It turned out that the village committee was holding a meeting, and the town leader specially asked someone to call him over.

After Zhao Qin knew what was going on, he didn't refuse and took the initiative to sit at the production team leader's table, sitting with Lao Zhang.

The leader asked him to come, more because of his donation today, which could be regarded as an encouragement, but he didn't let him sit with him.

In the middle of the meal, Zhao Qin stood up and toasted the leader with a glass of wine. The two of them did not interact with each other for the rest of the time. However, after the meal, Zhao Qin took the initiative to ask for the leader's phone number and said that he had some ideas for the next step so that he could ask for instructions and report.

The leader happily changed his number with him, and Zhao Qin said goodbye and left.

In fact, several production captains were a little surprised. They thought Zhao Qin was too honest today. They thought he came here just to stir up trouble. Unexpectedly, not only did he not stir up trouble, he also donated 20,000 yuan.

In the next two days, the village was talking about Zhao Qin's donation to the primary school.

There are also some sarcastic words, but I don’t dare to say them openly anymore.

It's summer vacation now, and there were rumors earlier that the first and second grades in the village will not be open in the new school year. Now with Zhao Qin's funding, there will definitely be no problem at least this year.

Those who have children at home who happen to be in first or second grade are grateful to him.

There are also some people who are secretly guessing how much money the Zhao family boy has earned during this period. This donation is only 20,000 yuan. My dear, he will definitely earn more than 20,000 yuan in this month.

Zhao Qin did this not to make people feel grateful, but just for peace of mind.

In the next few days, he was busy taking the test. Lao Luo of the Maritime Safety Administration arranged it for him. The theory and the ship test were two days apart. After getting the answer for the theory, he memorized it all night, fearing that he would remember the wrong order.

As a last resort, I wrote densely on my palms, but when I entered the examination room, I found that there was no proctor at all. Everyone took out their answers and copied them openly.

Girl, you are still too innocent.

The ship test is even simpler. When you get on the ship, throw two packs of cigarettes on the cabin console, and then the safety officer will ask you whether he will drive it for you or you will drive it yourself.

Zhao Qin chose to drive by himself, but the result was that the safety officer was very nervous and kept reminding him not to hit anything.

That night after the exam, Lao Luo called him and asked him to pick up the certificate in a week. At this point, Zhao Qin could be considered to have given up on one thing.

There is a driving school in town, and when he arrived, he was greeted by a middle-aged man.

"Do you have any basic knowledge, such as driving a tractor or something?"

"I can drive." Zhao Qin was not modest either.

"There are those that cost 1,900 yuan, and it takes about 3 months to get the certificate, and there are those that cost 2,900 yuan, and it takes about 28 days to get the certificate."

Zhao Qin did not hesitate and quoted the fastest one. After paying the money, the middle-aged man took the car key to see if he could drive it.

The few little moves he made when getting on the bus shocked the middle-aged man. The first was the psychological quality. Many people are inevitably nervous when they touch a car for the first time. Zhao Qin behaved very naturally. He was really no different from an experienced driver.

The second is to adjust the seats and rearview mirrors, which many rookies don’t pay attention to.

Before turning on the ignition, he also shook the gear. These actions allowed the middle-aged man to be sure that Zhao Qin was not bragging when he said he knew how to drive.

After driving for a while, the middle-aged man also removed his foot from the auxiliary brake. He was driving more steadily than himself, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Look at the time, I'll try to arrange the exam as soon as possible."

"Theory takes time. I'm a little worried about this. There is also Section 2. Parking on the side is not difficult. The difficult part is S-turns and rolling over pie."

The middle-aged man smiled. The other person was even familiar with the assessment items. "The theory is covered. There are safety officers in other cars."

Zhao Qin understood, as long as he didn't make common sense mistakes.

Now there are three subjects in the driving test. The first subject is theory, the second subject is three out of nine, and the third subject is road, and it is not electronic road. There is an invigilator in the car, and if he says you pass it, then you pass it.

"If you really don't have time, just add 1,000 yuan and give me two one-inch photos. Your car can drive steadily. It doesn't matter whether you take the test or not."

Oh, now he can be exempted from the exam. Zhao Qin has forgotten about this.

"Okay, I just don't have enough time." He happily handed over 1,000 yuan again, went to the town to take another photo, and waited to get his driver's license.

In fact, it's not that urgent. After all, he has no plans to buy a car for the time being, but it's always something to do, and the sooner it's done, the easier it will be.

In the past few days when he was busy, Zhao Ping and Ah He went out to sea twice. Their main operations were longline fishing and water pit pumping. The harvests on both occasions were pretty good, with more than 1,800 and more than 2,200 harvested respectively. The ground cages were not good. If you put it there, the cost of bait and oil would be as high as 200 yuan a day.

After finishing his work today, he came to the buying station to brag with Chen Dong and Chen Dong as usual.

"Hey, are you planning to become a hands-off shopkeeper?"

"Stop making fun of me. I'm quite busy these days, and it's not like you don't know."

"I heard that you donated 20,000 yuan to build a primary school in the village?" Chen Dong asked curiously.

"Have you heard everything?"

"Yesterday I went to the town government to do some work and heard that they were still studying it. They said that you are a party member and your consciousness is different. They plan to apply for you to be a county-level model worker or something.

You are young, and your resume is quite inspiring. You were admitted to a prestigious school and dropped out, taking root in the countryside. With this donation, wow, they also want to achieve political achievements. "

Zhao Qin had a big headache for a while. He didn't want to be in the limelight. Once he was given a certain title, it would be a lot of trouble.

"It's useless. It's probably just a discussion. After all, I, the client, don't know."

Chen Dong nodded in agreement, just like a gust of wind, it passed by.

"Going to sea tomorrow?"

"I'm going to my eldest sister's house tomorrow. According to my eldest sister's wishes, I estimate that I will have to stay for two or three days. Why haven't I seen Axue these days?"

"I went on a trip with my mother-in-law and her sister-in-law. Why didn't she tell you on the phone?"

Zhao Qin was stunned. The girl really didn't say anything, but she would still send him messages on time every night.

When it was almost time, Zhao Qin rode a tricycle to the town pier. His lucky score today was 36 points, thinking that his big brother and the others would have a pretty good harvest.

It wasn't until nearly 6:30 that my boat came from a distance.

When the boat docked, Zhao Qin jumped on the boat. Looking at the smiles on their faces, he knew that today's harvest should be pretty good.

"Didn't the puddles be pumped today?" If the puddles were pumped, the buckets would not be so clean. According to the eldest brother's temperament, if the stones in the pit could be sold for money, he would definitely carry them on the boat.

Not to mention the crabs and snails in the pit, but there was not a single snail or crab in the bucket basket today.

“Originally I planned to pump the waterholes, but I ended up going to two islands. Those waterholes couldn’t hide the fish at first glance. I was afraid of burning too much oil when I moved again, so I and Ahe found an island not far from the fishing rafts. Fishing with silk while doing it.”

Zhao Qin was just asking, and of course he wouldn't accuse the two of them of being lazy. With his eldest brother's temperament, it would be difficult for him to be lazy.

First, catch the fish from the live cabin. When Zhao Qin saw the harvest, he understood why the two of them were happy. Today's fish harvest may be less in weight than in the past, but it is a lot of valuable goods.

There were five or six spring fish, and two big red spots weighing more than two pounds, which immediately increased the value.

"Brother, these are not the most expensive."

With a sly smile on his face, Ah He opened the refrigerator and saw six large yellow croakers of different sizes lying inside. Perhaps the water was clear today, so the color of the fish was not so yellow.

"Did you catch it?"

"I caught two, and Brother Ping caught four."

Zhao Pingping suppressed his joy and said reservedly: "I'm lucky today. Although I caught more, the two biggest ones were caught by Ah He."

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