Not long after Zhao Qin sat down, a familiar figure got into the car. It was Lin Yang’s wife Yan Wei. She seemed to be going to the city as well.

However, the other party's character remained the same. After glancing at him, he looked away and found an empty seat to sit down.

People were getting into the cars one after another, and a fat man got up at this time. The man's eyes lit up when he saw Yan Wei's appearance, and he sat next to her without hesitation.

Nowadays, there is no armrest between the two seats of CMB. The man’s arm touched Yan Wei’s arm from time to time, perhaps because he was fat, or perhaps on purpose.

In summer, everyone wears short sleeves. Yan Wei soon couldn't bear it and stood up. He looked around and came to Zhao Qin's side the next moment. He hesitated and sat down.

Zhao Qin didn't care either. Although he was tall, he was very thin. At this moment, his head was leaning against the glass, and the space between the two sides was quite large.

The car started, and Zhao Qin's body pressed the bag. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't even notice that he had brought the bag. He fell asleep after a while.

In about an hour, the car arrived in the city. When Yan Wei got off the car, he stood up and stretched before getting off.

"Zhao Qin, where is my dog?" As soon as he got off the car, he saw Yan Wei waiting aside.

"You shouldn't be following me to the city just because you want to ask about your dog." Zhao Qin was a little funny. This woman is quite persistent and indifferent to people, but she always holds a dog in her heart.

"Didn't you say you would do the surgery in the city? I want to take a look."

Zhao Qin didn't want to pay attention to her, he had to drive, but when he saw that he was leaving, Yan Wei directly grabbed the hem of his clothes and stared at him without saying anything, but big tears fell down his cheeks.

"Sister-in-law, if you were seen like this, I wouldn't be able to clean yourself up even if I jumped into the Yellow River."

"Please, take me to see it."

Zhao Qin sighed, what a sin!

He had no choice but to take her in a taxi to the pet hospital. The doctor saw him coming and smiled and said: "The dog is very obedient and is recovering well. It may take half a month before he can stand up."

Zhao Qin thanked him and came to the cage.

Gouzi saw that the two people who came were acquaintances, and his happiness was all written on his face, and his tail kept wagging.

Yan Wei stepped forward, reached into the cage and stroked its fur.

"Do you want to take it back?" Zhao Qin asked.

Yan Wei shook his head, "It will die if you take it back. Zhao Qin, this dog is for you."

Zhao Qin knew that Yan Wei must have concealed a lot of things, so he didn't bother to ask. He paid the fee for another 20 days, thanked the doctor again and again, and went straight out. As for how long Yan Wei wanted to stay in, he didn't bother to care. .

Before he took two steps, Yan Wei chased him out, took out a wad of money from his pocket, and handed it to Zhao Qin, "Thank you, that's all I have."

"You regretted it and want to take the dog back?"

"You should keep the dog and raise it. If it weren't for you, it would have died a long time ago. I know this is not enough. I will give it to you when I can save some."

Zhao Qin looked at the money handed to him, it was only about a thousand, and then turned around and left, "Keep it, the dog is mine, so it has nothing to do with you if I treat its leg."

When he came to the roadside, he took a taxi and arrived at the long-distance bus station.

Because of this delay, the previous bus had just left when we arrived, and we had to wait another hour.

After buying the ticket, sitting in the waiting hall, he took out his mobile phone and played Age of Empires. This is the game that comes with V3. The picture is really not flattering, so let's pass the time.

Seeing that it was almost time, he bought a bottle of water and stood at the ticket gate.

After getting in the car and taking a quick look, he was confused, because he saw Yan Wei again, and the other party also saw him. She was originally sitting on the aisle, but she moved to the window seat, obviously to make room for Zhao Qin. Location.

Zhao Qin walked past where she was sitting without stopping, and walked two rows back before sitting down.

He kept this woman at a distance. If people saw the two of them talking and laughing, even if he did nothing, if word spread to the village, their reputations would be ruined.

When Yan Wei saw him bypassing her, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes. He stood up the next moment and sat directly next to Zhao Qin again.

Zhao Qin sighed inwardly, there must be something wrong with this woman, otherwise she wouldn't be like this.

He had no choice but to look out the window again, and turned his body slightly inwards.

Soon after the car started, Zhao Qin's cell phone rang. It was the eldest sister. He estimated the time and told the eldest sister that they would not arrive until about one o'clock, and asked them to have lunch on time and not wait for him.

After hanging up the phone, he closed his eyes again and leaned back to rest.

"Zhao Qin, Lin Zhonghe was very angry when he came back that day. He scolded you for a long time and said he would retaliate against you. Lin Yang even suggested finding someone from outside to beat you."

Lin Zhonghe is Secretary Lin and Yan Wei’s father-in-law.

Zhao Qin was shocked and didn't understand why Yan Wei betrayed his family, but he still pretended not to hear and closed his eyes without saying a word.

"You are very powerful, you can fool the Lin family father and son around."

After saying this, Yan Wei sighed and shut up when Zhao Qin didn't answer.

After more than two hours of driving, Zhao Qin couldn't sleep and was bored. There was a person sitting next to him who he didn't want to mess with, so he even adjusted his sitting posture carefully.

When he was about to get off the car, Yan Wei shook him and said, "Zhao Qin, I'm going back to my parents' house. Can you lend me your cell phone to make a call?"

Zhao Qin couldn't refuse, so he had to hand her the phone.

In these places along the coast, it is normal for people to have different pronunciations. Just like when Yan Wei spoke his hometown dialect, Zhao Qin could only understand it half-understood. Of course, he would not pay attention to what the other party was talking about.

After a while, Yan Wei handed him the phone, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, sister-in-law."

"My name is Yan Wei."

"I know, sister-in-law."

The conversation between the two ended again.

When they arrived at the place, Zhao Qin asked before getting off the car to make sure that Yan Wei was not going to the same town as him. Zhao Qin let out a long sigh of relief.

"Are you afraid of me?" Everyone can feel that Zhao Qin is alienated from him and constantly wants to distance himself, and Yan Wei is no exception.

"Yes, I'm scared to see my sister-in-law again."

After Zhao Qin finished speaking, he walked out of the parking lot. He still had to transfer a car to get to the town where his eldest sister lived. The eldest sister said on the phone that he would arrange a car to pick him up in the town.

Hey, it’s so inconvenient without a driver’s license. If we drive by ourselves, it will only take more than two hours. If we take a car in reverse, it will take five or six hours.

My brother-in-law's home is located in a mountainous area. Although he relies on the mountain to live on the mountain, in terms of convenience of development, it cannot compare with the seaside.

It was around 1:30 in the afternoon when Zhao Qin arrived. The family had been waiting for him and he hadn't eaten yet.

"Uncle, you are finally here. I am almost starving to death." Seeing him coming, Aze felt as if he had seen a savior.

Zhao Qin smiled and patted him on the head. The eldest sister saw that he only carried a small bag and complained: "Didn't I ask you to bring two changes of clothes? Why, the family is so busy and you have to go back tomorrow?"

"I have it in my bag, so I brought it with me."

"I scolded him as soon as he came. Today Aqin is an honored guest. You must be exhausted from the journey. Sit down and eat." Brother-in-law Xia Yingwu took his bag and handed it to Zhao Mei, then took him aside to wash up.

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