
A deafening explosion rose from mid-air.

The flames burned.

It turned into a large mass of fire and floated down towards the ground below.

It is enough to see that it caused a step startle.

A sense of alertness and crisis in the heart.

On the sharp blade of the rotating stick, the condensed hot energy pattern is how powerful it contains!


Blazing waves of air shake the surroundings.

Let the suspended Kamen Rider Psyga be directly lifted for a distance.

Until the flying attacker increases its power!

The gas is constantly gushing.

Fang only stabilized his figure.

At this moment, Bu Jiaoyun’s gaze stared dead at the location where the explosive flames rose.

As the flames dissipated, it fell


of which.

The spinning blade that he threw out as a weapon.

It’s gone.

It was under that powerful energy.

Blast and smash!

At this moment, Bu Jiaoyun’s heart was extremely shocked, and even full of puzzlement.

What the hell is going on here!

The stick that I just took over.

Not only is the strength strong, but there is actually a follow-up energy explosion attack?

Are you kidding!

Isn’t that just an ordinary attack without any energy fluctuations? This energy explosion that is comparable to a killing blow comes from?!

I was extremely puzzled.

But quickly.

Stephen suppressed the shock in his heart.

The gaze stared down.


This short exchange had already allowed him to see the strength of this strange Kamen Rider!

It must be treated with all its might.

【Burstmode! 】

In the mechanical sound effect, Step Starter decisively fires the burst of energy bomb mode.

Switch to a more powerful laser single-shot mode!


The trigger was pulled, and the energy instantly condensed in the muzzle.

Blooming with dazzling brilliance.


The qi wave spread, and the powerful after-action force directly caused Kamen Rider Psyga to be shocked several meters away!

However, under this force.

What it contains.

But it is extremely strong energy!

In mid-air.

The blue-white energy compression condenses into a laser energy beam.

Shuttling by, tearing through the air.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

It fell abruptly!

Seeing that this laser energy beam was about to hit the blue dragon below the moment it was empty, the speed was so fast that it didn’t give the slightest room to avoid the reaction.


In the face of the attack, Yi Hongan waved with one hand.

“Super transformation!”

The purple light flickered again from the Yamadam Spirit Stone.

Dark blue knight armor.

Sudden expansion.

It became a heavy knight armor with extremely strong defense.

And the moment of change.


An ear-piercing roar exploded, and the laser energy beam hit the Titan armor.

It immediately dissipated.

Leaves a scorched black scorching mark.

And one place was melted a little.

Depressions that appear!


At this moment, Stephen Yun, who saw this scene, was shocked again.

Just laser energy beam.

It can be described as nothing but must kill.

With the performance of the Heavenly Emperor’s belt, it was the most powerful attack that could be released, but it was such a laser energy beam.

It was actually armored by the opponent’s sudden change of knight.


First red, then blue, and now silver-purple

This strange Kamen Rider.

It was possible to change so many forms.

It seems to be focused.

It’s not the same.

It’s just… Incredible!


Deafening explosions continued to rise and explode on the ground.

Actively rushed into the Leo cavalry.

Kaixa, who is under siege at the moment.

Fighting at full strength.

With powerful combat experience, constantly dodge attacks while connecting with the most explosive kills, or blade storms, or golden drill knight kicks…

However, under such an all-out battle.

For the exertion of physical strength.

Undoubtedly extremely high.

It’s just that after fighting for tens of minutes, the physical strength of the grass plus at this moment is already huge.

“Uh: Yes! ”

Metal sparks continue to burst and explode.

Leo cavalry in the perimeter.

Keep pulling the trigger.

The Accelerator Blade emits energy beams that hit Kaixa’s Knight armor.

The impact explodes.

Inflict damage!

Among them, there are some Leo cavalry, driving the roundabout attack motorcycle.

Constant circling closer.

Or with an accelerotic blade gun, its sword pattern slashes fiercely.

Tear the Kaixa armor.

Or directly, driving the maneuvering attacker.

Bang into Kaixa!

Under such sieges.

Kusaka, who had greatly consumed his physical strength, could not support it very quickly, and was constantly knocked to the ground and quickly got up to fight back.

Impressive, dangerous!

This picture.

In an instant, it was found by the empty self that fell to the ground and resisted the energy beam of Kamen Rider Psyga’s laser.


With a chill in his heart, he saw Kusaka in danger.

Yi Hongan directly withdrew his gaze.

Ignoring it, Kamen Rider Psyga, who was suspended in the air by the flying attacker, slowly squatted down.

A green glow, shining on the armor.

Switch to the Pegasus pattern.

Sensory amplification.

The moment the Heavenly Horse Crossbow appeared in his hand, the sealing energy quickly surged and condensed.

The next moment, pull the trigger!

Unleashed the kill.

Pegasus wind crossbow broke!

The wind howled, the hurricane surrounded me, and the invisible crossbow air projectile instantly flew out, penetrating several Leo cavalry with incomparable accuracy.

There was an explosion.

Empty me, on the other hand, then took a step and rushed towards Kaixa’s location.

The power of the flame element enveloped the whole body.

Switch patterns again.

Change back to the all-powerful form at the beginning.

Ground tremors.

The sealing energy flickered and surged and converged at the feet.

The next moment, the empty self jumped high.

In a knightly kicking posture.

Heavy kick down.

“Knock ——!”

The gas explosion spread, and the Leo cavalry who was kicked flew out backwards with a scream.

Immediately, it exploded.

Turned into a fireball.

The Leo cavalry around it was also engulfed.

“It’s okay!”

Quickly approached, pulling Kaixa, who had fallen to the ground, up.

At the moment, the armor on Kaixa’s body.

There are already large traces.

Laceration scars.


Scorched black depression.

Even the lines of photon blood on the knight’s armor were much dimmer.

It can be described as extremely tragic.

“You can still fight.”

Panting, Kusaka’s heavy voice sounded.

Immediately, there was a somewhat shaky figure.

Forcibly calmed down, the next moment surrounded by a large number of Leo cavalry, Kamen Rider Sora and Kamen Rider Kaixa fought again.

With empty my join.

The situation is obviously much better.

But it is also precarious.

The surrounding Leo cavalry, even if they tried their best to kill many of them, there were still about sixty of them, and this scale was also extremely terrifying.

Siege of Kamen Rider Sora Me.

and Kaixa at the same time.

Charge at the survivors!

Give way to the rear, trying to help the many survivors who kept shooting.

There have also been casualties!

And the sky dome above.

At the moment, there is also the more powerful Kamen Rider Psyga.

He was looking around.

Looking for an opportunity!


The gas gushed out, and his gaze locked on the Kamen Rider empty self below, and he collected information about observing this strange Kamen Rider.

Powerful red.

Jumping tough blue,

Defends against powerful purple.

and, green with long-range attack vectors.

This strange Kamen Rider.

It’s actually possessed.

Four forms!

The focus is all different.

Gaze down.

After grasping some information, the surprise and horror in Bu Jianyun’s heart also dissipated, and he was surprised to find this Kamen Rider when he released the knight kick.

Condensed on the soles of the feet.

Flashing energy streaks!

Impressively, it is exactly the same as the tattoo that appeared when he bombed his spinning blade!

This also means.

Just a brief exchange in the air.

That seemingly ordinary stick is actually the other party’s must-kill, but the energy fluctuations are extremely hidden and very inconspicuous.

I couldn’t help but think of Stephen Yun.

The four words of cunning.

Ping A made a big move.

Let the opponent, you can’t prevent it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is not cunning.

What is that?

Thoughts flowed, and suddenly Stephen saw something, and his eyes lit up under the armor.

The corners of his mouth raised a smile.


Swipe your arm and directly remove the Psyga memory command from your belt.

Immediately, it was loaded among the flying attackers.

【ExceedCharge! 】

The photon blood suddenly shone brightly, and the surging energy surged along the armor pattern and converged towards the muzzle of the flying attacker.

“It’s now!”

The next moment, Bu Jiaoyun decisively pulled the trigger!

The blue-white beam flashed away!

Falling from the dome of the sky.


On the ground, feeling the sound of breaking the air, Kusaka raised his head sharply.

Impressively, I saw a blue-white beam.

Falling in an instant.

Immediately, it unfolded to form a triangular cone-shaped blue-white energy drill, which was simply stabbed at his knight’s armor.

Energy fluctuations, all bursting.

Freeze him in place!

“Go and die!”

On the dome of the sky, performance is almost to the extreme.

Fly the tail end of the attacker.

Gas gushes.

It formed a strong power, allowing Kamen Rider Psyga’s legs to turn together into a streamer kick!

Deep Blue Electric Drill!

This blow is a must-kill move as a knight’s kick.


Dealing with the surrounding Leo cavalry.

At this moment, Yi Hongan, staring at the Kamen Rider Psyga kicked down from above.

Only had time to shout.

There is simply no way to stop it.

I could only watch as the blue-white streamers flashed and shuttled to the sky, directly submerged into the dark blue electric drill, and kicked Kaixa’s body heavily.


In the grass, in the midst of pain hissing.

Kamen Rider Psyga shuttles by.

In a half-squat position, he appeared behind Kaixa.


Photon blood flashed, golden light.

Kaixa armor covering Kusaka’s body.

It was actually under this blow.

Directly lift!


Immediately, his bloodied body fell to the ground, and he was seriously injured!

Half-squatting posture, slowly stand up.

Turn around and look in front of you.

Fallen grass plus.


Bu Jiaoyun snorted in satisfaction, so that he was the first to solve one.

Immediately, the gas gushes.

Take advantage of the performance of the Heavenly Emperor belt to be able to fly.

Stephen flew up again, intending to look for an opportunity once again to solve the siege of Leo’s cavalry on the chaotic battlefield at the moment.

Only Kamen Rider is left empty me!


However, the moment of flying high in the air.

Suddenly, there seemed to be two streams of light in the afterlight, flashing away from a great distance!

Giving in shock, I couldn’t help but turn my head.

Look to the side!

The scene in the distance, the moment it falls into the eyes.

Stephen Yun’s pupils contracted violently.

He was amazed to see it.

There were two, and the incomparably blurry red blue light shuttled through the air, with an indescribable speed, and even the specific figure could not be seen at all.

Towards this place, the survivor base of the survivor humans rushed in.

“That’s it!!”

At the same time of surprise, I thought of some possibility.

Step the vigilance in the heart of the shocking cloud.

Rise up in an instant!

Not to mention, the speed that is so fast that it is impossible to see clearly, the identities of the two flashing streamers are very likely, it is the other two strange Kamen Riders who have joined the camp of human survivors!

At this moment, the idea of looking for an opportunity to attack again.

Directly dissipate and disappear.

Step into the heart of the clouds.

Resolutely, there was a retreat.

The one below.

It seems that the Kamen Riders who called me are so strong, these two Kamen Riders who came at super fast speed and could feel the strong aura from afar.

I’m afraid it will be even stronger.

Retreat emerges.

Suddenly, Bu Jianyun directly followed his instincts and took action.

It was actually rushing towards the downlook!

Even if evacuated.

At the very least, capture a relatively important figure among the survivors.

The president has an explanation.

And the Leo cavalry.

Kusaka, the user of the Kaixa belt who surrounded him, at this moment the Kamen Rider Sora had rushed to his side, and had lost the opportunity to catch him.

So… Excellent candidate.

That’s all.

His gaze swept over, and Stephen Yun instantly locked onto a target.

That is, among survivor humans.

Rifle in hand.

A delicate figure who constantly pulls the trigger and shoots towards the Leo cavalry!

That human being, is it called Tian Li?

It seems that in several encirclements.

All luckily escaped.

Moreover, it has a lot of prestige among the survivor humans.

That’s it!

The target (Zhao of No) was selected.

Suddenly, the flying attacker tail end.

The gas gushes instantly.

The whole body flew down directly at a gallop, falling at a speed that could hardly be reacted at all, and grabbed Tian Li’s arm.


The next moment, in Tian Li’s exclamation.

Kamen Rider Psyga flew up again, turning into a spot of light and leaving at great speed.

“Tian Li!!”

“Hey! Tian Li was arrested. ”

“Damn let go of Tian Li!”


Suddenly, the survivors who reacted roared one after another.

Many people even raised their guns.

Constant shooting, trying to shoot down Kamen Rider Psyga.

However, all of them fell short!

You can only watch.

Looking at that, the white figure flew into the sky and quickly disappeared from sight.

And the ground below.

Outside the base.


Sonic booms explode in everyone’s ears!

With the shock of the air wave!

Blurred light and shadow.



A violent explosion instantly exploded and rose between a large number of Leo cavalry!

The pungent smoke of gunfire filled.

Flames rose into the sky.

In the line of sight, two phantoms of red and blue suddenly appeared.

Stand in place.

Kabuto Extender, and Gatack Extender!

It was Qin Tian and Yun Baiwei who took the initiative to attack and kill a large number of Leo cavalry, and quickly returned to the stronghold base!

“Qin Tian!”

“Yun Baiwei!”

Seeing these two figures, Yi Hongan couldn’t help but shout out with joy.

Roll over and get out of the car.

Behind him, there were flames formed by the explosion of Leo’s cavalry.


In the sound of mechanical sound effects full of rhythm.

The two figures disappeared again.

Under super speed, shuttle through the Leo cavalry and kill them at a very fast speed.

Soon, an extremely chaotic battlefield.

It was quiet again.

The flames burned, filled with the smell of gunsmoke, among the survivors of the human base.

All the Leo cavalry who launched the attack.

It has been solved by all of them.

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