Zhao Ping poured the two buckets of dog claw snails together and weighed them, "It's about 17 or 18 pounds."

The smile that couldn't be suppressed at the corners of his mouth was enough to earn enough for today.

It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon. Zhao Qin took the buns down from the boat, and several people got into the water and started to eat them.

In order to cope with hunger, Zhao Qin bought all meat, but the filling inside the meat buns would be a bit disgusting once they cooled down, and the taste would also become bad. Fortunately, they were kept on the boat and the sun was bright enough, so the meat buns were still good to the touch. A little warm.

After eating, Zhao Ping couldn't help but sit back on the boat to fish again. When he opened the live cabin and took a look, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Let me go, Aqin, did you catch such a big blue spot before?"

"It felt that living was boring, so it jumped in." Zhao Qin felt that his elder brother's question was nonsense.

Zhao Ping was not angry either, and said with a joyful expression on his face: "In the end, you have better luck. It's up to me. I'll catch another valuable thing."

Zhao Qin snorted, "Don't be a sea wolf again."

People can't eat too much, otherwise they will easily become sleepy. He mustered up his energy and opened the system panel. The green spot just brought him 120 merit points, and his total merit points reached more than 2,300 points.

Today's original luck value of 31 points has now become 13 points, more than half of which has been consumed. It seems that the last bit of luck will still fall into the trap.

"Brother, lend me your shoulder to lean on." Ah He sat there feeling uncomfortable and wanted to lend me a shoulder to relax for a while.

"Damn it, you are not a woman."

"Then lend me your leg for a pillow."

Zhao Qin:......

My uncle, I feel like I owe you all. I won’t lend you thighs or shoulders unless you are a beautiful woman.

"You go fishing, my eldest brother has stinky hands."

Upon hearing this, Ah He became excited and carefully got on the boat. Seeing this, Zhao Ping glared at Zhao Qin angrily and handed the hand line to Ah He.

Not to mention, Ahe's luck was obviously better than that of his elder brother. As soon as he got started, he shouted excitedly, stood up and pulled wildly, "Brother, come here and help me, I feel that this fish is heavier than me."

Zhao Qin did not move because he knew that his elder brother would definitely pass by.

The two of them grabbed each other, directly competing with the fish's strength and pulling the line wildly. After a while, the fish was pulled up, and the two cursed in unison: "Fuck, it's the sea wolf again."

"Stop fishing, the water in the pit will be pumped out soon."

The two got off the boat one after another. Zhao Ping frowned and said, "Aqin, if you come out again next time, you have to buy a refrigerator and pack some ice to take with you. I'm worried that the sea wolf fish will be stale when we go back."

Sea wolves have a fierce temper and will die if they don't get out of the water. Anyway, they can't survive for a few minutes out of the water. Unlike blue spots, they can survive for a few hours in the living cabin.

"Well, let's talk about it when we get back. I remember they are sold in Brother Dong's supermarket."

After saying that, he pointed to the pit and said, "Brother, please don't go down for a moment. Use ropes to put Ah He and I down. If we both go down, we won't be able to get up."

The pit is very steep, and there is barely a place to stand on, but it still requires ropes to hang on.

Zhao Ping took a look and nodded slightly, "Aqin, I think this pit should be good, a natural fish nest."

Zhao Qin said yes, got on the boat again, took off the rope, tied one end around his waist, and let his elder brother hold him. He went down carefully. After reaching the bottom, he stepped down and found that there was still forty or fifty kilometers of water. point,

Naturally, he would not go up again and asked his elder brother to take down the bucket and the net. He would first search in the cracks in the rocks that had been exposed on one side.

Suddenly, a pair of long tentacles attracted his attention. He had never caught this thing before, but he had seen it once or twice. He shouted in surprise: "Brother, there are actually lobsters in this pit."

"Is it big?"

Zhao Qin didn't reply. He hadn't caught the lobster yet. He stretched out his hand to pull the lobster's beard out. Zhao Ping, who was standing on top, saw it clearly this time and hurriedly reminded: "Don't pull the beard, it won't be worth anything if it's broken." .”

Hearing what his elder brother said, Zhao Qin had a thought and pulled harder. He liked to eat this stuff, so he just cut it off and kept it for himself.

However, he underestimated the tenacity of the lobster's tentacles. He pulled two of them together and pulled the lobster out. He caught it in his hand, and the little guy's tail was still flicking desperately, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

"Brother, little Qinglong."

The so-called Little Green Dragon, whose scientific name is Chinese Splendid Lobster, has a cyan tail and a colorful head. It is very beautiful and has two long tentacles.

Different from the known Australian dragons, this kind of lobster is generally smaller in size. The one caught by Zhao Qin was large, weighing about a kilogram.

"It's quite big. Let's look quickly. Is there anything else?" Zhao Ping was so excited that he wished he could search for it himself.

Xiao Qinglong

However, Ah He had already tied himself up with a rope and urged Zhao Ping to put him down. Zhao Ping untied the rope around his waist and tied a new knot angrily, "This knot of yours will be broken if you exert force." Break away and be careful in the future.”

After that, he tied a sailor's knot. Not only is this knot strong, but the key is that it is easy to untie.

As soon as Ah He got into the water, he staggered a little and said, "Brother, I was almost knocked down by a fish."

"Don't be ridiculous, use this skill to quickly turn over the rocks next to you."

Zhao Qin said as he turned over another stone, "I'll go, Octopus."

This is Hongzhang, about a pound or two in height. At this moment, the color of his body changes drastically as the stone is lifted, and he quickly escapes into the water.

Zhao Qin stretched out his hand to grab it, and it took a little strength to lift it up from the ground. Several tentacles with suction cups on the other side were tightly wrapped around his arm again, which was a little disgusting.

Just as he was about to raise his other hand to pull it out and throw it into the bucket, at this moment, the octopus spit out a mouthful of ink.

"I'll go." It was said that the octopus had a very high IQ. This moment was verified, and a mouthful of ink just sprayed onto his face.

"Hahaha." Ah He laughed so hard when he saw this.

Zhao Ping, who was standing on the stage, also saw it clearly and couldn't help but laugh unkindly.

Zhao Qin put the octopus into the bucket and took a handful of sea water to rinse it, "Damn it, I'll let you go into the pressure cooker tonight."

This slightly larger octopus actually tastes very average and cannot be cooked without a pressure cooker. When you eat it, it feels like you are chewing on a piece of rubber skin and you keep tugging at it no matter what.

The price is also very cheap. The little white badge they caught last time is considered top quality, while the red badge costs at most ten yuan. There is also a black badge, which is even cheaper.

"Brother, I have a blue crab here." Ah He showed off holding a big crab.

"Give it to the elder brother and let him tie it up."

Zhao Qin didn't even raise his head because he saw antenna-like tentacles again.

After finally moving the stone a little, I pulled out the lobster. This one was slightly smaller than before, about half a catty.

Just at this moment, there was a loud bang, which frightened him. Only when he reacted did he realize that it was a fish hitting flowers. The three of them looked into the puddle at the same time, and saw that the back of a fish's fin had been exposed.

"Perch?" It's hard to tell what kind of fish it is just from the dorsal fin, and Zhao Qin isn't sure either.

Zhao Ping shook his head and said, "No, Red Ancient Fish."

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