After setting the hook, Ah He began to put bait into the bait container of the ground cage again. Zhao Ping was about to sail the boat to the other side to put the ground cage when he heard his brother say: "Brother, how about we put these ground cages this time?" The cage should be placed in the place where the puddle was pumped last time, right?"

Zhao Ping knew where he was talking about, which was on the edge of the island where he dug snails last time.

He was a little excited, but he still frowned and said uncertainly: "Aqin, I'm not familiar with that area of ​​water. There must be a lot of rocks underneath. If we die, we'll be in trouble because we don't have diving equipment."

Zhao Qin was also a little unsure. If he died, he might lose several ground cages at once. The water area was not shallow, and he would definitely not be able to swim to the bottom with his bare hands.

He hesitated for a moment and then said: "Brother, we caught a lot of lobsters in that pit. How about we throw two groups into it and try it?"

After hearing what he said about losing two groups, Zhao Ping didn't object anymore and turned the ship around to head over there.

"Brother, let's cook. I'm hungry." Ah He said.

Zhao Qin glared at this kid angrily. He couldn't cook yet he was so confident.

After washing my hands, I first took a look at what my sister-in-law had prepared for today. It was pretty good. There was pork, which should have been cut yesterday and put in the refrigerator. The temperature in the morning was just right enough to completely thaw. There were also some chopped water spinach and a box of salted fish.

He did not rush to cook, but first boiled a pot of water, and then made a cup of tea for each person before putting the pot on. He first put the pork into the pot, stirred out the fat and fragrance, and then poured the water spinach into it. ,

Sprinkle some salt, wait until the water content of the water spinach is almost reduced, pour the rice directly into it, then put the salted fish on the rice and wait to eat.

He picked up the tea and sipped it. He was so happy to have a cup of hot tea on the boat, but the weather was so hot that he didn't dare to completely untie the cloth on his face.

Look at my eldest brother and Ah He, it’s so dark, well, in a few days, they can go somewhere to have free sex.

"Brother, if we don't go to sea someday, we'd better weld a frame to the boat and install a sunscreen internet cafe."

"Well, it just so happens that the hood of the tricycle hasn't been finished yet. I'll find someone to finish it together when I have a day off."

After chatting for a while, Zhao Qin stood up and took over the steering wheel of his eldest brother, asking him to eat with Ahe first.

Holding the rudder, he cast his gaze into the distance. Suddenly, a graceful figure jumped out of the sea and quickly entered the sea. After a while, he jumped again.

"Brother, look, what is that?"

Zhao Ping had just finished serving the rice. He stood up and followed the direction Zhao Qin pointed. He looked for a moment and said, "There should be several dolphins, surrounding the fish school."

He sat down depressed and said, "Hey, it's a closed fishing season. Otherwise, you can drag a net and have a look. Even if you don't need a trawl, you can just cast a two-handed throw net. The harvest will definitely be quite big."

Suddenly a clear cry rang out, and Zhao Qin found another group of dolphins swimming not far away, "I'll go, I'm so smart, I can also call my companions."

"When you go out to sea and encounter flocks of birds or dolphins, it's a good sign, indicating that there are fish nearby." Zhao Ping gave him some common sense.

Zhao Qin was about to say something when he saw four tails jumping out of the water. It was a pity that he didn't have a camera. It would be very beautiful if he could take a photo of this.

As for the current camera quality of mobile phones, there is no difference between taking a picture and not taking a picture.

There were more and more cries, and Zhao Qin seemed to be able to feel their happiness even from a short distance away.

"Brother, I heard that bluefin tuna often mixes with dolphins. Do you think there are any there?" He suddenly thought of the video he had watched of tuna hunting, and it seemed that an old fisherman had said this.

"Don't think about it. It's hard to see bluefin tuna in the nearby waters now, and there are even fewer yellow fins. Besides, even if there are, we are blind and can't set the net. If our longline is eaten, the loss will be huge.

That thing is so powerful that it can drag the entire row of hooks to the bottom of the sea. In the end, the sub-thread will still be unable to bear the weight and break. "

Zhao Qin was about to say that he could catch it, but when his elder brother said this, he suddenly became depressed. Yes, if you catch a small one, you have to let it go. If you encounter a big one, how can you fight it with your hand silk?

What a joke! Everyone has to be dragged into the sea.

Alas, that thing is valuable. If you get a bird's nest that weighs three to four hundred pounds and is of good quality, you might be able to sell it for a higher price than the last time.

Thinking in his mind, the boat unknowingly headed in the direction of the dolphins.

At this moment, a sharper and louder cry suddenly came from the other side. Zhao Qin looked up, but saw nothing. Just when he was about to look away, a huge figure, like a dolphin,

He jumped out of the sea, drew a beautiful arc, and plunged into the water again.

"Fuck, killer whale."

Zhao Qin was so excited. He had only seen this thing in the aquarium, and this was the first time he had seen such a big thing on the sea.

The killer whale's cry just now seemed to be summoning its companions, because most of them were hidden under the water. Zhao Qin couldn't figure out how many there were at the moment.

When Zhao Qin turned his attention to the dolphins again, he found that they were running away madly in the opposite direction of the killer whales, seemingly aware of the danger.

On the sea, a fierce chase really took place.

In fact, killer whales also belong to the Delphinidae family, and are closely related to dolphins themselves. They are annihilating each other, and both have high IQs. Maybe this is the case, so as long as killer whales encounter a group of dolphins, they will want to move forward. Bully it.

Adult killer whales can grow to eight or nine meters and weigh more than six tons. Although they are still less impressive than blue whales, they are definitely king-like in this sea area.

I thought that the dolphins would escape smoothly, but the next moment, another killer whale suddenly appeared on the side of the dolphins' escape.

"I'll go, Hu Zi is really smart, he even used it to chase and intercept." Zhao Qin couldn't help but exclaimed. His voice also attracted the attention of Zhao Ping and A He. Following his gaze, they also saw this rare thing. sight.

I saw the killer whale's tail slap, and a dolphin flew up to a height of nearly ten meters, and then hit the water heavily.

Of course, the dolphins were smart enough, and only one was lost, while the others escaped smoothly.

"It's off course, why are you distracted?" Zhao Ping complained a little when he took over the helm after finishing his meal.

"Brother, killer whales, how about we take the boat over and have a look?" Zhao Qin was very excited. He heard that tiger whales do not attack humans and are quite friendly to humans. Is this true?

"Okay, hurry up and eat. It's true that we put down the ground cage. Those few can overturn the boat with their collective strength. Don't mess with them."

Zhao Qin didn't want to mess with them, he just wanted to follow them and have a closer look. But after hearing what his elder brother said, he felt there was no need to joke with the lives of the three of them.

After handing the helm to the elder brother, he sat on the deck and started cooking. He was really hungry, so he started cooking crazily after picking up the meal.

"Brother, eat slowly. I can get the bait by myself."


By the time he finished eating and took a drink of water, the boat had almost arrived at the location. It carefully sailed into the place where the water pit was pumped before. After getting off the ground cage, Zhao Ping went up to the previous platform to take a look.

Unfortunately, the piece where the dog's claw snail was shoveled before is still shiny and convex and has not grown at all.

The ship sailed away from the island and headed to the other side of the sea to put down the last remaining cages. However, just a few nautical miles away from the island, Zhao Qin saw the figure of the killer whale reappear, and it seemed to be swimming in the direction of their ship. Come.

"Brother, are they not full and want to give us a tooth beating as a sacrifice?" Seeing such a big one jumping out of the water, Ah He also became a little nervous.

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