Long Qingtian watched Bi Fang leave the silhouette, dwarf Wei Han also looked at Bi Fang and left the silhouette sneer.

“The first game first? If I didn’t deliberately delay some time, do you really think you can get the first game first?” Wei Han said in a voice that only he could hear.

“Just let you win first.”

“When I get to know you, what is the real tool refining expert!”

Wei Han, under the gaze of everyone, slowly left the competition.

First Chaotic Sea One of the Four Great Young Master Bi Fang!

The second dwarf genius Wei Han!

After the two people disappeared, everyone regained their eyes and still self-discussed. Obviously, the two men refining the Earthly-grade early-rank weapon in an hour or so to make everyone shocked.

The game is still going on.

However, after the two left for a long time, there was no refining of the Earthly-grade early-rank weapon.

The third successful entry into the next competition is an elderly called Luguang, the elderly, which is the tool Refining Grandmaster that Sky Blue Continent has known for a long time.

However, the large blade that he refined only reached the Profound-grade top-rank and took an hour and a half.

Then, the fourth, fifth, and each and everyone entrants successfully entered the second competition.

However, the weapons they refining only reach Profound-grade top-rank.

time flies.

Three hours later, more than 30 contestants have entered the next competition.

“It’s almost there.” Long Qingtian looked at all around and continued to scream. The contestant refining the contestant, saying to himself, then, in the hands of the rays of light, there was a five-foot cauldron that was not too small.

This five-legged cauldron is refining by Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian right hand The five-legged cauldron flew up with a light lift. Then, Long Qingtian waved with both hands, and each and everyone material fell into the cauldron.

However, what some contestants doubt is that Long Qingtian not at all how to tool refinement hand art, just tapping the cauldron once every certain time.

“haha, what is this brat doing? tool refining, is there such a refining method? He thought it was a small child player?!”

“I don’t know which family’s idiots have made this fool come to Dwarf Race’s Tool Refinement Great Competition. Are you afraid of losing face?!”

“hehe, maybe someone else will be really hard to refining out the tool, but the refining comes out with some weapons and even a pig can’t kill!”

Some contestants are not laughed heartily.

There are still tens of thousands of people still refining in the tool, so the Long Qingtian tool refining is strange, not at all, causing attention to the audience of the wide-area appearance, only some of the participants around him noticed.

Elder Wei Zhuang’s eyes on the main table were randomly glanced, and suddenly I saw a strangely patted cauldron and couldn’t help but smile.

He is a Dwarf Race Elder, tool refining for hundreds of years, and he has never seen anyone doing tool refining!

It seems that the next Tool Refinement Great Competition will not allow anyone to participate, and the contestants must first pass some assessments. Wei Zhuang secretly thought.

However, when he saw the face of the slap a cauldron, the eyes almost fell off his nose.

“Is he?!” Wei Zhuang couldn’t help but blur his voice.

He naturally recognizes Long Qingtian with Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Wei Zhuang exclaimed and caught the attention of Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan and Great Elder Wei Hai and the others. Wei Yuan, Wei Hai and the others looked forward to Wei Zhuang’s eyes and looked at the following game, and then saw Long Qingtian’s silhouette, then saw the weird movement of Long Qingtian flapping cauldron.

Wei Yuan, Wei Hai and the others The more you look, the more twitch your face is.

They watched Long Qingtian for ten minutes, and Long Qingtian stood there and slaped for more than ten minutes against the cauldron, and that these clutters were simply chaotically playing cauldron there?

First of all, Wei Hai can’t help but open the mouth and said: “Who is this brat? Which family? Let’s let this discipline participate in the Tool Refinement Great Competition ?!impossible, do you think our Dwarf Race Tool Refinement Great Competition is a play? Let him come here to play, come on the noise?!”

“haha, but I really admire the courage of this brat. Imagine that you don’t understand any tool refining. Do you have the courage to participate in this Tool Refinement Great Competition? But this brat has, and it is still tens of thousands of people. There is a cauldron there!” A Dwarf Race Elder said, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Dwarf Race other Elder hearing this, also laughed up

“In fact, one or two such ginseng matches are occasionally, and that is also right, you can add some fun to the contest.” A Dwarf Race Elder said with a smile: “Let’s be happy, ease the mood.”

Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan and the other Elder laughed.

Elder Wei Zhuang is also laughing, but his smile is a bit stiff. He looks at Long Qingtian’s eyes differently than Wei Hai and the others.

Wei Yuan, Wei Hai and the others I don’t know Long Qingtian, but he knows.

Although he doesn’t know that this black-haired youngster is really worthy of his life, can someone who respects a Saint-level or even a Saint-level powerhouse be simple? Will you come to this Tool Refinement Great Competition?

However, although he did not believe it, but staring at Long Qingtian for a long time, still can’t find out what Long Qingtian’s slap a cauldron’s action is!

Indiscriminate slap a cauldron, which is also a tool refinement technique? Wei Zhuang shaked one’s head.

Wei Hai sees Wei Zhuang expression. Looking at Long Qingtian slap a cauldron, I can’t help but laugh: “How? Elder Wei Zhuang, you don’t think this brat is really refining in the tool? If you pat cauldron, you can also tool refining. Then those of us have also smelted for so many years!”

On the main table, Dwarf Race and other elders laughed again.

However, just as the other elders of the Dwarf Race laughed, there was a crowron crembling sound, and then a five-legged cauldron rose to the sky.

Wei Hai and Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan and the others startled, all turned around, and then they saw the five-legged cauldron, Guanghua rushed to the sky, a sword like a sword, like a blade non-blade weapon from Dingkouzhi Slowly rises.

“Of course, actually, really, the refining device is coming?!” Wei Hai and the others have a stiff smile on their faces, and some can’t believe to look at the weapon that is like a sword and not a blade.

Although not yet identified, but with their eyesight, it is natural to see that this is definitely a weapon of Profound-grade.

Profound-grade above the weapon, that is to say, this black-haired youngster will enter the next competition? !

That is to say that this black-haired youngster just slap a cauldron is not playing? ! Instead, is it really refining in the tool? !

Wei Hai and the others can’t help but twitch.

According to Wei Hai, these people are white refining for so many years? !

Wei Hai and the others So, Wei Zhuang looked at the scene in the same way.

At this time, Long Qingtian right hand flicked a bullet and bounced the weapon like a sword and a blade like a blade to the stage. The hosted Dwarf Race Elder picked up the appraisal, but the more the appraisal, the more his expression The more weird.

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