As the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce auction ri period approaches, more and more people come from Yongfeng di du.

The streets are crowded and the battles happen from time to time.

Fortunately, the maintenance of order by the Yongfeng Dynasty army is not too chaotic.

However, during these three days, Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat were both cultivating in the room.

These ri sons, Long Qingtian released Nascent Soul every day. When he was promoted to the Soul Projection Stage, his Nascent Soul could only move within the body ten meters, but now he can leave the body ten zhang, and in ten zhang Within, you can launch some simple attacks.

Three days passed quickly.

The auction ri period is finally here.

This ri, just dawned, the entire Yongfeng Dynasty di du has been noisy, and the streets are full of traffic, these powerhouses from all corners of Sky Blue Continent rushed in one direction.

Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Headquarters!

The Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce headquarters, not at all, is located in the Yongdu di du center area, but in the south of Yongfeng di du.

Long Qingtian’s restaurant is not far from the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce. Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign followed the crowd and soon came to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

The Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce headquarters is a huge triangular building, standing in front of it, a simple and unadorned air assaults the senses, although from the outside, the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce headquarters building is very ordinary and simple. But it gives a sense of shock.

Of course, this is for people.

In the eyes of Long Qingtian, the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce headquarters building is no better than a small palace in Immortal Realm.

The Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce headquarters gate is wider than the di ducity gate. In front of the door, there are dozens of powerhouses in robes, checking the invitations of the people entering.

This Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce auction is not for everyone.

Only those who receive an invitation to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce will be eligible.

If not, the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce headquarters auction site is bigger, and it is impossible to accommodate so many people.

According to Long Qingtian, the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce issued 2,000 invitations.

Two thousand invitations, including Three Great Dynasty imperial households, as well as major kingdom’s royal families and Sky Blue Continent, some big sect and great family.

However, Dragon Race, jingSpirit Race, Dwarf Race and other races not at all received the invitation.

The Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce invited human race influence this time.

When Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign were about to walk in, they were stopped by the guards at the door.

“Two, what about your invitation?” asked the guard polite.

At this time, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign took out a half-slap-sized card, which is golden red, in the sun, emitting like a diamond sray ray of light.

At the same time, a compelling aura spread from this card to everything.

All around everyone was surprised, all looked over.

“We don’t have an invitation, I don’t know the VIP card, can’t I?” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign indifferently said.

All around guard stunned at the card in the hands of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

On top of the gold-red se card, there is a pattern like a blade, a sword, and a gemstone. This pattern is the symbol of their Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

“VIP card ?!” The guard startled, the eyes that were previously asked.

The Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce has been around for tens of thousands of years, Sky Blue Continent’s largest Chamber of Commerce, and Sky Blue Continent’s oldest Chamber of Commerce. Ten VIP cards are released every thousand years!

Everyone who owns the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce VIP card can think of his identity!

However, after the shock, he looked at the Golden Heaven Dragon Sovereign’s golden red se card, some doubts, because, as far as he knows, the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce’s nearly 10,000-year VIP card has no gold red.

However, this golden red seVIP card in the hands of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign is not like a fake.

“This senior, please wait a moment, I will go to the Chamber of Commerce Elder!” The guard appearance respectfully said.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign nodded.

The guard turned around and walked in to the Chamber of Commerce door to ask for Chamber of Commerce Elder.

The guard left, all around the major influence powerhouses who came to the auction to watch the golden red se card in the hands of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, could not be moved by sao.

“Who are these two people?! They even hold the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce VIP card !”

鈥淲ind Cloud Chamber of Commerce doesn鈥檛 seem to have a VIP card for Golden Red! The two people will not fake the VIP card of Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce in order to get into the auction?!鈥?/p>

“With this possibility, the VIP card of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce is dark blue se, I have not heard of gold red se!”

All around everyone

These people are shocked, envious, awkward, but many feel that the VIP card in the hands of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign is fake.

In the distance, Tyrant Sect everyone also looked over.

鈥淔ifth Elder, that’s them!鈥?said a Tyrant Sect disciple, injured by Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, pointing to Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Silver-haired old man eyes A cold: “Is they?!”

“Yes, Fifth Elder, these two people actually ignore our Tyrant Sect, it’s damn it!” said another Tyrant Sect disciple.

Silver-haired old man raised his hand and said, “No hurry, wait until the auction ends, they can’t escape!”

Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign have been in front of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce, Tyrant Sect is rampant and does not dare to start before the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

鈥渆n ?!VIP card ?!鈥?At this time, the silver-haired old man and the Tyrant Sect disciple heard the everyone in front and looked at the cards in the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

“Golden red se?! These two people must be fake Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce VIP card!” A Tyrant Sect disciple sneered and said: “If this is the case, no need we will, the people of Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce will also kill They!”

Counterfeit Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce VIP card, affecting the reputation of Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce, Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce for these people, are directly strike to kill!

Silver-haired old man is frowned, no mouth, a look of contemplation.

Someone will be stupid to fake the VIP card of Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce at this auction?

Everyone knows the serious consequences of fake Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce VIP card.

However, he was also confused in his mind, because he had never heard of the VIP card of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

Just outside everyone talked, the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce guard came to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce third elder Yuan Cheng, reporting to: “reporting to Elder Yuan, someone outside came with a VIP card, It鈥檚 just his VIP card.鈥?/p>

鈥淥h, VIP card?!鈥?Yuan Cheng was surprised by a small snack and asked, 鈥淲hat is it?!鈥?/p>

“Just, his VIP card is golden red se!” said the guard.

“What?! Gold, gold red se!” Yuan Cheng face changed, suddenly stood up, eyes wide.

The guard didn’t expect Yuan Cheng to have such a big reaction.

“You, are you sure that the VIP card is golden red se?!” Yuan Cheng asked again, the voice was a little dizzy.

The guard replied: “Yes, Elder Yuan, the VIP card, the graphics, the shape are the same as other VIP cards, but the color is different, it is gold red se!”

Yuan Cheng breathed a deep breath and calmed down his heart and said: “I am going to Supreme Elder now, and I will meet VIP quickly!” Then he turned and left.

The guard is sluggish there, please Supreme Elder? !

Even if Black Yang Dynasty Great Commander Fei Ming, who previously held a VIP card, came, was Elder only welcoming? This time, I have to ask Supreme Elder!

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