As soon as the boat started moving, the three of them had their own tasks.

When he first went to sea, Zhao Ping did not dare to let Zhao Qin touch the boat for the time being. He would only let him practice his skills when he went to a wide sea area.

Zhao Qin and Ah He were busy loading the bait container in the ground cage. If they put them in one by one on the boat today, they would definitely not be able to make it in time, so they both thought that if it didn't work, they would put them in later.

If it is really too late, he will sail the boat and let his elder brother release it.

"Brother, other boats have names. If you are literate, you can also give our boat a name." Ah He said without stopping his hands.

"That's right, brother, what's the name of our boat?" He was wearing a mask and spoke in a loud voice. There was nothing I could do about it, the smell of chicken intestines and duck intestines was too strong.

"Ah He Gao Xiao, I have read three volumes of books. You can choose the names as you see fit."

Zhao Qin thought for a while and said, "I think it will be called 'Ping An and Diligent'." He strung together the names of the three people.

"What a stupid name, it's long and convoluted. You see, other people's boats are called Harvest, Downwind, etc., but you're the only one who's still a college student?"

"You have to be educated, right? Good things, a good family, a good year, and enough support. Choose one of these."

The two of them were confused when they heard it, and even Ah He wanted to say something bad, like a dick thing.

"No, pick an easy one."

In the end, the three of them combined, and the new ship was about to be obtained anyway. It was impossible for the two ships to have the same name, so this one was called Ping An, and the new ship was called Diligence.

The Ping An sailed through the wind and waves, and foul language and laughter came from time to time on the ship.

When we arrived at the mangrove forest in Xia Di Long, we walked from the pier in the town. It was not only close to here, but also on the way, so the three of them discussed it and put down the underground cage here first.

Because the bait needs to be placed immediately, there is no need to dig through the cage again when on the boat. The two of them have prepared all the bait in advance.

Zhao Ping slowed the boat down a bit and maintained it at 7-8 knots. Ahe was responsible for controlling the lowering speed of the ground cages, and Zhao Qin put the bait device in each ground cage before entering the water.

It was a little hectic at first, but after the two rows got together, the two of them cooperated more and more tacitly. Not only did they do it in an orderly manner, but they also managed to light a cigarette and chat for a while.

People at sea attach great importance to rituals, which may be related to the dangers of going to sea.

After finishing the row, Zhao Qin threw the floating ball into the sea and shouted to the sea, "There are a lot of fish and shrimps."

"Brother, you don't need to put down the ground cage tomorrow. When you put down the longline, you can go around the nearby islands and write down all the islands with puddles that you can go up to to catch the sea.

One of the next two days we don't need to put the cage on the ground, we can pump the puddle or go to the island to pick up things. "

"Well, that's what I think too. I don't know how long it will take to earn back the cost of this ship." In fact, Zhao Ping wanted to say how long it will take to earn back the cost of the new ship.

After all, this boat cost less than 10,000 yuan. In his opinion, with Aqin's luck, he could only go to sea two or three times, but he didn't dare to make too big a deal.

"I'll make it back today. How long will it take? Brother, as a human being, you must enlarge the picture so that you can have a long-term vision." Zhao Qin stood up and wanted to pose again.

"Hurry up and hang the bait, don't waste time."

"Oh." Zhao Qin had to squat down again, now hanging bait for the longline, which is very skillful for a fisherman.

But the hooks are hung on the edge of the basket in order. If you accidentally mess with them, the threads will get tangled together when you put them, so you still have to be careful.

His basket was quickly hung up, and he even had his hands free to help Ahe.

After getting these done, the two of them continued to prepare the bait for the ground cage. Half of it was not thrown in yet.

Zhao Ping was quite pleased to see the two busy people, they finally looked like fishermen.

When they arrived at the place, Zhao Ping asked Zhao Qin to drive the boat, reminding him to maintain the boat speed at about seven knots, not too fast, otherwise the hook would not be successful, and not too slow, otherwise the line would be too loose and easily tangled.

After placing it in the sea for a while, Zhao Ping will tie a brick to the line to try to make the fishhook sink.

There are many types of longline fishing, some are specialized in catching fish that are more aggressive in the middle and upper layers, and some are used to catch fish that are rarer in the middle and lower layers.

"Brother, do we put it on the lower floor or the upper floor?"

"It can only be considered the middle layer. The fish in the upper layer are generally not worth much, and I am afraid of hanging on the bottom in the lower layer. So I tried putting it in the middle layer first for the first time. There are many fish moving in this water layer, and I can take care of the fish in the upper and lower layers at the same time. kind,

If the effect is not good, we will adjust it again. "

"Then how long will it take for us to put it down and collect it?"

"Usually two hours is enough. If you are fishing for the upper layer, you don't need to reel in the line. You just need to check whether there are any fish caught on the sub-line. If there are any, just reel in the fish and re-hook the bait. There is no need to reel in the main line.

But if you are at the middle or lower level, you must close the main line, otherwise the line cannot be picked up. "

Zhao Qin understood what his elder brother meant, which was equivalent to saying that in the waters they went into this time, they could only pull in all the main lines to see the fish catch.

"Brother, let's stay here a little longer."

Zhao Ping nodded slightly, "Well, let's finish lowering the hook first, and then put the cage on the ground. If it's still early after finishing it, we'll look for a nearby desert island that we can board on."

“It’s almost noon, who’s cooking after setting the hook?”

Zhao Qin realized that he was asking this question in vain. Sure enough, as soon as he said it, his eldest brother and Ah He both looked at him and said in unison, "You."

"Come and give it a try, remember to throw it into the sea with the flow, and be sure to master the rhythm."

After putting one basket away, Zhao Ping took over the helm and left another basket for Zhao Qin to get on.

Just now, Zhao Qin's eyes had been following his elder brother's hands, just to see how it worked. He tried to put two hooks in, but he found that it was still very simple, "Brother, how many fish can you say these two rows of hooks can catch?" ?”

"If you're lucky, you can probably catch more than 30 kilograms of fish." When Zhao Ping said this, he still had a smile on his face as if he had seen the harvest scene.

Zhao Qin was confused, Damn, one hundred hooks, more than thirty kilograms of fish, one hook is only three taels?

"Brother, so few?"

"Small! It's more than thirty pounds and you still have the best luck. It's not like fish will bite you the next time you hook it. It's good if the hook with the best quality can have three successes."

Zhao Qin also knew that what his elder brother said was the actual situation of the sea. He calculated in his mind and sighed: "Brother, it seems that two baskets of hooks are still too few."

"Of course, a specialized longline fishing boat can release 2,000 hooks at a time, and we only have 100. Take your time and take your time. If you feel the harvest is good, we will slowly increase it."

Zhao Qin said nothing. In fact, this boat was a trawler, and its main operation was trawling.

But Zhao Qin checked it when he bought a new boat. A trawl system actually costs 5,000 merit points, which is far beyond what he can consider now. To be realistic, he should invest all the merit points earned in longline fishing.

Of course, if we want to say who harvests more fish from trawling or longline fishing, it must be trawling, but it is difficult to say who harvests more valuable fish.

Trawling rarely catches large fish, but longline fishing rarely catches small fish. This is where the two are completely different.

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