Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 146: Cat Dad Learns a New Trick

In front of Qin Yun's convenience store, tanks and trucks arrived and parked on the street. Soldiers with heavy rifles rushed toward Xiaomao's house while ambulance vans opened loud sirens, leaving the area with injured soldiers.

Qin Yun stood inside his closed store, looking at the commotion. Next to him, his son, Qin Mu, was also there.

The old man Qin uttered while he was watching the street, "Do you know anything about this?"

"No idea."

Qin Mu no longer wore his police uniform. Instead, he wore casual clothes and a pair of gloves. He was in the middle of dissembling shelves into parts so that he could move them into a truck.

However, the commotion distracted them when they were in the middle of moving.

Qin Yun opened the door and looked outside to where the smoke came from. Upon seeing that it came from the direction of Xiaomao's house, he frowned.

"What kind of fascism are they enforcing over there? Why so many soldiers?"

Using an old man's privilege, Qin Yun questioned the military out loud in front of many soldiers in the area.

A soldier in a tank glanced at the old man. He shouted, "There's a terrorist attack over there! Evacuate from this place if you don't want to die!"

Qin Yun shrugged. As usual, the country didn't give an F to its citizen when something critical occurred. They either sealed the towns or came in with their tanks.

"At least, you're using soldiers instead of gangsters," Qin Yun spat at the track of the nearest tank and walked away.

An angry soldier stomped toward Qin Yun, but Qin Mu also walked toward the soldier, showing the badge of a local policeman and pulling out his loaded pistol.

"Get lost, private! Do your fucking job, or you'll be answering to my baby."

The soldier sneered and pointed his rifle at Qin Mu.


Fortunately, another soldier yelled at the angry private. The latter clicked his tongue and lowered his rifle.

"Consider yourself lucky, oFiCcEr!"

Qin Mu snorted. He glanced at the soldier on the tank, who already moved the mounted gun toward the shop. He also sneered at Qin Mu and Qin Yun.

Qin Yun and Qin Mu shooed them away as they closed the metal curtain to close their front door for good. When the metal curtain was lowered, both men's expressions changed.

"This country is fucked," Qin Mu grumbled.

"I know right? Let's move to the US as you planned. Is the VISA authorized yet?"

"I'm still waiting for the embassy's reply. This might take weeks, actually."

"Yeah, it's my fault, too. We should have prepared earlier."

Qin Mu stopped speaking and took a short break. He brought out his phone, hoping to check on the news of what was happening around here.

Unfortunately, even though there was a huge fire and commotion, no news station broadcasted the event. However, all channels focused on the outbreak event in LA, where a massive monster was sighted on top of a high-rise hotel.

Even though the news seemed interesting, Qin Mu scratched his head in frustration as his home country was ignored.

"They silence the public as usual. They're using another bullshit news to cover up everything."

Qin Yun shrugged, "If a cop like you knows nothing, there's no way that they will show this to the public."


Qin Mu raised his brows and sighed. But suddenly, his photographic memory recalled something.

Most military trucks and tanks came from the central army, and they had their own insignia or emblems. However, one of the vehicles didn't belong in the army.

Among the trucks, one of them had a logo of a certain game company.

Pangu Universe Incorporate!

Qin Mu narrowed his eyes. His investigation passion was ignited again.



The sound of the siren of police cars and the loud helicopter noise were the only thing that people in Beijing could hear for hours.

They kept staring at the choppers and police cars, ignoring a silhouette that had been parkouring and leaping between rooftops.

Xiaomao felt like a spiderman in movies. The sense of freedom when he leaped to the sky was so addictive that he wanted to keep doing this forever. However, because of two scardy cats, aka Nyanko and Mama Cat, Xiaomao was distracted and was forced to concentrate on hugging them.

As for Mu-Nyang and Mir, these two cats acted like they were experienced feral animals or mysterious grandmasters. They balanced on his shoulders while yawning, not interested in the jumps or great height.

"Where to, Mr. Nostradamus?" Xiaomao asked Mu-Nyang for advice.

Munya! (Keep going southeast. We're going to Korea!)

"What?!" Xiaomao almost slipped and fell off a building, "Why Korea?"

Munya! (I know a few good guys there. We can shelter with them.)


M-Munya! (One of 12 top protagonists-I mean, a gamer with exceptional skills and luck!)


Again with the slipped tongue, Xiaomao suspected that Mu-Nyang either did it on purpose or he was clumsy.


Xiaomao had no problem running and jumping for half a day. However, Nyanko and Mama Cat were in a sorry state after being in Xiaomao's arms for more than six hours.

Nya… (Papa, I'm dizzy.)

Meo… (I wanna hurl.)

Not only did the two normal cats have issues, but Mir also complained.

Mew (I'm hungry. Hooman, can we rest somewhere and get some food?)


Xiaomao stopped when he was on the top of an apartment's rooftop. He glanced at Mu-Nyang.

"We can't go on like this forever. Let's find a place to rest and call it a day, munya."

The munya-speech returned. Xiaomao noticed it and closed his eyes to recheck his sync rate.

It was over 60%. Strangely, the sync rate fluctuated, depending on his mood and heart rate.

Mu-Nyang let out a long sigh.

Munya (It can't be helped. Everybody, let's rest here.)

"Here, munya?"

Mew (Here? But it's barren here.)

Nyanko and Mama Cat jumped down from Xiaomao's arms. They staggered as they tried to get their senses of their legs back, but Mu-Nyang slapped them and forced them to gather around.

Munya Munya (Gather up. It's time to teach you some secrets!)

The three cats moaned and yelled at Mu-Nyang, but Xiaomao rubbed his hands in excitement.

"So, you're going to tell me another secret? Mr. Master Regressor?"

Mu-Nyang grinned. He suddenly transformed into a catopus, and a magic circle appeared below them.

Mama Cat, Nyanko, and Mir instantly vanished. Xiaomao's body also slowly dissipated into blocks like in the Matrix.

However, in front of Xiaomao, a game system window appeared.

<Welcome back, Mr. Xiaomao.>

<Detecting an unusual gaming device… Scanning…>

<Karmic Ability detected. Authorizing…>

<Logging in, please stand by.>

"What!?" Xiaomao was shocked. He didn't know that he could enter the game without a gaming capsule.

Mu-Nyang waved his paw at him. Once more, he spoke in a human language.

"I'll follow you there when I'm free. Take care of my siblings and mother for me, munya!"

Xiaomao's consciousness faded for a moment. But when he could see things again, he found himself inside the inn, where he had spent a wild night with Lucky.


MEO! (A DOG!!)

Mew? (Oh, is this the game that master always mentioned?)

The three cats screamed and ran around the room. Surprised, Xiaomao sat up and looked at the cats.

A game menu showed him his status as usual. However, his vision and line of sight were unusual. He looked at his hands, body, and legs.

Wait a minute…

Wasn't his in-game character a catopus?

Xiaomao widened his eyes and rushed to the bronze mirror in the room. He saw the reflection of himself.

It was the half-transformed appearance when his synchronization rate was lower than 50%. He was a cat boy with cat ears and a tail.


The naked gnoll girl rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up. She sniffed several times and opened her eyes.

Then, Xiaomao's eyes and Lucky's eyes met.

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