Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 145: Cat Dad VS Nian’s Agent

In front of Pan Xian's VIP Suite, Miao Damao stood still, guarding the room as usual. As for his wife, she was sleeping in her room.


While Miao Damao was daydreaming, a static noise entered his mind. He heard the high-pitch noise of someone he knew.

‘Xiaomao is under attack. Our house is on fire!'

Miao Damao snapped back to his senses. His stoic face reddened, and his blood pressure spiked.

"Who did it?!"

‘Nian's men. They're after Xiaomao!'


Miao Damao bellowed. He turned around and kicked the door open. Upon stomping into the room, the caracal cat hissed and stood between him and Pan Xian.

The father of Xiaomao yelled, "What the hell do you think you're doing?! Why are your men attacking my son?!"

Pan Xian snorted, "Your son started it first. He attacked my church and my men, and they are retaliating. Obviously, I have nothing to do with it."

"Bullshit! I heard about the bus accident! It was obviously your cat's doing!"

The three-eye caracal smirked at Miao Damao, "Your son violated our ceasefire pact. He attacked us first, and we're free to fight back."

"He was just playing the game!"

"The game is real, Damao," retorted Pan Xian. "Whatever he does in the game, it affects reality. He harmed my church, so that means war."

Miao Damao's expression turned dark, "You just want a reason to kill him, don't you!?"

Pan Xian snickered, and two giant axes manifested from thin air, "I should have done this earlier. Oh, well. It was nice working with you, Damao. When you die, go and tell Mu-Nyang that I always knew that you were his spy. NIAN! KILL HIM!"

The caracal cat transformed into a massive cat with one thousand eyes on its body. Then, the hotel room crumbled as a giant monster emerged.




Xiaomao's skin, which fire and 50-cal rifle couldn't damage, was sliced. A shallow wound appeared on his left forearm as he failed to dodge Apollo's sword.

Not even uttering a sound, Xiaomao's left arm seized Apollo's right wrist, which was holding the sword.

Apollo scoffed at Xiaomao's sloppy disarm technique. He tossed the sword to his left hand.

But Xiaomao pulled Apollo's right wrist and side-stepped to the left. He pushed the right wrist toward the owner, switching to the back arm lock position.

Apollo sneered. His strength suddenly soared, and he forcefully pulled his right arm away from Xiaomao.

"I told you. You're no match for me, regressor!"

Before Apollo could turn around and slash Xiaomao, the latter seized the back of the former's neck, and he bellowed.


It was a basic lightning mage's spell that every class could learn.

Unfortunately, the spell didn't come out.


The short sword in Apollo's left hand stabbed into Xiaomao's left abdomen.

However, it was shallow. The sword hit Xiaomao's ribcage and couldn't go deeper.

Apollo frowned. In the game, his STR was 3000, and his raw attack power was 1,500. He thought that his raw attack power alone was enough to cut through Xiaomao's bones like jelly, but reality betrayed his expectation.



<Synchronization Rate: 65%>


Because of the adrenaline and the pain, Xiaomao bellowed.


His sharp-pitched voice resembled his character in-game. Glass windows shattered, and Apollo's eardrums ruptured.

Aside from the loud noise, no game skill was activated, but it was enough.

Xiaomao grabbed the sword with his bare hand and broke it in half. His left hand pulled the half-broken weapon and jammed it into Apollo's neck!

Unfortunately, the broken sword's tip didn't pierce through his skin!

Suddenly, something hard hit Xiaomao's left cheek and rocked him. He lost balance and fell to the ground.

Apollo also knelt on one knee after delivering a hook punch to Xiaomao's face. His ears and eyes were bleeding, and he couldn't hear or see anything.


Xiaomao didn't hear Apollo's word. He spat out a molar tooth, and he staggered a step forward.

He turned around and got ready to fight for his life.


Something white and round fell from the sky and landed in front of Apollo.


Something soft also landed on top of Xiaomao's head, and a pair of paws kneaded on his face.

Mew (Hooman, I'm back!)


Xiaomao couldn't believe his ears. He grabbed the orange cat on top of his head and carried her to look at her face.

She was indeed Mir.

But strangely, Mir's fur was soaked with dark red paint. Xiaomao sniffed and smelled blood from her, but he thought that it was from the blood in his mouth.

The orange cat purred and rubbed her head against his face. She licked the cheek that Xiaomao got punched earlier.

The sharp pain of losing a tooth was gone like magic. Xiaomao hugged Mir and patted her.

"You're alive!"

Mew! (Of course, I'm alive! Worship me!)

Xiaomao looked at the other white ball that fell earlier. He remembered that he was in the middle of a fight.


The previous white ball was none other than Mu-Nyang. He had landed safely, and he was licking his right paw.

As for Apollo, Xiaomao couldn't see him anymore.


Too many surprising events occurred one after another. Xiaomao stared at Mu-Nyang in disbelief.


Munya! (Yes, it's me! God of this Universe!)

Xiaomao was overjoyed, but he didn't express it. He picked the white cat up and put him on his shoulder along with Mir. Then, he looked around.

Unable to find Apollo, Xiaomao was baffled.

"Mu-Nyang, where's that MIB earlier? What did you do to him?"

Mu-Nyang giggled.

Munya! (Dieded!)


Munya! (Yes. Deader than dead, so dieded!)


While Xiaomao was looking lost, Nyanko and Mama Cat returned to him. They jumped into his arms.

Mama Cat climbed on top of his head while Nyanko struggled to stand on his shoulder, but she fell. Xiaomao caught her and carried her in his arm.


While Xiaomao and the cats were having their reunion, the students in the buildings started to come out to see the commotion.

Hearing the noises of students, Xiaomao stopped worrying about useless detail. He grabbed Mama Cat and put her in his arm and jumped to the rooftop of the school building.

Four-story was nothing for Xiaomao. He landed on the school building's rooftop.

Looking back, Xiaomao saw the black smoke from the direction of his house. More helicopters rushed to the area and surveyed the perimeter, and ambulances rushed to the site.

A police car also entered the school's premises. Two cops got out and talked to the school teachers, who came out to meet them.

Xiaomao looked at them from the rooftop. He let out a long sigh.

"That Nian guy is really ruthless. He wants me dead in the real world now."

Munya (You've done a number on them. Obviously, they retaliate.)

"So, what's next, partner? I'm sure this isn't your first regression."

Mu-Nyang snickered again. He patted Xiaomao's face as if he was petting him.

Munya-Munya! (Let's get out of here first, and we'll talk!)

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