Empty battle grounds.

With the sound of two transformations sounded at the same time.

Left position.

Kusaka’s expression was excited.

The corners of the mouth raise a healthy smile.

Looking at Yi Hongan, who was looking ahead, he didn’t need to look at the Kaixa mobile phone in his hand at all, and almost instinctively entered special instructions at a very fast speed.

Press Enter at the same time.

Accompanied by the standby sound of StandingBy, the sound sounded.

Kusaka closes the Kaixa phone.

Backhand raised.

Insert it into the tilt slot in the middle of the Kaixa drive and press it down!


In an instant, the mechanical sound effect sounded again.

Golden photon blood.

With Caesar’s drive as the center, it quickly spread and spread, covering Kusaka’s whole body, forming a knightly armor with a very metallic texture in the dazzling light.


As Kusaka lifts one hand against his chin.

Turn from side to side, moving your neck.

The dazzling light dissipated.

Revealed, the figure of Kamen Rider Caesar.

And the orientation on the right.

Yi Hongan stared intently ahead.

The expression appeared serious.

With the slow wave of his right hand, on the Yaguru empty belt on his abdomen, the Yamadam spirit stone emitted a dazzling light.

Inflammatory elements surge.

The armor that was as red as flames quickly emerged.

Kamen Rider Empty Me.

Appear, in the eyes of all survivors!


Looking at Yi Hongan’s transformation, the grass plus who had completed the transformation at this moment.

I was also surprised.

Just because, unlike what he imagined, the knight’s belt that Yi Hongan transformed into was obviously not the same type as Caesar’s belt!

And, his belt.

It was actually able to appear directly in the abdomen!

Simply incredible!

But the next moment.

These thoughts, ideas.


His hands were slowly raised, and he took a fighting stance, and Kusaka’s eyes burst out with a strong light under the armor, already filled with the fiery emotions of battle.

“Then, let’s start fighting!”


A short conversation falls.

Kusaka took the lead.

With his excited low shout, Kamen Rider Caesar rushed forward, crossing the distance between the two at great speed!

And the empty me at the moment.

It is to stand in place, maintain a fighting posture, and respond to changes unchanged.

Staring, Kamen Rider Caesar rushed!


Near the front.

In an instant, Kamen Rider Caesar’s right fist was raised, and then a simple but extremely powerful fist locked forward, and smashed out!


Dull crashing sounds.

Suddenly swept away.

The two punches staggered, and each other burst out with incomparably strong power.

The air around the fist peak.

All shaken by it!


At this moment, the two fists of the confrontation seemed to be in a stalemate.

And the next moment,

Kamen Rider Caesar withdrew his right fist.

Immediately, change your shape.

Smash out your left fist!

In the face of another punch, I did not choose to fight again, but leaned back slightly, and took a small step towards the rear.

Quickly took several steps backwards.

The opponent just now already knew the power that the other party could burst out.

This grass plus, the strength is not weak.

and the almighty form of the empty self.

The power that can explode.

Almost similar!

In the past, he and the members of the special response team had battle exercises, and just the initial fist, Yi Hongan could feel the strength of Kusaka.

Obviously compared to Xi Junyan, who is also the user of Caesar’s belt in the special team.

It’s going to be much stronger!!

Whether it’s combat experience or the performance of the knight’s armor!

Ahead, fists covered in armor cut through the air.

“The response was quick.”

“Do you choose to dodge?”

With the smashed left fist missed.

Kusaka’s thoughts flashed.

With the punch he just punched, he also felt the strength of the other party and himself!

Learned about the knight transformed by the other party.

After the power that can explode.

In the case of little difference.

Kusaka decisively decides to abandon hand-to-hand combat with empty hands and engage in melee combat with Kaixa’s bladed gun, or distance away with ranged attacks against enemies.

However, as he adjusted his fighting stance.

Just wanted to take it from the right side of the belt.

Pick up the Kaixa bladed gun.

Without waiting for him, his arm bent for the next move.


The ground, suddenly shook.

Let Kusaka, a surprised scene appeared in front of his eyes, from the figure of the empty self retreating.

Suddenly deceived him!

Avoidance is just the appearance.

And is the real purpose of suddenly attacking again?

The thought flashed instantly, and the grass added at this moment.

I also felt it violently.

The opponent’s combat experience.

How abundant.

And he didn’t have time to take off the Kaixa bladed gun, or attack, and then decisively raised his outstretched arm in the trend.


Block in front of you to fend off the next blow of the empty me.

However, with the empty self came to me.

The moment its right foot is raised.

A look of horror.

In an instant, Kusanagi’s face appeared under the face armor!

Just because.

What came into his sight.

It’s the right foot that I lifted.

The position of the soles of its feet.

The dazzling light, accompanied by a surge of energy, is like a flame burning, and an extremely ancient pattern can even be faintly seen!

“This is! `! ”

A bad feeling instantly enveloped Kusanagi’s heart.

And empty my side.

It’s already gaining momentum.

Raised his right foot.

Yi Hong’an, perfectly grasped the gap between the pause of Kusana, and decisively chose to attack!

And, it’s not an ordinary attack!

But no one can notice.

Extremely concealed.

Even the other party may be lax because of this, defensive, or not resist at all.

Maximize the damage of the powerful blow!

The energy that surges on the soles of the feet and blooms with light is a highly active sealing energy!


No forward rocking, no flashy special effects.

It’s like an ordinary blow.

I pause and raise my right foot at a speed that cannot be dodged by the other party at all.

Kick out abruptly!

This blow explains what is called the Ping A Tibetan Great Move.

It’s impossible to prevent!


The energy exploded, and the qi wave instantly set off.

Sweeping out in all directions.

In a dull loud noise.

The empty kick slammed into Kamen Rider Kaixa’s cross-parrying arms.

Sealed energy.

Straight outburst!

Accompanied by the powerful force of this kick, all of them disappeared into Kamen Rider Caesar’s body.

Under the gaze of a large number of survivors in the surrounding area.

The two figures staggered.

The moment of touch.

Kamen Rider Caesar, like a disembodied cannonball, directly cut through the air and flew out upside down.

His body rubbed the grass on the ground.

Enough to fly out tens of meters.

The impact of the kick.

Only then did it dissipate.

This scene made the surrounding people dare not even blink, and the survivors watching the battle were almost wide-eyed.

It seems, not imagined at all.

What happens here.



It’s just the first punch, followed by a second attack.

Kusaka, and it was shot out!

The savior named Yi Hongan.

It’s so powerful!

At a time when many, survivors were shocked.


On the ground, Kamen Rider Kaixa, who stopped his figure, let out a low groan of pain.

Supporting his body, he stumbled to his feet.

Ahead, in sight!

Just now, the position where he flew out upside down could clearly see that a trail tens of meters long was plowed out on the eye-catching green grass.

The dirt is all turned out!

“So strong!”

At this moment, only this one thought remained in Kusaka’s heart.

The opponent’s control of the timing of the battle.

It’s simply strong and terrible.

And the most shocking.

But it was the blow just now, there was no sound at all, there was no trace at all, and it suddenly broke out as a kick that was comparable to a kill.

This is the Caesar belt, it can’t be done at all!

Kusaka wants to unleash the kill.

It has to be filled with energy.

There is obvious movement.

The other party, on the other hand, can silently burst out a killing kick.

It’s just… Simply cunning villains!

My mind was in turmoil at this time.

Kusanagi started some.


But the next moment, he shook his head and planned to regain his strength, adjust his state and continue fighting.

However, it has just taken a step.

For some reason.

The intense pain that acted on the body was abruptly amplified.

Immediately after, it was like a flame burning. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Burning pain.


Suddenly, Kusaka lowered his head sharply.

Its pupils constricted instantly.

I saw it on the breastplate.

The dazzling energy bloomed, almost forming a ball of light, and the flame elemental power burst out synchronously, sealing the energy on Kamen Rider Kaixa’s breastplate.

A quaint pattern is formed.

It is represented.

The Proto-script with the meaning of sealing!

The burning sensation is increasing!

Painful feelings.

It’s also improving!

Next moment!


The ancient Linduo script formed by the sealing energy exploded with a bang.

Suddenly, a raging fire rose.

Completely enveloped Kamen Rider Kaixa.

And the impact of the explosion.

It’s also again.

It blew it up and landed heavily on the ground in the distance.

At this point, this blow of empty me to draw A will kill.

It’s just the end of it.

Battle venues.

Fell into silence.

Gaze, looking at the location where Kamen Rider Kaixa was shot off, Yi Hongan stepped forward, secretly shouting in his heart that it was not good, it seemed that some of the attack was serious!

Tough combat experience.

Just now, his muscle memory instinctively used the sealing energy to perform a killing kick.

However, Yi Hongan was not very worried.

Even if Kusaka was seriously injured.

In his knightly space.

He also carries a potion item that can quickly heal his injury, which can ensure that his life is not in danger and that he can quickly recover from his injury.


And among the survivors watching from afar.

Tian Ri in the front row.

Seeing this scene, some worried shouted.

The current situation.

Even if not proficient in combat.

But it can also be seen.

Kusaka, the Kamen Rider Kaixa transformed, was defeated by the Red Knight transformed into by the savior Yi Hongan!

Just be Tian Li, want to rush.

When looking at the situation.

In the middle of a wide battlefield.

Yi Hong’an also plans to disarm his transformation and end the battle to heal Kusaka’s injuries.


Suddenly, in a dead silence.

Gunfire exploded abruptly.

In the air, the golden light flashed away, and several energy light projectiles cut through the air, flying towards the location of the empty me at an extremely fast speed!


This is a fleeting change.

Let Yi Hongan, the move to lift the transformation instantly stopped.

Immediately, raise your arm directly.

Defend with armour.


“Bang bang!”

The sparks exploded, and the energy light bombarded the empty armour.

At the moment, almost all the survivors in the distance.

All of this sudden scene.

I was shocked!


There was another muffled sound, and suddenly sounded.

It’s not loud.

However, in this somewhat silent environment.

But it’s incomparably obvious.

See ahead!

In the line of sight, the figure shrouded in flames smashed heavily on the ground with a punch, and then slowly climbed up with his body.

“The battle is not over yet.”

The voice of Kusaka sounded in everyone’s ears in the next moment.

The golden knight’s figure.

Already propped up.

The flames burned, still not extinguished, and the knight armor on Kamen Rider Kaixa’s body was already burned and blackened!

And, the area where its breastplate can be seen.

There is a very obvious depression!

And in his hands.

It was a desperate grip, and the somewhat scorched Kaixa bladed gun that was also burned, the energy beam just now was emitted from its muzzle!

Struggling to stand.

Kusaka under the face armor was panting heavily at the moment.

Dense sweat.

Constantly dripping from his forehead.

Endured the empty my knight kick.

Even without disarming the transformation.

But at this moment, he was injured a lot, the pain in his body, and the hot pain constantly stimulated his nerves.


Taking a deep breath, Kusaka raised his right arm.

Once again, he took a fighting stance.

The Kaixa bladed gun, whose muzzle locked the empty position, followed by Kusaka’s left hand pulling the bolt, and then closing again, the energy flowed.


Accompanied by mechanical sound, switch to burst mode.

With the trigger pulled.

At the muzzle, the filled energy instantly condensed, forming one after another golden yellow energy light bullets, flying towards the air at an extremely fast speed!

After withstanding the empty my knight kick.

Deeply appreciated.

In terms of close combat, that strong force.

Kusaka at the moment.

I have already made up my mind not to fight closely, but to use the long-range attack mode of the Kaixa bladed gun to constantly attack me in the air!

Until, when it is almost consumed (Wang is good).

It is to kill.

Time to wrap up!


In the face of the energy light projectile that flew out, without relying on the arm armor to resist again, the empty self directly rolled to the side, dodging all the energy light projectiles.

After getting up again.

Look at the figure who gets back up and continues to fight.

Under the face armor, Yi Hongan’s eyes.

A look of admiration flashed.

Such a will to fight.

Even if he is injured, he is still fighting, even if he is only in the secret world, but the man named Kusaka in front of him is enough to be called a real man!

The thought flashed.

Seeing that, a large area of energy light bullets in front of him flew out again.

Empty me jumped.

With one, perfect backflip pose.

It landed on the ground behind it to avoid the bombardment of energy light bombs.

Gaze ahead.

Kamen Rider Kaixa who constantly launches ranged attacks.

My right hand slowly lifted.

Long-range combat?

So, let’s switch patterns on my side as well.

Hands dangle at the sides of the belt.

A dazzling light.

In an instant, it bloomed from the Yamadam spirit stone, and it was as crimson as flame.

A sudden transformation!

In the air, the water element seems to be actively pulled.

Enveloped my body.

The Yamadam Spirit Stone changed from a flaming crimson red color to a deep blue as the sea in the next moment!


And ahead, at the moment when the empty self switches forms.

Densely packed energy light bullets.

Shrouded and flying again.

Looked at.

I stepped directly on the ground, and my whole body jumped in place!


The moment of jumping.

Whether it was the Yamadam spirit stone, or its knightly armor, or compound eyes, it all changed into a dark blue string in an instant!

Powerful explosiveness.

Instantly gush.

The empty self was like plucking onions on dry land, directly jumping high to a height of tens of meters!

Dodged the blast of energy light bombs!

And immediately after.

He actually changed his form again!.

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