“Injuring the eldest senior brother and injuring your Dwarf Race disciple, this is not just not to put you in the eye, just don’t put your Dwarf Race in your eyes!”

However, he just finished speaking and was suddenly slap in the face of Wei Hua.

He licked his face and couldn’t help himself.

“This is still for you?!” I saw Wei Hua’s eyes to murder and glared at him.

He was scared hurriedly said: “Yes, yes, discipline, talk, disciple!”

Wei Hua coldly snorted, looked at the still unconscious eldest disciple, and my heart was even more angry.

“Master, Master, we?” The Second Junior Brother looked at him carefully.

“Go!” Wei Hua roared and turned away.

That Second Junior Brother was so scared that he quickly hugged the eldest disciple behind him. This time, he didn’t dare to ask more, for fear of touching his heart.

After a while, Wei Hua returned to the Dwarf Race Chamber.

Above the parliament hall, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan, Great Elder Wei Hai, Law Enforcement Elder Wei Zhuang and other Elder were all sitting, seeing Wei Hua’s face sullenly coming in, all startedled.

“Elder Wei Hua, are you?” Dwarf Race Second Elder Wei Han stood up and asked, then looked at the two disciplines behind him.

Wei Hua The eldest disciple is still in a coma and is carried by its Second Junior Brother.

Fenghua did not answer, but walked to the side of the chair and sat down without a word. The seat was stunned by it, showing that it was strong! Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan sat there, frowned, and then looked towards Wei Hua Second Junior Brother and said: “Wei Chu, you said, what happened? Who was your eldest senior brother injured?!”

Although it is faintly guessed that it may be related to the black-haired youngster, Wei Yuan still does not believe it.

Wei Hua Second Junior Brother Wei Chu said: “Yes, yes.” Speaking of this, suddenly the tone turned, the voice weakened: “disciple don’t know.”

“Don’t know?!” Wei Yuan and the others startled.

Wei Chu lowered his head and clicked.

He really didn’t know who killed his eldest senior brother, even his Master Wei Hua Emperor-level 5th layer couldn’t see clearly, let alone his little Ancestor-level.

He doesn’t know how to talk about it.

Wei Hua looked up and opened her mouth.

“Elder Wei Hua, what the hell is going on?!” Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan has aggravated.

Wei Hua hesitated and said that he had to say things again with a low voice.

Although things are a bit different, they are roughly the same.

However, Wei Hua exaggerated Long Qingtian’s arrogance.

“Hurricane!” After hearing Wei Hua’s words, first of all, Second Elder Wei Han couldn’t help but stand up in the palm of his hand and left a huge palm print on the side of the stone table: “This is simply for our Dwarf Race. Hopeless and provocative patriarch, we will pass now and capture this brat!”

“right, capture this brat first, deprive him of the qualification!” Another clan elder also suddenly rose up and shouted.

Wei Hai sat there, bonfire: “The two men were brought back by Wei En that brat, so the two men not only need to capture down Wei En that brat also wants to catch, and he confessed to the outsider, hurting the family of discipline I think he should cure him crime of clan treason !”

Crime of clan treason ? !

At the Dwarf Race elders, I looked strange. Crime of clan treason This is the heaviest sin!

Wei En just brought back Long Qingtian, and people, not his wounded.

If you are guilty of crimes, you can only punish at most.

Law Enforcement Elder Wei Zhuang Can’t help sneer: “crime of clan treason ?Elder Wei Hai, are you Law Enforcement Elder or I am Law Enforcement Elder? Who doesn’t know that Wei En and your son are not good, now you are clearly a public feud Losing you is still a dignified Great Elder. Say it out, not afraid of making people laugh!”

Wei Hai’s face is ugly: “You!”

Wei Zhuang ignored him, but turned to Wei Hua and the others. “I have advised you before, don’t move those thoughts. Do you think that the two people are simple? Elder Wei Hua, I ask you, you think The two, what cultivâtion bâse?”

What cultivâtion bâse? Other Elder startled, all look at Wei Hua.

Wei Hua looked a little hesitant, but still replied truthfully: “The two seem to be Sovereign-level strength on the surface, but I am afraid of Saint-level strength!”

“What? Saint-level strength?!” Other Elder was surprised.

Wei Hua looked dignified: “Among them, at least is a person is Saint-level powerhouse, how do they take a serious injury Wei Fang, I can’t see clearly, even who they are, I don’t know!”

Even who shot, do not know? !

Everyone in the audience, except Wei Zhuang, is sucked in a cold breath.

Wei Hua just said things, not at all said this matter, so now everyone is so surprised.

Including Wei Hai.

At this time, everyone just understood why Wei Chu did not know before.

Wei Hua finished, the hall was quiet for a while.

Dwarf Race tool refining innate talent is very high, but cultivating innate talent is not as good as tool refining innate talent, now the entire Dwarf Race, there is no Divine-level powerhouse!

So, Dwarf Race treats the above Saint-level powerhouse, unless it is, it is not an enemy!

“In this case, then this matter, don’t mention it later.” After a while, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan said: “And this matter, originally we were wrong first.”

Wei Hai had to speak, but seeing no one else opposed it, it could only be silent.

A night passed.

The night is open and the next day is coming.

Long Qingtian came out of the stone chamber, the sun shone, warm, and then came to the hall, see Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Wei En are all there.

Everyone saw Long Qingtian coming out and they all stood up.

“Brother Long Qingtian, yesterday, yesterday, that cultivation technique, me, me.” At this time, Wei En yelled, apparently, he went back yesterday to study the cultivation technique that Long Qingtian gave him and saw some anomalies.

Long Qingtian smiled, said: “No need to say, go.” Finished, go to the game plaza.

When Wei En saw it, he could only speak in silence, and gratefully followed the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and went to the competition plaza with Long Qingtian.

When Long Qingtian came to the game plaza, she was already a crowd, although only 600 people could enter the second competition, but today there are more people around the show than yesterday.

Long Qingtian came to plaza and met the just arrived Dwarf Race genius Wei Han.

Wei Han sees Long Qingtian and Wei En behind Long Qingtian. Naturally, there is no good face, but he didn’t say anything, and intentionally or unintentionally, he distanced away from Long Qingtian.

Obviously, Wei Hua’s last night’s apprenticeship, he also knows?

“brat, I heard that you were the messy slap a cauldron yesterday, and then the guy who shot a Profound-grade top-rank weapon?” Just when Long Qingtian entered the plaza, not far away, it sounded a sound, not So comfortable voice.

Long Qingtian looked and saw Bi Fang, one of the so-called Chaotic Sea four Young Masters, looking at himself proudly.

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