Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce third elder Yuan Cheng soon came to the courtyard of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Luo Xi.

“Elder Yuan!” See Yuan Cheng, the first two guards in the courtyard respected paid respect.

“You go to reporting to Supreme Elder and say that I have something to see him!” Yuan Cheng did not talk nonsense.

“This!” The two guards hesitated and said: “Elder Yuan, Supreme Elder is being seclusion, he said that for the past two months, don’t go to bother him, we.”

Yuan Cheng saw it and suddenly shouted: “Supreme Elder punishes, I bear it for you, but what happened, the consequences, are you responsible?!”

Yuan Cheng’s body pressure is emitted.

The two guards were surprised and looked at each other, then quickly turned and went to reporting to, not long after, the two guards came out and reported to: “Elder Yuan, Supreme Elder, please go in.”

Yuan Cheng did not hesitate to walk into the courtyard.

Inside the courtyard, sitting on a white-haired elderly, elderly face se ruddy, eyes jing Guang Zhan Zhan, is one of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Luo Xi, also the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce five Supreme Elder’s most powerful one is only under the chairman and vice president of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

“Supreme Elder.” After the arrival, Yuan Cheng respected the ceremony.

Luo Xi’s body pressure, so he did not dare to gasp.

Luo Xi looked at Yuan Cheng and asked, “What is it?”

Yuan Cheng hurriedly said: “Responding to Supreme Elder, just two people have come to Jinhong seVIP!” When it comes to Jinhong Se, Yuan Cheng has aggravated.

Luo Xi The original face of the dry well suddenly changed suddenly, obviously not surprised: “What do you say?! Golden red se!”

Golden Red seVIP card!

When the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce was first created, the first VIP card sent was Golden Red Se!

The distance has been tens of thousands of years now, except for the first batch of Jinhong se, the others are dark blue se, the golden red seVIP card has not appeared for more than 20,000 years!

Yuan Cheng replied respectfully: “Yes, Supreme Elder, look?”

Luo Xi suddenly stood up: “Go, you go out with me to meet the VIP!” After that, he left the courtyard and then headed for the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

Yuan Cheng is closely following.

The two guards saw Luo Xi and Yuan Cheng, and they looked at each other.

“Is there any major event?!”

“It won’t be someone coming to trouble?!”

Under the eyes of the two guards, Luo Xi and Yuan Cheng disappeared.

“What do the two look like? What strength?” Luo Xi asked on the road.

Yuan Cheng is not looked at towards the guard who is reporting to him.

At this time, the guard said respectfully: “Review Supreme Elder, one is a youngster about twenty years old, the other looks like 40 is old, and the two look on the surface, just Martial Sovereign strength.”

“Martial Sovereign strength ?!” Luo Xi astonished.

Yuan Cheng said: “The two should be with their VIP cards from Old Ancestor.”

Luo Xi nodded and said: “Of course, it is not excluded that they accidentally got this VIP card, but in any case, the Golden VIP seVIP card is the super VIP of our Chamber of Commerce, you must not be scornful.”

“Yes, Supreme Elder.”

In fact, Luo Xi and Yuan Cheng did not know that Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign holds the VIP card of Golden Red Se, not the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, but the older generation of His Ancestor.

This Golden Red seVIP card was the first two Dragon Sovereign. At the time, the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce was just established. The Dragon Race Dragon Sovereign saved the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce. The Golden Red SeVIP card was the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce. Long to the first two Dragon Sovereign.

Soon, Luo Xi and Yuan Cheng came to the Chamber of Commerce, then led by the guard to Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

“Yuan Cheng, Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce third elder! He actually came in person?!”

“Who is elderly in front of him?”

“Well, it seems to be the Supreme Elder Luo Xi of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce!”

“What? Five Supreme Elder’s most powerful Luo Xi?! He also came out in person?!”

“Does the Golden Red se card really be the VIP card of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce!”

Luo Xi, Yuan Cheng came out, causing a great shock to all around everyone.

In the distance, Tyrant Sect everyone was also surprised.

In the shock and exclamation of everyone, Luo Xi and Yuan Cheng came to Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

“This brother, please show me your card?” Luo Xi polite asked Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Brother ? Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign shook his head and gave the card to him.

Luo Xi took his hands and carefully identified them.

All around everyone See Luo Xi for Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign so political, can’t help but move again.

Luo Xi looked at the golden red se card in his hand, and the god se became more and more dignified. It can even be said that it was getting more and more excited. At the same time, a pouring true qi went in, only to see the golden red se card suddenly rays of light, and the piercing everyone The eyes were difficult to open, and then the logo of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce flew out of the card.

This pattern is suspended at high altitude, like the golden red sun.

“Biography, legend, really is true!” Luo Xi eats.

Legend has it that the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Golden Red seVIP card, pouring true qi, Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce’s logo will fly out.

This is not the case with other Deep Blue VIP Cards.

Yuan Cheng and all around everyone were also surprised to see this scene.

After a while, Luo Xi broke True Qi, and the logo of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce in the sky slowly faded away and eventually disappeared.

Luo Xi hands back the card to Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign with both hands, compared to the previous one, then asked: “This brother, this card is your ancestor?”

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign took the card and looked indifferent. He asked: “What? Is this card fake?”

Luo Xi is shaking his hand: “No, no, I don’t mean it!”

“If that’s the case, then we can go in now?” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign looked at Luo Xi.

Luo Xi stunned, then said with a smile: “Yes, absolutely, brother, please!” Somehow, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign looks like Sovereign-level powerhouse, but Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign looks at him, he Saint-level Peak felt the power of oppression.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign not at all Go straight in, but turn to Long Qingtian and ask: “Master, then let’s go in now?”

“Master ?!” Luo Xi and Yuan Cheng are dull.

Long Qingtian nodded, then walked into the door of the Chamber of Commerce.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign keeps up.

Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign took a few steps, and Luo Xi and Yuan Cheng reacted. Some of them panicked and quickly followed along.

All around everyone Looking at Long Qingtian and the others, there is no return to God for a long time.

“That gold red se card, turned out to be really true!”

“Check, check it out! When did the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce have a golden red seVIP card!”

In the distance, Tyrant Sect disciple looked at the scene and his face changed.

Stupid people, it is also seen that Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign are not simple.

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