw snails and ignored him.

This battle between mermaids lasted for more than 20 minutes. Zhao Qin's arms were sore that he finally mustered up the courage to pull the fish out of the water. Then he saw clearly that it was a blue spot with a size of about 20. Jin, like a little piglet,

He picked up the fish with a large net, opened the live cabin valve at one end, and put the fish directly in. He sat there and gasped for air.

"Damn it, no more fishing, I'm exhausted."

After waiting for a moment to catch his breath, he poured a glass of water to drink, then lit a cigarette and took a puff before making a complaint.

"What, the fish ran away?" Zhao Ping asked at first, but when he didn't answer, he left it alone. When he saw him sitting and smoking, he asked curiously.

"No, put it in the survival cabin."

Hearing that he didn't run away, Zhao Ping didn't care and continued digging for the dog claw snails.

Zhao Qin rested for a while and then stood on the platform. It was shady and cool here, and it was too hot on the boat.

He first looked at the eldest brother's hand speed, and it looked like he weighed at least seven or eight pounds. He then came to Ah He's side, which was about the same weight, and lit a cigarette for each of them. It looked like there wasn't much left at the top. The picking speed has obviously slowed down now.

This thing is quite popular, and each one costs at least a few dollars, so as long as you can get your hands on it, don't let one go.

He pushed Ah He to the middle to rest. He was short and had difficulty reaching the top. Zhao Qin took the sand shovel and continued working.

But he didn't dig for long. It wasn't that he couldn't reach it, but he had almost cleared this area, and the elder brother's side was almost the same.

"Why is it gone?" Zhao Ping looked regretful.

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