After pulling the fish to the collection station, Chen Dong couldn't help but exclaimed after looking at it, "Damn it, how come you guys have so many good products every few days? There are also several ships at my collection point. Why aren't they so good?" luck?

I thought it was just Aqin's good luck. If Aqin hadn't gone, you would have received so many good goods. You really bought the right old ship. If I had known I would have bought it, I wouldn't have given it to Aqin. "

Of course he was joking, but the surprise was real. Let’s not talk about the two red spots. Who can catch a few big yellow flowers in a day with silk thread? If you can catch one, it is a good harvest.

"Brother Dong, when I get my new ship, why don't I give this ship to you?" Zhao Qin joked.

"Really want to sell? If you really want to sell it, I'll help you find a home. It will definitely be no less than 20,000 yuan. If you tell others that a hundred longline hooks can earn so much, they won't even believe it to death.

Maybe he will raise the price to buy this ship. "

Zhao Qin just said it casually, but he didn't expect that Chen Dong had already set the price. He hesitated and said, "I haven't decided yet. We'll see when the time comes."

The laughter of several people alarmed Chen's father upstairs. When he came down and saw such a harvest, he marveled at their good luck.

When they talked about the scarcity of large yellow croakers, Father Chen also told them about ancient times.

There were actually a lot of large yellow croakers in the past. In the 1950s, due to imperfect preservation technology, the caught large yellow croakers were very cheap, costing about 7 cents a pound. Many of the unsold ones were made into yellow croakers (xiǎng, Cut open dried fish).

At that time, a fishing method called gǔ was introduced here. The specific method was to work with multiple boats and knock on the hull to produce a chorus.

The large yellow croaker belongs to the family Kingfish. There are two otoliths in the skull. When the combined sound is transmitted into the sea, it will cause the fish to become comatose or die. At that time, more than a dozen ships went to sea together, and they could receive hundreds of tons a day, nearly 10,000 kilograms. of fish catch.

Because this fishing method is indiscriminate, all fish, big and small, are caught, so the wild yellow croaker is on the verge of extinction.

Finally, the state issued a policy that would no longer allow this type of work.

While chatting and busy, all of them were weighed in a short while. There were six large yellow croakers. The largest one actually weighed 2 pounds 3, and the smallest only weighed 8 taels.

This kind also has one price per tail. There is a huge price difference between the price of more than one catty and less than one catty. There is also a difference in the price of two catties and one catty. Chen Dong paid 480 yuan per catty for more than two catties and 390 yuan for more than one catty. ,

And if it’s less than one pound, it’s directly 120 yuan per pound.

The price of red spots is the same as last time. Chunzi fish was priced at 65 yuan per catty. Today’s fish and fish were sold together for 6,100 yuan.

"Aqin, when will your father come back?" Father Chen asked after the accounts were settled.

"Mid-Autumn Festival, my dad called my eldest brother a few days ago."

In fact, his father said a lot about being promoted to manager. He was very busy this year, and the Mid-Autumn Festival was probably only two days off. As for how true it was, Zhao Qin didn't even bother to analyze it.

"Come back and let him come over for a drink."

"Uncle Chen, when my father comes back, I will pick you up and take you to the village to drink."

"Okay, it's the same everywhere."

Father Chen saw that it was getting late and asked them to go back.

We had dinner when we got home. After dinner, Zhao Qin asked his sister-in-law to take out the money from the previous two overseas trips. During this period, he was so busy that he didn't even get any money. He had to go on a long trip tomorrow, so he simply settled the accounts today.

"Brother, where is the payment list between you and Ah He?"

The two of them took out all the bills for buying ice, bait, and diesel. After taking the money handed over by Xia Rong, he took out a pen and paper and wrote while talking.

"Diesel costs 475 yuan three times. Sister-in-law, please order it for me."

Xia Rong agreed, counted out 475 yuan and put it aside. Zhao Qin handed it to his eldest brother, and asked his sister-in-law to count out 170 and 45 yuan of bait and ice money respectively, and gave them to his eldest brother and Ahe respectively.

"Then you will go to sea for three days, and your salary will be 300 yuan per person."

This time Zhao Qin ordered 300 yuan each and gave it to the two of them.

After excluding these, there were still 8,894 yuan left for these three trips to sea, and 1,778 for two achievements. He made up the whole, and divided 1,800 yuan between each person. He still had more than 5,200 yuan left.

After the money was divided, it was over. There were very few miscellaneous fish caught in the longline fishing. Two yellow snappers were kept when selling them, and each family kept one to take back for food.

As long as you go to sea, no matter how much you earn or how little you earn, there will definitely be no shortage of fish to eat at home.

Ah He took out 200 yuan, put it on the table, and said to Zhao Qin: "Brother, Sister Mei is moving to a new house. I, Brother Heping, have to go to sea and can't go. Please bring me a gift."

"You don't need to take it with you, my sister won't accept it either."

"My grandma said, I'll leave first." Ah He turned around and ran away, afraid of being pulled.

Zhao Qin had no choice but to put away the 200 yuan and help him present the gift when the time came.

"Sister-in-law, I don't understand this either. How much courtesy will you give my sister this time?"

"Your brother and I have been discussing in the past two days. According to our rules, 800 yuan is enough. But now Amei is in trouble. The family has a lot of money for the time being, and there is no need for a lot of money. We are thinking about it. Two thousand, you are not married yet, so it would be better to have less..."

"Then let's just go with 2000. We just need to unify."

"With so much, will your brother-in-law's relatives look bad when the time comes?" Zhao Ping expressed another layer of worry.

"It's okay. I'll give it to my brother-in-law alone when the time comes. It's his business to write as much as he wants on the gift list."

"Well, this is a good idea."

"Let's eat. You must be hungry. Let's talk while eating." Xia Rong brought the dishes to the table.

Zhao Ping stood up and took a bottle of wine. Zhao Qin took it and poured a glass for his eldest brother. The two brothers touched each other and then he said: "Brother, don't show off in these two days. Go to sea if you can. If you can't just rest at home." With.

As for the things I put on the boat, you can get to the boat early tomorrow morning and take the white one to the collection station for charging. When you come back in the evening, you can take it on board and plug it in. "

"Aqin, what on earth is that?"

"Brother, just don't move. It doesn't take up any space anyway."

After eating and drinking, Xia Rong gave him 2,000 yuan before leaving. Naturally, he would not refuse the money.

In the early morning, he followed his eldest brother and the others to the town. He first went to the boat to teach his eldest brother how to unload and plug in the UPS, making sure that they both knew how to do it.

He asked the two of them to set off, and he moved the UPS to the collection station and started charging it.

"You said you don't have a car license, otherwise it would be more convenient to drive my car."

"Don't worry, Brother Dong, I will definitely trouble you sometimes."

I came to the noodle stall and ate a bowl of noodles. The earliest bus had also arrived at the starting point. After getting on the bus, I chose a seat by the window. He put his bag on the side and covered it with his body. There was nothing he could do, there were too many thieves these days. .

When the car was about to start, he actually saw a familiar figure. The other person seemed to have seen him and quickly shifted his gaze.

PS: I have to pay my debts, Shanfeng is a good comrade, haha, please support me, thank you.

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