Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan Seeing the identification of Elder’s face is weird, not secretly thought: “Is it wrong now? This weapon, it will not flow in?!”

The definition of non-inflow is that this weapon is like a sword, and the weapon like blade is not a Profound-grade weapon. Even the lower-rank’s Yellow-grade is not!

Such a weapon is simply a waste device!

Wei Hai and the others saw the Elder face of the appraisal, looked at each other, and then looked loose, and they looked like Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan.

“I just said, just slap in the face, and finally refining what to come!” A Dwarf Race Elder laughed.

“If this can also refining the Profound-grade weapon, can even the three-year-old child refining the tool?!” Another Dwarf Race Elder said with a smile: “Just like this to the cauldron, who wouldn’t? A one-year-old child who just walks will!”

Wei Hai said with a smile : “We were almost fooled by this brat. I also looked at it before, thinking that this weapon that is not like is a Profound-grade early-rank weapon!”

Listening to Wei Hai and the others taunting, the Dwarf Race Elder with the Long Qingtian refining weapon identification twitched, slowly said: “This weapon, not Profound-grade early-rank, yes, Profound-grade top-rank! ”

Profound-grade top-rank !

These four words are like a thunder that suddenly sounds.

Wei Hai and the others At a glance, expression is sluggish.

“Of course, it turned out to be Profound-grade top-rank!” Even the Law Enforcement Elder Wei Zhuang was shocked.

Chairman, on the stage, a silence.

At this time, the certified Dwarf Race Elder turned to the front and looked complicated to Long Qingtian said: “You may enter the next competition.”

Under the gaze of Wei Hai and the others, Long Qingtian slowly walked out of the game plaza.

“It turned out to be Profound-grade top-rank! I didn’t get it wrong?!”

“You didn’t get it wrong, the Dwarf Race Elder identified is Profound-grade top-rank!”

“It’s really unreasonable. Even if you just take a cauldron, you can refining the Profound-grade top-rank weapon?!”

“Damn it, how did the guy slap a cauldron? Did you see it? Anyway, I couldn’t refining the Profound-grade weapon in ten hours. I also want to try to beat like the brat and see if I can beat it. Get the Profound-grade top-rank weapon!”

Some contestants couldn’t help but be amazed, and some even really mimicked against Cauldron like Long Qingtian.

a bit!

Two times!

Three times!

Slap a cauldron’s “bang” sounds immediately densely.

On the stage, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan and the others looked at the many contestants below and even imitated Long Qingtian slap a cauldron, his face was a burst of blue, and the mind was wondering.

“Boss, look at those brat, actually learn your slap a cauldron?” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked at the funny actions of the contestants who copied Long Qingtian slap a cauldron on plaza, not laughed heartily.

I have seen stupid, I have never seen such stupidity!

Even the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign met, and it was a smile.

Long Qingtian smiled and said, “Let’s go.” These contestants who imitated his slap a cauldron are the Tool Refining Masters who consciously can’t refining Profound-grade weapons after ten hours. They hold holding medicine to a The mental state of dead horse, this is also normal.

Dwarf Race Great Elder Wei Hai Watched Wei En leave with Long Qingtian and the others, frowned: “Is it they?” At this time, he looked at Wei Zhuang.

When I saw Wei En, Wei Hai guessed that just slap a cauldron, the black-haired youngster who shot the Profound-grade top-rank weapon should have been the son of the son of the previous two days.

Although Long Qingtian left, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan, Great Elder Wei Hai and the others did not calm down at all.

Obviously, they still can’t understand how Long Qingtian refining out or how to shoot the weapon like a sword and a blade like a blade.

“You see how the black-haired youngster refining out the Profound-grade weapon?” After a long time, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan opened the mouth and said his voice, some low and even lost.

In the past, he was self-proclaimed in tool refining, at the Sky Wilderness Plane, at least the top ten, but now what a black-haired youngster uses, how to refining the Profound-grade weapon can not see.

This made him suffer a lot.

Dwarf Race elders hearing this , look at each other in dismay, all shaked one’s head , expression is also somewhat low.

Wei Hai looked at the color and said: “This black-haired youngster may just learn some sort of lost tool refinement technique. This tool refinement technique has not been born for a long time. We don’t recognize it is normal. It doesn’t mean him. How high is the tool refining level, it has been more than three hours since the beginning of competition.”

Another Dwarf Race Elder comes with the channel: “right, more than three hours, this black-haired youngster refining a Profound-grade top-rank, compared to the previous ones, only one hour, two hours The contestants who refining out Profound-grade top-rank are a lot worse! As far as we are, Wei Han is far worse!”

Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan nodded, this is a good look.

“However, how does this black-haired youngster refining? This technique, the secret, if our Dwarf Race can learn from it, is of great use to our Dwarf Race’s tool refining!” Wei Hai pondered and said.

“Where he left plaza is our Dwarf Race disciple Wei En? We will come forward and ask him, forgive him and will not answer!”

“right, as a reward, we can also guidance guidance about his tool refining level, when I am afraid that he is too excited to know the world!”

Several Dwarf Race Elder talks.

They are the authoritative figures of Dwarf Race Elder and tool refining. In their view, they come forward, Long Qingtian tool refining under guidance, Long Qingtian will certainly be grateful to worship, as for the technique of tapping tool refining, secret, Long Qingtian will definitely tell them.

Wei Hai looked at several Dwarf Race Elders and sneered in one’s heart. Then he looked at Wei Zhuang and saw Wei Zhuang frowns sitting there, not at all.

“That’s good.” Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan pondered and said : “Wei Hua, wait for the first competition to end, you go find this black-haired youngster, he should be with Wei En.”

“Yes, patriarch.” Dwarf Race second elder Wei Hua said respectfully : “Please patriarch be at ease, I am absolutely perfect to finish this matter.”

Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan nodded.

At this time, Law Enforcement Elder Wei Zhuang suddenly opened the mouth and said: “I see, this matter is not right!”

Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan and the others startled ,looked towards Wei Zhuang .

“Elder Wei Zhuang, what is wrong with this matter? Are you still afraid that this brat does not agree?” Dwarf Race second elder Wei Hua said something on the face, said.

“If the other party does not agree?” Wei Zhuang asked one.

That Dwarf Race second elder Wei Hua’s face was stagnation, and then loudly said: “Do you agree? He dare not agree?!”

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