
The howling wind was torn apart, accompanied by the sound of breaking the air.

Dark blue figure.

In an instant, he jumped high to a height of about tens of meters, and at this moment, the empty self suddenly switched into the form of a green dragon!

Significant decrease in strength.

And yet in exchange.

However, the explosive power has been greatly improved, and the jumping ability is several times more powerful!

On the ground.

Seeing the energy light bullet, it fell short again.

Kusanagi can’t help but get a little impatient.

After all, he is now.

After receiving a blow to the knight’s kick head-on, he has already suffered a lot of injuries, and if the battle time is so constantly delayed, it will be extremely unfavorable for him!

And suddenly, in his line of sight.

I saw ahead.

The Kamen Rider, named Empty Me, suddenly jumped.

And, the color of his knightly armor.

Something has changed!

“Turned blue?”

The thought of surprise emerged from Kusanagi’s mind.

Kamen Rider named Empty Me.

Can it change shape?

This also means that a certain nature of the other party, or strength, or speed, or something must be improved and strengthened!

Look, empty my figure.

Jumped directly to a height of tens of meters.

Kusaka immediately judged.

The empty self that turns into a blue armor form may improve its ability to jump!

Can’t help it, in his heart.

He became more and more impatient.

After all, compared to the empty self that can change forms, his Kaixa belt does not have the ability to switch other forms at all!

Who knows, the subsequent empty me.

Will it become the rest of the form, more powerful?

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, Kusaka was slightly stunned.


Directly dissipate.

Looking at the empty self who had jumped high into the air, Kamen Rider Kaixa’s compound eyes flashed a lilac sparkle.

Just because, he saw an opportunity!

Located high in the sky.

At this moment, the empty self has no room to hide at all.

If you attack yourself now.

It will definitely be able to hit!

Thoughts flicker.

Kusaka was also instinctive, and immediately began to act!


Accompanied by the sound of mechanical loading.

He directly removed the Kaixa command memory chip on the surface of the Kaixa mobile phone in the middle of the belt, and loaded it into the Kaixa bladed gun.


A dazzling light instantly bloomed from the lower end of the Kaixa bladed gun.

Golden energy surged through.

Diffusion extends to form a lightsaber.

Immediately afterwards, Kusaka slowly walked towards the front with a step forward, and the original idea of playing 923 to count the continuous consumption of long-range attacks had been forgotten!

His gaze was completely locked on the empty self on the heavenly dome.

This moment.

Use Special Kill to launch the strongest attack on the empty self that has no space to dodge.

Definitely the right choice!


(Energy Fill)

The golden photon blood instantly boiled and surged, and the powerful energy fluctuations spread, directly extinguishing the flames burning on the knight’s armor.

A point of light was formed.

The rapid flow of light into the Kaixa bladed gun.


Immediately, Kusaka keenly grasped the gap where I began to fall.

Directly backhanded the Kaixa bladed gun.

Guanghua flowing.

The golden yellow energy formed by the boiling of photon blood instantly condensed into two energy sword qi as the Kaixa blade slashed through the air!

Render X.

Towards the falling empty me, tear the air and cut it off at great speed!

Light blade slash!

And after cutting out the sword qi.

Kusaka, immediately ran forward, the light blade slash was only the first attack, and the real kill would be the second blow he was accumulating!

And above the dome of the sky.

The leaping green dragon is empty, and the explosive power is exhausted when jumping.

Start falling!


The wind is shaking and whistling in your ears!

A dazzling golden glow.

Reflected on the compound eye.

Below, the two extremely fast X-energy sword qi fell into view!

Face this incoming attack.

Yi Hongan did not panic in the slightest.

When he jumped up to dodge the energy light projectile, he was ready to be attacked again when he jumped into the air!

After all, a little combat experience.

There will be no such a one.

It’s like hitting a target, almost a chance to attack!

And jump high in the air.

Willing to bear, this risk of being attacked, Yi Hongan naturally has its own purpose!


I don’t know when, high in the sky.

Falling at the same time.

The position around me was suddenly a violent wind, and the wind element surged violently, almost forming a hurricane, completely enveloping the empty body!

It looks extremely blurry!

Surrounded by a hurricane, a dazzling green light suddenly shone brightly.

With the rapid dissipation of the hurricane.

Above the dome of the sky.

The empty self actually changed its form again.

Dark blue compound eye armor.

Or the Yamadam Spirit Stone.

It’s all changing at the moment.

Turned dark green!

And this gesture is the Pegasus form of the empty self!

Senses, after switching to Pegasus form.

Instant boost.

The blade of light that slashed at great speed.

In sight.

It’s all as if it’s slowed down several times!


The next moment, I still maintained a falling posture, and my empty arm slowly raised.

With it, the white light shines.

A standard pistol.

Removed from the knight’s space.

Appears in the hand.

At the same time, at the moment when the pistol appeared out of thin air, the wind element wrapped the gun body, the naked eye visibly changed, and the gun body expanded rapidly.

It was in a short interval between breaths.

Turned into a green crossbow!

And this is the exclusive weapon of the Tianma Form Empty Me.

Pegasus crossbow!

The dark green compound eyes stared at the two interlaced energy light blades.

Extremely perceptive.

Let the empty me of the moment.

In an instant, its weakest point was found!


The crossbow rod at the end is pulled apart.

The air flow surged, sweeping on both sides of the Tianma Crossbow, and at this moment, the sealing energy was constantly condensing and accumulating, and the invisible fluctuations spread abruptly.

Looking, two X-shaped blades.

Already in the front.

It’s about to hit.

And at this moment, the empty me also fell to a height of about 4 meters and was about to land.


Empty me decisively pulled the trigger.

The air buzzed and shook.

At the crossbow mouth.

In an instant, the air crossbow arrow formed by the extreme compression of the sealing energy took shape, directly tearing the air in front of it and shooting out at an extremely fast speed.

Pegasus wind crossbow broke! (There is no clear move name, I thought of it myself.) )

The crossbow arrow shot out and directly hit the weak point where the two light blades intersected.


Suddenly, two surging and powerful energies eroded and collided with each other.

An explosion followed.

Air waves churn and spread.

The flames formed by the explosion scattered in all directions.

However, such a huge movement.

But it didn’t affect at all.

On the grass, Kamen Rider Kaixa rushing towards the empty self, and the empty me who landed on the ground!

Or rather, the two Kamen Riders who are fighting against each other at the moment.

Directly ignored the explosion.

The attention of both sides is focused on each other at this moment!

“It’s now.”

A lilac glow flashed on the compound eye.

Kaixa’s wild running action.


Immediately, his body squatted down abruptly, his right hand holding the Kaixa bladed gun waved to gain momentum, and his left hand opened the Kaixa mobile phone at a very fast speed and pressed the Enter key for energy filling.

【ExceedCharge! 】

The mechanical sound effect resounds.

The golden photon blood quickly flowed into the Kaixa blade gun, making the lightsaber bloom with a dazzling and brilliant light!

At this moment, Kusanagi used a real kill.

Powerful energy surged at this moment.

In front of Kaixa.

An X trace was formed, and with Kaixa’s sudden rush, it instantly spread to form a four-corner conical gold electric drill!

Blade Storm!

“Huh!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Accompanied by Kusaka’s low roar, his body turned into a streamer.

Together with the gold electric drill.

Towards the empty me that has just landed.

Cut off abruptly.


The moment he landed, the empty self in Pegasus’ form, and his strong insight and reflexes, made him instantly detect Kamen Rider Kaixa’s move to attack again.

Guanghua flowing.

The Yamadam spirit stone bloomed, a dazzling purple light.

Feet on the ground.

The earth element was active, directly covering his whole body. (dabc)

Instantly, the shape changed!

Heavy armor is formed.

The compound eyes flickered, and together with the armor of the whole body, all turned into a silvery and purple color.

Suddenly, a thick aura.

Spread from the empty self.

At the same time, the Tianma crossbow also disappeared, replaced by an ordinary iron sword, which was taken out of the knight’s space by the empty self and instantly transformed into a titan sword!

Ahead, at the moment of completing the action.

Eye-catching gold power drills.



The deafening sound of gold and iron suddenly exploded!

The golden electric drill pierced directly on the heavy armor in the form of an empty titan, like the sharpest blade, trying to cut and tear open the armor!

Thus, deliver the fatal blow!

Large expanses of metal sparks.

Constant splashing.

The rear position of the golden electric drill also turned into a streamer shuttling Kaixa, and the Kaixa bladed gun in his hand immediately swung out!


In the form of the most powerful titan of defense, withstand the moment of attack.

Empty me, also raised the Titan sword in his hand.

Sealing energy condensation.

On the blade, a Lindo character representing the seal was formed, and then aimed at Kaixa in front of him, and swung the Titan sword and slashed down heavily.

Titan Earth Chop! (There is no clear move name, I thought of it myself.) )

“Shuo ——!”

The piercing sound of gold and iron resounded throughout the heavenly dome.

The golden glow flashed.

The golden electric drill dissipated, and Kamen Rider Kaixa’s figure actually shuttled directly past the empty self, and the position behind it appeared!

The figure of two knights.

One stands.

One and a half squats.

I saw that on my armor, an incomparably clear cut mark appeared!

Chopped into the Titan heavy armor.

Leaves extremely deep marks.

Behind me, Kaixa’s body could see that the depression originally left by the knight’s kick was cut again with the Titan sword.

Again, a chop mark was left!

And seal the energy.

It is also condensed, forming a quaint text pattern, eroding and destroying Kaixa’s armor.

Silence fills the battlefield.

And the next moment.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

Kaixa fell abruptly to the ground.

Photon blood shines.

Immediately, the knight’s armor disappeared directly, and it actually lifted the transformation.

Revealed, Kusaka’s figure.

Such a result.

No doubt.

In this battle, victory belongs to the empty self and Yi Hongan.

And Kusaka lost!

Fall to the ground.

At this moment, Kusaka gasped, and sweat slipped down his forehead.

And his gaze is staring.

The empty self with his back to him.

The expression appears complicated.

Myself.. Defeated!

At the same time, he was also shocked by the Kamen Rider named Empty Me in front of him, with great strength and rich combat experience!

The red form whose strength is equal to its own.

A blue form with strong jumping power.

The green form of a ranged attack.

And, finally, a purple form that can resist his own killer and has a strong defense!

And these capabilities are outstanding.

Between different morphologies.

The speed of transformation is extremely fast, and there are no bells and whistles at all!

Simply all-round!

In addition, its shapeshifter Yi Hong’an has extremely strong combat experience.

It can perfectly transform the four forms.

Fight the most suitable battle!

In contrast, although his Kaixa belt also contains melee ranged attacks, it seems to be inferior to the empty self in front of him.

Himself, defeated unjustly.

Front position.

As the battle ended, Yi Hongan also turned around and disarmed his transformation.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to pull up the grass.

“Hearty fighting.”

“You’re strong.”

With a smile, Yi Hongan said to Caojia, and his words did not hide the meaning of praise.

Hearing this, Kusaka was stunned at first.

Perhaps under the influence of Camp Buff, or perhaps defeated, he already knew that Yi Hongan’s strength in front of him was far beyond his own.

Kusaka, then also smiled.

Gladly accepted his defeat.

He nodded at Yi Hongan.

Recognized his strength.

In his heart, the long-term pressure couldn’t help but dissipate a little, Yi Hongan in front of him was so strong, not to mention his other two companions.

With the addition of the three of them.

The days that followed.

It will definitely be much better.

Even if Ofie Enoch once again discovered the stronghold base and launched a round of attacks.

It is also likely to be able to resist it.

Keep everyone safe.

However, what Kusaka didn’t know was that his idea was destined to fail, just because the mission period of Qin Tian’s three was only five days!

When the time comes.

Regardless of whether or not you have completed the Faction mission, as long as you are alive and not dead.

will be teleported out of the secret realm.

As for the secret realm.

World… Whether it will be reset, or will it continue, whether the remaining hundred human beings will be completely extinct and die, and whether Ophieno will rule the world.

And, resurrect the king of Ophieenoch.

Get eternal life.

No one can know.


As the battle ended, time passed quietly.

It was getting dark.

Silent suburban strip.

The dim light comes on.

And inside the base, it is also extremely rare, and a party is held as much as it can.

Take out the food that used to be strictly divided.

In this way, Qin Tian San.

The coming of the Savior.

The warm atmosphere suddenly filled this simple suburban area, which was extremely lively.

Passion for survivors.

Qin Tian also took over the job of a chef, showing superb cooking skills, and making delicious food for everyone to eat under careful cooking.

Almost everyone who eats food.

All for its deliciousness.


Everyone’s faces were filled with excited smiles.

It seems that at the same time, it is taking advantage of this opportunity.

Catharsis out of the past.

Confusion and panic about the future.

After this carnival, everyone was content to quiet.

Rest immediately.

In the dark.

Somewhere in the tent, only a pair of eyes flashed.

It seems, hesitating about something.

As if a decision had been made.

The figure stood up, quietly walked out of the tent, carefully did not disturb anyone, touched the outside of the base and left.

The moonlight fell and reflected his face.

Impressively, it was Tian Li!.

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