
The flames burned, making the air appear a little blurry.

A breeze filled with the smell of gunsmoke blew.

Kick up dust.


On the battlefield, as the battle ends.

The sound effect sounded.

Stand where you are.

With a movement of his mind, the Kabuto insect instrument directly broke away from the Zect metal belt, trembling light wings and disappearing into the rippled space on the side.


The Kabuto armor was also synchronized to dissipate into fragments.

Revealed, Qin Tian’s figure.

Bask in the sun.

Even after such a battle, there was not the slightest injury on his body, his expression was still extremely indifferent, and even the corners of his clothes were not stained with the slightest dust.

And the position of the side.

Yun Baiwei, as well as Yi Hong’an, also directly lifted the transformation.

Reveal your figure.

“Qin Tian.”

Holding on, Kusaka, who was seriously injured.

Already from the knight’s space.

The special response team was taken out.

Equipped medications.

Feed the grass and treat its injuries.

Yi Hongan came slowly.

The face is also full of a little exhaustion, and the use of several kills under this battle is undoubtedly extremely draining on physical strength!

If it weren’t for Qin Tian and Yun Baiwei.

Rushed back in time.

I’m afraid, under the siege of these remaining Leo cavalry.

While protecting and disarming the transformation grass.

He couldn’t hold out for long.


Coughing softly a few times, Yi Hongan’s expression was extremely solemn.

Through this time, the raid of these Leo cavalry.

Including that strength is also very strong.

Kamen Rider named Tendi.

Yi Hongan deeply understood the strength of the Ofie Enoch camp, and this was only the second day in the secret world!

If it is next.

Day three, day four, day five.

It’s all on this scale.

The terrifying Ophie Enoch raids the survivor base.

So, can it be protected.

These survivors of humanity.

It’s still unknown!

The basic mission of protecting the remaining survivors from being killed and extinguished, surviving for five days under the pursuit of Ophie Enoch.

Nowadays, it seems extremely difficult.

Not to mention the hidden mission.

Destroy all Ophie Enoch!

Enough to see.

The difficulty of the human camp can be called hell mode!

“Shhh, that guy.”

“So strong…”

After eating the drug given by Yi Hongan.

Although not immediately.

But Kusaka’s wound also gradually stopped bleeding, and his hand clutched Kaixa’s belt and stared at the sky.

Unwillingly whispered.

Can’t help it, Kusaka’s gaze also fell ahead.

Qin Tian who came back to his aid.

And Yun Baiwei’s body 953.

Shock flashed in his eyes.

Even if it was not clear about the number of enemies that Qin Tian would have to deal with, it would only be not much different from the stronghold side, or even more.

However, compared to the severely injured self.

That savior named Yun Baiwei.

Incomparably beautiful woman.

On his body, he could not see the slightest injury, and his face was as cold as frost.

Only, only a little tiredness can be seen.

This is already highlighted.

Its strong strength.

But beside her, the incomparably dazzling figure shrouded in the sun’s brilliance was extremely exaggerated!

Spotless clothes.

The expression is calm.

It was as if he had never experienced a battle.

But Kusaka doesn’t think at all.

Qin Tian was in battle.

Paddle the water and fish the whole time.

Allowing Yun Baiwei to fight the whole time, he eliminated the enemy they were going to deal with.

Fang rushed back to the stronghold base.

After rushing back.

During the short battle that broke out, Kusaka clearly saw that the Kabuto that Qin Tian had transformed into was shuttling through the Leo cavalry.

That dashing gesture.

All the attacks, several of which seemed impossible to avoid in Kusaka’s opinion.

All easily dodged.

Kill with a backhand right away!

It all proves that Qin Tian may be one of the three saviors.

The strongest existence!

Looking around the surrounding situation, the stronghold base was greatly damaged.

The atmosphere seemed a little heavy.

Right at this moment.

The sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from a slightly distant position.

“Nope… Not good! ”

“Tian Li, Tian Li has been arrested!”

The words full of panic sounded in the ears of the four people.

In an instant, Kusaka’s eyes widened sharply.


He broke free from Yi Hongan’s support and quickly turned around with great excitement.

I saw it in sight.

A large number of survivors rushed to the human race.

And in the crowd.

Impressively, I didn’t see Tian Li’s delicate figure at all!

“I’ll go and save her immediately!”

The eyes became somewhat red.

Kusanagi shouted.

Then he turned around and wanted to slam at his Kaixa’s exclusive sidecar.

Step along.

However, it has only just taken a few steps.

It seems that injuries are involved.

Severe pain of tearing.

Hit the brain.

Even if the bleeding stopped, Kusaka, who still had the injury, fell directly to the ground in embarrassment.

“Hey, Kusanagi.”

“Don’t be impulsive, your injury is too serious!”

“If you really want to go to the rescue.”

“Let’s go too! (adfc)”

Seeing this, Yi Hongan immediately stepped forward to help Cao Jia up.

Said with a serious gaze.

Yet the exhaustion on his face.

But it can’t be fake.

Even if it is in its heyday, going to the base camp position of the Ofie Enoch camp can be called a dangerous situation for nine deaths.

Not to mention, now after this battle.

Extremely exhausted!

Not to mention, it is still not known where the camp of Ophie Enoch is.


“Damn it!!”

Kusaka, who was supported again, heard Yi Hongan’s words.

His eyes were red and he roared loudly.

The expression was full of unwillingness.

It seems to be hateful.

Now, he has been seriously injured and has lost his combat power, and he can’t do anything.

In a heavy atmosphere.

Even if it says to save Tian Li.

The only ones who can be called combat power are the four Kamen Rider shapeshifters, Qin Tian, Yun Baiwei, Yi Hongan, and Caojia.

But now, the state of the four is self-evident

It’s a terrible.


It fell into absolute silence.

As if there was some.

Feelings of despair.

It’s spreading.


At this time, in the stronghold base that had been extensively destroyed, footsteps suddenly sounded.

Attracted a pair of eyes.

I saw footsteps.

Impressively… From Qin Tian.

“Qin Tian!”

“What are you going to do?”

Looking at Qin Tian, the figure gradually walked towards the outside of the base.

Yi Hongan quickly opened his mouth and shouted.

And in his heart.

Already guessed.

Qin Tian’s behavior was what he was going to do!

Turn your back to everyone’s gaze.

Qin Tian took a steady step, and it seemed that the desperate and pessimistic atmosphere around him could not affect him even the slightest.

The sun shines.

Reflected in everyone’s sight.

It’s dazzling!


Still walking towards the front without thinking about himself, Qin Tian did not mean to turn back at all, and his voice sounded.

“Do you still need to say, save people.”

The bland words fell, causing one survivor’s eyes to widen.

It seems some, can’t believe it.

Qin Tian’s words.

He.. Go alone?

I really want to save people.

Shouldn’t it be that after Kusaka’s injuries recover, he will set out with the four Kamen Rider shapeshifters?

But now… Qin Tian as the savior.

It was actually intended to be alone.

Go save Eri Tan!

Go break in, that can be called the base camp of Ofie Enoch that is extremely dangerous!

“Senior Brother Qin Tian…”

“I’ll go with you!”

Looking at Qin Tian, the back of walking towards the outside of the base.

Yun Baiwei, that cold face like frost.

A look of anxiety flashed immediately.

Then he shouted.

He directly took a step towards Qin Tian, not caring at all how dangerous such an act was, and resolutely planned to act with Qin Tian.

However, she had just taken a step.

He was interrupted by Qin Tian’s voice.

“No thanks.”

“You guys stay to prevent raids that may still occur.”

In a flat voice, under the gaze of a pair of eyes, Qin Tian’s arm slowly raised.

Point to the dome of the sky.

That dazzling thing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

His voice sounded again: “Grandma said that even if the night covers the world, the sun still exists, and nothing can resist the rising of the sun!” ”

Full of unquestionable words fell.

Shrouded in the sun’s radiance.

Qin Tian at this moment.

It was as if it were one with the sun on that dome.


The next moment, Qin Tian had already walked to the side of the Kabuto extension.

Extremely dashing to turn over into the car.

Accompanied by the roar of the engine.

Under the gaze of many eyes.

Gallop away!

Leaving everyone behind him, his expression seemed to be a little dull, and it seemed that he was still reminiscing.

Qin Tian’s words.

Especially Yun Baiwei.

In his mind, Qin Tian’s dazzling figure was shrouded in the sun.

As if deeply.

Engraved in memory.

That full of grandma quotes that are unquestionable.

It constantly echoes in the ears.

A slightly obsessive look of excitement.

Floats on its face.

At this moment, Yun Baiwei was intoxicated and stood in place without concentration.


On the sky dome, white waves of qi streaked like meteors falling.

Leaves an extremely long trail.

It’s extremely dazzling.

Below the blue sky.

Different, the devastated ruined area is an intact city.

“Look! It’s Kamen Rider! ”

“Oooh! According to the news from the Wisdom Brain Group, this gesture seems to be a Kamen Rider named Kamen Rider transformed into the Heavenly Emperor inside the Emperor’s belt! ”

“I can actually fly, this is also Thai pants!”

“It is said that the one who uses this knight’s belt seems to be Lord Bu Jiyun!”

“He seems to be holding a human!”


Looking at the sky, the knight figure that flew by at speed.

In the city, the head is maintained.

Ophie Enoch in human pose.

Talking excitedly.

In particular, when they saw Tian Li held in Bu Jiaoyun’s hand, their expressions became more and more excited, and even directly changed into the essence of Ofie Enoch.


Towering top floor of a high-rise building.

Gas gushed and quickly descended from the sky.

As the figure falls.

Blue photon blood shines.

Dismissed the transformation.

The tall and muscular Bu Jiaoyun grabbed the delicate Tian Li in his hand with extreme ease, and walked towards the floor below.

“Let go of me!”

Grabbed by death, Tian Li struggled.

However, it did not have the slightest effect.

Listen to the noise.

Bu Jiaoyun lowered his head, and his free left hand directly hit Tian Li’s neck with a hand knife.

knocked her unconscious.

Immediately, he carried her quickly down the floor.

I went to the president’s office.

“Oh, President.”

“I’m back.”

“This operation failed, those three strange Kamen Riders are surprisingly powerful, but the good news is that I have captured a human who seems to have a lot of prestige among the survivors.”

Step into a spacious office.

Stephen Yun spoke directly.

The situation was reported.

At the same time, as if displaying prey, he lifted Tian Li in his hand and shook it.

Hearing the words, sit in the chair at the moment.

Murakami’s expression.

It looks livid.

There was not much reaction at all to the message that Bu Jianyun said, and it seemed that he had already known it and lost his temper.

Just because, in the middle of the spacious office.

It’s messy at the moment.

Document paper.

Spill on the ground.

Even the water cup and flower pot on the desk were gone.

All of them are reduced to pieces.

Lie on the ground.

On the table, the electronic equipment is shining a dazzling red glow at this moment.

It was Ophie Enoch.

After loss of vital signs.

Synchronize the incoming alerts!

His eyes were dead, staring at the screen of the electronic instrument, looking at the identity message of Ofie Enoch, who had reached about 300 and died.

Murakami Xia’er in the eyes.

Flashed hideous.

Damn it.

This is a full 300 Ofie Enoch equipped with the Leo’s cavalry belt and has amazing combat power!

However, it was actually defeated!!

And compared to these deaths of Ophie Enoch.

More let Murakami Shōko.

I care a lot.

But it was the human named Zhang Tianyi, who inexplicably made him feel a cordial sense of trust in his heart!

Great probability, also the same as those Ofi Enoch.

Already dead!

This is the main reason why Murakami’er, his face is livid, and he feels angry.

Simply because, in his opinion.

That Zhang Tianyi.

Be most likely, for the existence of King of Ophie Enoch!

That makes all of Ofi Enoch.

A sense of affection and trust that springs up in their hearts.

It is impossible to fake!

However, such a candidate who is most likely the king of Ophie Enoch will die!

This makes it already done.

Get immortality.

How can Murakami Shyoko, who dreams of ruling the world with the life of the entire Ofie Enoch race, get a never-dying life!

However, after the anger.

Murakami gradually calmed down.

King of Ophieno.

It would definitely not die so easily, since that Zhang Tianyi died so easily.

Even if there is a lot of speculation about him.

Then he can’t be either.

King of Ophieno !

This also means that the king of Opheno must exist among the remaining human beings.

Thinking of this, Murakami’s gaze suddenly lifted.

Locked, caught in the hands of Stephen Yun.

Tian Li, who was in a coma.

Suddenly, a thought.

Emerge in the heart!

Isn’t this human girl in front of her very prestigious?

Then make a fuss with her.

Force the remaining survivors of humanity to come and cut off humanity’s last hope!

At the same time, kill all the humans one by one.


It will be possible to find the human host where the king of Ophieno resides!

Thinking of this, a light flashed in his eyes.

Murakami slowly got up.

Immediately, under the gaze of Stephen Yun, he slowly walked towards the side of the office, and walked into a secret room as the wall was pushed away.

Tens of seconds later.


Footsteps sounded, and Murakami walked out of the secret room.

In hand, there is one more thing!

Shimmering with a dark golden light.

Filled with mechanical style.

And this thing is the same type as the Heavenly Emperor belt worn by Bu Jiaoyun’s waist, and it is more powerful than the Heavenly Emperor belt!

The second of the imperial belts.

Kamen Rider Orga!

Earth Emperor belt!

As Murakami walked out, his gaze fixed on Stephen.

and, Tian Li, who he held in his hand.

Deep voice.

Then it sounded: “Take her to the arena on the east side of the city, and then start the full range of live broadcasts to attract those human survivors.” ”

“Then, let the humans…”

“Complete extinction!”.

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